I'm telling everyone right now that every single word and thought is actually true and not changed for dramatic story telling reasons, well of course, other than the panty part 'cause (thank god) my crush did not see my panty but he does call me nicknames. This is what I have experienced while I'm in middle school from the first day of 6th grade all the way to right now, because I'm still experiencing problems right now. Mikan is actually me, and since my personality is different than her, she will be OOC in this story and so will Natsume since he is my crush. I will not reveal the names of my actual crush and friends. Aoi is not Natsume's little sister in this.

Words that are underlined is Mikan skyping

Words that are bold is Natsume skyping

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess.

Her mother died when she was very little and her dad remarried to a women.

Her evil stepmother was very harsh to her and she was more like a maid than a princess.

One day when she was singing while getting water from the well, she met a charming prince and—


If you're looking for fairy tales with princes and princesses that live Happily Ever After...

Then I'm telling you now, you're at the wrong place.

It was some time ago, maybe 3 years?

Even though it was so long ago, I still remember so clearly what we did together.

It's a feeling.

It's a bond.

It's love.

Love that I never got.

Perhaps some of you, the ones reading this, has a similar experience? That's why I'm telling you my story.

From the very beginning till end.

It was my first day of middle school in Gakuen Alice, an international school with students from all over the world.

On my first science class, my super strict science teacher, Misaki sensei, already gave us a lab project to do.

He put us randomly in groups and I sighed as I heard him read the names of my group.

I was the only girl.

I hate that.

I stood up and lazily walked to the corner where my group was supposed to do the lab.

My group was Kokoro Yome, a spiky blonde haired boy who always wears that annoying smile; Ruka Nogi, a nice blonde boy; and last but not least, Natsume Hyuuga, a raven haired boy with beautiful crimson eyes.

"Ok, so lets get this started." Koko and Ruka said as they started making a paper airplane which we had to test it's speed, or something like that.

"Where are you from?" I jumped a tiny bit when I heard that smooth voice.

I turned on my heals and saw Natsume casually leaning against the table, eyes glued to me as if analyzing me.

"E-eto..." I stammered surprised by his sudden question.

"Well?" He asked, raising his eye brows.

"Born in America but I'm mostly from Japan." I uttered quickly.

I didn't even know if he caught that.

He smiled as me and made his way towards me.

"I'm also from Japan. I guess we're pretty similar." I smiled back and he asked me for my name. My heart skipped a beat.

"Mikan." I stated as I smiled widely at him.


"Natsume Hyuuga, right?" I questioned, cutting off his sentence. His eyes widened a little in amusement but smiled right away.


The rest of the lab went smoothly, as me and Natsume kept talking and joking together.

I'm not much of a talker to strangers, but I really enjoyed his company.

I helped the other two boys but he just stood there with his mouth moving nonstop.

"Would you work already?" Ruka stated flatly as he slightly glared at Natsume.

I kept silent as my eyes trailed from Ruka to Natsume.

"Alright, alright. I thought we were best friends." He said raising his hands in defeat and sluggishly took the pencil lying lifelessly on the table and started copying numbers onto his paper.

"We are, Natsume, but that doesn't mean I won't make you work." Ruka strictly told him and motioned me to help them.

I glanced at Natsume and he smiled a little as if to say, 'Oops, I messed up.'

At the end of class my group members asked me for my Skype.

I didn't set one up yet so I told them I'll set it up later.

I watched as Natsume stood and walked out the classroom.

I rose from my seat and swung my bag on my shoulders and walked towards the door.

Natsume was talking to Ruka but their conversation ended a few minutes before I reached them.

I barely walked out of the classroom when a whole bunch of students ran past me and I nearly fell.

"Daijōbu?" Natsume asked but started cracking up.

I watched him in a confused state as he hugged his stomach from laughter.

"I suggest you quickly stand up...Polka." He whispered to my ear and pulled me up. My face completely changed to scarlet red.

I pulled down my skirt which flew up from the wind of the zooming students.

