Chapter 1: Aomine's Confession

Aomine Daiki's heart was pounding away as he stared into his kitchen. He gulped down the lump formed in his throat before stepped into the kitchen with precaution. A sigh of relief escaped his lips upon finding that he had safely entered the kitchen without much noise. He stood in front of his fridge, unsure whether he should make his plan came into life. He reached out to the fridge, wanting to put his thoughts into actions when loud footsteps echoed, stilling him. He cursed in a form of a whisper as he quickly dashed out of the kitchen, as softly as he could. He hid himself behind the couch. The footsteps grew louder and soon enough he saw a figure walking down the stairs. The lights were switched on, blinding his eyes for a moment.

He saw his father walking past the couch and out to the door, slamming it close. Soon, he could hear the cries of his mother and heavy footsteps yet again.

"Daiki! Daiki!" his mother wailed out as she frantically looked around.

"What's up Mom?" he tried to sound so casual, tried to stop the guilty look forming in his face. He did not want to his mother to know that he had stepped into her property which was the kitchen. He shoved his hands into his pockets with a bored expression.

"Where's your father?!" she screeched as she started to pace around.

"Erm. He went out," he replied with a shrug.

"Oh... I'm going out. You stay at home, okay?"

"Erm yeah. Okay," Daiki tried not to grin at the thought of being alone. With a chaste kiss on the forehead, his mother had disappeared as well. He stared at the door longer than he should be. Once his brain had processed that his parents would not come back home at a much later time, did he scream 'yes' and began to dance around. He was joyful since the kitchen was all to himself, his mother was not at home to kick him out from the kitchen. He tiptoed to the kitchen, heart beating faster than before. His blush had returned at full-force just thinking of his well-made plan.

He put on his frilly pink apron that was decorated with red hearts (it was a gift from Satsuki as a joke). Inhaling deeply, he took out the recipe book that was hidden in one of the many drawers. He had flipped to a page that he had actually marked with a bookmark. He scanned through the page, trying to remember the ingredients. He opened up his fridge, excitement rushing through his veins. He was not going to back out. He stared at the contents of the fridge and paled. Fingers trembled around the handle of the fridge. Lips were inwardly curled and pressed to form a thin line. Tears stinging his eyes. He was so determined and wanted to put the energy into waste! Of all days, why must the fridge be empty now! He sobbed as he continued to stare at the ridiculously-empty fridge. He did not realise that he had shed tears.

He stomped off to his bedroom and tackled his bed. He buried himself on the pillow and cry his heart out. He wanted to surprise Kagami Taiga, wanted to see the reactions and expressions the redhead would make. He wanted to see those silly smiles. He wanted to show how much Taiga meant to him. He wanted to prove to Imayoshi Shoichi that he could cook and bake. He wanted Kuroko to know that he was not the heartless bastard anymore. He wanted Kise to know that he had put his advice to good use. He turned and continued to sob.

"Fuck you, Taiga... The only one who can make me cry is me..." he murmured as his tears had slowly came to a stop. He turned once more, facing the ceiling. "Why are you being so goddamn girly now, Daiki?! This is so creepy! Fuck! Taiga... I love you... Love me back..." he was not even creating sense to himself. He closed his eyes with his arm, still sobbing softly. Soon, he slept into his dreamland where only him and Taiga exist...


When he woke up, a smile had plastered in his face with a blush at full-force. He had dreamt Taiga, that was unusual however this dream was so sexual. He always dreamt of his and Taiga sharing kisses and hugs. However last night's dream involved his beloved Taiga and him being as one. Despite feeling uncomfortable of dreaming such things, he longed to have these dreams more. He embraced those dreams, knowing full well that he would be hurt if Taiga did not return those feelings. However, he just knew that Taiga would love him. He was bewildered at how confident that assumption was but at least it made his heart more at ease that usual.

He stretched and noticed a stain on his sheets. He gasped in horror, realising that it was a cum stain. He smacked himself, scolding himself repeatedly for displaying such an embarrassment act. He did not even touch himself! He was sure that his hands were completely at his sides when he was sleeping. Besides his hands did not feel sticky! He growled at his weak defence towards Taiga as his member had started to twitch to life. A tent had been formed where the stain had lain. He groaned as he hesitantly circled the head of his member with a finger. He bit his lower lip to suppress a moan. He kicked off the sheets and began to stroke himself. His mind kept on replaying memories of Taiga's smiles and he found himself almost at the brink of completion. Just a few more harsh strokes and thumbing the slit had he came so hard. It was that face that pushed Daiki over the edge. He stared at his sticky fingers. Embarrassment washed over him.

He had used Taiga as his masturbation material. This was something new. His love for the hotheaded redhead had escalated so much.

"I love that idiot too much..." he concluded as he jumped out of bed. He needed to get ready for school although he was already twenty minutes...


