Disclaimers: I don't own anything from Gravity Falls.

Wendy POV

My friends and I were walking around the woods, messing around, Lee & Nate were kicking things, Thompson was taking dares, Tambry was using her phone as usual, and Robbie was carving things into trees. As for me, I was deep in thought, wondering about things like 'How things would be a few years from now' and 'How would the town change'.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Robbie said "Hey guys check this out".

We all went over to Robbie to see he had found some kind of underground tunnel.

"Dare ya to go in there first," Lee dared Thompson. As usual, he accepted the dare, don't know how he manages with all these dares, but he does.

A few minutes later, he comes out screaming "guys, there are like, a ton of dinosaurs down there"

Dinosaurs? Ya right, he's probably trying to scare Lee & Nate. But he out of all people should know that's not gonna work.

I went down there to call him out, but to my surprise, he wasn't lying.

The rest of my friends came to see what was taking me so long. It didn't take a genius why, as we all stared in aw at the giant lizards incased in amber. Even Tambry looked away from her phone for five whole minutes! That's like four more minutes than she usually does!

Thompson, not being able to resist, gloated.

"See, I told you so"

"Status update: in underground dino park"

"This is AWSOME!"

This was something that Dipper definitely needed to know about. He'd be all like 'This is amazing, I need a sample' and stuff like that. I was about to call Dipper when I was roughly pushed into an amber blob. Apparently, so did everyone else because they were all in the same blob that I was in. I tried to swim out, but by the time my hand was out, the amber had dried. I tried to fight it but I knew there was nothing I could when everything went dark and the next thing I knew, I was asleep, and so was everybody else.