Hey, guys, 1PERCYJACKSONFAN here. I apologize for the hiatus. I realize that it has been a really long time since I posted and I'm gonna give an explanation as to why, and what's going to happen from now on. However, before anything else, I'd like to respond to one of the comments that encouraged me to write this A/N, to begin with.
Anastasia Jones
"A kid at much (I assumme s/he meant to write my) school died this week, on monday, he was a friend of mine and he has and older sister I went to the funeral on Thursday and I was really touched by this chapter because of all the pain me, his other friends, and his family have gone through this week. Rest In Peace Nick we. Just like 10, 15 is too young for someone to die."
With this comment being brought to attention, I'd like to give you my condolences, give you my best wishes for a healthy recovery from this shock you most likely received, and let you know that you are not alone. I can't relate to you too much on a personal level, but from recent experiences, which I will share with you in a moment, I'd like to let you know that you are not alone, and although I don't get on this site as much as I used to, I will try to check my Inbox more frequently in case any of you ever need anyone to talk to anything about.
Recently, I, myself, have witnessed a depressing amount of passings in December. My friend's girlfriend, my employee, a precious daughter, and valued friend to many, passed away due to a car crash early December. Majority of my co-workers loved her, and a lot of people are still trying to go back to normal after what happened. I wasn't close to her at all, we were always at each other's necks, and she would never listen to me when I asked her to do something in a certain way. Although we did have problems at first, I sincerely believe that she and I could have had a great friendship if only I wasn't always somehow pissing her off. I didn't attend her funeral service because I felt as if that would be disrespecting her memory, so I'm waiting for what feels like the right time to go to her grave and apologize.
On 18 December 2017, a K-pop idol, Kim Jonghyun from the very famous group called Shinee, passed away. I wasn't actually a fan of his, but my friend had found closure in his music and looked up to him greatly. His death shocked his fans and everyone around him. He was, I believe, in much-needed help fighting a losing battle with his demons, and if he showed signs, no one cared to notice him, and his "doctor" is to blame in my opinion.
What I want you all to get from these two stories is that you should always be nice to any and everyone no matter what. You never know what their last memory of you is going to be and that could lead to leaving them in a restless rest. Because I didn't know her personaly, the fact that I feel no right to grieve her passing is affecting me, so you should all strive to avoid that sort of situation. With the second story, I want everyone to let their peers know that you can provide them with some sort of support however small it may be. For all I know, Anastasia needs a hug, but the best I could do is reply online and hope she and those around her are getting the emotional and mental support they need. Also, watch everyone carefully for any signs that they may be hurting because sometimes it's so obvious that you can't even see it.
Anastasia, I hope you're healing, honey. I can't imagine that amount of hurt you suffered, and I can only wish to be able to provide you with some sort of comfort. Please stay strong, and never bottle anything up for too long to yourself because it always does more harm than good. Remember that you have friends and family you can lean on, and you can create a support system with Nick's family. Stay safe and remember that you're loved, and you're precious. This pain will pass and everyone will heal. And yes, both ages are too young to die at, but that is not something we can control, and it's something we must come to terms with whether we like it or not. If you are religious, then I believe it was part of your God's plan if you aren't... that's just how cruel life is. I can offer no other kind of comfort because I'm not good at it. If you feel like you need to let something out, there's this song I love. It's very deep, and you're gonna have to read subtitles but you may find comfort in it. The song is called Spring Day by BTS. Other songs that could help is Lost, Awake, Butterfly, Sea, and Tomorrow. All songs are by BTS. I know they all require you to read subtitles, but they helped me through so much and I can only hope they'll push you forward to. Once again, I hope you'll heal healthily.
Out of respect, I ask everyone to take a little moment of silence for not just the people previously mentioned to have passed away, but for those who do not know off and for those families, and friends who are hurting.
Now, I'd like to discuss my absence. If I am correct, the last time I updated was in June or July 2015 so that means I've been inactive for a little over 2 years. Why did this happen when I promised that I don't give up on my stories. To begin with, I was an angsty 15 year old who made drama over the smallest, unnecessary details. Over these two years, I grew up, I learn responsibilities, I believe I strengthen my writing style albeit slightly, but not much. I still do wish to continue all my stories because I love them all. Without fanfiction . net, I would most likely not be the person I am today. The problem here is me. I have a writer's block for all my stories and over the past 2 years, I stopped reading. I can no longer read the PJO and HOO series indefinitely like I used to, and I'm behind on all of Riordan's books. How did this happen?
