A/N - Bad news for you Bo/Lauren fanatics. You wont get neither of them this time. So if that's what you seek, better to skip this. What i am going to give you is my created villain. I must say i love her already.

Trigger warnings though, this chapter is kinda heavy on suicide thoughts and self hate and a bit of self harm. I felt like i needed to point that out. Anyway i hope you'll enjoy. If there are any questions please let me know.

Your back is pressed against the stone wall that imprisons you.

Your fingers touch the cold material, digging into it. The pain awakens something in you that you thought was already lost. Not for long. You feel blood running down your fingers and you feel nothing.

Your mind broke, stopped working. Your memories give you nothing but blood and scarred flesh. In your arms lies her lifeless body. You beg her to stay every single time. She never does. You wonder why. She died in your arms, you remember. Why does she not let you follow ?

Your eyes see nothing but the haunting darkness. You don't know whether or not you've ended up blind. You stopped caring somewhere in your first fifty years, because honestly, what is the point of seeing if you cannot, for one more time, see her beautiful face ?

Your nails scratch the cold stone and you hear nothing. Feel nothing. Pain is replaced with numbness. Sound is replaced by silence. You are dead. You are breathing, but you are dead. Your heart is beating, but you are dead.

Seventy eight years imprisoned for your revenge on her people. Seventy eight years without light, flesh, water and blood. Seventy eight years trapped with only her face as your silent companion. You have forgotten her voice. Soon, you will forget her face as well. You've never begged for anything so hard as you do now. You beg the non-existent God for death. She grants you nothing.

Its easier to blame others. Its easier to blame the power hungry Succubus and her never ending lust for power. How is anything your fault ? You wanted a better life. You wanted your sister to have a better life. Better than you had. You would have given everything to give it to her. In the end, maybe you did. She died in your arms. Her blood ran down your hands. She ceased to exist in this tormenting reality. Maybe, in the end, you gave her the better life you always dreamed of.

Maybe. Just maybe. You remember her smile as she faded away from your life.

You wonder how long will this last. You thought of countless ways to end it but your entire existence is cursed. You cannot die. Not this easily. Your wyvern blood forbade it the moment you were born. You've mastered most of your birth skills a long time ago. But what is the point of them now that you desperately need them ? Your wings have been cut out. Your inner fire extinguished and sealed, your claws dull and pointless. You are a useless member of your race. Nothing more than a long living human. If it would be possible, you'd be even more disgusted by what you've become. Luna of the Agarath Clan, pointless and useless, just like your entire life.

Sometimes you're jealous of the golden heir. You were a failure in your family's eyes. An unwated experiment going wrong. You're no dragon. As much as you begged the heavens, begged the Gods, you are no dragon. There is no fiery blood running through your veins. So, sometimes you allow your mind to feel this absurd feeling. She was everything you wanted to be. Still a fledgling but you loved her with every fiber of your being. She was so young. So eager to live. So eager to explore and travel and conquer. Her blood called for it. She was a dragon.

She was supposed to be a dragon.

What are you ? Useless wyvern, a disgusting mistake.

You have dreamed, many many times, to take over her life. You were supposed to be the golden heir, not her.

Your claws were sharp enough to slice the little fledgling's neck. So easy. It would be so, so easy and satisfying.

Once she opened her eyes however, once those ember orbs reached for your broken gaze, your hand stilled.

You loved her from the very second she glanced at you, from the very moment that little smile reached for you.

You bash your head several times now, erasing the very feeling of jealousy. You feel your cursed blood as it runs down your forehead. You taste it in the process. First liquid you had in years. Disgusting as always. Disgusting as you.

You love her with every fiber of your being. You love her with every fiber of your being.

You love her. And your love has led her to her death.

Your love poisoned her entire life.

Your love set her free.

Your love has killed her.

There are two things you loved in this world, this wretched universe. Two things that kept you relatively sane during your sad little mistake of a life.

