This is a notice.

I'm sorry, this story has gotten a lot of love, and I'd love to keep working on it, but my motivation for this one has completely gone down the drain. I'll hopefully come back to it later once I feel motivated again, but The Darkness In Me has come to the front of my mind since I started it, and every time I sit down to work on this one, nothing happens.

I'm sorry, this story has gotten so much love, but I've hit a dead end. I hope to return to it later, maybe once I finish The Darkness In Me.

So this is officially a hiatus. I'll try to work on the story during this, but no guarantees. Hopefully I'll come back to these, if not, then I'll post a summary of what I was planning on happening next.

Again, so sorry.

Hopefully I'll do something worth posting on these later.

Until then, check out The Darkness In Me. It's a Sonic unleashed re-write with some extra characters tossed in.