A/N: Okay guys. This chapter has it a little bit of it all. Sky and Britt, Sky and Puck, Sky and her moms, and of course, Sky and Jess. And it has a bit of Quinntana smut, because reasons. I know a lot of you have reviewed or PM'd with love for Sky and Jess, so depending on the feedback on this chapter, I will consider spinning writing some Jess/Sky focused chapters with less Quinntana. It's up to you all. Leave your thoughts in the reviews and I'll try to deliver. Happy Pride month you guys. And thanks for being such amazing readers :)


April 2027

"Aunt Britt…can I talk to you about something?"

I can see from the corner of my eye that I have my aunt's attention, she is still dancing but she angles her head towards me and smiles. I'm supposed to be copying her movements, but I'm too distracted, everything feels off.

"I've been waiting for you to start talking, SkyLo. Did you even realize that you've been mirroring my movements instead of copying them?"

I stop moving and look down at my body. Sure enough, I'm reversed, my left doing what my right should be. Weird.

"Uh…yeah, sorry about that," I mumble. I try not to waste our lessons, because Aunt B is an actual dancer and she teaches me for free. She says dancing is her version of heaven and as my godmother it's her job to show it to me.

Aunt Brittany stops dancing and turns back to me, her head cocked to the side. "Okay, let's stretch out and chat."

I oblige, sliding down slowly into a split. I bring my nose to my knee and try to figure out how to say what is on my mind. My aunt waits patiently, her serene expression soothing for the confusion inside of me.

"I…well…you know I like boys and I'm dating that guy Dex, and it's fine, but…"

My voice catches in my tight throat, my heart pounding. I've never said anything to anyone about my feelings. Not even my moms. I just…I'm afraid no one will take me seriously, like I'm just copying them.

Aunt Britt nods as she continues stretching, acknowledging me without pushing for more. I'm sure she knows where this is going, but she won't make me talk until I'm ready. I freaking love her so much for that.

"I think I like girls, too." My voice is nearly a whisper, and I slowly drag my eyes up to my aunt once I've said it.

She smiles at me and stops moving. "Okay. There's nothing wrong with that, Sky. What about it makes you feel so nervous?"

And the floodgates are open.

"I don't want to be some walking cliché, you know? Like, oh of course, Skylar is gay or bi or whatever, because she has two moms. And what if, you know, I am influenced by them? What if I'm not really into girls, but seeing my moms so happy makes me think I should be? I mean, how do I know if I really like girls like that? What if I just think some of them are ridiculously pretty and I'm confusing that with attraction? It's just…like…you know my best friend Jess, right?"

Aunt B nods, because of course she does. Jess and I have been best friends since freshman year. We're on the varsity soccer team together and we take a lot of the same classes. And Jess is beautiful. Like, from a completely objective standpoint, I would look at her and say she's a perfect human specimen. She's symmetrical and proportional, lean but not skinny, she even has nice feet. Nice feet, and she's a soccer player. My feet look like they've been smashed by hammers for years, then jammed into wet cleats and left to rot. Anyway, the best part about Jess is that she doesn't seem to even notice her perfection. I think she must know she is pretty, but it's like she almost goes out of her way to underplay how attractive she really is. She never wears make up to school or wears clothes that really show off her body, if anything she's seems a little bit uncomfortable in her own skin, like all of the attention she gets is actually unwelcome. I've basically spent the past three years trying my very best to not notice all of her beautifully unique little details and quirks, and I have failed miserably. I could probably write a dissertation about the dimple in her left cheek and the many causes for its appearance. She's the first girl I've ever felt…different…about. Sometime around the end of sophomore year I was able to kind of let it go and accept that Jess and I work best as friends, but she's the best example I have of really, truly feeling deeply for a girl.