Your parents, your creators, gave you a name that was fitting for your wretched existence. You do not remember it anymore. You let it go, you let it be forgotten when you killed them. Instead, you named yourself after the sole light in your life. Back when your sister was still a little fledgling, when you spilled your creator's blood, you took her name for your own. You craved something clear in your life, something that would give you power. Meaning. You believe that, in the end, the Moon is your sole lover, your one love of your pathetic little life. You love her as you would love your wife or your husband. You love her because she gives you meaning.

Your little sister is the sole person you love in your entire existence. She gives you peace, serenity. She loves you the way you are. She understands you. She lets you hug her, even though you are nothing but a mistake. She lets you hold her, kiss her and caress her. She lets you be her parent. The ones you murdered had plans for her, you've heard them the night before you acted. Horrid plans. Terrible plans. You did what was necessary and even though she backed away from your touch every time you tried, later she understood. It humours you that instead of punishing you with her hatred, she rewards you with her love.

You crossed this one little village once and when you readied her supper, readied everything for her to feel comfortable, she presents you with a gift. It goes unnoticed at first because instead of eating with her, you give her your share instead. You sat down near the window, staring at your distant lover. You nearly jump out of your skin when a pair of hands brushes away your hair. A necklace sat upon your neck, a crescent phase of the Moon. You want to ask but she surprises you with a kiss instead. She whispers, It is a reminder of my love for you. She is the love of your life. Was. She was taken from you. In a horrible way. By a woman you thought maybe you could love.

You were always ready to pay for your mistakes by your very life.

Life has a sick and cruel sense of humour when the ultimate prize you had to pay was her life instead.

Ysabeau let you keep your sister's necklace on your neck. For whatever reason, she allowed it. Maybe to torment you further. Maybe to always remind you that you will never see your distant lover's light again. Maybe to remind you that your heart's one desire is buried in the ground.

You have stopped counting a long time ago. Your power is useless against these enchanted walls. Your hands have gone numb, you cannot move them any longer. Your legs are already dead. You simply wish you'd follow them soon. You feel the very ground tremble but you pay it no mind. You do not have to strength to think of anything anymore. Her face stopped haunting your very existence. Your little sister's blood has dried out, her face crumbled and turned into sand, her voice shattered like a thousand of mirrors. You do not see her anymore. You wish to join her soon.

You know she holds you a place at her side. She promised she would. She promised..

You do not know whether or not you close your eyes, the darkness is still the same. You rest and you hope for release. You beg for it.

You do not know what comes next but suddenly there is a great tremor. An echo that goes louder and louder and it is the first sound you hear in centuries. Your name is being called, or at least you think so. Your hearing is still damaged enough to numb every sound into an echo. You think your eyes are open, you cannot really say it for sure though, because you see a glimpse of light. Light you think is the final step to your release.

How wrong you were.

When your stone prison shatters, you hear voices. You hear inhuman screeches and you wonder if the minions of underworld are already here to take you away from this wretched world. The light that touches your pale skin, you remember it well. You gazed upon it your entire life. You have her back, you think. You have her back. One of the creatures laughs at your broken, bony form. He is slain immediately, his black blood spraying on everything but you.

You laugh yourself. You'd be able to slain everyone if you had the power. Now ? You're a living corpse. They have broken your prison for no good. You are no good anymore. You never were.

A hand, strangely human, moves to your cheek. A woman, or so you think, kneels before you, a bowl filled with strange liquid in her other hand. You wonder if its her minion's blood ? It is black, so you think maybe.

"Drink." she orders and you wonder again. What are your options, anyway ? What good will refusing do ? Maybe its a poison. Maybe Ysabeau found her heart and decided, in her good grace, to finally end your life. You wonder. Your lips are being touched by gentle tips of fingers and you didn't realize how much you craved it. You hear an echo, a silent Please and you drink. You have nothing to lose, anyway.

