3 hours earlier

Helena was cooking in her kitchen, a one meal of mash potatoes and smoked salmon. She was on her way mashing the potatoes when she heard the front door opened. She didn't need to turn around to know who it is. "Are you going to eat here?" Silence answered her.

"Kristoff?" She turned around and was greeted by the sight of a white fox on the table, tilting its head to the side watching her. She stared back, eyes scrunching. "Hello... How did you get in?" She cooed the fox, at the same time she stopped mashing and walked towards it. She inspected the fox for anything odd and found a little bag strapped to its tail. Realization dawned on her. "Nana sent you, is it about Anna?" She asked the fox, but all she got back was a stare.

She almost smacked her forehead, remembering back logic, foxes can't talk. "Of course you can't talk." She deadpanned. She proceeded to take the paper and sit on one of the chair. Her eyes almost popped out of it sockets when she read the first line.


Anna had gotten back her memory. She ran away just now and got into a little bit of an accident but she's fine. I have confirmation from Elsa that she's in the care of the wolf pack there and their healer took care of Anna.

Helena, I think it's time we tell her everything. She's of age and I could feel her power growing ever stronger at each passing time. You need to come here now so we both could tell her. And I think it's also about time you meet Elsa.

Ps. feed the fox some meat. He's rather cranky if he's not rewarded for his hard work.

She folded the small paper, slides it on the table and stared at it. She pinched the bridge of her nose, mulling around the content of the letter in her head. A rising headache started to form at the back of her head and she mused whether this is what Anna always felt when she tried to remember her past. The time has finally come for her daughter to learn about her true nature. She wished she was the one to be chosen to carry this burden, so her daughter could live a normal life, but alas it skipped her and chosen her daughter instead.

The fox started to shift around, yipping for her attention. She stood up and walked towards the meats hanging on the beam. The fox yipped happily behind her, bouncing on the balls of its feet, waiting for its deserving reward. Helena just rolled her eyes and gave the fox what it wants. The fox took it and vigorously eats it on the table, the blood stained it white coloured fur. She shook her head in disbelieve at the fox's antic and sat down on her chair. She was thinking on how to go to nana's house in this snow when a sudden gust of wind startled her out of her reverie.

Kristoff was brushing off snow from his boot when he heard Ms Helena called from the kitchen.

"Kristoff is that you?"

"Yeah it's me. What's wrong Ms-"

His sentence was cut off when he saw the fox on the table. "We're having fox for dinner?" He jokingly said, earning a chuckle from Helena and a growl from the fox. "I take it nana sent him huh?" A nod from Helena confirmed it.

Helena gave Kristoff the letter from nana. He bore a confused expression that changed to understanding. He gave it back and sat opposite side from Helena, exhaling a breath he didn't know he was holding. "She's a danger prone isn't she? Hanging out with werewolves now and forgetting her old pal." A stern look from Helena shuts him up.

"Well I think that's how it is. We have to get there for the whole story. How's your sled?"

"I just repaired it" Kristoff's voice was whiny. He sighed when Helena kept glaring at him. With a great big groan, he got off his ass to ready his sled. He could see Helena making a tiny fist pump and he just shook his head in amusement. 'Like mother, like daughter.'

When they arrived two hours later, nana was sitting on her rocking chair at the porch, waiting for them. Helena didn't even wait for the sleigh to stop. She quickly ran towards nana and hugged the old woman.

"Where should I park this?"

"At the back." Nana replied. She looked back at her daughter, happy to see her again after all this year. When she learned that her daughter does not possess any magical blood she quickly tried her best to hide her daughter from any danger, even if they have to severe ties. But by the age of 18 her daughter left all on her own to travel the world, she let her. When she heard of her daughter's marriage she was glad that her daughter was finally happy and safe. But being a magical creature, there's no such thing as safe, and so the whole fiasco happened.

Helena called her mother's name to snap her out of her thinking. She looked so old right now, weak and vulnerable, like how a grandmother should look like. But her eyes still maintained that youth and liveliness. Oh how she miss her so.

They enter the house together. Kristoff asked to explore the area with Sven, an excuse to leave them alone. They settled down at the living room couch in front of the fireplace.

"So, how are you?" Helena started.

"I'm fine, a bit tired but fine. Elsa helped around the house so it's been an easy life." She answered. From the corner of her eye she can see Helena fidgeted a bit. "But that's not what you wanted to ask is it?" She inquired, fighting off a grin when she saw that her daughter stiffened.