"When I look at Jess…I want to be closer to her. I want to hold her hand and have it mean more than just two hands linked together, you know? Like how when Ma slides her hand into Mom's, there is something there. Like they're talking through touch. I want my touch to talk to Jess. And when she hugs me…sometimes it feels like I won't be able to stop myself from kissing her. So what the hell does that mean? I mean I've gotten over it, kind of, but it's always there in the back of my mind. I'm into the guys I date and all, but I don't know…I just feel like I'm all over the place with who I'm into and what I'm feeling."

I finish my rant and flop down onto my back. I'm relieved to have finally said all of this to someone other than myself, but I also feel the burn of tears threatening as my throat tightens. It all just seems so hopeless.

"Well first of all, Sky, you have to stop comparing yourself to your moms. They are them and you are you. And I can assure you, they've both struggled as individuals with their identity and what it meant for them, so you aren't alone. You know that they'd understand and love you no matter what your feelings are, right?"

I nod, still lying on my back, because I do know that. My mothers are about as awesome as parents can be, really. And I know my dad won't care, either. He'd probably be relieved, actually. I think he's afraid of teenaged boys because according to him he was, "the biggest asshole of them all, and they're pretty much all assholes." Dad might actually be glad if I did, in fact, prefer girls.

"Secondly, you can't worry about all of the side stuff, honey. I know how easy it is to feel like everyone else's thoughts and opinions should influence how you feel, but I'm telling you—the only entity you need to listen to is your heart. If you feel something in your heart for Jess, then that's what is important. You don't need to question your attractions, because they are what they are. Have you studied physics at all yet?"

I scrunch my face in confusion. Physics? Aunt Britt told me that she spent most of her time trolling her high school teachers by writing the most off the wall stuff on tests that she could think of, but she's going to reference physics right now? I nod again, because I took physics last year and because I'm curious as all hell as to where she's going with this.

"So you know how each magnet has two poles and opposites attract and all that?"

"Yeah," I finally manage to speak up.

"Well people are absolutely nothing like that."

I start laughing, like really laughing, because honestly my aunt is probably my favorite human being on earth. Aunt Britt laughs a bit too before continuing.

"I'm kidding, but seriously though, Sky…people have tons of both positive and negative poles inside of them. Some might have more of one than the other, but in the end we find attraction in all different types of people because different parts of us want different things. The moment things get really beautiful is when you find the person whose poles line up perfectly with yours and the attraction is too strong to be pulled apart for long. That's kind of how things went with your moms. Honestly, I knew the first time they kissed that everything had changed. It was just a matter of time until they let themselves get close enough to feel that magnetic attraction again. And once they did…it was pretty much instantaneous. They couldn't help themselves.

But, I digress, because this isn't about your moms. The point is that you are going to feel attractions to people for a lot of different reasons or attributes they might have. They are all valid, legitimate feelings for you to experience, and none is more "right" than another. And it's okay if you date someone for a bit that might not feel perfect immediately, because sometimes you need to spend time with someone to see if your poles can line up. Most importantly, don't feel tied to some outside concept of who you are supposed to be. Find your own path, be your own person. Follow your amazing heart, Sky. It won't lead you wrong."

I'm crying now, because I'm relieved to get this off of my chest, because even though I know it's normal to be attracted to girls, it feels reassuring to have my aunt say all that, and because I know she's right, I know that I need to just be myself and not let other crap get in my way, but I don't know if I'm strong enough to do that. Aunt Britt comes over to pull me up and hug me while I cry.

"Can we…I know my parents will all be okay with this, but can we keep it between us? I kinda just want room to figure things out a bit more before I say anything to them about it."

"Of course, SkyLo. I'm here for you, no matter what you need, ok? Your moms are my best friends, but you are my goddaughter—anything you say to me will be kept in a special vault that only you can open up. Deal?"

"Deal. Thanks Aunt Britt. I've been wanting to talk about this for a long, long time. I knew you'd understand, probably better than anyone else would."

Aunt Brittany smiles that huge, room brightening smile of hers. "That's what I'm here for, o' favorite niece of mine."

I roll my eyes and shake my head. "That would be touching, if I wasn't your only niece."