The hooded figure leaves you there, stepping outside your prison and you feel your heart clench. The liquid was sweet and bitter at the same time. It was burning its way down your throat and you felt your voice living again. Your hands moved once more, so did your legs. You support yourself over the wall and the pain in your chest intesifies countless of times. You're a warrior, you are used to feeling pain. This felt unnatural. Like the entire world being forced down your throat. You shudder and you throw yourself to the wall, unable to feel it any longer. You yell and scream and beg for it to stop already but the release would not come. You vomit on the ground beneath you and your eyes can see how dark, black it is. You clench your fists, your eyes are open and you do not allow your body to yell again. You found your strength when the light pierced its way on your skin again. Your protector would not allow you to die.

You do not scream anymore but the pain is infuriating. It feels like your body is being infused with something unnatural. Something demonic. The rags you have on your broken body are being torn apart by your now sharp claws. They were not like this the last century, what happened ? You grip your body, you hug yourself and your claws cuts you deep, you are eager to feel the other pain. Its soothing to your soul. It feels different.

When the pain finally stops, when the skin on your back is pierced, when your claws are ready for rapture and when you feel blaze in your throat again, you stand up, naked as you are. You walk away, leaving what you think is your second skin. Serpents do that, you think, and you are nothing but a sly serpent. You are no Dragon.

Except that maybe you are. Your wings feel different, lighter. Your claws are sharper than before and your flame reeks of power. When you touch the side of your forehead, you can feel something strange. Horns, you think. Probably the same ones your sister had so long ago. You look at your hands and they do not tremble anymore. Your legs let you stand straight and your shoulders feel less heavy.

You step outside and the person that helped you before hands you over her cloak and a set of clothing. Your hands runs over the soft yet somewhat hard material and she nods, giving them to you. Your eyes sets upon the night sky, and your lips curl upwards into a small smile. Your protector shines like never before, you can somehow feel her hunger and you wonder again. Was this your fate all along ? When your eyes focus on the person before you, you spot a small army as well, bowing, kneeling in front of you. The woman joins them on the ground.

You're dressed and ready to leave. The woman informed you of your destiny, You grip your crescent necklace, the last memento of her love and you stare back at your prison. You wonder whether you should or should not leave a message. Whether you should stay dead for this world. Your answer came with a loud thunder that tore through the skies. Feeling her new bound power, she let the prison crumble as she let out a horrid screech of Death.

She will know fear. You will have her afraid for the rest of her life.

You get a horse and you are being led by lands you never seen before. They are dark. Haunting. You can see green flames erupting from the very ground. The ambiance of this place is like something you've never witnessed before. You wonder. Is this the Empire you protected so long ago ? Did it finally crumbled and died ? The answers to your silent questions came instantly and you laugh. You are being drawn to the very centre of evil. Ironic, you think. You have sworn to destroy it one day.

When you arrive to a palace like building, the gates open and you are being led inside. Maybe as a slave, maybe as a warrior, maybe as a commander of these forces. You are wrong in your every guess. There are creatures that bows to you wherever you walk.

The woman guides you to a wall and her fingers run smoothly over it. You can feel the wall moving instantly. Disappearing. "We are desperate for a leader." the woman says and you wonder. What does this have to do with you ? You descend deeper into the underground. There are countless of horrid creatures, bowing, showing you their respect. You do not understand why. You did nothing.

You enter a room with a large, metal like throne and there are guards standing near it. You think its the lord's personal guard. It has to be. The woman stops and points at it with a faint smile. You shake your head and you don't understand. Gently, she takes your hand and you slowly walk towards it, her guard staying in place.

"The grounders have their Empress." she says and you know instantly. You feel anger and pain hitting you instantly. She continues anyway. "She has ended many of our warriors. So did you, in your time." you continue your walk. You are nearly there. "We had hoped to find two warriors, instead of one broken woman. You and your sister were legends, even amongst our people." she stops her movements and you let the words sink in. You were so good together. You were unstoppable. You try your best to push your emotions back and you look at her, face stone cold.

