Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing. Like, seriously, my parents bought me the computer I'm writing this on. Not that I'd be complaining if I owned Jeremy Renner. Have you seen that man's biceps? They're practically the size of my head. Any way... on with the story.
"Are you sure that there's no way in sir?" Grant Ward asked his boss Phil Coulson. The two men were examining a set of detailed building plans for a compound belonging to a Russian weapons manufacturer. Normally S.H.I.E.L.D would have just passed off a job like this to the CIA or Homeland Security, but this particular weapons manufacturer had been experimenting with gamma radiation. Based on past experiments conducted with the energy source, it became S.H.I.E.L.D's juristiction.
Coulson turned to the younger man with his typically blank if slightly amused face. "Why don't you tell me Agent Ward? You are the logistics expert."
Grant frowned, his jaw tightening. He turned to Melinda May, known to the greater agency simply as "The Cavalry". "You got anything?"
The Asian women shook her head. "According to these plans the compound is unbreachable. Laser fields, electrically charged exterior walls, land mines embedded in the floors, no skylights, and the only windows are two far off the ground to even think about going in that way. Besides, they're triple paned bullet resistant storm glass."
"I can't hack in without being on sight," Skye said from her position in one of the padded seats situated around the conference table. "All of the cables are grounded, and the building security is controlled by a remote Drakov keeps on his person. If someone could get me close than maybe I could-"
Ward cut her off before she could finish the sentence, "You are not going anywhere except your bunk, the kitchen, a couch, the bathroom, or this conference room." After Skye had nearly died from being shot, Grant had found himself feeling very protective of his trainee. But protective suited him. It was an attitude he was comfortable in after growing up guarding his younger brother. He and May had split while Skye was still in the hospital, not that May had ever needed protecting anyway.
Skye grumbled but winced and settled back into her chair.
Coulson was thinking hard. Drakov was a slimy business man, but he was smart. If he was going to be taken down it would take a two man team, probably one that would be comfortable carrying out an execution if one became necessary. One person inside and one person out side watching their back. If they could get someone inside that person could access the remote that controlled the security system to let in back up. If someone inside could get security feeds compromised then Skye and FitzSimmons would be able to help from the Bus.
He pulled out his cell phone and began to navigate his speed dial menu.
"Who are you calling Sir?" Simmons asked in her polite British voice.
"I'm calling in backup Simmons," Coulson said simply. "I think it might be time to call in Strike Team Delta."
"That's nothing I've ever heard up," Fitz said in confusing.
"Me neither," said Skye. "And I made it my business to hack every important S.H.I.E.L.D file in the database before I joined up with you guys."
May rolled her eyes once and turned to Coulson. "Is this really necessary Sir?"
"Agent May, unless you can name another set of partners as good as the two of them then I would classify this as absolutely necessary." may remained silent. Coulson nodded. "That's what I thought." However he did relent slightly by placing the phone on speaker in the middle of the table.
The sound of crashing objects and shattering glass echoed along the line followed by a loud thud and a grunt of pain. "Hello?" said a female voice.
"Agent Romanov," Coulson greeted. "Are you busy at the moment?"
Another round of impact noises sounded through the line before the female agent spoke again. "Nothing I can't handle."
"Good. Is agent Barton with you?"
"Yeah, give me a moment and I'll get him." a sound that Coulson suspected was a chair breaking preceded another shout of pain. "Hawk!" Agent Romanov called to another party that was unknown to the team excluding May and Coulson. "Coulson is on the phone."
A moment later a male voice came on over the line. "Are you making calls from beyond the grave now Sir?" The joking question was followed by a swift thwap. For some reason, Skye imagined that the man on the other end was probably grinning.
"Barton," Coulson scolded lightly. "You knew as soon as I came back in to work that I was alive. "Now what's your twenty?"
"You scarred the shit out of all of us with that little stint," Agent Barton told him matter of factly. Nat and I are on a mission in Boston."
Coulson frowned as more thumping noises and the sound of many things breaking echoed down the line. "How soon will you be wrapping up?"
Another thwap sounded. "Why? What are you working?"
"A Russian arms dealer with an impenetrable compound." Coulson outlined. "I thought you and agent Romanov might be able to work something out."
"Russian," Barton commented dryly. "Nat'll be thrilled. We'll wrap up here in ten. Probably be ready to go in two hours."
"Good," Coulson approved. "We'll pick you two up at Logan's private landing strip in three hours. And Hawkeye?"
"Yeah?" the man shouted back over the sound of a shattering clash.
"Try not to break too many people. I have to do the paperwork every time you two send someone else to the med bay." Phil Coulson could picture the almost evily gleeful look on master assasin Clint Barton's face.
"You of all people know that I don't make promises I can't keep Sir. I don't plan on starting now."
Then the connection went dead.
A/N: So how was it? Is this something I should continue, or would it be better to abandon it forever? Totally your call people of the internet. I plan for the couples to be Sky/Ward and Clintasha.