All translations, explanations, advertisements, and thought processes are at the end of the chapter.
Disclaimer: All shows/ books/ video games/ songs that are mentioned in this chapter are all © to their respective owners, I don't own them.
Sorry about the reposting of the Chapter, Fan Fiction acted up again. Check out the Author's note section!
While Martha was aware that Penny, sort of, knew the future, it hadn't really stuck just how much it was true until Jenny sat up in the cot and hopped off of it, if her wide-eyed stare at the red head was any indicator. Penny flushed with embarrassment from the sudden influx of the astonished and amazed attention being directed at her. She wanted to hide.
The Doctor, meanwhile, had swept his daughter into a huge bear hug, burying his face in her hair. "I thought I had lost you," he choked out before withdrawing and telling her sternly, "Don't do that again!"
"Be more careful then!" She retorted with a grin, pulling him back into a tight hug. "You didn't leave me!" She exclaimed happily. "I wasn't sure if you would stay if you thought I was dead… Actually, why am I not dead?"
The Doctor didn't seem pleased with her flippant response to her own, temporary, demise, but nonetheless allowed the subject to change. "The myths about the Source might not have been too far off. The 'Breath of Life,' indeed." He mused. "I s'pose since you were in close proximity to the initial disbursement of the terraforming compound, you may have inhaled enough of the condensed gas into your system to act together with your latent Time Lord biology to spark the partial-regeneration… Likely the Source was able to combine with the artron energy in your system to synthesize enough of the Lindos hormones to prompt your healing, but not enough for a complete regeneration that would cause any outward change in appearance… I would have to do some scans in the medbay to find out for certain."
Jenny wrinkled her nose slightly at the idea of being cooped up in the TARDIS sickbay when there was so much that she wanted to do already! However, she didn't offer any protest, intuitively understanding that this was the Doctor's way of coping with the idea of his near-loss, that he just wanted to be sure of her continued wellbeing. Farewells were given and soon the time travelers and their new friend entered the TARDIS.
The moment the TARDIS door shut behind them, the Doctor asked Martha, "Time to go home? Maybe we have time for one last hurrah…? Eh?" His expression was hopeful, so much had happened in the span of forty-eight hours for him, that, at this point, anything seemed possible. His attempt at humor played on the valid point that they were on a time machine and, technically, had all the time in the world, but Martha could not be swayed.
She shook her head. "I can't, Doctor. One more trip will lead to two more trips and then three… I've stopped running a while ago and found an adventure of my own, besides…" She smiled at him, eyes twinkling with happiness for her friend. "Looks like you've got an adventure of your own that's just starting to begin…" The woman didn't need to specify what the Time Lord's next venture was.
He returned her smile with an enthusiastic one of his own. "Quite right!" He exclaimed merrily. "To Earth then!"
Quite soon, the five of them opened the door of the TARDIS to reveal UNIT headquarters. "Oh, you'll take care of yourself, won't you?" Donna fretted over her new friend before asking once more, "Are you sure we can't change your mind?"
"I will," Martha promised as she gazed at the Doctor, who was talking quietly with Jenny who was looking around herself in curiosity and awe with Penny alternating between watching the two Time Lords and the two companions. Penny noticed Martha's gaze and waved, she waved back before answering Donna's second question, "And, yeah, I'm positive. I'm a bit burnt out… I can't do this anymore. You'll understand some day, Donna. Eventually, we all move on and start adventures of our own."
Donna laughed. "I already tried that, Mate, a long time ago, regretted every moment of it. I realized a long time ago that I could never go back to a normal life. Not after seeing all of this!" She, too, looked back, this time the Doctor had included Penny into the conversation between himself and Jenny, the young girl shyly joining in as Jenny talked to her animatedly. "I'm going to travel with that man forever. Someone's got to keep him in line, and it's sure not going to be Penny!"
Both women give each other a hug before bidding farewells and exchanging good luck wishes. The Doctor excused himself from his two captive listeners as Donna started walking over, taking his place in keeping the two girls occupied. All three of them wave at Martha one final time before going inside the TARDIS. Martha waved back, if a little belatedly, as the Doctor stood up to her. The two of them start walking down the halls, ignoring the curious looks that the occasional UNIT soldier gives them as the two old friends walk by.
"We're making a habit of this," the Doctor noted as he idly glanced around his surroundings and at Martha.
