Not for the Faint
I'm not dead! I just had a very dry spell there for a while. This is a prompt fill for someone who wanted…this….hopefully ^^ Enjoy!
Summery: Even The Avengers have their limits, thankfully the Avengers look after their own.
It was one of those days where Tony just wanted to crawl back up to his top floor, pent house suite and sleep for a month. Of course he would never be able to sleep for that long. Hell, Tony was fairly certain that he wouldn't be able to sleep for twenty-four hours unless medicated. His mind wasn't wired so it could shut off from time to time. Nope, a genius's brain was active every minute of everyday rain or shine, dead tired or wide-awake.
Tony had been running on coffee and a brainstorm of ideas for a week now. He got a wink of sleep here and there when his body demanded it. Now that his project was finished Tony had two options: sleep or coffee.
Instead of giving into the call of sweet sleep, the billionaire headed up to the common floor to check if any of his teammates had brewed a pot of caffeine recently. JARVIS, the mother he was, stopped stocking up Tony's pent house suite to keep his master from over dosing on caffeine.
Tony refused to acknowledge that he had a problem. Caffeine headaches were totally normal, even ones that left him shivering.
Reaching the common floor Tony zeroed in on his goal and headed straight for it. He didn't glance around and check for any hazards or obstacles in his way, which is probably why he missed Steve all together.
The collided abruptly and Steve, the bastard, was barely affected. Tony on the other hand lost his balance completely and fell sideways and thudded against the floor. With a groan he turned and looked up at Steve with narrowed eyes. "Dude, you'd make a better roadblock than a roadblock." Tony growled.
Steve looked both dumbfounded and horrified. "Tony," he started his apology, reaching out to help his fallen teammate up. "I thought you saw me or heard me, but you just kept walking and – "
Tony reached up and took the offered hand, too tired to bother following along with Steve's rambling sentences. "Untwist your panties, Captain – " Tony lost track of his own words as Steve heaved him back up to his feet with disgusting ease. Once standing everything went wrong, Tony's vision was over taken with black fireworks that were both mesmerizing and terrifying at the same time.
With a grunt Tony felt himself swaying forward then backwards at an alarming rate. Steve was yelling again, but Tony's tongue felt too thick to be able to respond properly. With a groan everything came to a rushing end and grayed out until everything went dark and the world slipped away.
Maybe skipping the coffee and going straight to bed would have been the best option.
When Tony woke it was a slow process. He drifted, happily content, surrounded by the soft fluff that made up his ultra comfortable bed. It was warm and cozy and everything would be perfect, that is, if someone would stop talking.
"I don't even know, one second he was walking in the room and the next he ran into me and started to say something and – " Annoying and male. Steve.
"He's as pale as a sheet." A female voice mentioned. It wasn't a very pleasant voice, or nice. It must belong to Natasha, not Pepper.
"His vitals are stable." A new voice sounded, all business with a little hint of concern. The owner of that voice was Bruce. Tony grumbled and moved his head away from them.
"I think he's waking up." That one. The observant one. Clint. Damn, was the whole gang there?
Tony groaned again unhappily and peeled his eyes open. Everything was blurry. His arms and legs felt weighed down and all Tony wanted to do was sleep. "Go'way." Tony found himself saying as he tried to turn over.
"Sure." It was Natasha again. She sounded way too pleased with herself for whatever reason. "We just want to make sure you aren't going to die on us, Stark."
Ah, snark. It inflicted all of the Avengers personalities. Tony shook his head and managed to lift a hand, waving them off with the one finger solute.
"He's good." Clint announced with a laugh.
Bruce made an uncertain noise. "I think he probably could use some fluids, not to mention a meal. Jarvis mentioned his blood sugar was low. That could have caused him to faint."
"Whoa, wait what?" Tony groaned, forcing his eyes back open. When had they closed anyway? "I what? Fainted? No. I'm not a girl."
Steve and Natasha snorted at the same time.
Bruce patted Tony's shoulder in a slightly mocking way. Tony didn't appreciate it. "Sure, Tony. It was a very manly faint." The other scientist assured without a hint of sincerity. Bruce changed his tone as he spoke more seriously. "You need to eat something, I'm going to go make you some toast and then you can go back to sleep, alright?"
"Toast? Ew." Tony whined, openly unhappy at the thought. "You'll burn the bread, you always do! I want Hawkeye's crepes."
Clint snickered. "He's right, Bruce. Tony's toaster kind of hates you."
Bruce rolled his eyes. "Fine, Clint will make you crepes."
"Hey, I'm not your chef slave." Clint grumbled, suddenly as aggravated looking as Tony. "I only cook when I want to."
Tony frowned. He really wanted crepes. "I'll buy that part for you?" The billionaire offered. "That one you need for your motorcycle."
Clint's eyes lit up at that. "Crepes it is. Blueberry with chocolate sauce?"
Tony smiled sleepily and nodded. "Did'ya even have to ask?"
"Sleep well, Tony." Steve offered as the Avengers started to file out of the billionaire's room.
This may or may not become a series where I have each of the Avengers fainting from this or that…I have a few other stories in the works so I thought I'd throw this out there and see if anyone was interested in it.
In true spirit of my writing this was originally going to be about Clint, but I surprised myself with some Tony feels. I hope you all enjoyed!