"What do you want from me ?" you ask with a broken, tired voice. You had enough. The journey was long and there are countless questions still unanswered. "I've killed enough of you already. Do you wish more blood on my hands ? Is that why I was awakened ?" You ask and you see her shaking her head, giving you a silent no. The woman's hand reached for your cheek and she runs her fingers down throat. You wonder what she's doing but then she backs away, kneeling in front of you. So does everyone in the room. "The grounders have their Empress." she repeats, her eyes glancing at the throne, then back at you.

"Its time you take your place as our Empress." she says and you let out a laugh. Your hand caresses your forehead, feeling the headache settling in. This makes no sense to you. "Your sister's blood runs through your veins, Regna." she says and you wonder what that word means but your trail of thoughts is severed the moment you realize what she said. You knew it, you felt the change ever since your prison but you hoped..you hoped you were wrong. The next thing you know you're choking her against the wall, ready to snap her neck and to kill them all where they stand. You ruined your sister's last memory. You feel your necklace heavy as if made of titan. You want to end her just as much as you want to end that bitch of an Empress. You crave death, you want it on your hands so much.

You wonder why isn't anyone stopping you. You could kill their leader in a mere second and yet everyone is on the ground kneeling, not moving. Your grip tightens but she continues to talk in her serpent tongue. You wonder how. You are sure there is no air left in her lungs. "Your wyvern self has combined itself with your sister's dragon. You are unique. Worthy. You are no mistake, not any longer. Be our leader. Crush the ground. Burn it and rule." her words echoes through your mind and your hand lets go. She falls to the ground, touching her neck, massaging it and you walk away from her, leaving her there. Your eyes focus on the throne. Is this truly your calling ? Burn down the one thing you swore to protect all those years ago ?

You want her life. You shall do everything to get it.

You shall burn everything in your path.

Your necklace feels heavy with every step you take.

When you finally sit down, when you claim your right you didn't even knew you had, you rest. For the first time in a century long exile, you rest. Your necklace feels heavy and you know it reeks of guilt.

You've changed.

Its been days now and you can already feel the change. The hooded woman allies with you, giving up all her previous power. You take her as your right hand. You still need time to get used to all of this mess. You've been given armour. Specially crafted just for you. Its been a few days but your people are quick and strong. They make a good army. You've been given power you never had.

You call your tailors and they listen as you order them to make banners. A symbol of your reign. You remember Ysabeau's banner, two dragons in a red & black background. You take a similar path. Your dragon however is protected by the mighty Moon. It stands strong and deadly. The green flames were the first sign of colour when you returned. So you let your banner be toxic green.

You ask your right hand, what exactly does Regna means. You remember her calling you that a while back. She smiles as she handles you your new sword and you name it after your sister. You don't know why. You know your sister hated it when you took lives of others. Its a sentiment, you think. Your necklace is heavy enough. Your sword only adds to it. Its not as massive as the one you had, but it still is heavier. You wonder why.

But you know why. You know exactly why.

You hear of the attempt on Ysabeau's life and you punish the ones that escaped her army severely. You let them burn, you let them be an example. You burn them yourself with your very breath. You make sure everyone knows that her life is yours to take. Its not that you're ruthless, just efficient. You rule with an iron hand. Its been a few days but the respect you are given is tremendous.

Your hand shakes and you know it seeps with unleashed power. You will use it well.

You wonder when will you see your protector again. The one thing you miss from the ground is her light. You wonder if that could be arranged but your right hand only says that such sentiment gives us weakness. You let her be. She has proven herself useful for now.

Regna. People call you. You get no answer when you ask for its meaning. You search your libraries but you find nothing. You ask your servants but you get nothing. You understand, its a title, but you wish to know more.

You wish for so much more.

A/N - Hate ? Like ? Let me know. As usual, i have no idea when i'll update. I wrote this in like four hours just because i found the right music. My muse really hits me whenever she wants. Let me know what you think and thank you for reading.