To be Good Again

Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon.

An/ Hello and welcome to the sequel of my story Moonlight Maiden. Now if you are reading this story and have not read it's prequel don't worry you won't be totally lost, but if you want to understand this story better. Read the other story. And now here's the sequel.

On a clear moonlit night, there is a girl with milky white skin and golden hair sleeping in a bed; or rather, rustling in her bed. Yet again she was having a strange dream.

Ever since she turned 14 the month before, she'd been having strange dreams involving a palace, a balcony, and herself in a white dress that looked to be a formal gown.

The girl's name was Serena Tsukino, but she would hear a male voice call her Serenity or Sere. Not surprising, since Serenity was her middle name, but that voice didn't sound like her father, or brother, or her friend Andrew's voice. She would then begin to hear other people call her "Princess" and a faint vision came to her head. She used to be a Princess, a long time ago, but not of Earth; it was somewhere else, but she wasn't sure where.

On this particular night, her dreams were more strange than usual. She didn't feel like a spectator like she usually did. Tonight, she actually felt like she had teleported somewhere else.

When she opened her eyes, she found herself standing in a beautiful courtyard. Flowers and plants were everywhere; as far as her eyes could see. She looked down and realized that she wasn't in her pajamas anymore, but in the same formal white dress from her dreams, and her waist-length golden blonde hair reached the ground.

"What is happening to me?" she asked herself.

Then, a short distance away, she heard a laugh that sounded like twinkling bells.

"Come now Serenity, are you really that shocked?"

Serena turned around and saw a beautiful, slender woman in a white fitting gown with milky white skin, silver hair, and lavender eyes. The most surprising thing was that the woman in front of Serena looked like an older version of herself. She gasped. Not even her own mother looked that much like her. Come to think of it, she looked nothing like her mother, and this woman was an almost mirror image of herself.

"Who are you, and how do you know my middle name?" Serena asked.

The woman walked toward her with pure elegance and grace in every step. "You'll remember who I am in a moment," she said.

The woman touched Serena's forehead, causing a crescent moon mark to appear. The blonde teenager collapsed in the woman's arms.

She awoke moments later with her head in the woman's lap as the woman stroked her hair.

"Mother!" Serena cried, standing up quickly.

Queen Serenity stood up and hugged her daughter. "My dear Serenity, how I've missed you," she said.

"I've missed you too, Mother," Serena replied, clinging to her mother from her past life.

After a few minutes, Queen Serenity let go and said,

"Now Serenity, I assume you have your memories back?"

Serena smiled at her mother. "Yes, I do."

The Queen sat down on the bench again and motioned for Serena to do the same.

"Serenity; she has come back."

"Who has come back?"

"Beryl," the Queen said darkly.

Serena gasped, remembering how Beryl had destroyed her life in the past.

"S-she's come back?" Serena said, her voice shaking with fear and anger.

"Yes. When our kingdom fell, I was only able to seal her away. But now she is breaking that seal. You must find Endymion and his generals to stop Beryl and finally destroy her."

Serena lowered her eyes. "Defeat Beryl… but that means I'll have to destroy the Senshi; my sisters…"

The harsh memories of her beloved senshi being transformed by Beryl's evil powers and forced to kill their husbands flooded back to Serena's mind, causing her to feel nauseous. Suddenly, she realized something important.

"Mother! Mokusei and Kinsei were pregnant when Beryl attacked. What happened to their babies? Did they survive?"

Queen Serenity smiled and said, "Don't worry Serenity, they are fine. When the Senshi were hit with the negative energy, Venus and Jupiter's crystals reacted; protecting its heir and putting the babies in a shield, which also stopped the pregnancy process. If they are ever free of the dark energy, the shield will drop and the process will continue."

Serena sighed in relief. "Thank goodness."

"My dear Serenity, time is running out and you must go back. Please find Endymion and his generals to help you fight Beryl."

"I will fight?" Serena asked, tilting her head slightly.

"Yes. Tomorrow you will receive a visitor that will give you what you need to protect Endymion's planet." Queen Serenity reached out her hand, which glowed with a bright silver light. Seconds later, a golden heart locket materialized in her palm, attached to a golden chain. "Here, this belongs to you."

Serena gasped. It the locket Endymion gave her when they reconciled so long ago. Tears filled her eyes when she opened it, seeing it was just how she remembered; a picture of her and Endymion in one of their many encounters in his garden, with a lock of each of their hair inside. She felt tears fall down her cheeks as she remembered her passionate love.

"Here, take these, too." Serenity handed Serena a small blue harp, a satin red glove, an emerald bracelet, and a red ribbon. She recognized the items immediately. They were the items that the Senshi gave the Shittenou when they first met. More tears fell from her eyes and she looked at all she had left of her sister Senshi.

The Queen came over and hugged her daughter. "Now my dear, it is time to go. Goodbye my beautiful daughter. I know you will make me proud. I love you."

"I love you too, Mother," Serena said, her voice choking on tears. Before she could say another word, she was back in her bedroom.

With a heavy sigh, she went onto her balcony, clutching the objects her mother had given her.

"I must find you Endy, and your generals too. I will find you."

A/N: There you go, the start of my sequel. Like it? Hate it? Want me to stop? Leave a review and tell me.