"Yeah okay, DJ, don't be a smartass."

I laugh at that, because I am a lot like my mom, Santana. Thank God my parents were kind enough not to actually name me Diabla Junior, though. That would've been awkward.


November 2027

Quinn looks bummed out, and no amount of reasoning is helping her feel better.

"But…it's been two weeks, San. Why hasn't she come to us? Do you think she feels like we won't be okay with it? I just don't get it."

"Honey, no, Skylar knows that we love her no matter what. She just needs to come into this on her own. You remember how it felt, trying to figure things out without complicating it by telling people."

"No, we were afraid of the reactions we'd get, we didn't know if everyone would embrace us or throw us out on our asses. And I was pregnant. We were scared, Santana. I don't want Sky to feel that way."

I sigh and take my wife's hand. "You were the one who said we needed to give her room to grow, babe. What she has with Jess is pretty new and exciting, and I'm sure she just is trying to figure that out before she brings us into the picture. I don't think she's scared to tell us, I think she just wants to keep this close to her heart for now. I remember when we first got together, and I seriously didn't want to leave our little bubble for anything. I would've hidden in my room forever, because it was where we could just be together. Plus, maybe Jess isn't ready to tell her parents yet so they're trying to figure out how to do this for both of them."

Quinn is quiet, contemplative as she looks out the car window. We're on our way back from a tournament in Pennsylvania. Skylar is riding with her dad back to New York because he's going on the road with his band this week. It's been a great weekend, all of Sky's grandparents came down to watch her play, and all three of her parents were able to be there, which is rare. Our daughter couldn't have looked any happier than she did surrounded by all of her people and playing her favorite game. She's also much more adept at keeping things appear platonic with Jess than I ever was with Quinn. If I hadn't seen them kissing or noticed the subtle change in Sky's mood the past two weeks, I'd never know the difference.

"Do you think she's told Noah?"

"No, I don't. Maybe Brittany, but no one else."

My wife finally cracks a smile. "God, Brittany is like the gay tour guide for Lopez girls, it seems. Without her we'd all be wandering around, hopelessly lost."

I laugh, because how true is that? Brittany kept 15 year old me from grinding Quinn into the ground with my frustration and anger towards her. I probably would have destroyed any chance we had if my brilliant best friend hadn't seen what I couldn't.

"We should get her an edible arrangement or something, you know, express our gratitude for keeping us together back in the day," I quip lightly.

"Umm, no. We gave her a goddaughter, whom she adores. I think we're good," Quinn jokes back.

"Fair enough," I concede with a laugh and a light squeeze of my wife's hand.

Quinn suddenly pulls her hand free and turns the radio up, her eyes wide and excited. The song is "Take My Breath Away," and I know without her saying it what she wants. My heart wells a bit when her soft voice rises above the speakers. I fucking love when Quinn sings to me. I sing right back, trying my best to steal glances at her without veering off the road.


My dad and I have been jamming out for 2 hours, on our way back to the City. His air guitar game while still driving is admirable, but nothing will ever beat my air drum solos in the passenger seat. Uncle Finn taught me how to play, kind of. I've got the basics down at least.

I'm a little bummed, because Dad leaves this week to tour small venues with his band. I love those guys, and I know my father loves playing music, but I do miss him a lot when he's gone, and he's going to miss Thanksgiving this year. He's good about calling every other day or so though, so I'll see him then. I suddenly feel like I have to tell him about me and Jess. I don't want to have that conversation over the phone, and I'm going to tell my moms soon. I want Dad to hear it from me, face to face.

I take a deep breath. Here goes nothing. I turn the radio down and turn to my father.

"Dad, I want to talk to you about something."

"Oh yeah? What's up, Skywalker?"

I smile, because my dad is really such a dork. "I'm, uh, seeing someone, I'm actually…I'm with Jess now."

Dad glances over at me, a little surprised. "Jess…Rodriguez?"


