It was late night at an inhabited forest. It was at that moment when a certain pink haired boy cries and sat down at a tree stump.

"WAAA!" cried the boy.

Not long after, there were giant shadows roaming over the pitiful little boy. The boy looked towards the skies and founds dragons! 3 gigantic dragons to be exact. The boy suddenly stumbled backwards. The dragons then landed in front of the boy. One was pure white, one was pitch black, and one was bloody red.

"P-please d-don't kill me…" the boy trembled as he looked towards the dragons.

"What are you doing here, young one?" asked one of the dragon.

"I ran from my village"

"Why boy?" another one asked

"Because they've tortured me. Days and days torture non-stop."

"How pitiful of you." the last one said.

"What is your name, boy?"

"I'm Natsu. I'm five years old. What about you all?"

"I'm Lynch, The Light Dragon King" the white one said with kindness in his tone.

"I'm Yami, The Dark Dragon King" the black one said as he puffed his chest proudly.

"I'm Flame, The Fire Dragon King" the red one said, same tone as Lynch but with pride.

The dragons introduced themselves as Natsu was left at awe. Well of course he will be amazed, I mean 3 most powerful, respected, and feared creature that ever lived met him.

"So can I come with you guys?" Natsu said.

"Absolutely no" roared Yami. Natsu trembled with his roar.

"Yami!" Lynch and Flame snarled. " Why do you want to go with us, boy?" The two asked.

"I want to get my revenge on those trashes." Natsu said with his front hair shadowing his face. Suddenly, an enormous magic was force was detected by the dragons.

"This magic power! So powerful! The dragons thought. "This is going to be interesting."

With a smirk on their faces, The Light Dragon Lynch, The Dark Dragon Yami, and The Fire Dragon Flame said "Alright, we decided to let you goes with us." Natsu's face then showing a happy expression.

"If-" Natsu then frowned. "You are going to be our student and listen to what we say"

"Yes, Master!" Natsu said with a salute.

"Very well then. Get on my back" the light dragon said.

Natsu then gets on the back of Lynch. Finally the dragons and Natsu flies towards their destination.

After Natsu and the dragons arrived at their destination, which is a cave, they settle down as they slept.

The next morning Natsu and the dragons were out for training.

"Okay Natsu, today we will teach you about Dragon Slaying Magic." The dragons said.

"What's a Dragon Slaying Magic?" Natsu asked.

"A Dragon Slaying Magic is a kind of Lost Magic that will enhance the user to have dragon-like abilities such as enhanced smelling, enhanced vision, enhanced hearing and enhanced power."

"What are you blabbering about? I don't understand."

"God, it means it will make you stronger."

"Really okay then."

Then, Lynch goes towards the overexcited Natsu and opens his mouth. Suddenly a torrent of light ray launched from the jaws of the mighty dragon.

"WOW!" Natsu said with his sparkling eyes full of amazement.

"You will learn that first". "It's called the Light Dragon's Roar" explained Lynch. He and Natsu then looked at the damage it caused.

"I want to learn that one!" said Natsu

"Very well. First, concentrate the magic at your mouth."

"Uhuh" Nodded Natsu.

"Then aim your target. Finally let that magic out." "Are you ready? Go!"

"Light Dragon's Roar!" Natsu roared and then the torrent of light earlier shot out of his mouth.

"Impressive Natsu"

"Now try this, Dark Dragon Roar!" Yami roared while a torrent of black ray shot out of his mouth.

"Okay, Dark Dragon Roar!" Natsu roared, the same torrent that goes out of Yami's mouth. Yami then smiled at the boy

"Wow look at that, the boy can do it!"

"My turn, Fire Dragon's Roar!" Flame yelled. But this time a stream of fire comes out of his mouth.

"Heh, that's easy. Fire Dragon's Roar!" Natsu yelled. The stream of fire earlier shot out of his mouth.

"Nice one Natsu!" Flame said.

"Really? Thank you Flame!" Natsu cheered.

"Hmm…this kid, he got some potential. Lynch thought. Let's see what will happen if I taught him a secret dragon slayer technique. Smirk Lynch.

"Okay Natsu. Your training is over. Remember all we have taught you. Tomorrow we will teach you a new move." Said Lynch.

"What is it?" asked Natsu.

"It a secret" "Now go to sleep so you won't be tired tomorrow."

"Fine. Night y'all!"

"Good night Natsu" said the three dragon.

After Natsu slept, the dragons are assembling. They talked about their new "son" and the moves that they will teach. Suddenly, Lynch said something to them.

"How about we teach him a Secret Dragon Slayer Art?" he asked.

"I don't think he's ready yet, Lynch." Yami said.

"Yeah, he will need to be ready for that." Flame said.

"But looked at the damage he caused with simple moves. What will happen if he use Secret Dragon Slayer Art?"

"Well lets wait a few more days to make sure he's ready"


And with that done, the dragons decided to rest. Lynch was thinking about the power that the boy had. He could be very strong. Even so, he's getting tired and he decided to leave that for another time.

A few years after Natsu met the dragon, he has grown more powerful. He learns to hate humans because of what they have done to him. All of a sudden, on faithful day, he wakes up and he realized that he was alone.

After a good day of searching his fathers, he stumbles upon a letter and decided to read it (A/N : the dragons teach him how to read and stuff.) It says:

"Dear Natsu our beloved son. If you are reading this letter, you may realize that we are not there .We are very sorry to leave you alone. We have to attend something that you didn't need to know. By the time you are old enough, you will know. Be safe Natsu. See you again."

"Daaaad!" cried Natsu. Now he has nobody to love him. But maybe he will find someone out there. So he set out to his cave to Magnolia and find a life. But, this, is where all begin.

Author's Note : Hey guys, it's Kevin and I'm so sorry for disappointing you with the story I've made before. This story is pretty much like my older story, you know, Natsu OOC kinda thing. So enjoy this story and favorite, follow, and review. Ciao!