Hey, hello. This is going to be a fiction about Rose and the 10th Doctor. The beginning is very smutty, but I want it to be sweet and romantic too. It's going to have some kind of a plot but not much, I will mostly focus on feelings and thoughts. I don't know where this is going to go and how long it will be, I'm just giving vent to my imagination. Probably, I will make many grammar or spelling mistakes. Feel free to correct me! I will upload again with the corrections. Reviews are welcome, positive or negative: they will help me to do better, anyway. I guess it's all, so enjoy :)

One month is passed after Bad Wolf Bay in "Doomsday". Rose is trapped in the parallel universe, believing she will never see the Doctor again. Meanwhile, the Doctor is looking for a way to see Rose again without making both universes collapse.

"Rose" Rose Tyler heard her name. Someone calling her name while she was sleeping. Not really a voice, but she could hear that in her mind. And it was his voice. She would recognize it between a thousand voices. It was the voice of the man she loved.

Rose ran outside, only her pyjama on, and he was there, standing with the hands in his pockets, trying to smile even though his eyes were bright as if he wanted to cry. Somehow, Rose knew that this time it was not a hologram, but the Doctor himself. However, she needed to be sure.

"Doctor… is that you? The real you?" She was already weeping.

"Yes" he answered breathlessly.

Rose ran and hugged him, wrapping her legs around his waist, burying her face into his neck, dropping warm tears on his jacket. She had never been so happy in her whole existence. She had missed him so much that nothing in the whole universe mattered except being finally in his arms.

The Doctor hugged Rose. Tight. He had never held her so tight. Finally able to smile, at the same time the tears he had been holding back rolled down his cheeks. He hugged her even tighter while whispering, his voice broken: "Never gonna leave you. Never. Do you hear me? I will never leave you again."

Rose put her feet down and they broke the embrace, but they left their hands on each other's hips, to avoid losing physical contact, fearing that the other might just disappear if they stopped touching.

He looked straight into her eyes. "And… I love you. Forgive me for not saying it before. I love you. I love you so much. I could repeat it a thousand times. I love you, Rose Tyler. I missed you so much. I was lost without you. You are everything to me."

Rose's heart was pounding against her chest as he finally said those words, the words she had been so desperately waiting for. She realized they were in the TARDIS. He had somehow found a way to pick her up from the other universe, leaving her mum and dad behind.

As if reading her mind, the Doctor said "Sorry about them. I could do this only once, only for you. I'm sorry, Rose. I'm so sorry."

Rose shook her head. "It's okay, Doctor. Really. I had made my choice. I want to stay with you." She had lived years without her father, when he was dead. She had lived months without her mother while travelling with the Doctor. And she had been fine. But she couldn't live another minute without him, without the Doctor. "I love you more than anything, more than anyone. I…"

"Shh." he stopped her, wiping away her tears with his thumbs. "I love you too. Don't cry. I can't see you crying." Rose chuckled: his own cheeks were wet. The Doctor looked at her with a new intensity: "Now, Rose, there is something I really want to do right now" he whispered "Rose… can I kiss you?"

Rose smiled. "You…" she put her hands on his cheeks. They were so close now, that she could see herself in his eyes. "…you stupid, clever, idiot, brilliant Time Lord. There's no need to ask." She pulled him down and they kissed. A chaste kiss, lips against lips. His lips were soft and cool against hers. He tasted like bananas and tea, and like time and space.

Rose kissed him. Her hands and lips were warm on his sensitive skin. He closed his eyes as he felt her taste on his mouth, wonderful, like fresh spring air, and cherries, and strawberries. The kiss lasted a few moments, but a second later they were kissing again, deeply, slowly exploring each other's mouth, tongues touching, licking, caressing each other. Every rational thought in the Doctor's mind just disappeared and he pulled Rose closer to him: she was finally in his arms and he would never let her go.

When they parted, it was for a couple of seconds. They kissed again and again, because they just couldn't stay apart. It was everything too much: being in love for two years or even more without the other knowing, finally admitting it only to be separated forever. No, the Doctor just couldn't believe she was now there, with him. It looked like a dream and oh, he had dreamt about this. He just couldn't believe that, this time, it was real.

Rose couldn't stop kissing him, touching him, feeling his soft breath on her lips, hearing his double heartbeat against her chest. But after several minutes, a bit more sure that he wouldn't just disappear, she managed to ask:

"How did you pick me up? You said both universes would collapse…"

"I was dying without you. I just had to find a way. It took me a whole month to think of something that could open a breach big enough for me to come and return, with at least one single chance of avoiding the destruction of reality… it might be the most dangerous thing I have ever done purposely, but I had to try."

"And you did it! You, my clever, brilliant Doctor." Rose kissed him again and he smiled in the kiss. Then he became serious.

"Right after… after Bad Wolf Bay… I realized how hard it was to live without you. I tried to let you go, because I knew that we can't be together forever… I wanted to run from pain. But it was such a stupid thing. I was lost without you… I would be dead if someone didn't stop me, that day…"

"Shh." Rose was the one who said that this time. "It doesn't matter. You're here, right? We are here. Together. I was lost without you as well. I cried every day. Every night. But now you're here and I'm so happy I can't even express it."

