A/N: WELL, once again, a shitty event has happened to yours truly to make her inspired to rewrite this excellent idea of hers-as I now have a new way of taking this trite trope of Harry being betrayed and attempt to give more life into this story idea of mine. In real life, people are treating me badly for something I can't control. So the rage in my mind is going to go into this new re-written version of Game of the Future. I thank the people who have noticed some of the plot holes and mistakes in this.

So yeah, standard Harry Potter bashing story, OOC Ron and Hermione, Dumbledore bashing (within limits, of course), and sociopath Izaya/Harry.

Chapter One The Birth of A Demon

The moon was casting its light down onto the residents and inhabitants of Ikebukuro, most of whom were asleep at this hour. There were, of course, residents who tended to be night owls, the various people engaged in illicit occupations, smugglers, drug dealers, prostitutes, murderers, and the like.

One such person was perched atop a building, swinging his legs back and forth as he watched both the twinkling stars and the artificial lights of the city and its people. The young man let out a loud yawn as he ran a hand through his messy black hair.

"I wonder when my human will show up and then I can begin my game." He whispered, his eyes still on the wondrous sights of the people below, all so interesting, involved in their own little world and pursuits. In a way, you could almost call it...

The man pursed his lips and let out a new word, "Evolution. Not that pathetic, disgusting word."

Grimacing briefly, he looked up at the sky and said, "You know, if I had more emotion, I would almost say I feel 'happy' looking at these stars, but I only feel bored. I wonder whose fault that is. Well, I'm glad I am the way I am, after all."

His crimson irises locked onto a few humans wandering below; and again his eyes lit up in fascination. These humans still had things he lacked, things he could never hope to possess ever again, things that had been stolen away from him. His eyebrows rose ever so slightly as he took in a happy family below; a mother pushing a baby carriage with their father playing with the young boy.

The very sight made his cold heart almost ache from nostalgia. But no longer could he feel anything but envy-and a slight bit of irritation-from the sight, as he disliked children and families significantly at this point in time. His adoptive family wasn't too bad, it was just that he didn't have the capacity to care about those little things anymore.

In a way, the night sky was like a god, but here he was, a god among humans, confessing his sins to the priest. "I wonder...sometimes I wonder how all of those...those idiots are faring. Well, I bear Hagrid no ill will, but the rest of those fools...they're probably all missing their beloved savior." The word savior was spat out with considerable venom as he took the piece of paper he was holding in his hands and stomped on it.

His eyes played over the paper again; it was a newspaper known as the Daily Prophet. It was not an ordinary newspaper by any means. Then again, neither was the person reading it, much to his annoyance.

"Harry Potter, wanted alive or dead. It has been nine years since the boy mysteriously vanished. Our society cannot survive-"

At this, Izaya turned the page. "The next apocalypse? I dare them to try dealing with an outbreak of AIDs, ebola or regular diseases. They'd be wiped out before long. Wouldn't that be a grand day?" He chuckled at that joke.

He resigned himself to counting how many humans were fighting, then to counting how many humans were arguing, and then whenever he was bored with that, he decided to count all the constellations; some of the not so useless bullshit he was taught as a child.

There was Orion, there was Capricorn, there was the Little Dipper and the Big Dipper. But he didn't really give a damn about that stuff. He was so alone that he didn't care.

"This night reminds me too much of the old days..." He mumbled. Bored, he checked the time on his phone. It would not be much longer now until she showed up. What could he do in the meantime? Shizu-chan didn't seem to be around to pester.

The young man's eyes locked onto the picture of the boy listed in the newspaper, then he took out his switchblade and carved an X right onto the paper. "Too bad for them that Harry Potter died long, long ago. There is just me, Izaya Orihara." Humming a tune to himself, Izaya closed his eyes and thought about getting some sleep.

But then again, if he fell asleep, his mind would drift back into those memories. Izaya let out a sudden shudder. He wanted to stay awake. But his body was aching for sleep after another sleepless night helping an important client of Shiki's, so he needed to do it.

"To life as a Muggle!" He chirped, pretending to do an imaginary toast before he took his brief slumber; during which he was propelled into many, many unpleasant images of his past-the life he would never go back to willingly. The life of a child soldier and tool.

