I'm so sorry! I've been so preoccupied with other stuff. I joined the track and field team last week and I made it for 200m and 400m and the day after that my coach told me to quit karate, which I do outside of school, and she told me if I don't quit karate then I should quit track and give up on it. I quit the track team but I was still really mad at the teacher. I was like "B****, no." Ok, enough ranting. On with the chappie!

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or Hunter x Hunter. I am trying to earn enough money to buy them though! ;D

Wendy awakened with a start. She looked around, disoriented. Her eyes locked to a sleeping figure beside her bed. It was the injured boy, Killua. His body was now wrapped in bandages. She had been afraid when she saw him that he'd died, there was so much blood. The dragon-slayer quietly got off the bed, taking care to not wake the sleeping assassin. She padded toward the door.

"Where are you going? It's 2 a.m." Killua's voice echoed throughout the infirmary, effectively scaring the living daylights out of her. Wendy flinched and whipped around.

"Sorry if I woke you. I was going back to my dorm room."

"It's okay. I wasn't sleeping anyway." He grinned at her. Wendy blushed. "Let's go back to bed though" Wendy nodded and left.

**The Next Day**

Brawls were already breaking out when Gray burst through the doors. He panted and wheezed. Erza walked over and "patted" him "gently" on the back. Gray nearly fell over but Natsu caught him around the waist.

"Natsu *pant* Er-Erza" the Ice Mage doubled over coughing. Natsu gently helped him sit down with a curious look on his face. The fights had stopped midway and everybody stared at the raven expectantly. Even Mira had stopped serving drinks and Cana had stopped drinking.[*gasp* I know ;) ] Killua coughed breaking the silence.

"Lucy's gone!" Gray looked up. The guild was in uproar.

"SILENCE! What happened?" Master looked like he was about to commit murder. His killer intent was leaking out. Gray drew back a bit, fear clear in his eyes. Even Natsu looked intimidated.

Gray explained how a hooded figure, probably male, was controlling many vines that had Lucy crucified. How she'd been covered in blood. Gon's eyes had widened at this point. Gray told the guild how the figure knocked him out as soon as the ice mage had arrived on the scene. When he woke up Lucy's house was no longer standing and the resident of said house was gone. By the end of the story every able-bodied person including Mirajane and the Raijunshuu was getting ready to search for their resident celestial spirit mage. Erza's armored hand clenched tightly with a dangerous expression on her face.

"Natsu-san, Wendy-chan, and Gajeel-san." Gon thought aloud. 'These 3 are dragon slayers. They have a better sense of smell than Gon. He's most likely thinking the same thing as I am, the four of them could try-no will track Lucy down.' Something still bothered Killua, there had to be some reason the figure took the spirit mage. He followed the remaining members of Team Natsu and Gajeel and Gon to Lucy's house, or at least what remained of it.

The white-haired boy didn't realize that the others had stopped and nearly tripped and fell into a puddle of blood. Luckily Gajeel caught him by the collar.

"Brat" he grumbled. Natsu had turned his head toward the sky trying to catch onto any familiar scent. As had Wendy and the iron dragon slayer. Gon was crouched on the ground ,resembling a tracker dog, and Erza looked around for signs of struggle. Gray had taken to trying to sense any magical energy when he gasped. The Zoldyck heir ignored the ice mage.

There was too much blood. If this was all Lucy Heartphillia's blood then they could confidently say that she was deceased. Funny how much that word aff- no need to go down memory lane now, especially not now. Killua shook his head as if to get rid of the thoughts his mind whispered to him.

"Gray, Wendy" he questioned "Can you tell if she is alive or not?" Gray looked scandalized.

"Of course she is, and yes I not only believe that, I can also sense it!" Gray glared

"Sorry. the amount of blood on the ground worries me" Killua said thoughtfully. Erza nodded in agreement.

"Gray said that he doesn't sense any use of magic having taken place. That couldn't have been possible, otherwise how could that man have controlled the vines."

Gon, who had been silent until now, spoke up "Unless he was using Nen, But I am not sure. He probably is a manipulator or a specialist, but specialists are rare." The group headed back to the guild, each lost in their own thoughts. Suddenly Gajeel froze in his tracks with a look of horror crossing his a face. The others turned to look at him. They watched his movements curiously. He sniffed the air once more. Wendy did the same hoping to find what the iron dragon slayer was looking for.

"Juvia, where is Juvia?"He grabbed Gray's shoulder and began shaking him frantically. Realization struck the mages like a lightning paled. Erza's face had crumpled to a look of anger, and Gray looked more fragile than he had in years.

"The l-last time I saw her was last n-night. She couldn't have...?" They had already assumed the worst. And Killua being as tactless as he was, asked "Who is Juvia?"

Natsu, being the calmest even though he looked like he was on the verge of murder said "Our water mage." Gon's eyes widened.

"Juvia's gone!" Gajeel cried standing in front of Master Makarov. The blond man beside him turned. A long lightning shaped scar marred his features. The mages tensed. Gon stood in a loose fighting stance. But Makarov's warning look prevented him from doing anything.

"Well you can add Team Shadow Gear's names to the list. I was walking back to my apartment when I saw a figure in a purple cloak with a musical note on it, leave." He looked at Gon and Killua suspiciously. Gon slowly moved in front of Killua.

"We have something to do with this, don't we Gon? What are you hiding from me?"Killua glared with his icy cold eyes. Gon shook his head but stopped when he saw Killua's glare intensify.

"Kaicho never gave us a mission. It was a personal client. I met her when I left to cool off after I healed. You were at Kukuroo." Gon told him how her friend was missing. But as soon as Gon mentioned her name, the guild members who returned started muttering.

"Could you repeat that name?" Macao asked believing he'd heard wrong. Most expressions mirrored the old mans. Killua stare at him.

"Mavis, Mavis Vermillion"

Until next time!