"Oh. Okay. How long have you two been together?"

I let out a breath and kind of laugh, because well, shit…that was easy. "About two weeks. She told me how she felt about me after our semi-final game."

"The night you beat that dirtbag's ass for hitting her?"

"Yeah," I say with a smile at the memory. Punching Dex in the face was only slightly less rewarding than kneeing him in the balls. Stupid dickhead.

Dad smiles. "Well I'm happy for you, Sky. She's a good kid, I've always thought she was a good friend to you. As long as she treats you just as well as her girlfriend, then I think it's great."

"Thanks, Dad. I'm going to tell Ma and Mom soon." I glance at my dad and see his surprise again. He probably assumed I told them before him, but he picks up on my meaning and nods. He won't tell before I can.

I heave a huge sigh of relief and turn the radio back up.

One down, two to go.


Skylar asked to go out after we got back from Pennsylvania. We conceded, even though it's a Sunday, since her Thanksgiving break starts this Wednesday anyway and she'll be back early. Honestly, I'm amazed by her energy. She played four games this weekend, sat through a 5 hour car ride home, and still has the energy to put herself together and go out with her friends. I try to remember if I was like that at her age, but all I can remember is chasing around a little girl who had just started crawling. She was such an adventurous baby. She'd always rock and giggle before she took off in whatever direction Santana and I weren't there to block.

I have a sudden urge to find my wife and kiss her. Without her, this life wouldn't exist. Without her, Skylar would have a different mom, a different name, a different life.

I find her folding laundry on our bed, her soft voice singing along with the stereo. I move behind her and pull her long dark hair to the side, exposing her neck. She tilts her head as I start laying kisses along her shoulder and up her neck to her ear. I smile at the shiver that runs up her body when my breath tickles her skin.

Like the fields bow down to the summer rain

Santana quickly gathers the laundry into the basket and puts it on the floor, turning to meet me with a passionate kiss once it's out of the way. The soft familiarity of her lips never fails to thrill me, and when she slides her hands up to cup my face and keep me close, I sigh ever so slightly into her beautiful mouth.

Like a drunk man singing with the band that plays

My wife smiles and pulls her shirt over her head, keeping her eyes on mine as she undoes her pants and slides them down. I follow suit, immediately stepping between Santana's legs when she sits on the bed, naked. I press on her shoulder as we kiss, laying her down and fitting myself perfectly above her.

There are some things that time won't ever change

Her soft caresses along my back give me goosebumps. I take my time anyway, kissing her slowly even though I feel her urgency growing beneath me. I lean up and just look at her. All of her beauty, all of her passion, all of her love. I would go to the ends of the earth for this woman, but I know she'd never let me go anywhere without her. The happiest of tears form in my eyes, and I close them, leaning my forehead on Santana's.

I'll always be a fool for you

I lose the rest of the song as we make love, slowly, softly. I watch the rise and fall of perfect breasts, breathe the scent of her arousal, taste her skin for the millionth time. I will never tire of feeling her want for me, of feeling her come undone at my hands.

We smile into a quick kiss, both, for the moment, busy catching our breath. I don't know how long we lay for, my fingertips tracing light patterns on the toned stomach of my beautiful love. Santana sings lightly along with a new song, and I lose myself in her voice for a while. I find myself smiling at the memory of my then-girlfriend singing in glee. Watching her sing always lit a fire in me, and I'd end up pulling her into a private place somewhere to put my mouth on hers eagerly.

"What're you smiling about?" Santana asks, reaching for the hand I've been tracing her abs with.

"How your singing has always made me exceptionally horny, and how absolutely amazing you are," I admit shamelessly.

My wife brings my hand to her mouth and starts gently kissing my fingertips one by one, her tongue slipping out to run along my middle finger.

"And how amazing am I?" she asks before she wraps those incredible lips around my pointer finger and then slides it slowly out of her mouth, biting down lightly on the tip.

