'POV: Edlyn Elric';

"And I get into these types of situations, how, exactly? I haven't even been here that- shit!" I yelled as I dodged another attack from the right and left by jumping up, effectively leaving those things to run into each other rather than me by jumping off their heads. I didn't even know what the hell they were! The best way to describe them was chimera, but I couldn't tell what animals were used, it would have to be more than just a few!

Jumping up, I grabbed a branch and pulled myself up onto it. Those things had to be around six feet tall or more, so I continued to scale the tree and decided to not give a crap that I probably looked like a monkey at the moment. When I was a good twenty feet up, and didn't hear the sound of groaning trees beneath me, I took the chance to catch my breath and think of what to do next.

These odds really weren't in my favor. It was dark, I was in an unfamiliar area –and had been so for who knows how long-, I was outnumber considering there were four of them and only one of me, and I was weak from fighting others like them for days on end. It's like I am on their radar, with a label of kill. I have been in a forest filled with unknown things trying to attack me while I try freaking surviving by not dehydrating! I miss training on the island!

I took the time I had up in the tree to make bandages out of the end of my coat, using alchemy to make the tears cleaner. The alchemic light left me momentarily blinded again, but soon enough I was rewrapping one of my older wounds on my left bicep. I was lucky that that was all I had gotten so far, besides some bruises and minor scratches that I had made sure were cleaned. Right after I put my coat back on, the tree I was in suddenly began to sway. Turns out, those things, when they worked together can cause a lot of damage to a tree trunk.

The whole tree started to fall to the side, giving me a momentarily light feeling in my stomach before I jumped onto a new tree. Those things were smarter than I gave credit for, it looks like I would have to stay on the move from now on. I sighed, resting my head on the trunk that I was currently hugging with my Automail. I needed sleep soon. I was going on nothing, having only caught a wink here and there. And I also needed food. I ran out of the last rabbit I scavenged hours before.

I was just about to start moving to the next tree when something my size flew at me. I hadn't seen it in time, it pushing its feet onto my chest. I respectively started to fall. Hitting branch after branch and losing my coat at some point, I was once again on the ground. It was fair to say I was a little out of it, I was just in a tree and now I was back down here, surrounded by –now- five things. The world really wasn't on my side.

It was at this time that I realized something. I had been on autopilot for a while now. I hadn't been letting myself feel anything. And now, as these unknown things swarmed me with their rancid breath on my face and their talon/clawed feet mere inches from my body, my emotions came whooshing back to slam full force into my gut.

With a gasp, I felt how confused I was, how absolutely terrified this whole thing made me. I was somewhere unknown, for an unknown reason, surrounded by things that I did not know. I felt how much my muscles ached from constantly moving, which even I wasn't used to for this many days to this degree. There was the adrenaline, that was almost always there, and yet almost seemed normal in my life anyway.

But get this, that wasn't what I was thinking about. I wasn't thinking about any of the things from before. The main thought in my head was,

I was alone.

Alphonse was not with me, where ever I was.

The last thing I remember before passing out, was a brilliant blue flame coming from above. I really thought it was beautiful, compared to the colors of battle.

A/N: Hey, I come baring an insanely short prologue, Fem!Ed, and only a glimpse of another character! Ahaha best author ever! Sorry… anyway, if this gets like, at least three reviews then I know it will be worth continuing! I promise the next chapters will me much longer, this is just a taste test, I promise! And sorry for any errors in my writing, it was my first time trying to write first person…