Author Note: Sorry this took so long, that last season of Glee messed with me for a very very long time. This chapter is shorter than I wanted it to be, but I think it has some important points and I'm proud of it. I hope that if anyone else reads this that they enjoy this too.

Part 39

Kurt had been so excited when he had won the tickets to the club at the college orientation, he didn't know what to think about them, but since he had been able to choose which one he wanted to go to, he definitely hoped it was okay with Blaine. A lot of the other students had spoken well of this place and he wanted to have some fun with his husband like they had done in their very early twenties.

Kurt had taken all the steps to style his hair and pick out a fabulous outfit to wear tonight, a gold metallic shirt, black waist coat, and tight black jeans. He had also found a nice knee length coat that wasn't too warm underneath. He just really hoped that the famous, sweet doctor was as excited about this as he was.

Wrapping his arms snugly around his husband, he smiled at the forty two year old.

Blaine turned before grinning happily, "You look very very cute," he smiled, "adorable and sexy at the same time, but what's going on?" he asked, looking around from where he was in the wheelchair.

"I'm taking the doctor out tonight," Kurt smiled, "Somewhere where I'm sure we can have a lot of fun," he let his hands fall down until they were resting on Blaine's chest. "I think my very prestigious husband deserves to be treated now and again, so get changed into something sexy and come with me."

"You're making me very curious," Blaine smiled, "but I'll make sue to wear something that's going to impress you," he grinned as he rolled himself off. Kurt crossed his arms happily, he was so glad that Blaine was going to get this surprise. He kept thinking of all the gay bars that the two of them used to go to, but this time Kurt would make sure that the only person he paid attention to was his husband.


As they reached the club, Blaine tensed. He knew he wasn't going to get into this place. He wasn't sure if Kurt knew that it had a thirty-five year old age limit to keep the image of a place for the young and attractive to socialize. He knew that they would see how old he was and tell him not to come in and that he was declined, but Kurt was so excited and maybe Blaine could take this one night away from him.

If it would make Kurt happy, Blaine could roll himself to a restaurant or even call Cooper and spend time with his brother.

They were reaching the front of the line, when Blaine could hear the whispers.

"Doesn't he know the age limit?"

"No wonder that old guy is in a wheelchair, he looks ancient."

"Is he stupid or just ignorant about how old he is?"

Blaine swallowed, he knew these things and he was neither stupid or ignorant, but he had come here because Kurt had been so happy and one of the things Blaine cared most about was keeping Kurt happy. They reached the head of the line and Kurt was immediately let in, the bouncer even smiled at his butt and told him how sexy and sweet he looked at the same time, but as Blaine came to them, the bouncer put the rope up.

"Sorry old timer," he said as Kurt stopped and looked back at Blaine, "You know you're not welcome here."

"I know," Blaine nodded, "I just wanted to wait in line with that man there," he pointed to Kurt who was looking around confused.

"Yeah well your son is going to have a great time here, I assure you of that. If you need to we can get your contact details and let you know when he needs the car to get home," the bouncer said trying to be kind as Kurt looked between Blaine and the club door.

He approached the man who was holding the rope, "That's not fair!" he said trying to defend Blaine, "Just because my husband is in a wheelchair doesn't mean that he shouldn't be allowed in places like this. I know medicine is amazing, he's to thank for that by the way, but people who need wheelchairs to get around shoul—-"

"Kurt," Blaine shook his head, "It's not the chair. It's not because I'm disabled right now."

Kurt frowned, "This man isn't letting you in and you're not going to argue, you shouldn't have to be treated like this, Blaine. It's not…"

"It's his age," the bouncer said as Kurt's eyes widened and he tilted his head to the side. "We have a mid-thirties max age bracket and your husband doesn't pass that criteria."

Kurt looked around, "He's only twenty two," he tried to tell the man as Blaine took a deep breath in and shook his head.

"I'm not twenty two, Kurt" he said weakly, the pain flashing through his eyes as he felt a slight moment of not being accepted by the man he loved so much. "I'm not twenty two anymore,"

Kurt's face fell and he crossed underneath the ropes, he wrapped his arms around his husband who was starting to look broken. "No," he said feeling stupid for what he had done, "You're not," he kissed Blaine's forehead, "I'm sorry, I really wasn't thinking and I didn't mean anything by it, maybe we could go somewhere else. Somewhere we both can go."

Blaine took a shaky breath in, "There are very few of those places left," he said as Kurt pushed him away from the club, Blaine gestured to another club. "That venue only allows people forty and over in it, and that one you have to be between thirty and sixty. You could have gone," Blaine worried as he ran his fingers nervously through his hair, hating that he had already messed up the night.

"Blaine," Kurt sighed, "I wasn't thinking, I really wasn't, I…"

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" Blaine asked as he turned himself to look directly at Kurt, "There are going to be many things that we can't do together because we're separated by nineteen years. I'm a middle aged man, Kurt. I am soon going to be an older man and at that point you'll be middle aged. About ten years ago there was this law that lasted six years, that every person who was over the age of fifty-five had to be put in a nursing home and had strict curfew hours. Burt and Carole came to live in my house at that time because the older people were trying to be drugged and killed off. I mean, they wouldn't have been, it was the people who were seventy years or older, but what if the same thing happens. What if they start killing sixty year olds and you're still in your forties."

Kurt tensed at this, he shook his head and bent down to kiss Blaine's lips. "I am never going to let them take you away. I am always going to protect you."

"You shouldn't have to do that," Blaine said slowly, "You should be with someone you can actually participate in life with. I'm so sorry that it's all messed up and I've been so selfish. You can still live with me, but…maybe we…"

"No," Kurt frowned and looked at Blaine firmly. "No, I'm not doing that to you. We are together, you're not the only one who wants to be selfish. I don't care about everyone else out there, I don't care about anything but you, and if you want to know honestly, my dad and Carole. I want to do something useful, but I am not going to let you break up with me after you spent so much of your life wanting to be with me. I'll take the aging drugs if that's what you need me to do."

"You'd let them steal your youth?" Blaine asked fearfully

Kurt nodded, "I would let them take away everything from me, torture me, put chips in my head. The only thing that I would never allow to be stolen from me or to feel that I've lost, is you. No matter what, I am always going to be with you and I will never say goodbye."