I'm speechless, my mouth hanging open as I watch her, arousal shooting through me once again. Santana smiles that devilish smile of hers at my silence.

"Well that doesn't sound too amazing, Lucy Q," she says in her sex voice. She guides my hand slowly down her chest and stomach, my wet finger leaving a trail of moisture in its wake. She pauses to turn my wrist gently and open her legs, then guides my fingers through her wet folds.

My eyes have been glued to the movement of our hands down her body, but when I feel my fingertips tease at her entrance, still guided by her own hands, my eyes snap up to my wife's face. She bites her lip and looks in my eyes as she moves my hand for me, slowly curling my fingers with her own so that she can slip the first two just inside of her. Santana lets her legs fall open even more and takes more of my fingers, pushing me into her. My eyes trail back down to where my wife is fucking herself with my hand, and I watch her hips rise as she presses my fingers deeper inside of her.

"Fuck," I whisper, absolutely captivated by the sight before me.

Santana lets out a sexy little whine as she works on herself, and it pulls me from dumbstruck bystander back to the real world. I move my body from her side to hovering over her with ease, then whisper in her ear, "Let me."

San licks her lips and nods, letting go of my hand and instead placing hers on my back as I begin to move inside her of my own accord. I take my time, kissing her face, her neck, her chest as I slide easily in and out her. Santana brings her legs up to wrap around me as I start to get my hips behind my hand, and I give her one last long kiss before I brace myself above her to get a better angle.

I know my wife's inner workings better than I know my own, and yet it's still an adventure, watching her face as my fingers pump inside of her again and again. I'm intentionally avoiding the spot that I know will have this beautiful woman arching her back and getting loud, because I know soon she'll ask for it, and her whining, raspy voice will send a rush of wetness between my thighs. For now I am content just to watch her ample breasts bouncing with each thrust of my hips and listen to her soft moans.

Santana sighs and looks up at me, her eyes filled with equal measure lust and love, and I thank God yet again that she is mine. She digs her nails into my back on a particularly hard thrust and pulls me down to her mouth, her tongue hot and insistent against mine for a moment before she releases me.

"Please baby," she says, canting her hips up to meet my hand.

I smile and nod, then find the spot, my favorite spot at times like these. Santana's expression changes immediately, her brow tightens and her mouth drops open wider with each hard plunge of my fingers.

We have great sex. We make love as often as we can. But sometimes the most beautiful thing in the world is to see Santana utterly fucked. It's not gentle, but we found our limits years ago, and I know she can take it even harder.

"FUCK," she half shouts-half moans as I put more weight behind my hand.

"Is that okay?" I ask out of habit without slowing down.

"Yes…FUCK…yes…don't…God…right there."

Santana's voice is sexy alone, but when she's breathless and panting while I fuck her it's almost too much. I can feel my own wetness on my thighs as I drive my hips solidly into this Latina goddess I somehow got lucky enough to marry. She's getting louder, her moans and fucks and oh Gods rising above the sound of our bodies coming together.

With one last Ohh, Santana shudders beneath me, her legs falling loose from around my hips as her blunt nails dig into my back. She pulls me down to her as she rides out her orgasm and I move my fingers slowly against her pulsing walls until they finally stop.

I push myself up and smirk with pride at the expression on my wife's face. She is wrecked, just completely done for the time being. I laugh lightly and see a smile playing at Santana's lips in response. She is the sexiest human being alive, and it seems impossible that she should be here lying underneath me instead of on a magazine cover or something.

I slowly remove my fingers from inside her and reach to wipe them off on the sheets, but Santana captures my wrist and smiles wickedly at me before once again bringing my hand to her mouth and carefully licking each digit clean, then sucking on my first two fingers while she looks up at me. It's lewd, really, the way she looks at me as her tongue presses against the underside of my cleaned up fingers. My eyes practically roll to the back of my head at the sensation just as Santana releases my fingers with a pop of her incredible lips.