Nine years ago, at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, in Scotland

You see, Izaya Orihara was a wizard-a race of humans that could produce magic.

Hogwarts was one such school for young witches and wizards to go to learn how to practice their magic, how to utilize it and how to survive being in a world that knew nothing of magical people. The grand castle had stood for many centuries, educating many people, good and bad.

The school was known for its 'high' education, even though the school had a record for being poorly maintained and neglectful. During the past three years, a known serial killer had been let loose inside the building, a werewolf had been a teacher, a student had been attacked by a hippogriff, a couple of them had been petrified by a basilisk and a kid running loose, possessed by an evil overlord, had done the petrification.

There were dangerous traps and all sorts of dangers in the school. The worst part of all was the negligence on part of the teachers in the school and the students. When a girl named Hermione Granger had almost gotten killed by a troll when she was in the girls' bathroom after being insulted by another student, no teachers had arrived to console her on the trauma or punish the student who had led her to this event.

Some students were bullied by teachers like Severus Snape and no one seemed to care at all. That was the saddest thing. People were so enraptured by Hogwarts' grandeur that they forgot to see past the magic and treat the children like, well, children-human and deserving of care.

They looked down upon Muggles, people who had no magic-and thought of them as lesser creatures.

But there was no one who was more well-thought of and admired than the Headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore. Once upon a time, the old man had been so kind and trusting that it hurt, but now things were different. Power had corrupted Albus Dumbledore and turned him into a monster.

Cornelius Fudge was right about not trusting Dumbledore, because as a matter of fact, he was more interested in one thing than anyone else. He didn't love his students; he cared about them, sure, but he was more than willing to use them if it meant doing good in the future.

The only thing that mattered to him was in keeping all of the Hogwarts students under his control. The most satisfying pawn was definitely Harry James Potter for Dumbledore. Harry was special.

Depending on who you spoke to, Harry Potter was either a heroic boy, the next Messiah Incarnate, or a sinful little devil that deserved to be put down for his existence, as some people would call him.

Cornelius Fudge saw him as a danger to wizardkind and often he would make political statements suggesting maybe they should send the boy away from Hogwarts and send him to another school, perhaps a place where he wouldn't cause so much grief and heartache.

The wizarding public wasn't very fond of the boy, not since he'd tried to weasel his way out of the grand Triwizard Tournament. Anyone who dared back out of something like that was a coward.

As a matter of fact, it wasn't really Harry Potter's fault that he got all this hate. In fact, the blame could be put on said man, Albus Dumbledore, because even though Albus Dumbledore pretended to care about Harry Potter, he only cared about his welfare as long as it benefitted him. Harry Potter had been such a useful tool the day he had been born, after all.

It was most tragic that Lily and James had died, yes. He had not intended for that to happen.

But it was also...beneficial for him the day that James and Lily Potter had died at the hands of Voldemort.

It was the perfect chance for him to make a 'hero' out of an innocent young child, and the best way he could do that was to rid him of any arrogance or normal self-esteem he would normally possess.

What better way to do that, than by sending him to a home where no one would love him and mistreat him? Privet Drive was the perfect home for Harry.

He would have no normal human contact, be hated perpetually, to the point where he would have no regard for his own life and be so hungry for attention and human companionship that he would throw himself away for the first person to show kindness to him, which was perfect.

He needed Harry to be the perfect pawn, and then once Voldemort was stopped, he would show the world what evil truly was.

In his second year, Harry had been accused of being the Heir of Slytherin for speaking Parseltongue, just because he had saved a student. The end result was that everyone at Hogwarts mistreated Harry and unfortunately, Dumbledore didn't care. The blood wards at his aunt and uncle's was a mere lie, it was just a lie to make Harry all the more submissive.

The boy was just an easily manipulated fool. Dumbledore's plans worked according to his calculations. The boy kept on returning to the place where he was abused, believing that he needed to be there, never once suspecting that everything was a lie. But it was.

Now, his name had been placed in the cup for the Triwizard Tournament. In fact, here was the boy again, whining about his problems to him. How irritating this was.

