Disclaimer: I do not own any characters despite my oc s' and all other characters belong to Disney. And character tinker bell belongs to J.M Barrie
Elven language belongs to genius J.R.R Tolkien.
Hi guyz, I'm back again with a new story, read and enjoy! Please ,please REVIEW!
It was a silent and peaceful night in pixie hollow. Stars gleamed in the inky black veil of night sky as white flowers in a meadow. Inhabitants of the magical land were tight asleep, unless of scouts, who were awake, guarding entire pixie hollow or in search of new arrivals who will be arriving during night.
Nathan and Conrad were awake, as usual, guarding the borders of pixie hollow. It was past midnight so as usual no new arrivals would arrive at that time. Conrad turned to Nathan who was almost half-asleep, and said, "You can go and sleep if you want now Nathan, new arrivals won't come now, and in few hours I can leave handing over duty shift to Julie and Estelle".
Conrad as, second in command of his guild, knew the duty of a scout was hard to Nathan because his talent wasn't that, he was quite odd, the newest addition of pixie hollow.
He refused the offer by shaking his head, letting his dark sleek hair to slightly askew. Instead, he rubbed sleep from his eyes and began to flutter his wings, and it was painful for him as he disabled during his arrival, the dandelion puff he came tore because of the wind. So his wing muscles damaged and his wrists and ankles twisted off to odd angles, He had no talent other than the ability of conjuring winds, vortexes, an ability that fast flyers possessed. Therefore, the queen had placed him among scouts, where he will be able to use whatever ability he had without being a subject to humiliation of fast flyers, especially Vidia, who had insulted and jeered on him in his first day.
Making his flowing thoughts to halt, Nathan heard a sound.
New arrival had come to pixie hollow in a snowflake. In the middle of night.
Oh, no it is going to melt'' Nathan said as he flew with all his might, determination shone in his dark eyes despite the pain he was feeling, to get hold of this unusual new arrival.
Vidia and zephyr stopped dead in tracks when they saw the new arrival but they took it from Nathan and guided it to pixie dust tree. Terrance poured pixie dust over it, while nothing happened. Residents of pixie hollow gasped collectively as they wondered what happened to the new arrival.
Three orbs of pixie dust collided as usual and queen clarion appeared. She saw the snowflake and almost gasped, ministers were worried. She gently put pixie dust over the snowflake when a fairy appeared. She had dark skin and mid-back length black hair and she was little chubby. Her dress was made of snowflakes and icicles but they did not melt away. She looked surprised, and her dark, big eyes studied her surrounding as queen started to say greetings to the new arrival.
"Born of laughter clothed in cheer, happiness has brought you here, welcome to the pixie hollow"
"Now let's see those wings" Queen gently held the new arrivals' wings and pushed them to the air, with difficulty .Rosetta and other fairies covered their mouths in horror while new comers like Chloe and Nathan stared.
The wings were dark black with its tips were silver, the identical patterns in wings glowed in silvery grey color.
Queen held her gasp and put out usual calm and collective appearance, as she did not want to scare the new fairy. She smiled at the new arrival hiding the doubt and fear that was prodding in her heart, while new fairy tried to fly with all her might with queens' help but failed miserably. She could not fly high upwards than doing a small flitter and stay few inches above the ground.
"Why can't I fly, your highness?" she asked in a shaky voice.
"Do not worry my dear, you will be used to it as time passed" Clarion managed a smile towards the new arrival, cleverly masking her fear. "Now let's see your talent"
Fairies placed talents around the new arrival who seemed to be half-scared and terrified.
She walked to each talent, which had lost their glow even before she approached them.
However, roll of bandages, horn and quill began to glow and floated towards her. All, including queen and ministers let go of breath, that they didn't knew they were holding, in relief. New girl gently held them in her hands as roll of bandages began to glow, more than any of healer fairies ever received. In addition, something else happened, fairy queens' crown began to glow. All fairies and sparrow men gasped collectively.
Glow subdued, and the new fairy looked around surprised and relieved faces around and looked towards the queen hopefully. The queens' eyes were glowing in usual genuine kindness and care again; she gently placed her palm on the new arrivals' shoulder and said,
"Fairies and sparrow men, this is Melda*, queen's personal healer, scribe talent and second summoner." She turned to Viola, who was clearly pleased to have a companion in her guild. She was the only summoning-talent in pixie hollow, until now. And said, "Take Melda to her chambers and bring her to me after she is ready". With a smile towards astonished Melda, queen disappeared into pixie dust.
Elvish translations:
Melda – Beloved ( Amanda in common speech)
Now this is the prologue of my new story, the fairy of tears. This is not the sequel of my previous story, quest for the queen. Its' main character is Melda, but contains lots of Milarion in later chapters. Next chapter will explain why the queen and others feared Melda s' presence first. And many secrets will reveal, and don't worry, lord Milori will appear soon.
So give me reviews, follows and favorites, next chapter will come soon ;) ;)
For readers of my previous story: I have an idea of doing a prequel for quest for the queen, let's see what I can do…
~I Luv Milarion~