"You never told me she's a werewolf. You only told me that you found her in the woods and took her in." Her tone accusing.

"Well you never ask. Besides, I don't want you to get involved with this whole magic thing." Nana retorted back. "What's wrong if she's a werewolf?" This time it was her tone accusing.

"Well if my daughter is involved with a magical being I should know about it, I am her mother. What's their relationship anyway?"

"Their bonded. She imprinted on Anna."

"They're bonded?" Helena almost screamed the last part out. "They are bonded and you didn't even tell me?" She hissed out. Hurt, disappointment and betrayal flicked through her face. "You need to at least tell me about this thing if it concerns my daughter, mother!"

"So you don't approve of them? Is that what you're trying to tell me?" The argument was getting pretty heated. Both woman were on their feet now, facing each other off. "Elsa is a good person and she cares for Anna very much, you can't stop Anna from loving her."

"I didn't say that I'm not approving their relationship, I know what would happen to them if they were separated. What I'm mad about right now is that you don't tell me about this kind of thing. Just like the last time where you didn't tell me about Anna's memory problem." She was almost at the verge of tearing up.

"But I already told you about it."

"Yeah, you told me a YEAR after it happened and it was after I begged." The temperature in the room seems to rise rapidly but neither of them noticed it. "I know you want to protect me mother, but please don't keep me in the dark about Anna. Just because I don't carry the magic, that doesn't mean I'm not important." She sits back down on the sofa, tired but satisfied to finally let that out of her chest.

Nana on the other hand was shocked. She never thought her daughter would think of it like that. She sits back down, clearly exhausted. "Is that really how you always think? All this time?" She asked sullenly.

Before Helena could answer, Kristoff suddenly appeared. "Am I interrupting anything? I'm so sorry if I am, I could leave and come back in later."

"It's fine Kristoff, what is it?" Helena cuts him off with a wave of her hand.

"I was wondering if I could have some carrots, for Sven. And it was suddenly warmer outside, even though it's snowing so I came in to check." He shifted his feet from side to side, nervous because nana was staring at him like she was confused. This is actually the first time he met the old woman, and then knowing that this sweet, innocent looking old woman could wield magic that can kill a person, instinct told him to be wary around her. Being the best friend of Anna, he knew a lot of the family's secret.

"Warmer you say?" She inquired. Kristoff just stammered a yes. She glanced around the fireplace, seeing ashes scattered near the fireplace she pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed dramatically. "I'm too old for this." She lazily pointed her finger towards the kitchen and makes a come hither motion. All of a sudden a small bag shoots from the kitchen and into her hand. She gave the bag to Kristoff. "A bag of carrots is enough right."

Kristoff just gawked at her, mouth hanged open and eyes wide as saucers. He nodded dumbly while nana chuckled at the reaction, it had been a long time since anyone made any reaction towards her magic. Kristoff started walking out of the house, still dumbfounded but his face was filled with childlike wonders. When he was out of the way, she turned back to look at Helena.

"Should we talk now?" She asked her daughter. Helena shook her head, face buried in her hands.

"The moment is lost."

"I'm sorry, that you actually think of it like that…I didn't-"

"It's okay. I'm the one that should apologise, I got a little bit overwhelmed." Helena assured the old woman. She smiled weakly and gaze back to the floor. Feeling rather stupid to lash out like that, to her mother that had done nothing but protect her and Anna.

"It's natural to react like that. It's what mothers do really." Nana concluded. And just like that the feud ended. "Although I said that, it doesn't mean this matter should be swept under the rug like so. We still need to talk about it." Well mostly.

"Yes mother, only after we cool down a bit."


Anna had always love story of fairy tales, legends and just anything magical that wasn't supposed to be real, when she was small until now. Though in truth some part of her believed in those stories. Maybe that's why she can cope with Elsa being a werewolf, or wandering around in enchanted forest, hell even the weird looking elves felt normal. But this, this is where the ball drops.

"I'm a what?" She asked again. Looking at Elsa like she just sprouted a second head. She knew she was being a bit dramatic but given the stress she endured today about her memory, about Elsa, about this…thing, it was necessary. Even the day hasn't ended yet. "How long have you known about this?" She looked back at Elsa.

"From the first moment I caught your scent." She answered. "And after nana told me." She added rather hastily. When Anna turned her attention towards nana she breathed out a tiny sigh of relieved, now that the attention wasn't on her.

