:Hello everyone! I'm sorry that this is late, I tried really hard to write it but I couldn't find the right atmosphere to type in and that's a big problem for me XD. We found a place to stay, just not a house! I'm homeless basically, but hey here's the final chapter you all were waiting for, I hope you like it, please review!:


"I really don't see why we have to do this..." Joey grumbled as he browsed the boardgames isle of the store. Yugi giggled and picked up Monopoly. It had been 2 years ever since Yugi became a Shadow, for a week Yugi didn't think he was different at all. But, like Yami said, he had waved his hand when he wanted a glass of water. It had appeared in front of him and floated there for a while until Yugi had reached out to grab it. After that, Yugi had made a lot of objects appear, a laptop, a desk, a chair, he had basically summoned all of his study for himself. Yami had questioned him about what it all was for, Yugi then explained his career and asked if he could continue it. Yami said he could and even helped him with ideas for stories, however when Yugi wrote, he would interrupt him to eat, sleep, and to spend time with him. Yugi even tried to teach Yami how to use a computer when he wrote, but that ended badly and Yami ended up opening 30 tabs of new sheets. Yugi was happy, he could relax when he wrote, he had space when he wanted it, and everyone was nice to him as if he was family!

"We can't conjure up things we can't picture in our mind, so we have to buy it." Yugi placed Monopoly back down and picked up a pack of cards. Yami had given all of the Shadows permission to leave the house now, Yugi had convinced him after about a month of being there. He was tired of being cooped up so he had explained to him that they needed to get out sometimes, Yami was reluctant to the idea but after a night of thinking, he had agreed. He had given the permission, but the catch was, no one could go alone. In order to leave, two people had to leave together, for safety reasons. Yugi had told Yami about how new games were out that they could try, Yami had argued they could conjure them, but when Yugi told him to conjure up an X-box, he won the argument. Joey looked over Yugi's shoulder.

"What's that?" He asked, pointing at the pack of cards in Yugi's hands. Yugi looked at the packaging, the label was see-through and he was able to see black and white cards in the wrapping. At the top, three words were printed and spelled out Cards of Humanity. Yugi's eyes widened, he had heard of this game but he had never actually found it in stores before. It was supposed to be a fun game and whoever contained the most black cards in the end won, however it was also said to be quite dirty.

"A card game."

"We already have over a hundred card games..."

"This one is different."

"How so?"

"On the pack there's a card example, it says; A lopsided dildo."

"So, how much is this game again?" Joey grabbed the package out of his hands and looked at it. Yugi giggled and looked at the price, it was only ten dollars, they could buy it. After all, if they needed money they could conjure it up. Yugi felt kind of cheap being able to do this, but being able to live forever would cause suspicion at a work place, he was even planning on retiring as a writer when he reached the technical age of 100. He could see the newspaper headlines now, 1000 year old writer keeps on going! What a weird article that would be!

"Okay, let's get a couple more things and let's go." Yugi spoke as he walked down out of the isle with Joey stalking behind him, Joey let out a groan.

"But we have a game, can't we go back home?" Joey whined, tossing the cards between his hands as he walked. Yugi rolled his eyes and turned around to look at him.

"Why are you always in a rush to go back home?" Yugi questioned, placing his hands on his hips. Joey looked away and his face flushed as his mind began to turn.

"I-I just don't want to be caught by..." Joey made a circular motion with his hand. "You know...Mai..." Yugi let out a sigh and nodded in understanding. After being let back out of the house, Joey and Yugi had went to the diner before to let Joey see Mai again for the first time in a while. Mai had been delighted, overjoyed, any word in the dictionary to explain the word happy. Joey had been happy as well and they had hugged, but when Mai kissed him on the lips, he had to have a talk with her. Yugi had sat and talked to Rebecca over a cup of coffee for around twenty minutes before Joey came back, Mai was latched onto his arm and smirking. Yugi and Rebecca had automatically went to their friend, Yugi to Joey and Rebecca to Mai, and asked what had happened. Apparently, Joey had told her that he was seeing someone new, Seto, she had said that it was fine but since they were still married, she had the right to see him. She told him that he would come back to her because he was rightfully hers, Joey didn't dare tell her that he was bound by a Shadow Bet and that he was kind of dead. Now, every time they ran into Mai, she would latch onto him and follow them until they left in a car.