"Yeah, and you'd think it would be easier each time…" She paused before saying rather shrewdly, "All those times you had something that you were ready to die for… Now, finally, I'm glad to see you have something worth living for."
"Oh, Martha Jones, there's always something worth living for," the Doctor half-heartedly chided, because Martha was right, perceptive as always. Abruptly, he asked, "Have I ever told you how brilliant you are?"
"Not enough!" Martha teased, laughing. They came to a fork in the hallway and stopped, giving each other a hug. "Bye, Doctor."
"Goodbye, Doctor Jones." And they split ways. The Doctor going to the right while Martha went to the left, neither looking back. The Time Lord didn't go back to the TARDIS quite yet, having some unfinished business to take care of while he was still on Earth at UNIT headquarters. Normally, he would have dropped Martha at her house, but he thought that he might as well hit two birds with one stone and come to UNIT headquarters.
Finding an empty office, the Doctor entered through the open door and commandeered the computer on the desk. After sonicking his way through the securities blocking him access, the Doctor's fingers flied over the keyboard, typing away madly as he perused the classified files stored on it. After about forty-eight seconds, the Doctor found the information he wanted and grimaced.
Ross Jenkins, Greyhound Forty, had been retired early on account of his arm being completely disabled, likely permanently. He was going through physical therapy, but the prognosis was bleak at best. The most he likely would be able to do for UNIT, if anything, was something administrative, his soldiering days over.
The Doctor pursed his lips, feeling guilt stab at him. He knew that logically there was probably very little he could have done to prevent this, that things could have been far worse for Ross, but the Time Lord couldn't help but feel responsible for him. But he could at least do this much for him. The Doctor dug in his bigger-on-the-inside pockets and brought out his cell phone. He eyed it nostalgically, it reminding him of Martha who give it to him in the first place, before he called the Brigadier for a small favor…
I woke up from a fitful sleep and stretched lazily, feeling better than I had for a long while. I sighed contently; I had slept a lot more than usual, my whole body felt sluggish. I slowly moved onto my belly, but made no move to get up, weak from the excess sleep and content to just lay there on my bed.
After we gave our goodbyes to Martha, the Doctor had taken both Jenny and I into the medbay. He had her sit down on a bed and moved a large device over, calling it an ADT when she asked what it was. Something that gave a full body scan that was a lot more accurate than his sonic screwdriver, or so he said. After the Doctor had gotten Jenny set up under the scanner and had turned it on, he walked over to the cabinets on the far wall, bring out some tools.
Setting them on a wheely-tray, he came over next to me with in and sat in a nearby chair with Jenny looking on in interest in the next right behind him. He brought a device close to my right ear and pressed it close to my head before it made a low chirp and small click. He brought it away and flipped it over sideways, the flat part horizontal instead of vertical. A weird, 3D image popped up, looking like a tunnel or a map of a cave. The Doctor slipped on his glasses and studied it momentarily while Donna came over from her spot by the door to take a seat by me on the bed.
"And what's that supposed to be?" She asked, leaning forward slightly to get a good look at the green hologram.
"Penelope's ear canal, of course! Her hearing may have come back, but that doesn't mean that she's completely healed. There might be some internal damage that Martha might not have been able to detect without her medical tools. Doesn't hurt to be thorough… Oh, well, that explains it…" The Doctor hummed to himself thoughtfully.
"Wh-What is it?" I asked, voice shaking.
"There appears to be a perforation in the tympanic membrane. Just a small tear, thankfully. Appears that the only reason your hearing came back so quick was because some of the blood clotted around the tear to seal it… Unfortunately, it can't remain that way unless we want to run a risk of infection, which we decidedly do not…" The Time Lord pursed his lips. "I suspect your other ear to be much the same. Nothing for it, I s'pose. Going to have to clean it before sealing it myself. I'm sorry, Penny, this is going to be a bit uncomfortable…"
He turned to the side and grabbed an ear syringe that was prefilled with a mineral oil. Instructing me to turn my head to the side, he stuck it firmly in my ear while his free hand gripped my chin gently to hold me in place. He injected the solution with a steady pressure, causing me to squirm and let out a whimper in protest. "Sorry, sorry…" He murmured faintly but didn't stop. Removing the syringe, he had me hold a cloth up to the offended ear and tilt my head sideways on the same side until it almost touched my shoulder. The draining fluid tickled and felt strange, not to mention my hearing in that ear was gone now.
