Name: Aryenna "Arya" Blackaik (Ah-ree-eh-nuh, Ah-ree-yuh, Black-ache)

Age: 16 years old

Gender: Female

Godly parent: Zeus

Personality: Aryenna is a perfect example of a ruthless, arrogant, narcissitic, mentaly unstable and insane character. She's very proud, cares less about others, including her own mother, and father. This could be only because she never met them though. However, she does have a soft side for her older sibilings- her older brother Aiden (A-den) and her twin sister- Natas (Nah-thus). This only goes for her pure sibilings, as she tried to kill her step sister Thalia a couple times. (from fathers side) Aryenna is also cruel, but according to Aiden, and Natas, her insanity was mainly caused by her living conditions (read more in "History"). However, don't be fooled if she suddenly saves your life in the games- use your time to run away, as she might only do this to kill you herself. She's also very paranoid at her allies, more so to children of Poseidon and Hades. Lastly she's very obsessed with lightning, storms, and snakes (she wouldn't dare hurting snakes, unless they're muttations).

Hair colour: She used to have gorgeously silver hair 'till she was 14 years old. When her hair turned white, she went completely insane. She wears them in a messy ponytail.

Eye colour: Her eyes, luckily remained the same colour even after she turned mad- stormy gray. They do allways look like they're ''shivering'' though.

Likes: Anything that has something to do with death, really. Aiden (her brother). Natas (twin sister). Lightning storms. All types of poisonous snakes. Winning. Being the leader. Light/day (wierd as it is, with her being insane and such). Making alliances with strong, or capable people. Her knives, bow and arrows, thin swords.

Dislikes: Children of Hades, Poseidon and Athena (she hates kids of Poseidon the most though). Her step sibilings. Kind people (most of the times). Some Olympians (Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Athena, Aphrodite, Apollo, Artemis). Other tributes.

Skills: Very skilled at throwing knives, and shooting bow and arrow. Medium at sword fighting. Exellent at creating storms, and using lightning. Great at lies. Great speed, and medium strenght. She has no real skills besides these though.

Weaknesses: She's afraid of water, and appears to be freezing around it. At the beginning of the games she ordered other allies to bring her some water, as she was afraid to get near ir. Durring the end of the games, she went it herself, and ended up getting badly hurt by the electroshock.

Weapon of choice: Knives. BUT, by the end of the games, she lost all of them, and while looking for them, she used a skinny sword, that she got from a tribute she killed.

Fears: Hydraphobia- fear of water. She's also very paranoid, so she also has fear of betrayal durring the games. 'Till she was 14 years old, she was also a little shakened up around hammers (read "History").

History: Aryenna killed her mother (Lyanna) in her birth, as Lyanna (Lee-ah-nuh) was giving birth to two children at the same time- Aryenna and Natas. This sadenned they're brother Aiden (who is seven years older than them), and yet he became like a second father to them.

They went asking they're aunt- Hazael (Heh-zah-eh-L), if she would take them, and Hazael only took them in order to replace her children- Atruna (Ah-trune), Kohana (Koh-ah-nuh), and Raezar (Ree-zahr), that died due to dissapearing in the labyrinth, since normally, Hazael didn't like demigods too much).

For nine years, they lived a more or less normal life, untill Aiden decided to go to the Labyrinth of the Minotaur, and rescue Atruna, Kohana, and Hazael, but he was lost. Later, Natas decided to go and find her brother, and she was never seen or heard again for two years.

Durring that time, Hazael went insane, and blamed Aryenna for not going with them, because if she did, they might have survived. So one day, when Hazael had gone really mad, she took a hammer, and wanted to kill Aryenna with it. But since Hazael had weak eyes, she could see very well, and dropped the hammer just when she was about to really hit Aryenna. So since Arya and her sibilings had trained hard as warriors since they were five years old, she used the chance to take the hammer and instead kill Hazael with it, as much as she didn't want to. That was very traumatising, and gave her the first step of insantiy.

She trained more, thieved, lived on streets, until two years later she saw the opening to the labyrinth and decided to get there, and save her sibilings. Because as I mentioned, she was allready a little mad at this point.

She was sucess to save Aiden, and Natas (though she tried to find Atruna, Kohana, Raezar too, she was unable to locate them). But after her mission, she went completely mad, and her hair turned white.

After that, she volunteered for the games (the way people from district 1 and 2 do), and is now a tribute.

Other: nope.

OOOHHH! I know EXACTLY what I'm doing with you!

"Aryenna?" Asked my aunt, looking around the corner of the house. I pushed my hair behind my ears and shuddered. no-one calls me Aryenna, except when they're mad. And I know for a fact that Hazeal was mad.

Or maybe it's me who's insane.

I turn the corner, smiling awkwardly at my aunt and adoptive mother. In her hand was a huge hammer. Kinda like Thor's, I guess. Funny.

Me, daughter of the god of storms, killed by the weapon he weilds.

She raises the hammer, ready to bring it crushing into my skull. I dodge, plucking the glasses off her nose. They were nice, I guess, Black, with a kinda flattened eye shape that had a jewel inlaid into one of the corners, and a line going from the top and bottom of the arm. Anyways, She can't see without them.

She grunts, swinging the hammer from side to side, and I dodge almost everyhit. Once it glanced off my leg, causing a huge bruise to form, and once, she hits my foot, and I go down.

She raises her hammer again, ready to crush my skull, when it, quite honestly, inexplicably drops. And immediately, I know what I must do.

I grab the hammer, and punge it into her chest.

Time skip!

I shoot out of bed, panting like a dog. It was just another nightmare. I look around, seeing the place where I'm sleeping right now. I cardboard box on someone's front yard. Remembering I'm safe, I curl back asleep again.

But I don't notice my hair growing paler with each passing day

Time Skip!

There it is! I'm running, the monsters chasing me. And I enter, into darkness

After days of searching, I find Aiden and Natas. Tears run down my cheeks as I hug the two tightly.

"Arya, Your hair!" exclaims Natas, picking up a lifeless strand of dove grey.

"It's been happening for awhile now." I shrug, hugging them closer, because if they knew the truth, if they could see my scars, they would hate me.

"Are you sure? It does-" Aiden begins, but gets cut off as I snap at him.

"Just shut up about it," I say, pushing him away.

"Jeez, okay. Lets get back to Haezel."

"Actually..." begin, looking down "Haezel... Is with our uncle..."

"You mean... Dead, right?"


Aiden nodded "okay."

We walk back to the entrance to the labyrinth, and see dracenae standing at the entrance. Oh gods. I lost my arrows against the minotaur, and some of the other creepy-crawlies in the labrinth. And I forgot my knife. Things are not going well for me.

They lead us into separate areas, and lock us in. Something snapped as I was chained up. Natas saw in first. My hair, which was a pale grey, shuddered and witened into pure white. I smiled, and snapped my fingers. a storm came, breaking the shackles. Good. I ran, leaving my siblings behind.

Time Skip!

Father walked up to the podium, wearing his pinstriped suit. He stuck his hand into the bowl and pulled out a slip of paper.

"Thalia Grace."

Thalia! She wouldn't survive ten minutes! I would! I'd go in there, and I'd win too.

"I volunteer as tribute!" I scream, racing up to the stage.

"Name?" Sighed Zeus, rolling his eyes.

"Aryenna Blackaik!"