"Fine, we can be quick then, come on." Yugi said, grabbing Joey's hand and dragging him along. Holding hands with Joey was a habit that both of them couldn't seem to break now, Yami and Seto had gotten jealous because of it but after Yugi and Joey explained that they only like each other as brothers, they seemed to be okay with it. If Yugi and Joey were outside and they were either scared, in a hurry, or confused, they would hold hands. It was as if it was an invisible string that connect them so they didn't lose one another. Yugi dragged him to an area of the store that was filled with televisions and other electronics and looked to the section that had cases behind glass, game cases to be precise. He let go of Joey's hand and browsed the sections, sighing. Should he just simply buy everyone their own portable game system, one game console, two game consoles? Yugi wanted to pull his hair out, sure they could conjure money up out of thin air, but buying everything at once would be suspicious.

"So, what are we getting?" Joey asked, he remembered what a majority of these consoles were and the games, but he had never gotten around to conjuring up anything. Yugi mumbled out some words as he knelt down and pointed at stuff, counting.

"We're buying three 3DS's, A Wii, and a couple games to go with it."

"Can't we buy one 3DS, and conjure up 2 more?"

"Okay, one 3DS..." Yugi reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet, they had conjured up $1000 dollars before hand just in case, they didn't want to conjure in front of humans. Yami would be furious if they did, so they made sure they didn't make any sudden hand movements while wanting an object to appear. After they purchased their merchandise, they left and went to their car that they had bought, it was a dark blue van. Malik had said it seemed childish and silly to have a van, but Yami said if all of us wanted to go somewhere then he wanted all of us to able to fit in a vehicle.

"What is this dance party game you bought?" Joey questioned as he eyed a colorful white case. Yugi chuckled.

"When you play it, you have to dance, I thought it might be entertaining to see Bakura or Seto dance for us."

"I would pay all the money in the world to see Seto dance the chicken dance, just saying." Joey spoke, reaching into his pocket and pulling out keys to unlock the door. Yugi let out a laugh at this, and didn't hear or see the person running up to him.

"Yugi!" A voice yelled out happily, Yugi turned around, trying to stop laughing, and felt someone tackle him by wrapping their arms around his neck. Yugi gasped and steadied himself upright by placing his hands on the other person's waist. Joey looked around the van to see what was going on, but then shrugged and got in the van. Yugi pulled back and let out a sigh.

"If you're going to tackle me, at least give me a warning, Anzu..." Yugi grumbled. Anzu giggled and just hugged him again. After it all was over, Yugi had left the house, with Joey, to visit Anzu. She had been happy and told him that the house was lonely but her friends were willing to stay with her so she wouldn't be. She said she was glad to see Yugi happy and that if Yami ever made him mad, to come back to her right away. Yugi had promised he would and told her that he would visit her more often, she had smiled at that and now they just acted like really close friends.

"I did give you a warning." Anzu let him go and crossed her arms, pouting. Yugi chuckled and scratched the back of his head.

"So, how are you?"

"Pretty good," Anzu sighed. "Therapy was a little annoying today though." Anzu was put in therapy after about three months of being separated from Yugi, she had explained to Yugi that she figured out that she had a split personality and that it was stressing her out and that it ruined her life, so she was trying to get it fixed. Yugi told her not to stress out and if she needed help to just try to find him.

"Therapist didn't want to be there today?" Yugi suggested. Anzu sighed and nodded.

"He wouldn't even put me through my original exercises."

"You probably need a new therapist."

"Oh, I would never! He's far to nice to me."

"Well, if he keeps doing that..."

"I know, I know." Anzu looked at the van. "I should probably let you go, your hubby might be angry with me." Yugi tried not to notice the slight hatred placed into the word 'Hubby', but nevertheless, he blushed and looked away.

"He is not my hubby." Yugi mumbled out, Anzu smiled and grabbed his shoulders, turning him around.

"Details are a small thing, go on, get!" Anzu giggled. "I'll see you later, Yugi!" She pushed him forward and waved, Yugi smiled and waved back, watching her as she ran towards the store. Joey poked his head out of Yugi's side window, Yugi crossed his arms and rose an amused eyebrow at this.

"What're you looking at? Just get in the car man."


"Okay, so you place this small thingy," Malik rose a small chip to a rectangular game device and pushed the chip into a slot that was at the top. "into this small little slot." Bakura groaned and grabbed the 3DS and chip from him, he placed the game in it right. Malik's eyes widened.

"You're a wizard, Kura!" Malik exclaimed as he grabbed the system back and opened it to begin playing. Bakura sighed and leaned back on the couch.

"Do you even know where that came from?" Bakura questioned, talking about the saying Malik had said. Malik turned toward him, his 3DS now alive and beginning to start a game.

