If any of you are fans of Revenge or Teen Titans check out my stories "Plans Change" (revenge) and "Is it the End or just the beginning" (Teen Titans)

Narrator POV

Ever since that night Helga and Arnold have done their best to avoid each other. Over a

week has passed and they have created an odd schedule to take care of the babies but keep their interactions between each other to a minimum. They didn't plan out the schedule it just developed over time. Arnold would wake up early before the twins woke up to go shower. He was always thankful that they were not the type of babies to constantly cry through the night and they were calm.

When Arnold would come back from the bathroom he would find the twins missing from their crib. By the time he reached the kitchen the twins were always getting fed their breakfast by Helga and both of their diapers were already changed.

Helga would get up earlier than Arnold to get ready for school and then go tend to the babies

Everybody in the house and in their school noticed the strange shift between Arnold and Helga.

Phoebe and Gerald were constantly asking their best friends what happened. They would both receive the same reply from their friends "It's nothing, don't worry about it".

By the time Thursday reached, Phoebe and Gerald were extremely fed up. They told each other that they will find out what happened today. Their friends always looked depressed.

Helga started developing bags under her eyes because she wasn't getting enough sleep and Arnold was a lot less talkative.

During their study hall Phoebe and Helga meet in the library.

"What do you want to talk about Phoebe?" Helga asked.

"I want you to tell me what is going on between you and Arnold. You went from leaving my house feeling optimistic to being depressed the next day. And it has continued since then."

Helga let out a heavy sigh "Phoebe it is nothing. Don't worry about it". Helga said quietly.

"No don't give me that bull crap. Either you tell me what happened or so help me I will go to Arnold and ask him myself" Phoebe threatened leaving Helga slightly shocked. She knew Phoebe could be intimidating when she wanted to be.

She looked up Phoebe and realized there was no getting out of it so she explained everything to Phoebe. When she was done Phoebe sat their shocked and confused. She always believed Arnold loved Helga just as much as Helga loved him. So why would he say all those things to Gerald about Helga. Then a thought occurred in her head "Helga maybe you overheard things wrong"

"No Phoebe I didn't. Could you just do me a favor and forget about it. I am trying to put it behind me. Things are already hard enough." Helga replied

"But Helg-"Phoebe stated but was cut off by Helga

"No Phoebe. Leave it alone" Helga said.

"Fine" Phoebe sighed. But she still expected to hear what is going on with Arnold from Gerald later.

With Arnold and Gerald

Gerald was able to coax the truth out Arnold. After Arnold spilled what happened, Gerald had the same reaction as Phoebe. He knew for a fact that Helga loved Arnold, so why did she say all those things to Arnold.

"Arnold why don't you try to talk things through with Helga" Gerald asked.

"No, there is nothing for me and Helga to talk about regarding that. It is over. I just need to find a way to move on." Arnold said.

Gerald sighed "If you say so man"

After School

Arnold went to the boarding house with Gerald while Helga was at Phoebe's studying.

"So Arnold did you finish getting everything you need for the trip?" Gerald asked Arnold

"Nah man, I haven't really found the time to because fo school and taking care of the babies. It is like I am a teen dad. I don't have time to do much and I don't like always pushing the twins on my grandparents or the borders to watch them" Arnold explained.

"I understand man. One baby is a lot of work, but two is double the trouble. Funny you are parenting for some kids that are not even yours, and you don't even know who the parents are. It is so strange but you and Helga are doing a good job" said Gerald.

Arnold felt awkward at the mention of Helga's name "Ughh yeah, thank".

"No problem man, but back to the trip. It is in a week, it is best you get everything you need now" said Gerald

"You are right Gerald. I will go tomorrow and just ask Helga to take care of the babies while I am out since she already got everything she needed over the weekend with Phoebe"

"Yeah I will come with you. I need to get new sneakers for the trip. I got to look fresh for the ladies" Gerald said.

Arnold chuckled "You mean you got to look fresh for Phoebe being that she is your girlfriend"

"Yeah but the ladies could still look at me, they just can't touch or else Phoebe will kill them and me". Gerald said making Arnold laugh.

Later that night

Phoebe and Gerald were telling each other what they found out about their friends over the phone.

"So our friends are depressed and avoiding each other over a silly misunderstanding" Phoebe said to her boyfriend.

"Yup" Gerald confirmed

"Now we just got to fix it. How do we make them realize it was a misunderstanding and get them together without outing our friends secrets?" Phoebe asked Gerald

"I don't know babe. Let's see if they can work it out before the end of next week. If not we will just have to set a plan into motion" Gerald said.

The Boarding House

Arnold gathered himself together and walked over to Helga's room door. He gently knocked on the door.

