This is my first story ever published. Please review, even if it's a flame. I need criticism. I know it's not well written but... OH WELL! Enjoy. :)

"Dick," Bruce said, waving his arm slightly to catch the teen's attention. Richard hurriedly issued a goodbye to his friends and approached his adoptive father. Bruce Wayne was a busy man and rarely ever picked Dick up from school. It was Alfred's job.

"What're you doing here? Is Alfred okay?" Dick asked, concern lacing his voice. He didn't know what he'd do if Alfred was hurt.

"Alfred's fine, Dick. I just thought I'd pick you up today," Bruce said as Dick opened the door of the car and buckled himself in. "How about we head back to the manor and change? It's going to be a long night." Bruce chuckled to himself as he pulled away and began the trip back to the manor.

So many things were going through Dick's mind at this point. It was strange enough having Bruce pick him up from school but him to be laughing? Something was definitely going on.

The ride back was quiet. Bruce wouldn't even be bothered with small talk about school. He gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white, sometimes giving his ward half glances.

Bruce was still silent as they pulled up to Wayne Manor. The billionaire disappeared inside the mansion before Dick was even out of the car. Shrugging it off, Dick lifted himself out of the car and lazily walked into his home.

"Master Dick," Alfred said with a slight bow as Dick entered. That was yet another thing to add to the string of weirdness. If Dick and Bruce came home together Bruce was always Alfred's top priority. Dick was still important, but Alfred would never personally greet Dick if Bruce had just come home as well.

"Hey Alfred," Dick said, acknowledging the butler's hello. "I don't have any homework so I'm gonna watch some TV." Dick began walking toward the remote lying on the table but was stopped by Alfred's surprisingly strong grasp to his wrist.

"I believe Master Bruce wished for you to change into your evening wear, didn't he?" Alfred emphasized the word evening so that Dick would realize he meant Robin costume.

"Fine," Dick grumbled as he reached for the secret button leading to the Batcave. He found Bruceā€¦ no, Batman, already there, working on the massive computer.

"Get changed and be ready to leave for Mount Justice," Batman ordered, never once looking up from his computer. Dick did as he was told and soon returned to his mentor's side, clad in a red tunic, black tights, and a black cape with a yellow inside. His mask was hanging around his neck as he ruffled his hair.

"Robin, hurry up," Batman snapped. Robin grumbled a complaint but pulled his mask up. He met his partner at the zeta tubes, where Batman had already typed in the coordinates. Robin knelt down to fix his boot just as an announcement came on over the computer. It was the Gotham police.

Robin head jerked up as Commissioner Gordon's voice crackled. Another cop replied and Robin turned to hear their conversation. Had someone broken out of Arkham? Robin never got to find out because Batman gave him a shove and sent him tumbling into the zeta tubes.

Robin heard the computer announce his name as he fell face first onto the floor of the mountain. Growling irritably he picked himself up as the computer announced the other half of the dynamic duo.

"What was that for, Bats? What if Joker got out? That could've been serious," Robin snapped. He loved missions with the team but nothing beat taking out a baddy in Gotham.

"The Team has a mission so you're staying," Batman said, giving a slight glare. Robin gave a glare back but it was gone once he saw his friends rounding the corner.

"We heard the computer announce you guys. Do we have a mission?" Kid Flash asked. He loved missions because baddies in Central City were nothing compared to what the Team dealt with.

"There's been an attempted break-in at the Metropolis Art gallery. There is reason to believe they will strike again. The Team will be going on a covert mission to make sure nobody breaks in tonight," Batman explained. Robin droned him out, his mind running through all the bad guys he knew that would steal from an art gallery.

"There were no prints left and the security guards said they didn't see or hear anything or anyone come in." Robin heard the last part. That cut out most of the villains he was thinking of.

"What exactly did they try to steal?" Miss Martian asked. All eyes turned to the big Bat, awaiting an answer.

"Three priceless sets of necklaces from ancient India," Batman responded gruffly. Robin's eyes narrowed as his list of villains was narrowed to just one.

"That sounds like Catwoman," he voiced curiously.

"My thoughts exactly," Batman replied.

"I thought you liked handling Gotham's villains yourself," Robin said. "Why send the team after Catwoman?"

