Disclaimer: I don't own naruto



"demon talking"

'demon thinking'


Was the night of the of the festival of the fourth Hokage's defeat of the Nine tailed fox and a young pink haired girl about five years old was wandering around the different booths with her parents. She loved this day with all the fun games to play and sites to see.

After wondering around for a while the young girl found out she was alone and her parents were nowhere to be seen, "mommy? Daddy?" the young girl called but her cry was lost in the hustle and bustle of the crowds making their way to and from booth to both.

The young pink haired girl started to become frantic as she began to push her way through the crowd trying to find her parents getting more and more scared the longer she was separated from them. Eventually she was pushed to the side of the booths in front of a dark alley as she tried to look through the mass crowds of people in hopes of just catching a glance of her parents to have an idea of where to go.

"Lost are we little one?" came a voice from the shadows of the alley

The young girl looked back to see an old thin man with a wrinkled face wearing some shabby gray rags that were torn and haven't been washed in a while. The girl cowered away from him as he walked out of the alley toward her.

"I lost my mommy and daddy" she said in a soft scared voice.

"Easy young one, I am just here to help now what do they look like? And what is your name?" the older man said with a friendly grin and chuckle

"My name is Sakura, my mommy has yellow hair and green eyes and my daddy has pink hair in the shape of a star." Sakura replies

"Well little Sakura that shouldn't be too hard to find then." The old man replies as he puts his hand above his eyes and looks into the crowd "well I don't see any one but maybe if I lift you on to my shoulders you will be able to see above this crowd and spot them." The old man suggests

"Ok." Sakura replies as she turns around and the old man picks her up from behind and puts her on his shoulders

"You see them?" he asks

"No I don't." she said as tears began to well up in her eyes.

"Don't cry little one we will go to another alley and maybe able to spot them from there." The old man says with another friendly grin

"Ok" sakura replies excitedly grasping at new hope as the old man turns down the alley and out of sight of main street

"Well I'm going to have to put you down and rest for a second this old back of mine isn't what it was you know." The old man said as he set her down and sat on a box

"Ok I'll go ahead and find a new spot to look" sakura said as she turned to go down the alley but was stopped as a hand wrapped around her wrist "what." She gasped as she felt herself being pulled back toward the old man

"Not gonna leave an old man all alone now are you little one?" the old man said with a sickening tone and evil look on his face that was no longer the friendly old man she had meet a few moments before.

"l-l-let go of me." Sakura stuttered as she felt his hands begin to fondle her body and go under her kimono

"Oh but we are only beginning to have fun little one." The old man said with that evil tone

"N-no someone help help me." She cried

"No one can hear you with that party going on its just you and me." He said as she felt him begin to pull at her kimono

"That's what you think." Came the voice of a boy

"What?" the old man said as he felt a fist make contact with the side of his face forcing him to release sakura making her fall to the ground and look up to see a boy the same age as her with blond spiky hair wearing orange pants and a black shirt with the symbol of the hidden leaf on the chest

"I won't let you hurt her, you old perv." Said the young blonde as he stepped between sakura and the old perv

"Damn demon brat." The old man yelled as he fumbled his way to his feet

"Don't call me that you filth." The blonde said with malice in his voice

"Ha me filth then what does that make you demon?" the old man laughed

"I have a name but someone like you would only dirty it if you spoke it, and demon is still better then pedophile." The young blonde said with venom

'Hm, well he has a point.' Thought a giant shadowy figure with a smirk behind a cage with a tag saying 'seal' on the center

"Oh demon brat got an attitude I can remedy that" the old man said as he grabbed a pipe from a pile of trash "then when I am done with you I'll move to the girl" he says as he slaps the pipe into his opposite hand and licks his lips

"Hey" naruto says not taking his eyes off the old man

"Huh?" sakura says as she looks up at him with tears in her eyes

"Go, run I'll hold him back just get away and don't look back." Naruto said to her but she just stared at him "run!" He barked at her and that was enough to make her get up and start running

As she starts to run the old man makes a move toward her but was cut off by the blonde who had utter rage in his eyes

"I can take the insults, beatings, whatever else you villagers throw at me but putting your hands on an innocent girl, that is beyond excusable you will pay and I promise you will never touch another little girl again." The blond said with absolute blood lust in his eyes

'Ha maybe this kid ain't such a little pussy after all.' thought the shadowy figure

The old man looked at the kid and brought the pipe over his head "out of my way demon." He yelled as he swung down at the kid

As sakura ran to the corner she stopped and looked back and saw the old man swinging a pipe at the blonde she knew she had to get help and turned and ran to find some.

Sakura ran out into the street and saw her parents look around franticly "mommy, daddy!" she cried and they looked over and ran to her

"Oh baby where were you, don't scare us like that again you hear me." He mom cried as she hugged her "where were you?"