My friend introduced me to the now Globally famous K-pop boy group BTS. My focus changed. Like any other person, I grew up and my interest changed. While I still love Percy Jackson and always will, I no longer hold the same inspiration (or Insfiration as Min Suga might say) for these stories. I can no longer remember the smallest details of this story like I used to. There was a time when I confused Travis and Tyson, and another when I completely forgot who Tyson was. There was a time where I struggled to remember what Annabeth's supposed first words were to Percy (You Drool When You Sleep).
So what else is new?Like any other teenager, I got a job at sixteen, and I had school. I struggled to find a balance between those two and my hobbies so one had to suffer and it was PJO. Around the same time that I started working was when my interest went from PJO to BTS. (What is it with me liking things that require abbreviations? And what is it with BIGHIT ENT. and abbreviations. I mean... B.T.S, A.R.M.Y, R.M, HYYH, W.I.N.G.S, W.H.A.T...I could go on, to be FRANK) I was recently promoted to manager at my job, so my hours are longer now. I'm stressed out because I lost two of my scholarships and have to drop out of college because I can't afford to pay out of my own pocket.
So the greatest question remains...what's going to happen to all my stories?
A Goode Life: The Revelations: Because I tried to satisfy everyone as much as I could, I lost the original point of this series, and changed it drastically. The backstories with the knives were never in the original plan, and Annabeth attending Goode was never my main point. There were some comments which made me feel like I was doing terrible, and it made me feel bad that I couldn't keep up with everyone's expectations so I changed everything. The "A Goode Life" series was never meant to have been as tragic as they turned out to be, and I'm not sure why my focus suddenly went from Uncle Rick's characters to my own characters, Kevin and Eve. As for what's going to happen to this story...well, I will try to find the time to restart with A Goode Life: The Scars, get rid of that plot, and the original (cause if you ask me they were both stupid) and to come up with an entirely new story.
For this story, I want to address the comments correcting my ass on the swimming chapters; THANK YOU FOR EDUCATING MY ASS. I'm so embarrassed that everything is wrong despite my 14-year-old self's research. Goodness...I fucked up. Thank you for letting me know how this swimming thing works. Hat's off to you swimmers who took a stand against my dumb ass. I think its better if I just stick to writing about things that I'm familiar with personally.
Percy, Annabeth & Their Kids: Just like with "A Goode Life: The Revelations", I lost the original thought process to this story. And if I want to continue it, I'm gonna have to sacrifice "A Goode Life" and start all over again with "Percy, Annabeth, and Their New Life." I leave those decisions to up to you faithful and new readers.
If Percy Died: To me, this story was leading nowhere. Aside from the fact that I lost the third chapter, I no longer wish to continue this story and will either delete it, put it up for adoption, or just leave what I have and let you guys decide from those three options. I just went back and read through, and I honestly hate all of it, so there will be no second chance for this story.
Paul Meets the Gods: I haven't officially published this story, but I do have the first chapter made. I am, however, at the world worst writer's block to continue it, so I'll also let you guys decide whether you want me to write this or not. However, keep in mind that now I'm part of the A.R.M.Y fandom so I also have my fanfictions for my boys of BTS (comment on that later) and I am co-writing a story with my friend about them as well as my own so I can't prioritize whatever I want. I'm going to have to be organized about this so therefore, I can promise you that I can TRY as hell to make this for you, but I CANNOT promise that it will be made.
SOooo I'm sure there are some other things I'm leaving out, but most of those are really personal. I just want to apologize for letting you guys down and forgetting about the site that first gave me a platform to express myself. I will try my best to keep up with all of my stories, and I'm apologizing in advance while letting you know that I'm gonna be very busy as I am a manager in training and once I'm considered trained, my hours will only raise and diminish my time. If you guys have any suggestions to help make everyone happy, let me know. Once again, thank you all for waiting for me so patiently.
I will put up a poll to see which story you guys want me to prioritize.