The Doctor told me not to worry and that he would fix it after it finished draining in a moment or two. Meanwhile, he turned to Jenny, reading the results of the scan. He grinned, crooning, "A perfectly healthy Time Lady. By this scan, you're estimated to be around one hundred and ten years old, just after your first maturation, which means you're body is that of an adult for the most part. Wouldn't be considered a legal adult in Time Lord Society until after the second one at around two hundred and twenty years old, which would be when the brain finishes developing and the hormones settle. Reason why you didn't regenerate, now that I'm looking at your bio-scan, is because your ability to produce the hormones and biogenic molecules necessary hasn't been unlocked yet, even though it should have at this stage of growth. The level of Lindos in your thyroid is too little to trigger a proper regeneration… In this sense, you're a bit stunted, but I'm frankly unsurprised."
"Er, why not?" Jenny asked.
"The progeneration machine was designed specifically for humans, not Time Lords, some complications were to be expected," the Doctor admitted. "It was a very good thing that you inhaled some of the terraforming compound in the amount you did. It was just enough to mimic the energy and hormones necessary for a partial regeneration, but without the proper amount of Lindos in your system, a full regeneration wouldn't be possible, which is why you look exactly the same."
"You keep mentioning it, what's a regeneration, exactly? Why would I look different?" The blonde queried.
With a glint in his eyes and only too happy to answer, the Doctor explained as he set about the finishing touches of cleaning out my ear. "Time Lords have self-replicating biogenic molecules that work ceaselessly to repair and prune damaged and malformed cells. They are a variation of symbiotic nuclei and, using sonic waves, give Time Lords a symbiotic, self-renewing cell structure, which can be used to govern regeneration." He paused for a moment to direct me to stick out my tongue, to which he placed a blue, flavorless strip that dissolved immediately after I closed my mouth.
He kept a close eye on his watch, waiting as he continued his explanation, "If the body is subjected to great stress, the Limbic Gland in the thyroid releases the hormone Lindos to trigger regeneration. At this point, the biogenic molecules heal the body before regeneration proceeds onto the second phase where the body and, to a lesser extent, the personality will be completely restructured. When a regeneration does occur, the biogenic molecules rebuild the body in a violent biological eruption of Artron energy. Using this energy, every molecule in every cell is adjusted, displaced, and rearranged. A bit like how the personality traits will be altered. The fundamental, or base, personality will remain the same, but the balance of said traits gets rearranged differently. The new personality of the Time Lord will merely be expressing a different aspect of their base personality, which for the most part remains unchanged throughout all their lives…"
By this point, my face was numb, and the Doctor seemed to decide that an acceptable amount of time had passed. He picture up the device that was still displaying a hologram of my ear and placed it on the side of my head again. "Donna, could you hold that there for me? …Thank you."
"You're welcome," Donna said automatically before frowning. "I hope you realize that none of us understood a word of what you just said."
Looking a bit put out by Donna's blunt observation, he sighed in a long-suffering manner before explaining simply, "Basically, regeneration is a complex biological process where Time Lords renew themselves, causing a complete physical and often personality change. There's a genetic equivalent of bit errors in the DNA of the regenerating cells that will cause a change in appearance, height, mass, or apparent age."
"See? That wasn't so hard," Donna teased.
"Not so much hard as extremely difficult," the Doctor whined. "Even the first attempt at explanation had the interest bits missing, the second was only a short definition."
"A definition was really all we were asking for."
"Well, I did say 'exactly'," Jenny offered. "I was encouraging Dad to give the longer description… I just didn't realize how long it would be..."
"Oh, he doesn't need much encouragement. You'd be surprise how far noncommittal noises and a few nods goes with him when he's going off on one of his whirlwind lectures."
He gave then a mock-indignant expression before dramatically upturning his nose and getting back to messing with the tools on the wheely-tray with a sniff. "I'll have you know that my 'whirlwind' lectures are usually very interesting, 's not my fault you don't appreciate them." With that, the Doctor took one of the metal tools and inserted it into my ear while keeping his eyes trained on the hologram which he used to monitor his progress.
"Wh-What are you d-doing?" I asked apprehensively, worrying my lower lip.
"I'm inserting a gelfoam patch onto your eardrum," he answered before explaining, "I'm repairing your eardrum and about to irritate the edges of the perforation; that is, the hole; on the thin membrane and then use a small gelfoam patch to cover it. As soon as that is applied, I will be sealing it together with a mild growth stimulant. Simple myringoplasty." Finished with his explanation, the Doctor returned his full attention to the task at hand. I didn't feel a thing, thanks to that numbing strip that he had given me earlier. I wondered if doing this would have hurt otherwise without the quick-dissolving medication. The whole process took only a few minutes on that ear to complete before the Doctor moved to go onto my other ear.
"D-Doctor," I hedged, starting to feel the vague stirrings of panic. "The my-myringo… myringoplasty didn't work. I-I still can't h-hear in that ear any-anymore."
"Don't worry, Penelope, that was my doing," he confessed. "I put a pressure-equalizing tube in there to prevent an impromptu rupture while the fragile membrane is still healing. It can be taken off in about eighteen hours. At that point, all repair work should be complete; I'll remove the tubes and make sure everything healed properly. Until then though…" The Doctor looked apologetic. "Well, you won't be able to hear a thing." At my fearful expression and Donna's own alarmed look, he held up his hands as if to ward us off. "It's only temporary," he assured us. "Your ears will be as right as rain in about seventeen hours and fifty-eight minutes. Well, this ear, anyway; haven't got started on the other yet…"
And soon, my hearing was gone completely as my other ear was now draining out the same mineral oil that the Doctor put in my other ear to clean all the gunk out, namely blood and earwax. Yuck!
I watched the Doctor as he talked with Donna and Jenny. His smile was huge, as if he could hardly contain himself. He still seemed somewhat unsure of how to treat Jenny exactly, currently going somewhere between companion and family but leaning a bit more towards the companion side at the moment. Thank goodness, the hesitation, which was already pretty vague and fading, gradually disappeared entirely as he got into the conversation; Jenny, fortunately, didn't seem to notice it. Sometimes she would say something and the bemused light would return to his eyes briefly before Donna would say something distracting and the look would be gone.
To see the Doctor even partially out of his element was strange, considering how he seemed to be so at ease and unflappable in much more complicated situations, from what I remembered from the show. It was kind of funny but also a bit sad that he didn't know how to go from here concerning Jenny. He hid the fact that he was at a loss really, really well. Maybe if I wasn't as familiar with Ten's face from the show and the various drawings of this regeneration I used to do, it would have been harder for me to notice, assuming that I would have noticed at all.
The Doctor eventually finished patching up my other ear and said something to me. I looked at him rather helplessly and gave a feeble shrug. Donna then said something to him, her expression chiding and extremely amused, and the Doctor looked sheepish as Jenny held back giggles. Digging in his pocket, he brought out a black leather wallet which contained the psychic paper.
Ah, here were go. Sorry about that.
Slipped my mind for a moment about your temporary deafness.
I asked if you wanted to join us in finding Jennifer's new room on the TARDIS…
…or if you wanted to go rest instead.
You look absolutely knackered.
I watched the neat scrawl of what had to be the Doctor's impeccable handwriting as it wrote itself on the paper no faster or slower than I could read, before it disappeared and was replaced with the next line when more room was needed. I was surprised with how neat and precise his cursive was. I kind of expected it to be messy for some reason. Whether it was because of the stereotype that all doctors write almost illegibly or rather that it was a popular head cannon amongst all whovians was hard to tell, but it hardly mattered anymore.
"I would like to go to sleep, if that's okay," I think I told him, easily finding the exhaustion that had been continuously tugging the frayed edges of my mind. I was at the point of being over tired. He nodded to show he understood before turning to Jenny and declaring something, making a broad gesture to the medbay door. She grinned and the two of them talk animatedly as they made to leave the room. Donna touched me shoulder to gain my attention.
She was either speaking very slowly or exaggeratedly mouthing the words as she mimed what she was planning to do. "I… Go… Doctor…Jenny… Room… Okay?"
Despite myself, I giggled hysterically at the game of charades that she was attempting. "Okay," I think I managed to say. From there we split ways and I collapsed in my bed, too tired to do much of anything else when I reached my room.
Now that I was awake, hours later, I was more than ready to take the long awaited shower. My eardrums must've been healed at this point, I felt, since I could hear what was going on around me, if for the most part muffled by the tube-things that the Doctor had put in my ears to protect my eardrums while they healed. I had forgotten, about the glove tangled up in the gauze in my large overall pocket. The lump in my throat hurt while I stared and stared at it after it tumbled to the floor when I picked up my dirty clothes. Trembling, I picked it up and gently pulled off all the gauze from the glove, the Fish-man's glove.
