This is for CC. She was a bit down after some not so good news. I hope this brings you some comfort.


"Mr Carson surely you can get Anna or Madge to do this." The housekeeper of Downton told the butler as he walked into her room carrying a tray of food.

She'd taken ill last night and was still under the weather this morning. Mrs Patmore had checked on her first thing this morning but she'd been too tired to give more than a few instructions to the cook for the maids. Elsie had slept almost the entire day away and it was now approaching dinner.

"Nonsense." He said closing the door and waiting as she sat up before placing the tray in front of her. "Mrs Patmore felt you had slept quite enough. She's made you some soup and I added a piece of bread and a small portion of dessert. She thought you might do well to not have too much solid food."

She smiled at him as he sat drinking the glass of lemonade down and waiting as he poured her another one.

"I didn't think I was that thirsty."

"I'm not surprised. You do have a nasty cough. I could hear you on and off most of the night."

"Really?" she began to eat. It was nice to have had that coolness from the lemonade and now the warmth from the soup on her throat.

"No." he looked down. "Mrs Patmore was saying something about it. I just wanted to . . ."

"Are you making fun of an ill woman?"

"No." he was still looking down but she could hear the mirth in his voice.

She became silent deciding to finish her dinner. He finally looked up at her and smiled slightly.

"Are you feeling better?"

"For the most part. My throat is a bit scratchy and I'm still very tired."

"Would you like me to have his Lordship call Dr Clarkson? Her Ladyship wanted to call him last night when I relayed that you were feeling unwell but I didn't think you would want that."

"You are certainly right about that Mr Carson."

"Mrs Hughes I have learned a thing or two over the years."

They both laughed and she finished her desert. He was still smiling and she would happily admit to herself his smile was infectious. It was something he didn't do very often. It took the years off him and she was reminded of when she first came to Downton. Since this past season and the day at the beach he was becoming softer. She shook her head. Clearly her mind was foggy due to being unwell.

"Thank you very much Mr Carson for bringing me dinner."

"You may not thank me after this."

"After what?"

"Well there is the little matter of medicine. I've been instructed to not leave until you've taken this powder." He pointed to the bottle on the corner of her nightstand.

Silently she took the foul tasting powder. The irony of this situation not lost on either occupants of the room.

"That certainly wasn't any fun."

"But it'll have you back on your feet in no time."

"I never knew you to be so attentive."

"It's good practice."

"For what exactly?"

"For when we leave together."

"That sounds a bit risqué." She teased.

He rolled his eyes at her but she heard the small chuckle he gave. Standing over her she wiped her mouth and set the napkin on the tray. She waited for him to the tray. He just stood there smiling down at her.

"Mr Carson?" She asked after a few minutes. When the silence became too much for her to bear.

He still didn't speak but placed his hand upon her cheek leaning down to place a kiss to her temple. He went to pull back and grab the tray when she took the hand that had just touched her cheek.

"Mr Carson?"

"Get some more rest and I'll be back to say goodnight." He squeezed her hand and gave her that seldom seen smile.

"You'll be back?"

He didn't reply but released her hand and placed another kiss to the top of her head. She watched as he left. That had been interesting to say the least. Moving to lie back down she switched the light off still thinking of his face as he'd kiss her. As her eyes closed once more she found she'd never been so grateful for a little head cold.