"Sit down Anna and please calm down." Nana instructed. The read head reluctantly sits down. "Now that we're all calm, I'll tell you everything you need to know." She pleaded, her hand darted forward to clasp onto Anna's balled fist. "You can ask questions and I'll answer it truthfully." She watched Anna's expression turned from mad to tiredness.

Anna took deep uneven breath, trying to calm the headache that's threatening to come. She looked from Elsa to her mother then to her hand. She instinctively unclenched it and let nana holds it. Lastly she looked back at nana, cloud of doubt vanished. "Who am I?" She asked anxiously.

It almost broke her heart when she heard the uncertainty in her granddaughter's voice. "You are Anna Vinden, the next in line to inherit the magic of the Vinden family. You're a sorceress Anna, just like me." Anna was watching her intently, hanging onto every word, the answer probably doesn't give her the satisfaction that she needed because her eyebrows furrowed in frustration.

"Why me?"

Nana was contemplating on how to answer it. The question caught her off guard, but she was able to compose herself to come up with an answer. "To be the guardian of the north mountain. My time to step down from the responsibility have come."

"Step down? What do you mean by stepping down? What's going on?" Anna was becoming restless. All this talk of guardian and stepping down, not to mention that she can wield magic. It felt like something was kept away from her, and instead of wanting to know, she was afraid of the answer.

"I'm dying Anna." She paused, amused that it sounded rather dramatic. "It was a matter of time anyway because I had lived long enough in this world as a guardian. My magic is depleting but please don't be worry, I had a good run in this life." Nana chuckled to lighten up the depressing mood permeating the room.

Anna didn't appreciated it. She was torn between being mad or sad towards nana. Thankfully Elsa was the one to express her displeasure. "Dying? You never said anything about dying."

"I never told you. And dying is such a strong word, how about withering. That's more literal." She chastised Elsa.

"How old are you nana?" Anna interrupted them.

"About a thousand years old or maybe more." Nana answered nonchalantly.

The room stood still in silence and if a pin dropped they could hear it loud and clear. Anna turned to look at her mother, who had been quiet through this whole ordeal. "Mom?"

Helena knew it was time anyway, so she mustered all her courage and started to speak. "I'm a hundred years old Anna. Even though I don't possess the magical aspect, the blood running through our vein is still from our ancestors. I left nana at the age of 18, thinking that I'm not the next in line, I explore the world and being free. I had enough of exploring so I came back to Arendelle, to live back with nana. But then I met your father, I was 65 at the time and still look young. You know the rest of the story Anna." She finished. Eyes fixated on the table, too afraid to face her daughter.

Anna was stunned silenced. She felt like her breath was knocked out of her after hearing the story. She slumped back into her chair, paralyzed. Disbelieve marred on her face as she watched her mother, scrutinizing her. Her mother is old, like really old but she still looked like she's in her 30s. Then it hit her, her mother never changed. She thought back about her mother's appearance, her face never changed, everything stayed the same and not even a single grey hair or wrinkle ever graced her feature. "I never notice, all this time just right in front of me. You never change." Another question conjured into her head. "Is that…why dad…tried to kill me?"

The room fell silence again. Only the sound of their breathing filled the kitchen. The temperature in the room seems to rise a few degree more. The air was thick with tension. Helena broke down on the floor sobbing. "…Yes…I'm so sorry Anna." Anna was beside her within seconds comforting her mother by wrapping her arm around the older woman's shoulder, but she kept on crying into her hands, refusing to lift her head to face her daughter. "I should've listened to nana-hic-but I was in love with him. In the end-hic-you suffered." This time she was bawling on her daughter's shoulder, seeking warmth there. Anna started crying too and kept on holding her mother. Elsa and nana just watched from the side of the heart breaking scene.

A series of knock on the front door startled them. A few seconds later a head suddenly popped through the doorway, glancing around the room, looking at the crying people on the floor and then on to them. "Is this a bad time?" Kristoff asked his voice small and unsure.

"Come in dear." Nana beckoned him. He stepped inside fully, and awkwardly walked towards the kitchen table.

By that time the crying had almost stop. Anna rubbed circles on her mother's back, soothing her. She felt a presence behind her and turned around slightly. She could see Kristoff's snowy boot on her line of sight. She looked up, eyeing Kristoff warily, thinking if it's an illusion. When she saw his trademark guilty smile she knew it was really him. "Kristoff…?" Her voice hoarse from all the crying.