"What came from what?" Malik asked with a tilt of his head. Bakura sighed and grabbed Malik, pulling him to him and letting him rest on his shoulder. Bakura chuckled in his ear.

"Nothing, play your game." Bakura watched as the screen turned colorful and characters started to appear on it. Yugi and Joey had gotten home earlier then expected, so everyone went to a new room. There was now a third game room, one that would hold electronic games. In the room was a large television, the game consoles, shelves to place portable consoles and games on it, three large black sofas, and the room had dark colored walls and gray carpeting. Malik and Bakura were on the couch playing with the 3DS, Seto and Joey were playing with the Wii, and Yugi and Yami were just watching everyone on a different sofa.

"Buddy quiz?" Joey questioned as they browsed through a selection of mini games to play, apparently it was for 3-4 people. Seto shrugged and looked at the screen boringly, he moved his eyes to Joey and felt himself smile, Joey seemed to be having fun with it at least.

"Why don't you call Yugi over?"

"Isn't he cuddling Yami though?"

"I am not!" Yugi yelled from the sofa, he was sitting upright on the sofa next to Yami, not on him. Yami chuckled and reached an arm over and wrapped it around Yugi's shoulder, pulling him to his chest. Yugi gasped and landed on his chest, pouting.

"Okay, now he's cuddling." Joey spoke, looking back at the two of them. Yugi pouted but smiled and rested his head on Yami's chest, placing a hand on it as he did this. Yami smiled and lifted Yugi's chin up, placing a small kiss on his lips.

"Ew, they're kissing now, get a room!" Joey teased with a smile. Yugi looked to him and stuck his tongue out at him.

"Shut up, why do you tease us but not Malik and Bakura?"

"Because they do it when we aren't looking." Joey answered, darting his eyes to the television where Seto was browsing mini games. Yami looked to Bakura and Malik, Bakura was holding the 3DS up out of Maliks reach and his other hand was gripping his chin, holding him there as their lips met each other.

"They're kissing, I see them." Yami pointed out with a smirk, Joey whipped his head around and pointed at them.

"'Get a room!" Joey yelled out. Yugi and Yami began to laugh when Bakura let go of Malik quickly and handed him back his 3DS.

"You saw nothing!"

"I saw everything!"

"I call bullshit!"

"I call horseshit!"

"I call; hey I found a game." Seto said blankly, obtaining Joey's attention from Bakura. Yugi looked to Seto and Joey and pouted.

"Hey, everyone has kissed, it's your turn." Yugi called out, wanting to tease someone. Yami just held him closer as he smiled down at him.

"Games are serious business, you cannot kiss while-" Joey felt his chin get closed in a grip and his lips get assaulted by Seto's, his eyes widened and backed up, falling on his back and Seto landing on top of him. Yami started to laugh while Yugi's face turned red, Bakura and Malik began to laugh as well.

"You yell at us to get a room, and now you're practically having sex on the carpet!" Malik yelled, his laughter mixing with the other two laughs in the room. Joey blushed and pushed Seto away, he whispered some words to him and Seto got off willingly. Yugi didn't want to think about what he had whispered to him. Yami smiled and looked down at Yugi, he pulled a little on his shoulder. Yugi looked up at him, laughter still going through the room.

"Yes?" Yugi asked, concerned for Yami at that moment. Yami rose his hand from his shoulder to his hair and pulled Yugi to him, kissing him on the lips once more. Yugi blushed and closed his eyes, kissing him back and wrapping his arms around his neck. The two broke the kiss reluctantly, the others in the room hadn't paid attention to the kiss they had shared.

"Sorry, I'm just..." Yami sighed and rested his forehead on Yugi's. "I'm just glad you agreed to stay here..." Yugi let out a small giggle and his face flushed a little more.

"It's been two years and you still won't stop repeating that." Yugi whispered, his heart racing with affection and love. Yami looked into his eyes, his crimson orbs containing love, happiness, and respect.

"I can't help it, I will never stop being happy that you chose me." Yami breathed out, a gentle smile placing itself on his face. Yugi reached up and gave him a sweet soft kiss on the lips.

"And I will never regret my choice."

:I'm sorry this is short! I tried to make it long but when I type these, I type until my mind tells me to stop and that it's enough and it doesn't require more! If I type more my mind goes out of whack! Anyway, my baby is finished! My god, this is my second longest story! As always I shall open a poll, it will be open for two weeks, you heard me, TWO weeks! So you have plenty of time to vote, I hope you enjoyed The House of Yami and will continue to read my stories, have a great day and I'll see you next time! hugs all of you*: