Disclaimer: I in no way own Stargate or Mass Effect. I'm just a guy with too much time on his hands.


Ascension is a process that allows beings to be able to separate from their physical bodies and to live eternally as pure energy in a superior plane with a greater amount of knowledge and power. It can be a mental, spiritual or evolutionary process—a direct result of obtaining a certain level of wisdom and knowledge as a civilization.

Multiverse Theory.

The multiverse (or meta-universe) is the hypothetical set of infinite or finite possible universes (including the historical universe we consistently experience) that together comprise everything that exists and can exist: the entirety of space, time, matter, and energy as well as the physical laws and constants that describe them. The various universes within the multiverse are sometimes called parallel universes.

"When the mind is enlightened, the spirit is freed, and the body matters not." - Oma Desala
"If I'm catchin' the next plane of existence outta here, you gotta give me somethin'." - Jack O'Neill

"Ascension doesn't make you all knowing or all powerful. It is just the beginning of the journey." - Dr. Daniel Jackson.

Ascended Destiny: Prologue.

Was it pure chance, that I should end up here? Or was it something greater at work? Call it Fate, call it Destiny, or call it Coincidence. All I know for sure is, is that I end up in the one universe that needed me the most. The one universe, where I could do the most good. I won't waste this opportunity, I will do whatever I can to help these people. But I have to be careful, if I should over play my hand. It would attract the attention of The Others, and they would stop me. Even worse as punishment for me breaking the rules. This universe may end up in even worse shape, then if I had did nothing.

That's the thing though, I can't just do nothing. It is not in me to watch as a whole civilization is wiped out. I would never be able to live with myself if I did, and an Ascended lives for a very, very long time. No, my path is clear, I must help these people. I may not be able to fight their battle for them, but I can help them to prepare. Help them to be ready for the hell they will soon find themselves in. I will first find someone who can act as a leader. Someone who is like Jack was, who everyone can rally behind. Someone to act as the tip of the spear, and I will make that spear as sharp and as deadly as possible.

Then when the time is right, I will drive that spear straight into the heart of the enemy! I may not be able to fight this battle for them, but I can damn sure stack the odds in their favor. The Others are not in this universe, but if I break too many of their rules it may draw their attention. Still I'll break what rules I can and bend those that I can't. I'll find a way to save them!

My name is Dr. Daniel Jackson. I am an Ascended Being, and this is my Destiny!

(A.N) Sorry it was so short, but this is just the Prologue. I will try to have a full chapter up as soon as I can. Anyway as you can tell this is a Daniel Jackson finds himself in the Mass Effect Universe story. Daniel is an Ascended and wants to help fight the Reapers but is worried of attracting the attention of The Other Ascended Beings. I have a rough idea of how I want this story to go, but would love to hear how you guys and galls would like it to go.

So if you read this and find it somewhat interesting, don't be afraid to leave a review and tell me. Well I guess I will see you next time.

Sincerely: Reddog24485