"Headmaster Dumbledore, sir, can't you prevent Malfoy from bad-mouthing my father? Nearly no one here seems to care about me anymore. No matter how many times I told him to stop, he wouldn't listen and Snape punished me even more!"

"Professor Snape, Harry. Well, we'll have to wait for a while."

"But why?" Harry insisted. His whining was becoming very irritating.

"Harry, the binding contract means you have to take part in this, regardless of how you think."

"But why, headmaster?"

"It's for the good of the Wizarding World. I mean, you want to save everybody. What happens if your friends get in trouble?"

Harry's eyes widened. "You're right, headmaster. I'm sorry for doubting in you."

"Nonsense, you should have come to me from the start."

"Sure. Thank you, headmaster." Harry said.

Dumbledore smirked.

What a glorious day this was turning out to be. Dumbledore didn't even realize that his actions would lead to the birth of a person darker and twisted than he could ever expect.

Harry returned to his friends, Ron and Hermione. He was surprised to see that they weren't waiting for him. Could it be that Hermione still believed in him? Suddenly, he heard their voices. He ran over to find them, eagerly smiling.

However, when he found them, he realized that they weren't smiling at all.

Apparently, they hadn't even realized he was there.

Rather, Hermione looked distressed.

"...I'm telling you, how much longer do we have to keep on doing this? I'm sick of pretending to like him. I've grown to genuinely like him and I wish you would, too."

"Mione, who gives a damn? We're only supposed to do this until our final year. Why do you keep on acting like it?"

"Because I'm tired of lying to him."

Hermione seemed angry, angry about what, exactly? He couldn't pinpoint it. He ran toward them, but much to his surprise, they weren't looking at him with happiness. Instead, Ron looked irritated.

"So the traitor gets here after all," Ron sneered. "What, the fame of the Goblet didn't get you in over your head even more, so you've come here to gloat about it?"

"What?" Harry said, shocked at this change in Ron's behavior.

'You know what I'm saying."

"Harry, there's something we need to tell you. From the start, we..."

"Shut up, Mione. I'll deal with this traitor on my own!"

"Ron, no. Let's not argue."

"He's a traitor who put his name in the Goblet."

"It was all just a misunderstanding!" Harry cried. "You know full well I didn't mean any offense by it!"

Before Harry or Hermione could react, Ron took out his wand...and hit Harry on the head with it. Blood streamed from his head as the young boy fell unconscious.

He almost thought he could hear a scornful voice whispering, "Great job, Ron. Now he'll think twice before he insults us."

Harry awoke to find himself in the hospital room with Madame Pomfrey standing over him in worry.

"Your head wound is pretty awful," she said. "I'm afraid you can't do any Quidditch for quite a while and work on recuperating from your injury. I don't think you should be in the Triwizard Tournament. It's not safe."

"Thank you," Harry whispered. He decided to get some sleep.

He awoke, early, and heard some soft voices whispering. He didn't know who they belonged to, but they sounded oddly familiar. Why were they being so quiet? It was sort of strange. They sounded so close by, too. He strained his ears to listen.

"But we can't just send him back to his relatives with an injury like this. You know full well that his relatives will misuse him-"

"You know as well as I that only his aunt can care for him. You know about the blood wards..."

"I won't hear such nonsense!" There was good old McGonagall, caring about him like always.

"Mr. Weasley and Ms. Granger have been asking to see Potter. I'll bring them in."

He could hear Ron and Hermione's footsteps. His heart lit up in excitement.

"What's his condition, Headmaster?"

"I'm afraid that the head injury Mr. Weasley gave him is pretty bad. He'll need to stay in there for quite a while."

"Aw man, this sucks." Ron said. "How much longer is he going to be a vegetable for? Can't we just kill him already?"

Harry's eyes widened. He had never heard Ron say something like this. He was sure it had to be a mistake.

"Honestly, wasn't the whole plan "we pretend to be his friends until he dies against Voldemort? Then we can become famous as his friends and get ahold of his money."

"Mr. Weasley, you're not getting a hand on his money; that'll go to the Wizarding World public for letting us survive."

'Surely, Hermione won't betray me.'

