This will not be betad so if that bothers you then click that arrow in the corner of your screen and return to the previous page in which you were on. anyway this is basically an idea that i needed to get out. Rose is the new teacher at Gallifrey High and John Smith is an awkward man who loses his head the moment he sees her. Jack, Rory, Amy and Clara (and i might add a few others, i never know) will also take part in this story but its mostly a Rose/10 story. sorry this is so short but i hope you like it anyway.

John Smith watched as his class rushed out of the room for lunch. Normally he would just stay in his classroom and grade papers or something but today he had skipped breakfast so he needed to eat. When his best friend, who is also the sex ed teacher, stopped in and asked John if he wanted to go to the teachers' lounge and have some pizza, John agreed and they walked down the halls together. They dodged running students and slamming lockers as they made their way down the crowded halls of Gallifrey High.

"Have you seen the new English teacher?" Jack asked with a smirk tugging at his lips. John wasn't surprised that Jack new about the new teacher before him. Jack was charming and with his sparkling blue eyes, black hair and chiseled features, he was just a woman's-and a man's-dream. John wouldn't be surprised if Jack had already slept with the new teacher; it was just how Jack said hello.

"No, have you?" The moment those words left John's mouth he regretted them. No matter the gender or sexual orientation of a person Jack would always play a game with John, mainly to make him feel uncomfortable or see how long till he snaps; it's calls use as much detail as possible to describe how this stranger, and sometimes a friend, will be in bed. Jack could spend hours playing this game but every time he tries John walks away or closes a door in Jack's face, still tries though. Either way Jack can always take this awkward game and lead into one of his crazy stories about a past relationship or adventure and John wasn't usually to happy with those either, Jack can't tell a story that doesn't involve him ending up naked and/or having sex.

"Course I have" he winked at John and the teacher rolled his eyes. "She is a beautiful blonde with the most infectious smile, brilliant to, you would like her" Jack's blue eyes lit up with an idea and it made John's stomach tighten. The last time Jack said that he ended up in a ditch without his shoes; not a fun memory. John ran his fingers through his untamable brown mop of hair as he followed Jack into a small kitchen-like room with a large table in the middle. A few windows lined the back of the table and a fridge, counter and stove lined against the other side of the room.

"Doctor!" a young red head with never ending legs grinned warmly from her seat under the windows.

"Amelia!" he grinned back and made his way to the group. Rory, a fair haired and very shy young history teacher was sitting beside Amelia and munching on a piece of cheese pizza. Clara a short and awkward brunette who teaches foods was sitting on the other side of Amelia and drinking what looks like coffee. John sat beside Rory and looked at the two pizza boxes that sat on the table; one was a large cheese pizza while the other was Jack's favorite, sausage and olives.

"How was P.E.?" John asked suddenly not hungry now that he could smell the greasy cheese and meat.

"Boring, this rainy weather is messing up my schedule" Amy replied with a slight pout. Her elbow placed itself on the table and her chin rested in her hand.

"But rain is beautiful!" John grinned and Amy had to press her lips together tightly to keep from smiling back, his smile is so damn infectious.

"How was physics?" Rory asked before taking another bite of the cheesy dish.

"Is Reinette still politely asking you to screw her brains out?" Amy laughed. Reinette was a French student who would spend the entire class finding not so subtle ways to hit on John, it's becoming more and more obvious but John continues to ignore her. It's not that the girl isn't beautiful, she is, but John doesn't do that kinda thing; in fact he hasn't been in a relationship or even had sex in over six years. John has been waiting for someone he has a connection with and that person is most certainly not Reinette. and John wouldn't even consider doing anything close to that with his student, it's so wrong.

"Not in those words" he mumbled, a blush creeping across his cheeks. "I just can't wait for this year to end and her to leave"

"But the year just started" Jack chuckled "only been a month"

"One very long month" John sighed.

"Um, hello" a young girl with blonde hair and a nervous smile said as she entered the room.

"Ms. Tyler" Jack greeted flirtatiously and Ms. Tyler blushed.

"I just wanted to know when lunch ended" she bit her lip and continued to stand awkwardly in the doorway. John could feel his heart tripping over itself in his chest, she is gorgeous. Her blonde hair is like the golden wisps of a goddess and that beautiful color of whiskey that resides in her eyes makes him forget how to breathe…haven't felt that way in awhile.

"In about ten minutes" Amy replied with a smile "You must be the new English teacher"

"Ya, that's me" a brilliant smile lit about her face and his breath caught. Her tongue poked out from between her teeth and John understood why Jack mentioned her smile earlier, it's beautiful and infectious. He could feel his own lips curve up lightly.

"Come eat with us" Amy gestured to the empty seat beside John and Ms. Tyler made her way over. John could feel the itch in his legs begging him to run the second the beautiful woman sat beside him. He tried to ignore it but when Amy said something and the most perfect laugh escaped from Ms. Tyler's throat, he was done for.

"I have to go" he mumbled before running out of the room. He was speed walking down the halls and his heart was trying to break out of his ribcage. He had never felt like that before, never even a third of that in so long. Being around Ms. Tyler is going to be impossible! When did he turn back into a teenager? Maybe being around Jack too much and working around teenagers all day has made him age backwards.