Last chapter, peeps! Then hopefully back to good old Percy Jackson!
Jack had managed to convince Tooth on going on a two day honeymoon. It wasn't that much time, in his opinion, but she had vital work to do and it wasn't the best of ideas to leave Cal unattended for such a long time.
"I'll race you." Tooth challenged.
"But I don't want to go home. I like it here."
"Jack…" She warned. He made a face at her. He wasn't overly happy with going home after two days, but he had no choice. "Last one back has to look after Cal for a month."
"I thought that was a joint effort?"
"Well, yes, but not if you don't hurry." She smirked at him and took off. Jack hurried after her, catching up in a matter of seconds. He gave her an impish grin and then vanished, plummeting so suddenly, she felt her heart jump to her throat.
Despite his reckless speed, they reached the Tooth Palace together. So that meant they both had to watch Cal for a month.
But Cal had really come into his own during the two days that they had been away. Bunny and Sandy had spent a day each keeping an eye on home and there were thousands of fairies to report any mischief, should the need arise.
Shockingly, there wasn't any.
Cal was running and jumping about the central control room, issuing orders and jokes alike as easy as pie. Tooth and Jack weren't quite sure how to react and ended up standing in the doorway for a good ten minutes, watching him hurry about and undergoing his mother's work.
"South America, sector three." He told one fairy. "England, sector one; Brazil, sector seventeen…"
"I didn't know he could do that tooth finding thing." Jack murmured in his wife's ear.
"Neither did I." Tooth admitted just as quietly. Jack saw she wore a strong look of pride, her eyes sparkling.
"Mam, Dad, you're home!" Cal dropped down to greet them, colliding with the pair of them in an ecstatic hug. "When did you get back?" He beamed.
"Ten minutes ago, give or take." Jack shrugged. "What happened?"
"Well, the fairies were panicking and… well, I just… randomly knew what to do, so ta da!"
"We could have stayed on the honeymoon!" Tooth ignored her husband and hugged her son again.
"I never thought you'd get fairy powers like this!" She laughed softly. "First the telepathy, then the walls…"
"Mam… can't… breathe!" Tooth loosened her hold, mumbling an apology.
"What about the snow?" Jack asked warily. Cal suddenly looked sheepish.
"About that…" He said, eyeing his staff as though it were the troublemaker and not him. "You might want to check a few of the corridors…"
"Bunny made me jump and… I froze a few corridors. I tried to undo it, honest!" He asserted at his mother's waning smile. "But I just made it worse." He certainly did look remorseful, so Tooth decided to go easy on him this time.
"I'll take a look at it later." Jack promised. "Show me this fairy thing." Cal's eyes lit up happily and he floated back up to the command centre, his parents tailing him. Tooth was itching to join in, but she wanted to observe Cal more, feeling very much like exploding with pride.
They later learnt that Baby Tooth and Emily had kept a very strict eye on Cal, only having to tell him off a dozen times in the two days about his immaturity. That was a record for Cal, one he didn't like.
"I really shouldn't work so hard." He decided, once his mother took back over. "It feels weird." Jack chuckled.
"Certainly does." He agreed. "Hence why I stick to snow days."
"You're just lazy." Tooth called over her shoulder. Jack wrinkled his nose at her behind her back, but she was too busy sending a small group of fairies to sector fourteen in Italy. "You better stop pulling faces and go sort out those corridors, Jack." She said with an air of finality over her shoulder. Jack stared at her, convinced that she had eyes in the back of her head.
"Come on then, trouble." Jack beckoned Cal to follow him. "Which corridors?" Cal pressed his lips together and hummed indecisively. "Cal. Which. Corridors?"
"All the ones on my floor." Cal replied in a rush. Jack barely grasped what he said. "But it was an accident and you can fix it, right?" He stared imploringly and hopefully at his father.
"Yeah, I suppose I can." Cal beamed at him. Jack returned it crookedly and took flight. Cal did too seconds later. "I heard you wanted a brother?"
"It'd be cool. Imagine if he had winter powers too!" Jack grinned. "How fun would that be?!" Cal's enthusiasm at the idea was almost over-whelming.
"I think your mam can just about handle us two." Cal looked mildly crestfallen. "I'm not finished yet, no waterworks."
"I don't cry. Only babies cry."
"And what are you?"
"Leave out the shortness!" Cal reprimanded, splattering a snowball down the back of his father's hoodie. Jack just smiled at him, unaffected entirely by the cold.