"Oh, I heard him whining about his injuries. He was whining about how people were mistreating him. It was so pathetic. Who does he think he is, having the right to complain like this, when he's always dragging us into his personal adventures, and how many injuries have we sustained from him? I actually regret him saving me from that troll! I don't like being around someone as egotistical and childish as he is! Just the thought of that makes me sick. How much longer do we have to deal with this? And not only that, due to Ron, the whole plan is messed up. I do feel bad about what we did, but to think that he's sitting there acting like a bump on the log...he's worthless as he is now. Can't we just kill him already?"

"Now, now, the deal was we wait for him to destroy Voldemort and then you...can either get him to marry Ginny, even if he is a cripple, he can still make children and then die. Or else, we can obliviate him of his memories and make him live in St. Mungo's."

"That sounds a little too harsh," Ron said, "But still, I just can't stand being around him. He put his name in the Goblet just so he could get all the money."

"Now, now, Mr. Weasley, we're looking into that. How about you, Mrs. Weasley?"

"Oh, poor Ron, I know how badly you feel about this. But Harry has to be our savior. It's necessary for him. Poor, sweet little Ginny is asking about when Harry will stop being a vegetable and get married to him."

'What the hell's going on? This has to be a bad joke...'

"What about the Dursleys? Should we keep on sending him there? They keep on hurting Harry," Molly said.

"It's all for the greater good, my dear. The reason we send him there is just so we can keep him in line and make him as good a pawn as possible."

"It's so easy, you know. He believes everything we tell him. It's so fun." Ron added.

Harry could feel tears streaming out of his eyes, as pure betrayal and rage built up within him. 'How can they honestly sit there laughing? How can they be so heartless?'

The fury came over him in waves. Most of all, he felt hatred for the other wizards for using him. 'You know...I think I really hate wizards. Are they all this disgusting? If that's so, I don't wish to be a wizard anymore. Screw this magical world. I'm tired of it stealing everything from me, stealing my pride and dignity. I won't let them get away with this.'

The next day, Harry Potter was nowhere to be found. What was even more frustrating to Dumbledore was that his wand was found ripped in half with a note attached to it. It read.

"Dear Hogwarts, you've been so good to me these past three years. You've treated me with so much love and kindness that I feel it tingling in my bones and I just want to congratulate you with this little note. Go ahead and play your little twisted games with your world, old man. I'm done. Your pathetic little world will meet its end soon enough at the hands of Voldemort. I'm no longer going to play the role of puppet and be to blame for everything that goes wrong around here. I've had enough of it all and I'm leaving. You'll never find me, so there. That's what you humans are. All you do is use others, right Runt and Herwhinny? I won't be a pawn anymore. I'm running away and leaving this world behind. In fact, I might even join the Death Eaters. If you see anyone in costume...it'll be me. You will burn in hell, Dumbledore, for making my life hell."

-Signed, Harry Potter, the former Golden boy.

Upon reading the note, Dumbledore's rage intensified, to the point where he ripped the note in two. "We must find Mr. Potter at once!"

They couldn't find him because in fact Harry had fled and done it so cleverly and effectively that no one could find him. Then he had taken a boat to Japan...and then he met the Awakusu-kai...and thus nine long years had passed...and Harry Potter was forgotten by the Wizarding World.

"Heh heh..." He chuckled darkly as he stared at his reflection in a puddle on the roof. "Time certainly does do a lot to people, doesn't it? Who would have ever thought I'd have this freedom?" He said before doing a little dance.

"Oh, she's here." He said before putting away his phone. "Here comes the melodrama."

"I'm so glad you met with me, Kamine-san. I know full well you're the only person I can trust."

"Uh-huh..." He mumbled, busy doing his nails.

"Kamine-san, are you paying attention to me? I was just telling you that my boyfriend ditched me, even after I worked so hard for him-not even my family understood me. But you understand me, right, Kamine-san? You already took time out of your day to meet with me, so obviously you must care about me, right?"

He sighed. Time to end this little charade.

"HA? You, get real!"

"Huh?" She just looked at him like he was nuts.