He smiled sweetly. "Me too. I have never been so happy in my entire life and… and I love you, Rose Tyler. I haven't said that in a while so… just a little reminder. I love you so much."

"I like when you say that" Her heart was beating so fast she thought it could stop. She could see so much love in his eyes -those brown, beautiful eyes- that she finally knew he loved her as much as she did. And this was the most precious knowledge in the universe.

"I love you" he repeated, a bright grin on his face "I love you" he kissed her. This time it wasn't chaste or sweet: this time was passionate. This time was the Doctor devouring her mouth with lust, and Rose kissing him back, biting his lower lip, pulling him closer and closer by holding the lapels of his jacket.

Something had awakened in the Doctor's brain. He suddenly realized how much he had missed her, how much he loved her, how much he wanted her. His rational thoughts were fading and desire was taking charge. He wanted to kiss Rose till he forgot every taste but hers.

Rose hoped that moment would never end. She wanted to freeze it in time and keep kissing the Doctor like that forever. Then, he surprised her. He pressed her against the wall of the corridor and kissed her with even more passion, his hands on her hips pulling her closer.

The Doctor broke the kiss as they both needed to breathe, and then locked his eyes with hers, as if asking permission. Rose simply kissed him again, holding him tight, and wrapped her legs around his waist. He held her without exertion His double heartbeat speeded up as he felt her breasts against his chest, her scent so close, her golden curls caressing his cheeks.

As they embraced tighter than ever, Rose kissed him hungrily and stroked his hair with both hands. This made the Doctor moan and Rose grinned in the kiss at that sound. His hand found her bum, pulling her closer, letting her feel the growing erection in his pants. Rose felt her whole body shiver with hot shocks of arousal, and whimpered as he began to kiss her neck, sucking at it shortly after, leaving a possessive red mark on her. Stepping back to admire his work, Rose smiling playfully, he whispered:

"Want you… so bad" his voice was husky and she felt his hands shake on her hips.

"Me too" she answered breathlessly. "I can't wait anymore. I need you. Now."

The Doctor couldn't wait either, so he trusted the TARDIS. She didn't disappoint him: she switched the rooms and the door next to him became the one of his bedroom. Stepping into the room, Rose asked:

"How did you know the TARDIS would-"

"I didn't know" he said, "I just hoped." Feeling daring, the Doctor whispered in her ear, using his huskiest voice: "But… if the TARDIS hadn't switched the rooms…" he stopped to gently suck and bite her earlobe "…I would have taken you right there against the wall."

He, the Doctor, whispering such filthy things to her… well this, this was matter of her wildest dreams and turned her on immensely. She felt the heat in her belly building up faster and faster as he kissed her hard and, when he traced her jawline with his tongue, she was barely able to keep herself standing. Somehow sensing it, he picked her up and gently laid her on his bed.

Smiling softly, his chocolate-brown eyes now dark with lust, he took off his shoes and climbed on top of her after letting his jacket fall on the floor. She loosened his red tie and unbuttoned his shirt, tossing it away, the Doctor putting her shirt off. Rose shivered as he unhooked her bra, throwing it somewhere on the floor.

Pushing her gently against the mattress, he begin to kiss at her jawline, then her neck and collarbone, going down till he found her breasts, sucking at them, Rose panting beneath him. Rose Tyler, the woman he had fallen for for more than two years, half-naked and sighing underneath him: it was actually happening and he had never felt so hot in his entire life; he was almost sweating, and he hadn't been sweated in centuries, superior timelord biology on his side.

The Doctor's kisses and touches were hungry and rough, driving her mad with desire. As he bit her nipple making her moan loudly and a surge of pleasure run up her spine, she managed to breathe:

"Doctor… stop teasing… pants off. Now."

He placed a last, deep kiss on her collarbone; then he nodded and took off his pants, Rose doing the same with hers. Almost holding his breath, the Doctor lightly caressed her inner thighs, starting from below and slowly going up. His hands were now warm for his arousal and his touch, gentle and strong at the same time, made Rose shiver.

Kissing her passionately, he removed her knickers; then he leaned back, sitting for some moments just looking at her. Rose Tyler, bare on his bed was the most erotic vision he had seen in his whole life. She had full breasts, well-toned legs and, oh, a perfect bum. Her long, blond hair, her deep, brown eyes, her fair, soft skin: he loved every bit of her.

"Oh, Rose" he breathed, "you're beautiful. You're so beautiful."

She blushed lightly, naked in front of the man she loved so much. It wasn't that she hadn't had sex before, but this time was completely different, special. A shaking hand went to his boxers, putting them off. It was her turn to look at him breathless. The Doctor was skinny, but virile, all lean muscles, with lightly visible abdominals and perfectly-drawn legs and hips. Her eyes widened at the sight of his member –a good nine inches- and Rose loved the cheeky, proud grin he had while she was looking at him.