"I… I don't know if I… if I can do this," I murmured, attempting to blink away my tears. Somehow, I knew. I just knew what the metal label would say in my little loft next to the space where Luke's racket was. I couldn't believe that I had forgotten him, the fishman. He was the second person that couldn't save. I understood that there was likely little that I could've done to help him in the first place, since he has died anyway in the show, but the sense of failure stayed with me stubbornly. I didn't know if I wanted to keep going on these trips if people kept getting hurt and killed. But that meant staying on the TARDIS for the rest of my life, and I didn't want to do that either.
Morosely, I took the glove to my shelf-room after I changed into a flared jean skirt, a soft pink oversized sweater, and white tights. I wandered quietly down the hallway and found the loft waiting for me. Biting my lip, I entered and saw that I was right, that a space had been made for the glove, the once half-filled plaque complete completely filled, "Peck's Glove: The Doctor's Daughter." I didn't even have to look at the next label to know what it said as I reverently placed the fishman… Peck's glove on the shelf.
I didn't much like the idea of a giant killer wasp.
"Oh, hello, Penelope!" Jenny chirped when I walked into the kitchen, startling me.
"H-Hi," I greeted after I managed to calm down my heart which was stuttering as much as my words. "S-Sorry, I…I was surprised."
She waved my apology off as her munched on an unidentifiable food. It looked like a fruit, but I couldn't be for sure. Feeling self-conscious as her eyes tracked me across the room, I pulled down a tea kettle and began to fill it with water. My back was to her and I didn't notice as she came up behind me while I waited for the kettle to get half full. I jumped again as she asked directly behind me, "Oh, are you making tea? Can you show me? …I'm sorry, I surprised you again, didn't I?"
"It-It's fine," I murmured sheepishly. "But-But I'm not actually m-making tea. I'm…I'm boiling wa-water for c-coffee. I can sh-show you if you want?"
"What's coffee?" Came the immediate question, Jenny's blue eyes peering curiously at me as I fumbled to turn off the faucet.
"Um, it's… It's kind of like t-tea, except it's m-made out of the br-brew of grounded b-beans instead of leaves. It's b-b-bitter if you d-don't add sugar or-or cream to it," I offered. Somehow, though, I had a feeling that a large majority of tea drinkers would be upset with my humble explanation. I placed the kettle on the stove and turned it on high. "T-To be honest, I'm n-not good at m-making tea," I admitted. "N-Not unless it c-comes in little tea b-bags."
"Donna makes really good tea, the best I've ever had!" Jenny paused before cheekily grinning and whispering to me conspiratorially, "Well, actually, it's the only tea I've ever had, so I don't know if that's true or not yet, but you didn't hear it from me!"
I let out a small giggle, biting my lip as I tried not to grin too widely but ultimately failed, my smile splitting across my face. I was too short to reach the bag of ground coffee that was stuffed towards the back off the shelf looking rather neglected compared to the various bags of tea leaves. Jenny had a longer reach than me and had little trouble in getting for me. Thanking her, I got out two mugs, a coffee funnel, and some filter paper, setting it all up before I took a liberal scoop of the ground coffee and dumping it into the filter paper inside the funnel. Now all we had to do was wait for the water to boil.
"So, Jenny-"
"Call me Jennifer, please," she grinned. "That's the name Dad gave me. Friends and family get to call me that now."
I blinked. Usually it was the other way around, strangers calling you by your full name while close friends and family called you by the shortened one. But considering that she was first called 'Jenny' and then the Doctor called her 'Jennifer,' the longer version was obviously more special. She adored her dad and the name he gave her, and now she considered me enough of a friend to call her by it. "…'Kay," I said, a bashful smile crossing my face. "Jennifer, I… uh…" I trailed off, flushing in embarrassment. "I forgot."
She laughed, "Sorry, I should've waited until you were done talking!"
"N-No, it's fine. I-I do it a lot any-anyway," I hurriedly reassured her.
"What are so nervous for? I won't bite."
"Oh, it's…uh…it's not you. I just, I just have a st-stutter," I confessed. "I've h-have it for a long t-t-time now. Um, three or f-four years, I-I think, m-maybe more." Trying to think of something to change the subject, I finally remembered what I was going to ask. "Oh!" I exclaimed. "Jennifer, I remembered! I wanted to-to ask you if you wa-wanted to make other-other things besides c-coffee."
Her expression brightened. "Like what? Is there another beverage I don't know about?"