"Hey." He kneeled down to level with them. He observed Anna's feature, eyes puffy red, nose and cheeks were also red, then again she was crying. He contemplated whether to do anything but settled to just stay put.

"How did you get here?"

"Your mom asked me to take her here."

"Did…you know anything…about this?" Anna inquired.

"Not really…maybe just a bit about nana and your memory, a little bit about Elsa but that's just about it" He answered truthfully. Helena was looking at him too, smiling gently. He stood up and pulled both of them up to stand.

"Now that's all out, I think it's time to rest. Enough information for today, we'll tell you the rest tomorrow. How about that?" Nana chirped up. They all look on her direction agreeing, except for Anna who looked skeptical.

"There's more?" Anna asked. Nana nodded her head solemnly. Anna only rubbed her temple tiredly. Maybe it's right to rest first, she did just had a very long day. "Alright then, I guess I am tired. Mom?"

"I need to take a breather. Get some rest dear." Helena kissed her forehead, and started to walk out the door. Anna gave a look to Kristoff and he nodded his head. He followed Helena outside.

Elsa clasped onto her shoulder, kneading it. Anna let out a breathy moan of appreciation. She turned around to face Elsa and kissed her softly. She felt the blonde smiling through the kiss. Nana slipped out of the kitchen quietly, as to not disturb them.

"I'll drew you a bath. You did it last time." She kissed Anna's cheek and made way towards the bathroom, before Anna could protest.

Anna entered the bathroom in her towel. She saw Elsa was already waiting for her in the bathtub. The bathroom was lit with candle light that's been put around the bathtub. She took off her towel and hanged it on a hook. She was long past being embarrassed about letting Elsa see her body. Elsa's icy blue eyes turned a bit darker as she roamed her eyes all over Anna's body. She blushed and got in the tub facing away from Elsa. She lowered herself and soon she was enveloped in a warm hug.

Elsa unbraid her hair, letting it cascade down her shoulder. Then she peppered soft kisses on her shoulder blade, neck, pushing her hair aside and plant a long kiss behind her neck. Anna sighed contently, shutting her eyes and enjoying the attention given by the blonde. "Relax…" Elsa breathed into Anna's ear, happy to see it changed a lovely shade of pink. She began nibbling it, licking the outer lobe and earning a cute mewl from Anna. When she let go Anna whimpered from the lack of contact.

Elsa took a flower scented soap, lathering it in her hands and rubbed it on Anna's back. She start from the neck, kneading the stress on her shoulder, rubbing down her arms to her fingertips, then at the small of her back going upward to her neck again. Anna was squirming in her seat, letting out small whimpers when Elsa touched a particularly sensitive spot. As much as she enjoyed this there was something nagging at the back of her head. When Elsa finished her sensual rubbing, she washed Anna's body with water, washing off the soap.

Anna turned around, a rather hard thing to do considering the largeness of the bathtub, towards Elsa successfully. Their knees and feet touching. The blonde was smiling so gently and happily, making her heart fluttered in her chest. But despite that, the nagging just kept on badgering in her mind. "Elsa can I ask you something?" It came out in a rush, startling the blonde. Elsa just nodded her head, paying attention.

"Do you think maybe…we're going to fast?" When Elsa looked at her wide eyed she quickly continued. "It's not that I don't like it, I actually do, like really really do. Kissing you is the greatest thing I've ever felt in my whole entire life because it feels just right you know. Maybe it's because we're bonded but even if we're not it'll still feel good and you're just so nice and gorgeous, wait…what." She blushed hard at the word vomit and how awkward she sounded right now. "God I'm rambling again, that wasn't what I wanted to say. What I mean is-"

She was cut off by Elsa's supple lips covering her own. When Elsa pulled away Anna moved forward to catch it again, but Elsa's finger stopped her. "So what you're saying is that we need to take things slow is it? And I'm a good kisser?" She asked. Anna hmm in agreement, can't really lie about that one.

Anna continued again. "We should…you know…get to know each other a little more. Like, umm….what's your favourite colour?" She asked cutely.

Elsa covered her mouth and giggled at how cute Anna was being. "Red." Her face was inched closer to Anna's face, happy to see a beautiful blush sporting her freckles.