"Don't tell anyone about this, got it?" I pointed a finger at him sharply and I stomped out.

He followed me and kept calling me 'polka.' I got so pissed I started chasing him.

He was a fast runner and clearly outran me but anyone could tell he was running slower than he could.

I chased him all the way to his next class.

He laughed and waved me a good-bye as he walked into his classroom.

I smiled and waved at him as well. I walked happily to my next class.

At break I asked my friends to teach me how to use Skype. I was so excited to start using it!

One of my friends, Nonoko Ogasawara, a navy long haired girl, gave me Natsume's Skype contact and I added him almost eagerly.

When I went home I immediately opened my computer and checked if he accepted my request.

Natsume Hyuuga pending contact

I sighed and slapped my head for my stupidity.

Why am I so eager to be friends with him?

I walked out and sat our couch. I turned on the TV and I spent the rest of the day thinking of an answer to my question.

It was a normal day when I went home.

I walked in my house casually and called 'I'm home!' like I usually do.

I dropped my bag in my room and took my Macbook out.

I lay my head on my desk as I looked through my teacher's websites.

'So much homework...' I sighed when I heard the familiar sound of Skype.

Natsume came online

Almost falling out of my chair and for some reason, I broke into a huge smile.


Who are you again?

I literally face palmed.

Mikan Sakura from your science class, dude.

Oh yeah, now I remember.

Giggling a little at his reaction, I continued talking with him.

How did you get my Skype?

I got it from my friends 'cause, you know, science lab thingy.

Oh ok.

We talked for hours nonstop about everything we could think about.

Schools, friends, teachers, feelings, etc.

I felt like we had a special bond.

Since then, we became good friends.

I was excited to go to school the next day.

We talked a little, but I was disappointed at the little interaction I got with him.

The first thing I did when I got home was open my mac and check Skype.


My heart skipped a beat.


Can you call?

I jumped in my seat.


I said can you call.


After a few seconds I heard the ringtone of Skype call.

I picked up, and we talked for hours.

That Friday, was the Welcome Back dance.

Did I forget to mention who my crush was?

His name is Mochiage, nicknamed Mochu.

He's been my friend every since lower school and he helps me out with games or homework.

I was bouncing off the walls from excitement of my first middle school dance.

I stayed after school with some of my friends and wore a casual dress.

The dance was located at the cafeteria and starts at 6:30 and ends at 8:30.

The chairs and tables were moved aside and it was pitch black other than the disco lights flashing around in wonderful colors.

My excitement grew as I heard the booming of the most popular songs and the amount of people littered across the floor.

"Guys!" I quickly spotted my friends in a small circle dancing on the floor.

Turning their heads, Anna, Nono, Sumire, Aoi broke into big smiles. Hotaru just smiled a little at me and hugged me.

"You guys look good!" I screamed over the music. Grinning, they also yelled.

"You look cute too, Mikan!"

Screaming as loud as we could, we danced like crazy, singing along to all the songs we know.

Searching for my crush, I finally found him sitting on the counter alone.

"You okay?" I asked as I stood in front of him.

"Yeah." He answered flatly and shooed me off.

Disappointed and hurt I ran back to my friends.

"Mikan, you okay?" Anna asked worriedly when she saw my hurt look.

"Yeah...Mochu just pushed me away. Is he okay?" I asked them hoping they would know what happened.

"Oh! Mochu has a major crush on this girl in our grade and he wanted to dance with her but she rejected him and danced with someone else." My heart sank when I heard that.

I looked at Mochu one last time. I noticed that his eyes were watching his crush, one of the popular girls in our school

I spent the rest of the night with a fake smile and a heavy heart.

I will continue this story ONLY if I get a lot of reviews telling me to. I have high expectations for you guys so you better not think twice about reviewing if you want me to continue! I would try to get 10+ reviews in the next month or so. Hopefully you guys surprise me rather than disappoint me. The good (bad for me) and dramatic part didn't even start yet.