"N-No, but we could, we could make coffee c-cake or c-cookies to go w-with the c-coffee."
"Is coffee cake made out of coffee? We would have to wait until after we finished brewing it," Jennifer pointed out.
I giggled. "No, y-you just eat it w-with the c-coffee. Like t-tea cakes g-go with tea."
"Oh, well, that too."
The Doctor came in a few hours later to find not a messy kitchen, like they show in TV shows after two friends get together to start baking, but a kitchen that was still, for the most part, just as clean as before, if not cleaner. Go figure.
"Wow… Is there… even an… end to… the TARDIS?" Jennifer halting asked as she bounced around the room. We had been exploring around the seemingly endless halls while I showed her some of my favorite rooms to visit. The one we were in now had an interior like a giant bouncy house, except with low gravity, so you could bounce on the ceilings and walls.
"No…but I… had a…lot of…time to…explore….so I… know how… to get… around… the halls… There's… no map… bad as… Hogwarts…"
"What's a… Hogwarts?"
"Magic school," I yelped as landed on my butt only to be tossed through the air again, making Jennifer laugh before she landed on her face and was sent flying back.
"What's magic?" She asked.
"Uh…" How did you explain magic? I was stumped. "Um, something… that wizards… and witches… use."
"What's a… wizard and… what's a… witch?"
"People who… use magic…"
"That didn't… answer my… question… at all…"
I began to slow my bouncing and headed over to the door. Jennifer noticed and started bouncing after me. "I…I don't really…. Know how to… define it… Besides, you'd… have to read… the books… about Harry… Potter…"
"Why would I… want to read… books about… a hairy guy… who makes pottery?"
I snorted, trying to withhold laughter. "No! Harry Potter is… his name! He… is a kid… wizard who… goes to… Hogwarts… The Doctor read… all the books… They're his… favorite…" We exited the bouncy room, panting from the exercise.
"Oh… Well, that… makes more sense… will they answer… the question?"
I gulped in a deep breath and nodded. "Better than me…"
"I guess I'll give… them a look then…" Once again I took the lead, and the two of went back to wandering down the halls, idly chatting. Mostly Jennifer asked questions and I tried to answer them as best as I could. We had been doing this for a couple of days, wandering around the TARDIS together and checking out the many rooms. Sometimes Donna joined us and that was always fun to watch, the two of them got along really well, exchanging witty comments left and right. Donna managed to answer some of Jennifer's questions that I couldn't, but some she had to tell her to ask the Doctor.
Speaking of the Doctor, he and Jenny were almost inseparable. She apparently had the same sleep schedule that any other Time Lord or Lady did, so when Donna and I were usually asleep, she spent the rest of the time with her dad. Sometimes, she'd drag along with her to spend time with the Doctor. The times I was there with them, according to Jennifer, the Doctor would talk about some things but not everything that he usually would if it was just her and him. When it was just the two of them, he'd be a lot more forthcoming in speaking about the Time Lords and Gallifrey, her culture and history.
Still, from what little I did hear about, I was uneasily reminded of dreams or the occasional vision I'd get. I never told anyone about them if I could manage it, but I had taken to drawing and painting out the scenes if I could. Doing that seemed to help control the amount of visions and the intensity of the dreams somewhat. Jennifer had found the room when I was painting in it the second day she was on the TARDIS, I had to tell her that the Doctor said I was precognitive, that I knew the future.
I couldn't tell her about 'Doctor Who,' that a TV show was the real reason why I knew all of this, because that was one of the Doctor's rules and he made me promise. Still, what I managed to tell her was true, because the Doctor did say that I was a precognitive and I did know what was generally going to happen in the future, up until Eleven at least. Even then, I only got up to the episode where we meet River for the second time. Even so, I felt dirty, as if I was lying to her, even though I wasn't really.
"So, Penelope, do you think we could go on another trip soon? I only got to see the inside of that building and we didn't get to stay there very long…" Jennifer had been so excited to see what had to be the inside of UNIT headquarter. It had been so bright and open, it had shocked her, but in a good way. All she had been able to say for about a minute was how beautiful it was while she was in complete awe. The Doctor had looked both excited and pained at this. Likely he was eager to show her new places but he felt bad that she had only known the darkness of those underground tunnels on that planet that she had been, well, born on only a few hours ago. From what little I remember from that episode, he had been very reluctant at first to take her with him, so he probably felt guilt about that too.