My brain is scattered, and she hasn't even put her hand down to feel just how aroused I am yet. I flop down next to her and listen to her take a long breath before she rolls on top of me and kisses me, sharing her distinct flavor with me. I squeeze my legs together, because Jesus Christ, this woman has me practically dripping without even really touching me. Santana gets up without a word.

I watch her walk to a very specific drawer and pull out a personal favorite toy of mine. My wife smirks at me as she slides it up her legs and tightens the straps before walking back to the bed.

"Get on your hands and knees," she whispers against my lips, and I scramble eagerly into position, ignoring the soft laugh behind me.

I feel her hands first, running down my back, her lips following. Soft kisses are pressed to my back as she runs her hands along my skin. I'm practically quaking with anticipation.

"Are you ready?" Santana asks just as she slides her fingers along my wet slit. "Oh, never mind…you are definitely ready."

A whine escapes my lips as I lean back into her touch, and I hear Santana mumble God as she feels me. Just when I think I can't take any more teasing, she slides slowly inside of me until our bodies a flush against each other.

My wife pauses for just a second and whispers, "I fucking love you so much, baby," before she starts a rhythm that has me seeing stars.


Jess is lying on her back, eyes closed as I carefully run my fingertips along each of her perfect features. Every now and then she smiles lightly when she hears my breath catch. I can't help it though. She's so beautiful and somehow so mine. I keep telling her to pinch me, but she just laughs and kisses me instead.

"Tell me again about when you knew you were in love with me," I whisper to my girlfriend, because it still amazes me that someone as perfect as her could fall for me.

Jessica flashes a quick smile and then kisses my fingertips as they trace around her lips. "But baby, I've already told you so many times!"

"I know, but it always makes me smile!"

With an exaggerated sigh, Jess sits up and pulls my face to hers for a gentle kiss. She leans back on her hands and looks at me, amused. "Okay, okay. I'll tell it again."

I flop back on the bed and put my hands behind my head. Jess lays down next to me on her side, snuggled close to my body, her arm draped across my stomach.

"So there we were, lying on the couch in my living room, just lounging around like bums. And obviously I'd already started to notice that sometimes when you looked at me I got crazy butterflies, and every now and then I'd look at your face and just think about how truly beautiful you are. Anyway on that day, we were watching some crappy romcom and I turned over to look at you and say something, and I ended up pretty close to your face by accident. But you didn't move back at all, you just reached up and tucked my hair behind my ear, and looked at me with those damn eyes of yours. And I kind of stuttered for a second and then just got all awkward and got up to get some drinks. So then you go to leave after the movie and you put your arms around me and I felt like I was just melting. Weak in the knees, literally. And that was when I knew that I was totally falling in love with you."

Jess smiles at the memory and leans over to kiss me for a long moment. I can feel in her kiss that she feels just as lucky as I do that we're together. It's awesome.

"I love you, Jessica," I say, lacing my fingers with hers. "I never imagined you'd ever have feelings for me, so this feels like some kind of miracle. I…I told my dad about us on the drive home today. And I want to tell my moms. I know they see your parents all the time though, so if you want me to wait I can."

Jess sits up, looking a little nervous. "What did your dad say?"

"That as long as you treat me well he's happy for me. And that he thinks you're a 'good kid,'" I say with a smile.

My girlfriend looks relieved. "I want to tell my parents, too. I just don't want them to like, keep us from hanging out alone once they know we're not just friends. I need my Sky snuggle time."

I laugh, because she's just so damn cute, but I'm also a little concerned my moms will do the same thing.

"I know, I don't want to suddenly be forced to hang out in the living room, but I hate lying to my moms, you know? We're usually really forthright with each other, and especially with something like this, I'm afraid it would hurt their feelings if I kept us a secret for a long time and they found out by accident. Plus, Aunt Britt says that they might surprise me with how lenient they are. I guess my grandparents like, didn't try to stop them from being alone or something. But they lived together, so it was a weird situation. And also, ew, I think I just picked up on what Aunt B was trying to say and…gross."

