Title: A Rotting World
Characters: The Wyatts; Daniel Bryan; Mick Foley
Summary: The Friendly Team bakery is the most popular in town. They have their rivalries, and they they have their... problems. There is a war coming, and they want no part in it.

Titan City was a weird-ass town. If anyone could confirm this, it would be a man nicknamed Hornswoggle. He had worked part-time many places. So many places with so many weirdos.

Yes, he'd seen some things, and people didn't always believe him because they were that ridiculous. Lucky for him, his boss Daniel was quick to trust his stories. After events such as attempts from a backwards cult with goat masks to recruit him, and Kane getting engaged to multiple models, he realized there was nothing too weird for this town.

Still, Hornswoggle told him some really stupid shit sometimes.

Today, he had walked in through the shop's small loading dock – you could call it that, but it really only got use as a backdoor He had hung up his jacket on the low-hooks they had specifically for the short guy and turned to Daniel.

"Good morning, Hornswoggle," Mr. Shelby told him to reach out to others - pleasantries were part of making friends.

"There's a cow on our stoop, boss."

Daniel's face contorted, his nose scrunching up did any time he showed his ever-present confusion. Everyone figured it was all the hair his beard added – he'd been much easier to read since it'd grown in.

"There is. A cow. By our. back door."

"No," that first word was a whisper, but he repeated it in sets of three, getting louder and louder, as if it were some kind of incantation. It wasn't long before worked himself up into a fit - these were a daily occurrence, but traumatizing for all involved, nonetheless.

Daniel began a tantrum, walking around the kitchen while throwing off his baking gear; His oven mitts hit a table harder than they had any right, followed by his apron into the trash. Next he'd be banging tables and throwing dishes; eventually he just contented himself in slamming a cookbook around recklessly, still shouting 'No!' as if it did anything to help the situation.

His screaming had apparently brought Kane into the kitchen. The man didn't look amused, but it's not like his mask was there to show off his expressive features.

"We don't have time for this, Daniel. We open in twenty minutes,".

He got no response, but he saw Daniel's little midget-buddy mouthing something like 'ow'.

Kane stepped in front of his partner with an air of authority. Grasping Daniel's shoulders with a shake, he had a surprisingly quiet voice. "Daniel, calm down. What the Hell is your problem?"

If he listened carefully, he'd have heard the bombshell Hornswoggle was preparing him for.

He'd know about the livestock.

None the less, It was their bond as partners in therapy that allowed Kane to calm down his friend, which was great because nobody else could. With a sign, Daniel slumped his shoulders, sounding tired. "Wyatt sighting,".

"… What?"

"The Wyatt's are on our property… or at least one of their cows is,".

"No, they're not. It's not. I won't allow it."

"Yes, Kane. Yes, yes, yes! I promise you that there is a cow out there that's probably shitting on our loading dock as we speak."

None of the men were really surprised when Kane looked up with a growl, his eyes going blank (apparently that was a thing in his family). He spun the up-and-coming bear around and shoved him towards the backdoor. "Stop sitting on your ass and get them off our fucking property."

Both of them had history with the Wyatts, and Daniel was happy to be the one to take care of them this time.

He wasn't so appreciative of Hornswoggle's commentary, heard moments before Daniel slammed the door shut. "Didn't your doc' work on his inside voice? The yes and no thing, I mean?"

The very first thing The American Dragon did was push the cow off his fucking stoop, following it while grabbing the reigns. He knew exactly where the Wyatt family was, and exactly where to find them.

The same place they always were when the left their cow in a back alley.

Cactus Jack's Butcher Shop.

You have to understand… this cow thing? It was a bi-weekly occurrence; it had become a thing, so the last time it had happened, the employees of Team Friendship spoke to Mr. Shelby, and he agreed a polite confrontation with The Wyatt Family was in order.

"Let's go, Bertha." dragging the cow by its harness, D-Brizzle and Bertha made their way to Mick's stoop. Still in a rage, Daniel flung open the shop's backdoor. Originally, he just planned on leaving the cow inside the kitchen and letting those whose with interest tend to it, but his pride wouldn't stand for it today.

This plan changed when he noticed the door to the freezer – the place where all of the… dead animals, - were kept. This was a common thing during their visits, probably because that family was more comfortable in creepy places, but who knew.

Yes, yes, yes! What a good opportunity to give those Wyatts' a piece of his mind.

Getting Bertha inside wasn't a hard thing to do, but it was likely a health violation. It didn't matter to the one-sighted man marching through what you could sort of call a kitchen. It wasn't until he was halfway in the door that he was able to see what was playing out. The cold air helped him think clearer - he could wait a few minutes.

His better instincts told him the cow should be in his care as long as possible, anyway.

His good friend stood facing the door, but ignored Daniel's presence beyond a small nod. Mick Foley was a broad-shouldered man with an affection for flannel and plaid, rocking long curly hair that was a thing in the '80's. He was obviously frustrated, running his hands through his hair with an exasperated sigh. "Look, I've explained this before – the actual slaughterhouse is outside of town, alright?"

The red-beard cleared his throat, shifting on his feet. Bray nodded in understanding, offering a translation. "My brother speaks truth; your work is that of a master, and with the world as it is – currency needed to survive, we want to give you what we can."

"Yeah well – that's… this is livestock, and you know the health inspector – Layfield's an asshole and wants any excuse to shut me down; don't give him a reason, alright?"

Mick Foley was pretty sure Ol' JBL had some money invested in a ranch up state, anyway; probably was looking to make a profit off his own cattle, one day.

Bray Wyatt sighed, looking to the ceiling as if he were deep in thought.

"Alright, Mick. I understand your dilemma - you've told me of his ulterior motives before, and I've listened… but know this is not over," he put both his greasy hands onto Mick's shoulder's, giving them a tight and reaffirming squeeze. "Mr. Layfield is a manipulator, and we don't stand for his type in this world. There are too many in this town, and we need to rise above them."

"Oh, God. They're cows. You men are backwards; I don't want this to turn into a thing. Listen to me for once."

The look on the faces of the Brotherhood of Hicks was clear; a war was about to start. As far as they were concerned, they were the the lesser of the evils; the wrath the public did not deserve, but was needed to end corporate corruption. "I'm afraid I can't do that; this has to be done; I have an obligation to protect my family and what's mine - as a man I respect, it is my duty to help you succeed."

"Look, Bray – I know you mean well, but this… they're cows. Do not start a war over cows. Cows."

The Wyatt family had already turned their backs, confident in their new cause. Bray's voice, somehow, echoed through the freezer. "Barbeque is our business, Jack – the city has interfered for the last time in our world for the last time."

Hearing this bullshit, Daniel was already dragging Sister Abigail VIII away, unable to cope with what he was hearing. "Let's get you out of here…"

Daniel Bryan was stealing a cow; as far as he was concerned, he was saving her from the inevitable probably sacrificial, slaughter.

I know I said these would be one-shots, but something happened. Most of these chapters will be about random encounters, but this'll play a part in later chapters.

Please bare with me - your input is always appreciated.