"Mommy he is gonna hurt him." Sakura cried as she pulled away and began to tug at her mom's sleeve pointing down the alley

"Ok." Her mom said as her parents got up and began to head down the alley

Meanwhile down the alley

The old man swung the pipe down but it was stopped and the old man looked down and saw the kid holding the pipe from going any further

"I am done taking your shit." The blonde said as he looked up and the old man with red slit eyes

"Has the demon awakened? Now the Hokage can't protect you anymore now that it's loose, we can finally be rid of you." The old man laughed

"Well you won't be participating in the party if they do kill me." Naruto said

The old man got a look of absolute fear in his eyes as he looked down at the kid as he saw the bloodlust in Naruto's eyes

"Well then a moment ago you were all excited about the demon coming out, now look at you." Naruto said as he tightened his grip around the pipe and he pulled the man toward him and then he brought his other hand up into the old man's gut then pulled the pipe out of his hand and brought it on the back side of the old man's head

"Over here" sakura cried as she lead he parents down the alley then turned a corner and saw the old man slumped in front of the young.

"Shit the demon has gotten out" Sakura's father yelled as he began running toward the street yelling about the demon being unleashed leaving sakura and her mother at the corner

Sakura just stared at the boy happy to see he was alright ignoring her father

"We have to go honey" her mom said as she couldn't take her eyes off the boy

Just then she noticed the blood splattered across the boy's face, Sakura's face changed from joy to horror as she saw the blood then the red evil eyes. She was so focused on the boy she didn't realize the crowd of people standing behind her. then her mother picked her up and began to run but all she saw was the boy look at her with angry eyes, she never heard him over the roar of the crowd but she could read his lips mouth 'traitor' and she began to cry

Naruto had just tossed the body of the old perv aside 'what have I done?' he thought to himself as he looked at his blood soaked hands 'what have I become.'

"You merely took out the trash." Came a voice "and you've become…"

"DEMON!" roared a bunch of voices from behind him cutting off the voice

Naruto turned to see a large group of villagers behind him and in the front the little pink haired girl he had just saved and he became furious as he glared at her and yelled "TRAITOR!" as a women picked her up and began to run he must have been mistaken but he could of sworn he saw tears in her eyes.

"Oh look more lambs for the slaughter" said the voice in his head as he got thirst for blood he never felt before

'No I only killed him because he was bad, they haven't done anything.'Naruto argued in his head as he grabbed his head and feel down to his knees

"What do you mean they haven't done anything they have ridiculed you treated you like dirt beat you almost killed you or should I remind you of last year, oh wait you can just look at your back for that reminder, now do it kill them." The voice demanded and he felt the blood lust get even stronger

That was when he felt the first kick of someone's foot make contact with his side and he began to feel more people beating on him.

"Do it kill them" the voice said as the boy spat out blood

"No." the boy whimpered as he felt more kicks

"DO IT NOW OR THEY WILL KILL YOU!" the voice yelled

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" naruto howled as a pulse of demonic energy burst from him knocking over the mob that was killing him, revealing a pair of demonic slit eyes and clawed nails turning on the mob

"H-h-h-he really has become the demon" one of the villagers cries as he gets up and runs away followed by a bunch of other civilians but most the ninja that where there stood their ground thinking this was it, finally time to get rid of this demon once and for all but when they looked up he was gone

"I have to leave no way jiji is going to be able to protect me now not after I killed that guy even if he did deserve it." Naruto said as he ran across the roof tops with the demonic energy around him fading and he had gone back to normal

"You could of killed them with ease." The voice spat at him

"No" he said out loud

"Fine, but one day you will see things my way." the voice replied back

"Never, and also who the hell are you?" naruto asked the voice in his head

"Slower than I thought, figured you'd put two and two together by now I'm the nine tailed fox.'" The voice said with a chuckle

"But I thought the fourth defeated and killed you." naruto said in shock as he reached his apartment and began gathering up some things into a back pack to leave.

"Defeated yes killed no, you can't really ever kill a tailed beast we may die for a while but only to regain our strength and come back full force with a vengeance and we don't forget easily." The fox said to him

"There is more than one of you?" naruto said as he stopped grabbing things

"Yes there is nine of us but this is a conversation we can have after we get out of here, and I promise once we get out of here I will tell you everything." The fox said to him

"Promise?" naruto said

"I maybe a kitsune and we may be known for our trickery but if I give you my word that is an oath all I really have is my word and I won't break it." The fox said

"Alright now let's get out of here." Naruto said as he grabbed the last of his supplies and headed out the door.

In the Hokage's office the third sat behind his desk looking at the group of anbu in front who just reported about what had happened with naruto

"Find him at all costs… alive." He said the last part with anger knowing that there was still bad blood between the demon and some of the ANBU members but he would not allow that to be taken out on a child especially this child.