The Doctor leaned forward and returned to his previous position on top of her. He placed chaste kisses on her lips and softly caressed her hips and thighs. His voice nothing more than a breath, he began: "Rose… before we do that…" locking his eyes with hers, he placed his fingers on her temples, waiting for her permission. Rose immediately understood and nodded. All of a sudden, he was in her mind and she was in his. Her mind was like a little river, meeting the vast sea of his being: in that sea, she could see many storms and maelstroms, dark clouds and cold currents, but she could also see a bright dawn and warm waves, beautiful ocean floors and white tropical beaches. It was just the way her Doctor was, full of light but also of shadows.

Sharing a mental link was the most intimate contact for his people, and as the Doctor connected his mind with hers, letting Rose see everything of him, he felt at home for the first time in decades. He didn't hide anything, not even the darkest or most intimate thought: he trusted her with his life. "Rose, before you read it in my mind by yourself… this… this is my name." He whispered it her ear.

"It's a beautiful name" she said, smiling, repeating it with her lovely voice.

The Doctor smiled, loving the way his name sounded when pronounced by Rose. "I'm yours now. Mind. Soul. Hearts. And body." After these words, he didn't need to say anything else because through their link she knew what he was thinking and feeling. He kissed her sweetly and then, looking straight into her eyes, the Doctor lowered his hips and slowly, carefully entered her.

They both let out a moan as they became finally one. The Doctor patiently waited for her to adjust to his size, breathing heavily at the overwhelming sensation of her so tight and warm around him, his hearts pounding, desire burning his body like a fire. He had to use all his residual self-control to keep a slow pace as he began to thrust.

Feeling him so hard inside her was breath-taking. Rose felt complete, being one thing with the Doctor, giving him everything. She sensed through their link how difficult it was, for him, to hold back. She kissed him as he began to thrust, panting, and she cried out his name at each move he made. After a few slow thrusts, he found a steady rhythm and the right angle that allowed him to hit that spot inside her that made her whimper and shiver.

"Oh, Rose."

The Doctor called her name many times, groaning, unable to form rational thoughts, hot shocks running up and down his spine. Keeping the regular rhythm, he kissed her passionately, biting her lower lip and then tracing a path along her jawline with his lips and tongue, going down her neck and collarbone and lightly sucking her nipples. In reaction, her hands wandered everywhere, stroking his hair and messing them up, tracing circles and spirals while caressing his back and chest, or his arms.

A hot wave of pleasure was building up in her lower abdomen, her climax slowly approaching. As he unintentionally thrust a bit harder, Rose let out a low moan and arched her back, longing for more, pressing his bum with her hand, pulling him closer and letting him know he could speed up.

The Doctor started to thrust faster and harder, Rose meeting his every move thrusting her hips upwards with her eyes shut and her arms now firmly holding his shoulders. He could sense his hormones rush in his veins, heat increasing between his hips. He increased his pace even more.

"Oh, Doctor!"

As his moves became almost erratic, Rose cried out his name loudly. His breath was now irregular, his heartbeats furious. He buried his face in her neck, sweat starting to cover her skin, her scent filling his senses. As he lost control of his body completely, thrusting with all his strength, her sighs and moans quickly became screams. In a minute or so, he realized he was almost screaming as well, their voices and the sound of skin slapped against skin being the only sounds in the room.

Rose was close. So very close. And so was the Doctor. He wanted to wait for her, but found he wasn't able to hold back at this point: he was too close. So, his weight on only one arm, he began to rub her clit, moving it in fast circles, pressing it.

Beneath him, Rose forgot to breath. She arched her back and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck as a thousand waves of hot, powerful, overwhelming pleasure fell over her. She screamed the Doctor's name as she climaxed. The Doctor felt her shutter, her walls clenching around him: this was enough to make him come with her, eyes shut, biting his lip to avoid screaming even more than Rose, letting out a low groan, spilling himself into her.

He thrust slower and slower as both their climaxes came to an end. Then, he stopped, pressing his body against hers, resting his forehead on hers, eyes closed, caressing her mind with the gentle touch of his. They laid this way for some minutes, trying to recover and catch their breath, until he moved carefully and collapsed beside her.

The Doctor laid on his back and stretched his right arm to let Rose lay beside him: she rested with her right arm on his waist, her head on his chest listening to his heartbeats slowing down. He wrapped his arm around her back, pulling her closer, and began to softly caress her bare skin. Rose hummed contently and pressed her head on his neck, her eyes looking for his.

"Doctor. It was… wonderful."

He kissed the top of her head. "It was brilliant, Rose Tyler. Bloody brilliant." He was smiling cheekily.

"I love you."

"I love you too." 'You don't know how much' he was about to add: then he remembered she knew, through their mental link, and he felt happier than ever.

They were both tired. It was late night and Rose was not as tired physically as she was emotionally. The Doctor wasn't so physically tired as well, superior timelord biology on his side, but he hadn't slept for two weeks and it was much, even for a Time Lord. He was the first to fall asleep, and Rose followed within seconds