"Yes," I told her. "The-The Doctor doesn't u-usually want to stay in p-place for too long. We can g-go ask him if you, if you want?"
Jennifer beamed. "Oh, yes! Let's go right now!"
As she dragged me along down the halls, her hand firmly grasped in mine, I could only feel like this was what true happiness felt like.
To Be Continued...
Poll closed: Results: Triangle.
A large majority of you picked triangle, which mean that Ross was majorly hurt, but not killed. Circle meant he was completely fine, and nothing too major happened. Square meant death.
* Information concerning regeneration in more detail can be found on the site "Rassilon, Omega, and That Other Guy." A link can be found on my profile.
* Unfortunately, Donna didn't realize what she had just foreshadowed... Very ominous, don't you think?
* As for Ross in general, we're likely to not hear about him for a while, but don't forget him! He'll be popping back up in the story soon enough. :)
* More information on regeneration and the bodies of Gallifreyans/Time Lords can be found on both the TARDIS wiki and "Rassilon, Omega, and That Other Guy."
* Tympanic membrane is just a fancy way of saying eardrum.
* Myringoplasty is the closure of the eardrum.
* A gelfoam patch or a biotissue patch or even a fat tissue patch are sitable for using to close the hole in a eardrum. Most of what's mentioned is applicable to real life and present day. The only exception is that it's usually open ear surgery and that recovery time can be anywhere from six weeks to several months, instead of about eighteen hours.
* When I was describing the psychic paper being used as a way to communicate, I was strongly reminded of Tom Riddle's diary... It may have influenced how I pictured the psychic paper working... but also that one seen with the paper in the 'Silence in the Library' episode. Harry Potter's been in my mind a lot recently, hence the mention later on in the chapter!
* Donna Noble seriously makes my day, especially when she was trying to mime the word and play charades. 'Partner's in Crime' and the next episode 'The Wasp and The Unicorn' just make my day.
* Yes, Jenny asking a bunch of questions about random everyday things is going to be a running gag. You can expect it to be a common thing for a while.
* Also, you can expect random rooms of awesomeness as time goes on.
* I just realized that I developing a BrOTP between Penny and Jenny. Not very evident yet in this, quite frankly, filler chapter, but it'll become more obvious later on, I should think.
TITLE: What It Means To Be Human
AUTHOR: Our Brightest Stars
ID: 11108693
SUMMARY: "I'm never going to stop running from you. The only way I'll stop is if the world ends or I die." He pressed his lips into a grim line, anger blazing in his eyes, although, outwardly, he was calm. "And I'll never stop chasing you. No matter where you run, no matter where you hide, I'll find you. You can't escape me. I refuse to let anyone else die under my watch, not even you."
OPINION: Another one of those extremely well-written, realistic, person-from-our-universe falls into the Whoniverse. There's several twists though: she's not a fan of Doctor Who, she's got this chronon radiation sickness that could kill her any second, she's from our universe's future, and apparently she's nearly blind without her glasses. The humor goes hand-in-hand with the seriousness of the situation. We got a well-meaning Doctor with questionable-at-best actions and reasoning. Mixed in with Gilly's no-nonsense attitude and pragmatic approach to everything as well as her awesome lying abilities, it's a great read. It unfortunately doesn't have as much reviews as I would like for an awesome story-in-the-making as that, so spam it with reviews!
Thought Processes:
Ah, apologizes. I was going to publish on April Fool's day but we had a pretty bad storm, so no dice. After that, the munchkins (i.e. my siblings) came and visited, so I didn't have much time to myself to do much of anything until today. To top it all off, Fan Fiction decided to be weird and all my author's notes were missing, a huge pain to write it out separately, but oh well.
I hope you guys can keep Emptyvoices in your prayers, she's going through a tough time with her dad in the hospital. Please pray for his recovery!
And thank you for your support concerning my job! It was fine, it was only the corporate people who had a tough time of it. As the hard-labor, they kept us onboard, since we're the part of the workforce that they can't really do without.
So, um, yeah. Next episode is 'The Wasp and The Unicorn,' lots of fun there with plenty of twists and turns to keep you entertained, I hope! Maybe some more BrOTP goodness between the Doctor and Donna as well as Jenny and Penny.
Happy Easter,
FFA, the Fan Fictional Authoress
P.S.: Happy Birthday, Takara Matsudaira!
Date Submitted: Sunday, April 5, 2015.