"Seriously, you expect me, a complete and total stranger, to solve all of your problems? What you don't get is that this was just an elaborate game, played with you and you alone!"

"Eh? You've gotta be joking."

"I'm not joking, I'm 100 percent serious. So let me get this straight. You've given up everything for this one guy-your family, your friends, your current boyfriend, you've given up everything to chase after this man, even though he already rejected you and ran off with another woman. And whenever he doesn't want you, you turn to a complete and utter stranger online about your problems. What an IDIOT you are!"


"So...since we agreed on it, why don't you...hurry up and die?"

"You...aren't planning...to die?"

"Of course not. Why would I want to throw away my life for a worthless woman like you? Ah, but I can help you. I have this camera here, see? And when you jump off, I'll record you and upload it to the Internet so that way everyone can see you die! Would that be preferable?"

"What's wrong with you, Kamine-"

"Kamine is not my real name. That's merely an alias. Did you honestly think that I'd be stupid enough to use my real name on the Internet?"

Suddenly they were interrupted.

'Who could that be?' Izaya thought.

It was a rider wearing a yellow helmet.

"It's the headless rider!" The woman ran off in fear.

The boy once known as Harry Potter sighed and shook his head, running his hands through his messy black hair. "Looks like I won't be needing this anymore..." He said, before stowing the camera in his fur jacket. "You know...you really oughta stop ruining these things." He said in annoyance.

The rider said nothing and walked towards him. It noticed the camera in his pocket and then shook its helmet disapprovingly.

"Seriously, courier, do you always have to ruin my chances of having fun?"

The rider shook its head, and then it whipped out a small phone and typed, "How can you do such a thing? Don't you have any empathy?"

"Hmm...so apparently what you're telling me is I have no empathy. That's a mean thing to say."

The figure paused as it looked at the dark-haired man before writing again,"But still, you acted like everything there was a complete game. You were toying with that young woman like her life meant nothing-"

"Heh heh..."

"You told her she should die."

"So what? In the end, she didn't do it, so it's pointless. And all because you had to come and ruin my fun."

"Fun isn't torturing young women and then murdering them."

"You have no sense of humor, courier." The young man pouted, running his hands through his spiky black hair. "So what else are you gonna say?"

'Why do you do this?'

"Why do I do this? I do it for many reasons, but you haven't told me anything about what makes you you. Anyway, if you hadn't performed your heroic stunt, that young woman would've died. And it's not like magic would have saved her or something."

"So, what do you believe in? I mean, did your parents raise you to think this way?"

"Such a rude question. That could get you in trouble."

"So, Orihara Izaya, what does that make you?"

"Sorry, courier...you can try and guess who I am. That's really all there is to it." He said before childishly waving goodbye and then running off.

Celty shook her 'head.' 'That man acts like a child...a really sick, disgusting child...'

He ran off to the other side of the roof. He noticed the air conditioner that was blowing there. He toyed around with the controls for a few moments before getting bored. "Hmm...look at all of those humans down there. Really...I love them...I love them all..." He said, his face turning more and more maniacal.

"Like I said before, it's been nine years, since that little boy known as the savior disappeared. How's that stupid little society faring without me? It's not like I'll ever go back there."

"Heh heh heh heh heh..."

"Seriously, though...they're a bunch of fucking idiots. To think I would return to that place willingly...they're idiots!"

He cried, ripping the piece of paper he was holding in two. He watched as the pieces of paper fell to the ground and then he stepped on them, laughing maniacally.

"That's right! I, Izaya Orihara, have replaced that stupid boy known as Harry Potter! These humans are so much better than those dim-witted wizards could ever dream of being. I love them all..." He said dementedly, grinning wickedly at the people down below. He noticed one person look up at him and then run away.

"That's right, my beloved humans...realize I'm superior to all of you. Hmm...what's this?"

He tilted his head briefly, sensing someone was watching him. "Whoever's watching me, you'd better come out or else I'll make you." He said before whipping out a knife. He realized it was a dark-haired man he knew very well.

"What brings you to Japan, Severus-kun?" He said, casting his ruby-red eyes over to the cowering wizard, who was afraid of Izaya.

"Are you the one I seek?"