Hey guys! I'm so sorry to keep you waiting on The New Girl, but I appreciate you being sooo patient.

I hope you enjoy this story.

This story is co-written with Daddy'sgirl11

This chapter is written by me.

Jack's POV:

We walked into school for another year, same hallways, same students, same first day as always.

Until, I saw a girl, she looked new and I have never seen in around before. She also, looked lost, so me being my normal friendly self, I decided to go and try to help her, as well as introduce myself.

"Hi, I'm Jack. You seem to be a little lost, do you need some help?" I ask and she shyly nods and points at her schedule, locker number, and a note to take to the school's office.

"1o6 is right here." I say and walk her over to her locker, which is right next to Kim's and across the hall from mine.

"And your first class is History, Kim could walk you there since she's in the same class, and the office is up the hall and take a right." I say with a smile.

She nods and walks off to the office and I walk over to my friends.

"Who was that?" I ask Kim.

"Erin Wilkes, the new girl from Miami, Florida." She says and I nod.

Something seems mysterious about this girl. Since not one time did she talk to me or lift her head from looking at the floor.

I may not know what is so mysterious about this girl, but I want to find out.

Erin's POV:

It's my first day in a new school and I'm already lost trying to find my way to my locker, the office and my first class.

I see out of the corner of my eye, a guy, about my age walking up to me and I look up to see who it was but quickly look back down when I see a flashback.

"Hi, I'm Jack. You seem to be a little lost, do you need some help?" He says and I nod and point at my schedule, my locker number and a note I need to take to the office.

"1o6 is right here." He says and walks me over to a locker where I take out my book for my first class and I turn back around.

"And your first class is History, Kim could walk you there since she's in the same class, and the office is up the hall and take a right." I nod at his direction to the office until it hit me. Kim? As in my best friend since we were in diapers Kim Crawford?

I walk towards where he pointed out the office was and I slightly glance over my shoulder to look at him and his friends and I see Kim slightly glance at me and smile.

I smile back then walk to the office.

Jack's POV:

It was free period and I walk over to my locker and put my books in there and I turn around to see that girl at her locker.

What did Kim say her name was? Erin?

I walk over to her with a smile and she looks up.

"Hi." I say with a smile.

"Hi, Jack was it?" She asks with a shy smile.

"Yes, that's me." I say and smile.

"I'm Erin." She says with a bright smile that can just melt your heart. Erin, I thought that was her name.

"Well it's nice to meet you." I say and offer my hand.

"Nice to meet you too." She says shaking my hand.

"What are you reading?" I ask finally noticing the book in her hand.

"Cold Mountain by Charles Frazier." She says and turns to put her book into her locker.

"Cool, that's a good book." I say and she smiles.

"You've read it?" She asks, and it might just be me, but I thought I heard a slight southern accent.

"Yes I have." I say returning the smile.

"I'm sorry about not talking earlier, I was kinda shy." She says and her face looks pained and she grabs her stomach.

"It's ok. Are you ok?" I ask her worried.

"I'm fine. Excuse me." She says politely and runs off.

"Hey Jack." Kim says.

"Hey Kim, what's wrong with Erin? She ran off pretty fast and kinda seemed sick." I asked.

"Morning sickness, she gets in the afternoon." Kim says.

"Morning sickness? You don't get that unless…. You're pregnant…" I say trailing off.

"I know, that's because Erin is pregnant." Kim says and my eyes widen.

I hope you guys liked this chapter, and again, I'm so sorry to keep you waiting so long for this story.

If you have any questions about this story or chapter, just ask me in a review and I will send you a message answering the question the best I can.

I love ya'll!

God bless!

Keep Kickin' It!