Chapter 50

Jordan was packing some more things for her son when she heard someone knocking on their front door. She was aware that Jeff was downstairs getting things together and making sure that everything would be ready for them to be able to go on the road, so she knew he would answer the door. When she didn't hear anymore knocking, she figured he had answered the door and that he had either sent the person on their way or he was talking to them for a short time. She smiled as she looked over at the crib where their infant son was asleep at the moment and she couldn't help but feel bad that he didn't have his entire family. She wished that her son would have a chance to meet his grandparents, to know he had a grandmother and a grandfather that loved him and wanted to be there for him, but if they couldn't accept his father than Jordan didn't want them to have any influence on her son, she wanted her son to be proud of his father and to know that his father would do anything he felt like he needed to, to protect his family and the people close to him.

Jeff had heard someone knocking on the door, and when he opened it he had to admit he was in complete and total shock and who was there. Jeff had figured it was going to be someone trying to sell something or give some sort of demonstration for a product they were peddling, but it wasn't anyone of the sort, it was one of the last people he would have expected to show up at the door. Jeff was now staring at his father in law, Jordan's father, and it was clear the man was nervous as he stood there, and it was also clear to Jeff, that something was different about the man.

"Can I help you?" Jeff asked him politely. No matter what he might think of the man and no matter what he had done, he was his wife's father and the grandfather of his infant son and any future children that he and Jordan might be blessed with.

"Jeff, I was hoping I could talk to you." He said softly, staring at him with eyes that showed something that Jeff had never seen before, guilt and remorse.

"Sure, come in." Jeff said as he moved out of the way and let him inside. Jeff wanted his wife to have someone from her family that was on her side, someone who could be there for her and help her remember the good times from her childhood, and if there was any chance that Jordan's father might finally be the person she needed, than Jeff needed to hear him out and give him a real chance.

"I know that I haven't been anywhere near the best father to my little girl lately. I know I haven't given you a chance to show me that you are the right person for Jordan, that you will be there for her and that you will treat her right. I didn't listen to my daughter when she told me she loved you and wanted to be with you, and I have lost so much because of that. I know that she suffered any injury and can't remember anything, and I know that the injury was probably the result of some sort of scheme that happened to try and convince her not to be with you, and I will always carry the shame and guilt because of that. Jordan couldn't remember you two being in love, and she couldn't remember why she loved you and yet, she has chosen you again and that shows me something. I know that after all the damage that I have done to you, and to my daughter, that I don't deserve any chances or any forgiveness at all, but I need her to be happy and healthy and safe, and it seems to me that you are willing to do whatever you need to, to make sure she is happy, and that matters." Jordan's father said softly as he sighed and looked at Jeff. "My wife can't seem to see that it's time to back off, to let you two be happy and to be able to raise your son in peace and in a world of safety and love, but I can." He added as he stared at the floor and took a slow breath.

"Sir, it's never too late to make amends and to try and start a new relationship. I can't promise things between you and Jordan will be like they were, but I think she would appreciate having someone from her family that knows her so well finally being a part of our life and being happy for us." Jeff said, finally seeing the man that Jordan had described to him so long ago.

"My wife has hired a man named Thomas to try and get Jordan to fall for him. I have his picture and I wanted to warn you two. I am not expecting anything, nor do I ever expect I will get the chance to know my grandson or any other children you two might have, but I don't want my little girl getting hurt again and I really don't want her with that creep, there is something off about him. I hope that you all are able to have an amazing life together and I can never apologize enough for all the damage I have done." Jordan's father said as he handed over the picture he had of Thomas.

"I think you have." Jordan's soft voice came into the room. She had tears in her eyes as she walked into the room holding their son. She looked at Jeff and saw him smile at her and nod, letting her know that he felt like this might actually be the real thing and not a trick, that there was a chance her father really did want to be her father again, and that he was finally accepting her marriage and her choice.

Thomas was fuming as he realized any chance he had at getting Jordan's parents to finally help him get to her, were over. Jordan's mother was seeing that there was something off about him, and while she might not like Jeff at all, she still wasn't all that sure about him. Thomas knew that he was just going to have to prove to them all that he was the best choice and he would get them on his side. Before he could do any of that, though, he needed a new plan of action, a plan of attack that would allow him to do what needed to be done. He knew that there was a chance that his only way to get to Jordan, might be to make sure Jeff was out of the way, permanently.

"If making sure that Jeff can't be there for you my love, than I will do whatever it takes. I have no problem with making sure that Jeff Hardy is either unable to be the husband and father you need him to be, or that he is six feet under. Either way, I will make sure that there is an open road to you, and I will be the one whose shoulder you cry on and I will be the one you want to be with forever, and once we are together, your parents will come around and see, they made the right choice in wanting me to be with you. Now all I need to do, is use some of the information your dear old mommy gave to me when she was on my side, she may have only given me a little to work with, but it's enough to get what I need, I'm sure of it. If I were you Jeff, I would just step aside, because otherwise, you won't be breathing easily for very much longer." Thomas said as he grinned at the photo he had taped to his wall of the couple and their son, the only picture that the family had of their grandchild, but that would change, one way or another. Thomas didn't like to lose, and if there was a chance something wasn't going his way, he always found a way to make sure it did, no matter what it cost.