"Who is it" Helga asked

"It's Arnold"

"The door is open" Helga said while sitting herself up properly on the bed.

Arnold stepped into the room. "I was just wondering if it would be okay if you could watch the twins tomorrow evening so I can get what I need for the trip"

"Sure Arnold"

Arnold continued to look at her for a little bit. He opened his mouth to say something else but stopped himself.

Helga noticed and asked "Is there anything else you need Arnold?"

He hesitated again and then said "No, goodnight Helga". He walked out the room and closed the door behind

The next day

After school Arnold and Gerald headed straight to the mall. Phoebe could not hang out with Helga and the twins because she said she wanted to study for some hours". Helga tried to walk home at her usual moderate pace but she felt sluggish a bit due to her lack of sleep. She reached the doorstep of the boarding house minutes to five, which is close to half an hour later than usual.

Once Helga headed inside the boarding house she saw Arnold's grandparents with a twin in each person's arms.

"Ernie went to some bulldozing conference, The Kokoshkas went to go visit Susie's family, Mr. Hyunh is staying over his daughter's house, and me and Pookie are going out for dinner" Grandpa Phil told Helga.

Pookie put Aiden into the baby swing since he fell asleep. Then Grandpa handed Cecile over to Helga who was wide awake.

Arnold's grandparents left the house and Helga positioned herself on the couch and cradled Cecile while watching TV.

Half an hour later, Aiden woke up crying. Helga put Cecile down to tend to Aiden. She rocked him and tried to soothe him but that was not working. She then wondered if Aiden was hungry, but the twins usually get fed right before she comes home from school. She decided to warm up a little milk just in case.

After Helga checked the temperature of the milk in the bottle, she tried to feed some to Aiden. He refused to drink it and continued to cry.

Then she checked his diaper but it was clean.

Helga started to sing to him and it calmed him down some but he was still whimpering.

Helga touched his forehead and noticed he was a bit warm. She took off his long sleeved onesie and left on his white short sleeved underwear onesie. She hoped it would make him more comfortable and that he was just feeling he was a little hot from the layers.

She continued to sing to him and rock him to calm him down and stop his whimpering. It eventual cause him to fall asleep. So she put him down so he can rest.

Close to an hour later, Aiden woke up again crying. When Helga picked him up she noticed that he was burning up. She panicked realizing that he has a fever. She quickly walked over to the phone and called a cab to take her to the hospital.

She felt adrenaline rush through her as she put Aiden down to rush upstairs to pack up a diaper bag for the twins and 2 thick blankets for the twins. She rushed back down the stairs and checked Cecile's forehead to see if she has a high temperature. She breathed a little sigh of relief then wrapped Aiden up in the blanket then secured him in the baby carrier. She did the same to Cecile just in case Cecile's temperature gets higher later on.

Helga put on her sweater then grabbed the house keys. The taxi cab beeped outside and she swung the diaper bag over her shoulder and grabbed the two baby carriers. She got into the taxi and secured the carriers in the car. Helga told the driver the directions to Hillwood Hospital.

Once she the cab pulled up to the hospital she threw two twenty dollar bills at the driver and yelled "Thank you" and got the babies out. She ran into the emergency room and headed toward a nurse.

"Excuse me my baby is burning up his temperature is high. Please help him now please" Helga yelled in a panicked voice.

"Calm down ma'am, a doctor will be right with you. Why don't you take a seat over there and fill out these forms." The nurse told her.

A pit of rage boiled over in Helga "Do not tell me to calm down. I want a doctor for my baby now or I promise you I will introduce you to my fists Ol' Betsy and the Five Avengers and I will make everybody in this damn hospital sorry if you don't do something now. So I will say this again, get some help please and I will fill out the damn forms after" Helga screamed while hot angry tears started to fill up in her eyes.

The nurse looked at Helga shocked and called a doctor to help Helga. Two nurses rolled in with two hospital bassinets and place Aiden and Cecile in them. Helga followed the nurses into a room and the nurses informed Helga the doctor would be arriving shortly.

Helga quickly pulled out her phone and called Arnold. He didn't pick up his phone so she left him a message and hung up.

At the mall with Arnold and Gerald

Arnold and Gerald just finished paying for their stuff and headed out the store. Arnold was laughing at a joke Gerald told him when he heard his phone vibrate.

"Hold on Gerald, I got a voice message". Arnold clicked it and heard the message

"Arnold this is Helga. I am at the hospital with Aiden and Cecile. Something is wrong with him and he was burning up. Please get here when you can they need you, we all do" Arnold felt is heart drop. Helga's voice sounded so scared over the phone and it was like she was trying not to cry.

"Gerald we need to get to the hospital now. Helga and the twins are there something is wrong." Arnold yelled.

"No problem man hope in the car". Gerald said and they drove off.