"Dai-chan! You're late for class!" Momoi Satsuki, his childhood friend, chided as he took a seat. He huffed and rolled his eyeballs. He did not need a second mother.

"I woke up late," he explained with a blush as he remembered the accident he had earlier in the morning.

"Anyway, Dai-chan! Have you received cookies from anyone?" she drawled out in a teasing manner. "I heard that Kagami-kun had recieved lots of chocolate and cookies! Ano ne, there's this girl that gave him cookies and he simply blushed!"

Daiki shot a hateful glare as he clenched his fists. He gritted his teeth. Why must Satsuki say such a thing?! His eyes displayed a hurtful look. He wished Satsuki could stop rambling on. He wished that he could be deaf for those few minutes. Despite not wanting to hear, he wanted to hear them as long as they were about Taiga.

"Dai-chan! Are you okay?"

A tap on the shoulder and he reacted it by swatting her hand away.

"Don't touch me," he growled out. He was still pissed about what had Satsuki had said about Taiga. Taiga was only his and his alone. No one could have him. Sadness washed over him. He felt heavy tugs on his heart every time he remembered and pictured how Taiga would look like when he received such presents, based on Satsuki's words. He could imagine the blush sporting on the redhead's face. A smile broke out at the blush but when a girl came into a picture, his smile shattered along with his heart.

"Dai-chan, don't forget to come to practice today! We have a practice match with Seirin!" Satsuki spoke.

He grinned at her, knowing that he would meet Taiga later.

"Dai-chan, you're acting strange. You're smiling," Satsuki pointed out as she dragged her chair nearer to his.

"Uh huh," he replied, his smile widened. Thoughts of Taiga and his smiles invaded his mind, making his heart skipped a few beats.

"Kagami-kun!" she suddenly yelled, snapping him out of his happy thoughts.

"Where?!" he had stood up and was frantically looking for Taiga. He did not realise that he had sounded like a happy kid that had been presented a lollipop. Happiness and affection were punctuated into that single word. The blush on his tanned cheeks was visibly seen for everyone to see. Eyes were sparkling with excitement. However Taiga was nowhere to be found. He looked around, confusion had been written on his face. Where is Taiga?

A sudden fit of high-pitched laughter caught his attention. Eyebrows had furrowed and a scowl was in place. He just had realised that he had been tricked and he had totally fall for it. He had exposed his secret due to his idiocy.

"Dai-chan... just be careful, alright?" her laughter had died down. Her voice held onto a deeper meaning but he could figure it out. He shrugged despite his lips twitching into a smile.

"Don't worry, Satsuki... The only one who could make me cry is me..."

Satsuki laughed out loud, commenting how stupid the statement had sounded in between laughs. Daiki leaned against his chair and smiled openly.


Daiki was actually early for practice. He was the first person to make it to their practice grounds. He went to the toilet to check himself out. He needed to be presentable for Taiga. He wanted Taiga to notice the change in him. He grinned as he twirled around. "Taiga's gonna notice me!" he whispered as he kept on combing his hair.


Daiki stilled. He did not need to guess who it was.

"K-K-Kagami!" he managed to stutter out as he spun around, not realising that a full-blown smile adorned on his face.

Taiga simply stared at him and that made him feel more concious about his appearance-wise. The bluenette kept on fidgeting around under the gaze of the redhead. The stare did not help but caused a stir on his crotch.

"Ahomine... Why are you checking yourself?" the redhead smirked.

"Huh? What are you talking about?!"Aomine snapped as he spun back. He did not want to freak Taiga!

"Ahomine... Is that a blush I saw?" the redhead teased.

"S-shut up!" Daiki yelled. "That blush is meant for you, Bakagami!" Shit. That last sentence was not meant to be yelled out. He froze and nearly let out a squeak when he could feel hot breath fanning near his ear.

"Really?" Taiga purred, sending shivers down Daiki's spine. "Because..." The redhead paused for effect. "Because... I really think that I could get used to your blushing."

Daiki spun around abruptly, meshing their lips together although not deliberate. He pulled away quickly due to shock however the redhead's hands gripped on his face and continued the kiss. The bluenett moaned into the kiss, loving Taiga's tongue wrapping around his. His fantasies were coming true! He returned those kisses although hesitant. He pulled away when the need of air was too great. He refused to meet Taiga's gaze.

"Ahomine, I never knew that you could be this adorable..." the redhead whispered as he licked the other's lips.

Daiki managed a squeak at the sudden compliment. He blushed harder than before. "I love you," he whispered but he knew that the confession would reach the redhead's ears. He looked up when he did not receive any comeback or comment. He quickly averted his gaze away. Taiga's fingers dug into his skin harder and Daiki tried to hide the pain. And in order to hide the pain, he indulged himself with kisses on Taiga's lips.

Yay! My very first fanfic on KnB! XD Please do leave a review on how you think! OOC AOMINE XD