Ok, so the first chapter is max leaving the Flock. Just an important piece of information, Hades and Persephone are considered full gods in this, so there are acualy 14 olympians, just because it works better that way, for me.
I do not own either work! Neither Maximum Ride Nor Percy Jackson. Wich i did, but if wishes were fishes, i would have many, many fish...
Enjoy, please read and review! Love any sort of feedback, it just makes me so excited to see what some one has said about something i created! So with out further ado, Ch 1!
Chapter 1~No Choice
Maximum/Max Ride AKA Experiment Godling
It had been only a year and a half since Jeb had left the Flock to fend for themselves. Max had cracked the password on the computer he had left behind after only one month. She tried to avoid using it though, she didn't like, or truly understand what she had begun to find in the many files she had sifted through searching for answers.
Max knew that Jeb hadn't died. She knew that Jeb had left them.
He had left them.
Max spent the first month and a half practically locked up in her room searching the computer for answers she was desperatly searching for.
And boy did she find them.
She knew that they had been allowed to escape.
That Jeb was still working with the Whitecoats.
The truth of where each of them came from.
Their experation dates.
She knew it all.
She wished she didn't.
She knew she couldn't tell the others, that she would be destroying their idol, and ruining their hopes and dreams.
Only she could know.
And so here she was. Almost a year and a half later and she still hadn't told them.
She kept up to date on what the Whitecoats were doing. It was yesterday that they posted the plans for kidnapping her Angel. She couldn't let that happen. She would have to make the Flock agree to leave this veritable paradise they had grown to love.
Printing off a few new and final documents, she stood up and finished stuffing her backpack with the information so she could go through it later. She then reached over and shut down the computer for the last time.
With one deep breath she slung her very full backpack over her shoulder and left her room, knowing she wouldn't be coming back.
"Ok, Family meeting. Now." she announced even though the rest of her Flock was already in the room.
"What's up Max?" Iggy asked facing where Max was.
"We're leaving, tonight." Max said with a finality that left no room for an argument.
"What." Fang asked after a small silence that had seemed to last for eons. "Why?"
"Yeah, Max, we have everything we need here, and we're safe." Gazzy said rather franticly at the thought of losing the one place he had truly began to feel like he could call home.
"Where would we go?What would we do?Why are we leaving?Why can't we stay?What about all our stuff?I don't want to be on the run Max!How would we even get around without being seen?What if Jeb comes back?" Nudge said almost all in one breath geting more frantic with each word.
"Max..." Angel asked no doubt worried, Max had her mental blocks up and wasn't letting Angel past them. Max had learned how to put up mental shields from what she had found on the computer and had constantly had them up when she was around Angel.
"Wait!" Max had to shout over the many exclamations and questions that were being made. "We are leaving. It's not safe here anymore. We have to leave. As for where we'll go, I don't know yet. But we'll figure it out." Max said as she began to look down and fidget knowing they would wonder why she hadn't answered the other questions.
"Max, what are you hiding from us?" Angle asked in an accusatory tone.
"What are you talking about Angel?" Fang asked now keeping a close eye on me but raising an eyebrow.
"She has blocks up, i can't see her mind, and she's had them for a while now." Angel reviled.
"Max doesn't have mental abilities." Iggy said sounding very confused as he too turned towards Max with a look of confusion and disbelief.
"Yeah, Angel what are you talking about?" Gazzy asked now very scared at what might be really going on.
"That's right, Max doesn't have mental abilities, but You do." Angel said now with a very angry and pained expression.
"What..." was Max's reply to the sudden and unexpected turn of events.
"Do you mean that Max isn't Max?" Nudge asked Angel confused with what she had asked and with a face that simply said 'It can't be true'.
"I don't know what happened to our Max, but this person is not her." Angle said gravely and pointed at Max.
"What?! But- But... I'm Max!" Max all but sputtered out in complete shock.
"No, you're not." Fang said suddenly voicing his opinion.
"Fang..." Max said as she turned to face him. Betrayal and disbelief plain on her face.
"You're not. I don't know who you are, or what you did to the real Max, but i do know one thing. We won't stop to get her back, and we won't be stopped by anyone. Now i suggest you leave before we make you. And that won't be pretty." He growled at her. Fang had taken a step forward with almost every word, backing Max up against the door.
The whole flock had her cornered up against the door, expressions of disbelief, pain, hatred, confusion, and even acceptation.
"Fine, I'll leave, but know this, you are the ones who drove me out." Max said on the brink of tears, but refusing to show such weakness to them.
Gazzy opened his mouth to say something, but held back not knowing what to say. He had tears running down his face with no signs of stopping.
Nudge was doing no better. She hadn't said a word; she just had a frozen expression of disbelief and fear. It broke Max's heart to see her little ones look so broken.
Angel had a almost smug look on her face. When had her little baby changed so much, Max wondered.
"Goodbye." Max said as she turned and leapt through the door and refused to look back. Not even to find out who had shouted 'Max!' because now the tears were flowing, and she refused to show any weakness to those she had once considered her family.