"There is something in Gotham that demands my attention," Batman growled, glaring once again at his partner, daring him to say more. Robin stood down and watched Batman leave.

"Never thought I'd see Batman giving the bat-glare to Robin," Kid Flash teased. Robin couldn't help but feel like something was wrong. Batman would never just let the Team go after Catwoman. Things in Gotham had to be really rough. Why would Batman not let Robin go with him?

*Time skip*

"Remember, this is a covert mission. Stay quiet and out of sight," Aqualad said as the Team prepared to exit the Bio-ship. M'gann turned invisible and Kid Flash tapped the logo on his chest, turning his uniform to a deep grey color.

Robin was the first out of the ship. He landed silently on the roof, got a good look at the surrounding area, and signaled the rest of the Team. Silently the Team slipped out until they were all standing directly above the room storing the necklaces. A good twenty guards were stationed around the room.

Robin's mind was not on the mission. He couldn't stop thinking about how suspicious Batman and Alfred had been around him. They were hiding something, but what? Batman kept a lot of secrets, but Alfred was never in on it.

"-bin? Robin, are you listening?" Artemis snapped, shaking the Boy Wonder's shoulder. Robin's head jerked up and he glanced around. Everyone was gone but Artemis and him. When had everyone left?

"We're staying on the roof. Wally and Superboy are taking the ground. M'gann and Kaldur took the inside shift." Hearing this, Robin instantly pulled out his wrist computer. He brought up a security feed so he could see what was going on. Artemis scoffed and laid her bow down, leaning against the roof's railing.

"So, what's Catwoman like? You acted like Batman usually wouldn't have us doing this," Artemis asked curiously, staring out at the city.

"Selina? She's pretty sly. She's an excellent thief. Quick on the uptake usually, but this is different. She's been weeding her way out of the crime business. I didn't expect her to try and rob a gallery, especially one in Metropolis," Robin said, joining Artemis in staring out at the beautiful city.

"People change, Boy Wonder," a voice said from behind. Robin and Artemis whipped back, weapons ready, staring into the face of Selina Kyle. Her black leather outfit looked cut up and she had a deep purple bruise on her cheek.

"I thought you said you wanted to be a hero," Robin said calmly, hand gripped tightly on a birdarang.

"And I thought you said you were sick of being treated like a child," Catwoman hissed back. Robin glared his version of the bat-glare.

"I'm not treated like a child." Slowly Catwoman had been inching her way forward. Artemis hadn't noticed and Robin was too distracted to realize it either.

"Then how come Bats sent you after me, when Gotham's in an uproar? Wanna know why I robbed? Because things are bad in Gotham, kid. A certain someone broke out and wants revenge on you and the Bat. He's paying big money for anyone who can capture you two and bring you to him. My apartment was ransacked so I'm skipping town until things die down a bit. He's got every thug in Gotham hunting you two down. Bats doesn't think you'd be able to handle it so he's sending you after me instead." Catwoman was much closer now and swung her leg out. She caught Robin's side and he stumbled backwards.

Artemis shot an arrow but Catwoman avoided it with ease. Robin tried to knock her feet out from underneath her but she caught his legs. She flew a fist at him but he dodged and kicked her stomach.

The whirling of a nearby helicopter brought the fight to a sudden stop. "Sorry little birdy, but this is where I leave you," Catwoman shouted over the helicopter propellers, giving Robin one last punch to the temples and causing his legs to lock. He crumpled and she took off across the rooftop before leaping, landing right inside the helicopter. Artemis tried shooting another arrow but the helicopter moved too fast and she missed.

Robin groaned from the ground and sat up, rubbing his head. Artemis knelt beside him as M'gann's worried voice popped into both of their heads. Did she get away?

Yes, came Robin's tired reply as Artemis helped him to his feet. But I don't think she was after the necklaces.

Then what was she after? Conner asked.

Robin, Artemis hissed.

What do you mean she's-! Kid Flash started.

We will discuss this later. If she is gone then we serve no purpose here. We shall talk back at Mount Justice. The calming voice of their leader, Aqualad, ordered. Everyone mumbled their agreements and within the minute all six of them were bucking up and flying back to the mountain in the bio-ship.

Batman had some serious explaining to do.