When Ruby first arrived at Beacon Academy, love was most definitely not one of the top things on her mind. That changed fairly quickly, though.
On her first day, she ran into her.The Ice Princess, as some people called her. Weiss Schnee.
Ruby knew nothing of this rich, privileged, girl that was suddenly thrust into her life. In fact, their very first encounter was not that heartwarming. After accidentally bumping into her, and almost exploding both of them off the side of the cliff, Ruby didn't think that they would ever really talk again, let alone become team mates for the rest of their time at the academy.
I can't stop thinking about her. What is it about her that attracts me so much? I mean, it's not like I really am in love with her, am I? I always thought that I would end up falling in love with some guy who came to my rescue out of the blue. Because that's how it is in all the stories, isn't it?
Even after all of the trouble that they went through in the beginning of the year, and how much their relationship had changed, Ruby couldn't get over the fact that she thought they could become much more than friends. It was a fleeting thought at first, nothing that really got her attention. But after all that had happened, Ruby was beginning to feel it more and more.
She didn't really know what to think about it. She thought about approaching her sister Yang about it one day, but she decided that would be a bad idea, considering she didn't want anyone to know. She barely didn't want herself to know.
Besides, it can't really be love, right? I mean, everyone goes through these kind of things when they're young. Besides, what are the odds of her thinking the same thing about me?
One weekend, Ruby had awoken a little later than usual. By the time she had jumped down out of her bed, everyone else on team RWBY had been up and about for a little while already. As she made her way out the door, she ran into Weiss coming back from the bathroom. Ruby couldn't help but blush, seeing her with nothing but a towel around her body.
"Hey, Weiss." Stutterd Ruby. "Good morning."
Weiss appeared to not notice at first. But upon hearing Ruby's voice, she began to blush almost as intensely as Ruby, and just walked on by, only glancing at Ruby.
Exchanges like that had been going on all year. Ruby at first thought that it meant that Weiss really did have feelings for her. But after the first few weeks, and Weiss didn't do or say anything, Ruby decided to give up on that hope.
She made her way to the shower, with the thought of Weiss not wearing any clothes stuck in her head.
Why am I thinking things like this? I mean, it's not like we really could ever get together like that. Besides, I'm so much younger than her, what could she possibly see in me?
Weiss was pretty mad with herself that morning. That night, she had a dream. And not just any dream. It was about Ruby. And not just any dream about Ruby. In this dream, Weiss and Ruby were kissing. And not just kissing. Things got pretty intense in the dream.
How could I still be thinking about her like that? I mean, what got me into liking her to begin with? That first day on the cliff, Ruby almost could have killed both of us.
Ever since that first meeting, Weiss hadn't ever stopped thinking about her. She didn't realize how much this had turned into an obsession, until the dreams started. They started only recently, and they didn't start out as anything too serious.
Mostly the first few dreams were about her and Ruby just talking. Within her dreams, Weiss would discuss with Ruby some of her most inner secrets. Things that she would never really tell her in real life. Mostly about her childhood, about living at home was really hard with an abusive father.
But soon, as their time together at Beacon went on and they become better friends, Weiss began to feel different about Ruby. She didn't know what it was about her. Maybe it was the innocent way she looked at the world. Maybe it was her young age that gave her a different look.
Either way, the feelings were getting stronger, and it became obvious that soon she needed to approach these feelings with Ruby.
But when could I do that? I mean, there's no way that she would really be into me. She's so much younger, how could she understand what I was feeling. Maybe I could talk to her sister Yang about it. No, that would be a bad idea. I can't trust that she wouldn't tell Ruby about it. Then it would all be over.
That morning, when Weiss ran into Ruby on her way back from the showers, the exact opposite of what she wanted happened. She wanted to get back to the dorm and get dressed before she ran into Ruby.
She had hoped that taking a shower would help her get her mind off of the dream. This dream was especially intimate. It started out harmless enough, with Weiss and Ruby talking to each other. Suddenly, the next thing she knew, they were both laying in the snow together, locked in each other's embrace, deeply and passionately kissing each other. Weiss' dream Ruby had the distinct smell of roses coming off of her body, and the sweet smooth taste of cookies in her mouth. Suddenly the scene changed, to them both in a field of roses, both of them naked, still in each other's grasp.
Just thinking about this dream had made Weiss…anxious.
Weiss decided that the best way to get to talk to her, would be to try and single her out from the rest of the group. But how could she do that? It's not like there are any classes that only the two have together. And it would be pretty obvious if she just walked up to her and drug her out of the room to talk to her. She needed to pay attention, and strike at the right moment.
No matter what it took, the Ruby Rose would be hers.