"Yes sir." The all said in unison and sunshined away

'Please be alright naruto I don't even want to know what your parents would do if they found out that you were killed.' The third thought to himself as he got a chill down his spine of a red head coming back from the grave to come after him for what the villagers have done to her child.

Naruto was at the main gate with his pack and looked out for a second then back at the village he was leaving behind and shed a single tear as he ran as fast as he could away into the forest.

"Humph shedding a tear for this god forsaken place more then it deserves." The fox said inside his head

"It may not have been the best place out there but it was still home." Naruto said

That hit the fox harder then he thought it would "whatever."

"Now then are you going to tell me everything like you promised?" naruto said as he jumped up into the trees

"I said I would and here it is." Fox said as he began to tell him about the different tailed beasts and how they were passed down through out the villages to balance the power between the villages, then about the night he attacked the village and how a man with the sharingan controlled him into attacking the village

"Wait so someone forced you to attack the village?" naruto asked

"Yes I didn't want to attack the village… well maybe a little but it's such a pain when you go after a big village like that a little destruction is good, just to get some of the stress out, you know what I'm saying?" the fox asked innocently

"Sure whatever you say pal." Naruto replied rolling his eyes

"Well any way the fourth was able to release me from the man's control and tried to seal me inside you but I killed him and my former container as they protected you and he sealed me in you, and you know the rest from there" the fox finished

"But why seal you in me and why protect me like that?" naruto asked

"Probably because you were their child parents do some crazy shit for their kids." The fox replied

"Wait the forth was my dad?" naruto said as he stopped dead in his tracks

"Hey why we stop I am sure they will be sending people after us we have to keep moving as far as we can." The fox said

"Why did he seal the demon fox into his own son didn't he care about what would happen to me." Naruto said as tears began to water up in his eyes

"Ok not the time for self-pity. I am sure he did it for a reason he sacrificed himself to save you didn't he if that doesn't say he loved you I don't know what does. Now let's getting moving again before they catch up." The fox demanded

"Right focus on that later we have to get out of here and find out what we are going to do after we get far enough away from the village." Naruto said

"Good idea got any ideas kit?" the fox asked

"None what so ever." Naruto replied

At this the fox face palmed and decided to take a nap

"Hey fox can I ask you question?" naruto asked

"You just did but what is it?" the fox said

"Nine tailed fox isn't your real name is it?" naruto asked

"What?" the fox asked confused

"I mean the nine tailed fox is what you are but that isn't your name is it?" naruto asked

"No its not." The fox said completely confused now

"Than what is your name?" naruto asked

"Why do you want to know?" the fox asked trying to play it cool cause no one had ever asked to know his real name it had been so long since he had heard it he almost forgot he had one.

"Well since it seems we are stuck together I would like to know your name." naruto said innocently

"Well I will say this, this is defiantly a first, no one has ever asked me my name before." The fox replied with a chuckle

"So will you tell me then?" naruto asked

"Kurama.' The fox replied with a grin thinking to himself 'you know what he might not be that bad'

"You know what kid I am going to help you train to become an awesome ninja or whatever the hell it is you wanta be either way you're going to be strong." Kurama said

"Really you promise?" naruto said getting excited

"Yes I promise and I always keep my word." Kurama said

"Alright." Nauto yelled with excitement but then got suspicious. "Wait why are you gonna help me?"

"Cause I won't settle for a weak vessel." Kurama said

"Ok but I do have one last question?" naruto said pleading thinking he was using up the foxes patients on questions

"Fine what is it?" Kurama says calmly

"Are you a boy or a girl?" naruto asks innocently

"What!?" the fox yelled at him like he just got blindsided

"Well you sound like a guy but your name seems pretty girly and I have heard of guys that look and sound like girls and girls who look and sound like guys it can be very confusing." Naruto said

"I'm a guy god damnt just for that I don't think I should teach you anything." The fox yelled at him

"Oh but you promised you'd teach me and you said you never go back on your word." Naruto cried

"Well I can make an exception when the said person hurts my pride as bad as you just did" Kurama said

"I'm sorry but it is just confusing sometimes, I didn't mean any offence please take me back as your student." Naruto begged

"Fine but you will pay for that remark." Kurama said

"Yes sensei." Naruto responded

'Good now lets get as far away from that village as possible.' Kurama said

"Yes sensei." Naruto said as he picked up his speed and faded away into the distance

'Stop calling me sensei.' The Kurama said

"Ok, then what should I call you?" naruto asked

'Just Fox or Kurama will be fine.' Kurama replied

"Ok Kurama Nii-san" naruto replied with a smile

'Whatever.' Kurama said in defeat


A/n well please read and review and I am not that great with Japanese terminology I try my best but if I fuck it up let me know