Tiredness plaguing her, an exhausted Nancy Tremaine finally gave up on flicking through the bulging sketchbook in her lap. Pages were full of intricate designs, something she had been working on for the best part of a month. Every little detail sketched with care became unbearable to look at. Various watercolours, oils and pencils had been crafted together in the production of the grand piece. Manipulated into something beautiful. Beauty that was simply discarded onto the seat beside the woman without a care in the world.

"Rough day?" Asked the taxi driver after Nancy had parted with a deep sigh.

"Rough month," she replied, running a lethargic hand through her locks. Fashion designing was fun, most of the time. When it took a turn for the worst you could guarantee it was around the same time the King and Queen's Ball was getting promoted. Orders would trickle in until they were unbearable. Everyone wanted something unique from various periods and fashions. Maybe if her boyfriend was more supportive of the whole fantasy thing it wouldn't have been as bad. It was a thought Nancy couldn't help but consider.

Designing dresses for an event you could never attend was like rubbing salt into the wounds. Still, she loved Robert, despite his sometimes unbearable practicality. Averting her focus to the rain streaked window, Nancy looked out across the streets of the city. Daydreams clouding her thoughts. Excitement was also building at the prospect of finally getting home to sleep. Rushed off her feet and sick of the sight of fabric, rest was vital to keep her going through the next few days. Last year, she hadn't slept through the manic period; she wouldn't be making that mistake again.

Out of nowhere, quite the peculiar sight shocked Nancy out of thinking about the stress of the day. In fact it was enough to convince her that she was finally losing her mind thanks to her repetitive schedule.

"Woah, stop for a second?" she asked the driver, who did as she requested and pulled over onto the curb. Winding down her window for a better look, she remained focused on the strange figure clinging to the building.

"She's mental…" The driver mumbled, also squinting up at the red head.

"Someone needs to go and help her… can you wait here for five?" Asked Nancy, looking from the woman in need to her driver.

"Sure, I want a tip though."

Laughing, despite knowing he was being serious, Nancy climbed out of the car and dashed across the pavement. Clicking away beneath her, it was her heels that alerted the stranger to her presence.

"Oh, hello!" Shouted the woman, as if she thought it was normal to be pounding against an advertisement in the middle of the night. Looking up at her, Nancy noted how soaked she was. How long had she been out there? Why was she even up there in the first place?

"Um… hi," Nancy replied, stunned at the sight, unable to avert her gaze from the absurdity of the situation. "What are you doing up there? It's dangerous!"

"I'm trying to find my prince!"

"Maybe you'll be more successful down on the floor?" Suggested the brunette, unsure about what else she could have said. After all, however weird New York was, she had never come across something like this before. Common sense told her she had to get the woman down, but after that she had nothing.

"I… I don't think I can get down,"

"Great…" Hissed Nancy under her breath so the girl couldn't hear her. "Okay, stay there and don't move-"

"What are you doing?"

"I'm coming up myself," was the reluctant reply. Taking off her high heels, despite the damp flooring, Nancy gripped to the railing and started the climb up. Grunting as she did so, trying to ignore the gasps and squeals from the woman she was attempting to rescue. It didn't take long. Journey finally over; Nancy pulled herself up onto the slight platform with a wobble and a series of breaths. Clutching to the outline of the pink castle for support.

Looking down onto the floor, it struck her that she hadn't thought her plan through. From her position, she could make out the shocked expression of the taxi driver still sat in his seat. Thanks for the help Nancy thought maliciously, adding a venomous asshole onto the end of her train of thought.

"Okay, I'm going to get you down from here!" Yelled Nancy, despite been stood next to the woman, in order to be heard over the rain thrashing down on them. Hair sticking to her face and moisture clinging to whatever skin it could find vision was hard to perfect. Getting down would be precarious.

"Thank you ever so much!" Squealed her opposite enthusiastically. "When I get back to Andalasia I'll make sure everyone knows of your good deed!"

"Do you mean Andalusia?"

"I don't think so. Is Andalusia found beyond the Valley of Contentment?"

"Uh, no. But it's close to the Sierra Morena. I think. If that counts. Anyway." Catching herself, Nancy realized the stupidity of talking about countries when in their situation. She refused to die by falling off a sparkly advertisement for a freaking casino. All because she had been talking about mountain ranges and valleys. It wasn't until she had instructed Giselle to take her hand that she realized the more immediate strangeness of the woman. Namely the fact she believed in a place called the Valley of Contentment.

"Okay, don't let go. I'll guide you down; try to not trip over in that dress…"

"Do you like it? The mice helped me with it-"

"-It's beautiful. I may need to hire those mice if they are that talented." Nancy replied in a simple tone, hoping playing along would convince the woman to get down without a fuss. Starting the dangerous climb down she was thankful to see her plan was working. The stranger was content with going on about woodland animals which was a topic easy to ignore. Determinedly, Nancy was able to lead the woman to the floor. Now and again one of them would slip in the horrific conditions. But with great guidance the two found the stairs and stepped down onto them with care.

"Thank you ever so much… oh; I don't know your name. How silly of me, I can't thank you if I don't know it!"

Assuming the pause after the high pitched sentence was her opening to share her name, a short, "Nancy," was shared. At the moment, she was more bothered about picking up her water filled shoes than she was to give out personal details.

"Nancy! That is a beautiful name! Thank you for saving me Nancy, I'm Giselle!"

"Anytime…" Sighed Nancy, tipping her shoes upside down to empty the water collected in them. Pathetically, the puddle landed at her feet with a splat. Defeated, she couldn't help but look down on the liquid with a sad pout, before turning back to Giselle. "Is there anyone I can call to get you?"

"Whenever I am in need I sing a song and all the creatures come to help me. Is that what you mean?"

"Not quite. Okay, get in the taxi, you can get cleaned up at my place and we can figure something out-"

"A taxi?"

"That thing," gestured Nancy in regards to the vehicle behind her. Turning she saw the driver still looking at them in shock, without any sign that he had even considered helping them. Shaking her head, she glanced back to Giselle who seemed too stunned to move towards it. "Are you okay?"

"I was just wondering… what kind of magic could power such a carriage!"

"Come on," sighed Nancy, guiding Giselle over to the other side of the car and opening the door for her. Grinning, Giselle sat down, not before she had picked up the sketchbook to examine the cover though. "Wow this is interesting!" Nancy heard her say, just as she slammed the door shut.

"Still having a rough month?" Asked the taxi driver as Nancy settled down in her seat again. This time shoved against the door thanks the volume of Giselle's dress.

"Drive. Please?"

Hello everyone! Thank you for reading this. I got the idea from a tumblr post by fairymascot who stated: Imagine Enchanted with Robert and Nancy's roles swapped. So here I am, swapping roles. Any reviews, favorites and whatever else are totally appreciated - I've been working on this for a while! I hope you enjoy this.