Jess laughs at the look on my face and leans over to kiss me again, a swift kiss that wipes all thoughts of my moms' "alone time" from my mind.

"Well, if I'm completely honest…"

Brown eyes look anywhere but at me, and Jess looks a little flushed. I give her a curious look and invite her to continue with the raise of my eyebrows.

"I mean…eventually…when we're ready, of course…I'm hoping our alone time will be…you know…a little more…"

"A little more what?" My heart is pounding in my chest, and I know it's mean to ask, but I want to hear her say it. Jess' eyes find mine with my insistent question and I see a glint of something that sets my heart racing even faster.


My stomach flips in the best kind of way and I immediately bite my lip to control the flash of absolute want that runs through me. Jess keeps her eyes on me, her lips pulled into a knowing smirk as she watches my reaction to one simple word. The idea that she wants me like that is just…holy shit. I finally find my tongue and stammer out a reply, "Yeah, no, yeah…definitely. We should, uh, yeah when we're ready, we should do, um…more."

We smile at each other for a long moment before bursting into laughter at our own sudden awkwardness. Jess starts tickling me and a wrestling match for dominance begins. We're roughly the same size, so there's no real advantage gained until I wrap my legs around her waist and roll hard. We roll right off the bed and land on the floor, but I'm finally on top and feeling rather triumphant. Jess reaches up and pulls me down to her by my shirt, leaning up into a bruising kiss clearly meant to distract me from tickling her back. I let it, because hot damn my girlfriend knows how to use her tongue. The thought goes straight between my legs and once again I have to fight the incredible want I feel for her.

"I could kiss you all day," I admit when Jess lets me go, my voice gentle. "But…you need to go talk to your parents. And I need to talk to my moms. And then it's just a matter of whether or not we want to come out at school. I want everyone to know that you're mine, Jess, but only if and when you're ready for that."

"Sky, I'm yours. I don't care what anyone thinks. We'll worry about that tomorrow though. First things first. Go talk to your moms. I'll text when I'm done talking to my parents. I love you."

I give my girlfriend one last lingering kiss. "I love you too."

I run my hands up and down my jeans a few times, trying to calm my nerves before I walk into the living room and talk to my moms. I don't even know why I'm nervous, really. These women have taught me my entire life that love is love. I just think they're going to be pretty shocked. I've never let on that I've even liked girls, let alone kissed a couple, or have a girlfriend. I don't want them to think I've been hiding this from them because I didn't trust them to take it well. One last deep breath and I walk in, casting a nervous smile at them both before I sit down and clasp my hands together. Both of them look exceptionally serene at the moment, leaning against each other on the couch. I feel a little bad for intruding suddenly.

"I um, I need to talk to you guys about something, if you have a minute."

My moms glance at each other and flash quick smiles that they then try to suppress. My eyes narrow of their own accord, but I can't slow down on this, so I push on.

"I'm dating Jess. Rodriguez. She's…um…she's my girlfriend."

The grins on my mothers' faces couldn't be any broader, but they are quiet for a second before answering.

"We know, Skylar. We've known for two weeks. We just wanted to let you get to this point on your own," Mom says, her voice gentle. She looks over at Ma, who chimes in with an equally gentle tone.

"And honestly, baby girl, you know that we love you so much and just want you to be happy. If you're attracted to a boy or a girl or a shrub that's just in the shape of a person, then so be it. We're behind you 100%."

I shake my head with a grin on my own face. Of course they would know. Of course they would be just waiting for me to come to them. I love them so damn much. "I know you are. I just needed a minute to kind of figure things out with Jess. She's telling her parents tonight too. And I told Dad on the ride home today."

My moms nod and then look at each other, having one of their conversations without speaking. Ma finally turns and gives me a somewhat apologetic expression before speaking.

"So…shall we set some ground rules?"


A/N: The song Quinn and Santana are listening to is "Fool for You" by Green River Ordinance. Great song, great band.