"Anyway, as I was saying, Manny told us how you came about- I'm not telling you, your brain would explode-" Cal looked highly insulted, but Jack remained blasé to this. "And I'm going to try and do some sneakiness and… impossible baby number two, hopefully."
"What if Pitch comes back though?"
"I'll set Tooth on him." Jack replied casually. "Oh, wow, you did make a mess." They landed at the end of the corridor leading to Cal's room. It was definitely a Frost mess; there was no other way of putting it. Three feet of snow, ice jagged across the walls and ceiling with stalactites finishing just above Jack's head.
"Breathe." Jack reminded him, raising his staff. Snow and ice peeled away from all surfaces and barrelled down the hall, folding in on itself. Jack and Cal ran after it, Cal immensely relieved that his mess hadn't been permanent.
It took Jack fifteen minutes to clear up his son's winter accident. A thought had occurred to him during this time: "Cal? You didn't just work while we were away, did you?"
"Not exactly…" His eyes darted about and he was torn between looking pleased with himself and contrite. "I may or may not have severely pranked North's office."
"Oh, the usual." He said, waving it off airily. Jack stared at him, demanding elaboration. "Well, you should ask him."
"When did you set this up?"
"Just after you left." Cal was now studying his palm, flexing his fingers. Jack could hear Tooth's voice in the back of his head- He shouldn't get away with pranking North!- but he had to know more! He couldn't help himself.
"So spill. What'd you do?" Jack shook him by the shoulders demandingly. Cal grinned devilishly and made to tell his father everything when he was waylaid by a dozen fairies at least.
Your mam wants a word with you! Carmen informed him.
North's here! Gabrielle added.
"Really? Dad, come on! North's here! Hey, hey, less shoving. I'm valuable merchandise." Jack snorted disbelievingly with laughter, but Cal was too busy dealing with very stubborn fairies.
North was, indeed, waiting for Cal. Thick, luminous green goo was dribbled in his hair and beard and his face was blotchy with red, blue and purple ink. His clothes were all decidedly bright pink and his boots had had fluffy white pom poms stuck to them.
"Explain yourself." Tooth growled, hands on her hips and weighing that scrutinising glower on her son. He was in so much trouble.
"I was bored."
"Who was meant to be watching you?"
"No-one. I had three hours to myself just after you left."
"What? Why?"
"I don't know."
"What else did you do? North tells me his office is worse."
"Oh… well…" Cal glanced nervously at his father, but he was in the dog house now. "Redecorated it."
"Pink. And yellow. Lots of yellow." North met his gaze with a steely fashion. "And several trip wires, buckets of goo and that weird dummy in the cupboard."
"You're going to go to North's office and you're going to clean it to exactly how it was. Then, you're going to dye all his clothes to their original colours and get rid of all the green goo. You are not to leave the North Pole until North's happy everything is back to the way it was, understood?"
"Yes, Mam." She sighed.
"Honestly, Cal. You go from hard-working to childish in minutes."
"This was before all the hard work." He replied quietly. Tooth didn't look impressed. "Mam, I can't help it! I was unsupervised and the possibilities were endless!"
"Aren't you supposed to be cleaning?!"
"Right now?"
"Right five minutes ago." Cal blinked at her and then realised that he should hurry to the North Pole before his mother dragged him kicking and screaming.
"I'm going, I'm going." He assured. "Race you there, North." He jumped up and hurtled head first at a wall, vanishing straight through it.
"North, I'm so sorry." Tooth's tone was softer now. "He shouldn't have been left alone for three hours; you know what he's like. I'd never imagine he'd go to this sort of extreme though."
"He is prankster." North looked after Cal. "But he won't be leaving until I feel better about my office."
North left too.
Tooth exhaled slowly and sank to sit on the floor.
"That boy…" She exasperated in a sigh. "What are we going to do with him?"
"I don't know." Jack sat next to her. "But he wants a brother to join him." Tooth stared at him incredulously. "Not my idea, I swear."
"He did mention it to me too." She lay down on the floor, placing her feet in his lap. "I think we'll just stick with him for now. Kids are mad."
Probably not much of a final chapter, but no cliffy! The only bit about this that was planned was Cal taking over with the Tooth Fairy business while his parents were away. So, I'm sorry if it's pants, but I'm not feeling up to much tonight.
Thank you everyone for reading and reviewing!