Anna's mind were going blank, especially at how close the proximity of Elsa's face against her own. She can even feel Elsa's breath grazing against her skin and she shivered. "What…a coincidence…me too." It was hard for her to concentrate when she couldn't stop looking at those delicious lips, supple and red, begging to be kissed. Then those lips started moving.

"My turn. Favourite food?" Elsa whispered

"Chocolate…" Anna breathlessly said. Those lips seems to be getting even closer.

"Mine is strawberry." As soon as Elsa finished talking, she lunged forward in the tiny space they've created and captured Anna's lips. It was slow at first, tentative even, but then it escalated into a more heated fashion. Lips moving in synch, tongue prodding and entering, tasting every inch of skin it can touch. Anna was pushed back towards the edge of the tub with Elsa hovering her.

As soon as the kiss started it ended. Elsa lay her head down on Anna's shoulder, panting and heart beating like crazy. "I think…what you're saying is right. We need to slow down a bit and um…straighten our bearing." As much as she wanted it she couldn't. Not when she just realized how little she knows about Anna and vice versa.

Anna bit her lip in frustration. "I think I'm regretting ever saying that." She mumbled. The blonde only laughed at her whining, but also cursed at her logical mind. Elsa pushed herself up, exposing her body, further frustrating the hell out of Anna and stepped out of the bathtub.

"I didn't wash you yet." Anna stated.

"Don't need to. Come on, you'll catch a cold." Elsa was already halfway to the door.

Anna sighed loudly, splashing the water a bit to her frustration but reluctantly followed.

Even when the moon was perched high up in the sky, Anna still couldn't sleep. Not because of how Elsa's breast pressed up against her side or how hot she felt because Elsa's body temperature is like a furnace, she just still can't wrap her head around the things that she learnt today. She recap back on how the conversation goes, how surprised she was to learn that she can wield magic, how old her mother actually is and her grandmother's sudden declaration of dying, well 'withering'.

She sighed the umpteenth time that night making the other occupant of the bed stir in her sleep. Elsa opened her eyes and watched Anna's face scrunched up in concentration. "Can't sleep?" Her voice seems to startle Anna in whatever reverie she was in.

"Did I woke you up?" Anna brushed a lock of hair off Elsa's face.

"Yeah. You're heartbeat were going crazy, I thought you had a nightmare." Elsa nuzzled more on Anna's hand that seems to be resting on her cheek. "Were you?" She asked, concerned.

Anna shook her head and stared at Elsa. "You can really feel my heartbeat?" She suddenly asked, moving closer to Elsa. Studying the light dust of freckles on the blonde's face, waiting for the answer.

Elsa pulled Anna's hand that was on her face and puts it on her chest, at the heart. "Can you feel it?" When Anna just quirked an eyebrow and nodded, Elsa pushed the hand harder. "Close your eyes and listen. Focus on the beating." She whispered closing her eyes too.

Anna did what she was told. She blocked the sound of the wind outside, the lively forest, the creaking sound of the house and just concentrate on Elsa. Thump, thump, thump. Strange because nothing was amiss. Then her eyes snapped open. Elsa was watching her curiously but still smiled gently. She listened again, in her surprised state the rhythm of her heartbeat spiked a little and Elsa's heart still fell in synched with hers.

"It beats the same as mine. Our heartbeat just synched together." Anna was amazed. She scooted closer and kissed Elsa fully on the lips, pouring all her love and wonders into it, making the both of them crave one another more. When they both finished they were breathless. Without a word Elsa pulled Anna onto her shoulder, tucking the redhead underneath her chin. She caressed the redhead's hair, occasionally sneaking a few kisses on any skin that she could reach. Feeling happy that her feelings finally reached her lover.

Anna felt safe and content being with Elsa. She felt her eyelids growing heavy from each caress but her smile growing wider. Soon she succumbed to her tiredness but not before she heard what Elsa said.

"I love you. No matter what happens my heart would always keep beating with you."

"I love you too." Anna managed to answer sleepily.

hey guys, so so sorry for the late update. If you guys follow me on tumblr, you guys would know about it. I got caught up with assassins creed 4, can't stop playing it for hours and pretty much neglecting everything around me. But I'm back, somewhat. Hope this chapter doesn't suck much though. thank you for the lovely reviews, favourite and follows. Especially peace sign freak, you gave me a lot of ideas and I thank you for that. The time for stories will come eventually. So without further ado leave a review if you enjoy, so that I can improve my writing. Leave a favourite or follow because that makes me happy. PS. I love Mary read.