I don't own them...it's a two shot be warned it has mentions of abuse, rape, and attempted suicide.
The subject of Emma's past came up as she, Regina, and Snow sat around that day talking. They had decided that talking and being civil towards each other was the best thing. "I don't want to talk about that." Emma had said as she quickly got up.
"Emma!" Snow called out after her running daughter. Regina shook her head. Emma was shaking, she felt just like she did when she was thirteen when her step father had raped her for the first time. She held the pill bottle in her hand looking at the contents, she filled up the glass in the bathroom sink and retreated to the floor again. Pouring the pills into her hand she shoves them into her mouth and downs the water, she got up she didn't want to be in the bathroom when she passed out to oblivion.
As she got up, her cup still in her hand she swayed. "These are quick." Emma slurred to herself, she didn't make it far when she crumbled to the floor. Her glass shattering on the floor, Henry who had decided to go find his moms and Grandmother heard the shattering glass followed by a thud. Out of curiosity he went in the direction of the noise, when he saw one of his moms spread out on the floor. Glass around her and an empty pill bottle beside her, Henry just started screaming.
Regina and Snow were downstairs when they heard Henry's frantic screams, they ran as fast as they could, Snow ahead of Regina. Regina jumped at the sound of Snow's frantic scream of Emma's name. All she could do was gasp at the sight before her, Emma was crumpled on the floor half way in the bathroom halfway in the room.
Broken glass littered the floor beside her, as Regina got closer she noticed the now empty pill bottle beside Emma's right hand. Regina ran to her side and knelt down beside her and listened to see if Emma was breathing, Emma's skin was clammy but Regina touched her face anyway and felt her pulse which was getting weaker.
"Emma! Emma!" Snow called out touching Emma's face. Besides checking her vitals Regina was halted, she had really never been this scared in her life except for when Henry almost died twice. "Henry go call your Grandfather and tell him to meet us at the hospital." Regina said, her voice was shaky. As Henry left Regina looked at Snow who had the most terrified and shocked look on her face. "Regina, she she..." Snow couldn't finish as she burst into tears.
Regina was trying not to freak out, what freaked her out the most about this was she normally saw Emma as an incredibly strong person and if something shook her this much for her to try committing suicide she didn't know anything anymore. She always counted on Emma's strong demeanor. "Snow, what happened?" Regina asked as she looked at the crumpled body of Emma. "Her past, Regina it must be horrifying if she did this because she didn't want to tell us about it." Snow cried. "I know." Regina said just as the paramedics came through the door, the secured Emma's breathing and an IV and they left with her on the stretcher. "I will go with her, you and Henry drive behind." Regina said, all Snow could do was nod. After getting to the hospital Emma had woken up slightly, "I was raped at thirteen." Was all Emma said and Regina's eyes widened at the confession the younger woman blurted out to her. And at that moment Emma's body shook as she went into full seizure…
To be continued… sorry it's short.