Thane turned his head ever so slightly for a moment as the door to the life support room opened and closed, the soft sound of footsteps making him smile a bit as Chalyn Shepard walked in. He looked up at her as she came into view, blinking. "Do you need something?"

Chalyn's eyelid twitched slightly, a small nervous tick precious few had ever noticed. "Have a few minutes to talk?"

Thane shifted his position to be more comfortable, his meditations over. "You needn't ask. Time for me is short, Siha, but any I have is yours to take."

Chalyn smiled softly, sitting down across the table from Thane. She reached over and took one of his hands in her own gently. "How are you feeling?" She always asked this first, no matter how important her purpose was, making no secret to anyone her care for the Drell assassin.

Thane put his free hand over one of hers, feeling her unusually warm skin. "No worse than ever. You needn't worry. And you, Siha? You are well?"

Chalyn looked into her alien lover's eyes. "I went to visit Liara. The former Shadow Broker was spying on us, using our own surveillance cameras to get information."

"Do you worry Liara will do the same?" Thane didn't think the Asari would betray her friend, but the human phrase 'power corrupts' had proven to be true more than once.

Chalyn shook her head at the question, subconsciously tracing the marks on Thane's hand. "I trust her, but Kasumi promised to make short work of the remaining cameras anyway. She'd do that anyway though; Miranda may as well give up." Thane laughed softly, making Chalyn smile though her eyes held no laughter. She sighed, looking down at the table. "EDI is putting up more safeguards against spyware, but I did find detailed information about several people," she looked up at Thane, "including you."

Thane tilted his head to the side a bit. "Nothing you were not already aware of, Siha. I do not hide myself from you."

Chalyn narrowed her eyes slightly. "Do you not? In that case, perhaps I should have Dr. Chakwas run some tests, because certain details were completely unknown to me beforehand."

Thane looked at Chalyn softly, seeing her eyes brighten with tears. He couldn't think of what she was referring to, then he remembered. I walk into the medical wing, my chest tight. "Can I help you?" she asks. I sit on a bed, begin to tell her of my illness. Unnecessary, she is already aware. She does tests, asks me to breathe deeply. I cannot. She nods, goes to her computer. The door opens, Tali'Zorah walks in. Dr. Chakwas takes her to another bed, gives her more antibiotics. I go to the computer. Dr. Chakwas's report on my condition is complete and saved. I read it, delete it, and leave. I am informed we have arrived at Tuchanka. He looked at Chalyn, then looked away. "I am sorry, Siha."

Chalyn blinked, convinced she would never get used to Drell memories. She sighed softly, closing her eyes. "Thane, I had no idea you were so far along. Had I known...I don't know."

Thane touched Chalyn's face gently, feeling hot moisture under his fingers. "I did not want you to worry; I apologize. In the future, I shall inform you of any visits I may make to Dr. Chakwas, and tell you of the results."

Chalyn smiled slightly, leaning into his touch for a moment before her cheek began to tingle and she reluctantly pulled away. "I want to help you, Thane. There has to be a way, or something we can do."

Thane thought for a moment. "I would very much like to see a desert."

Chalyn raised an eyebrow, then smiled softly and nodded. "We owe ourselves a memorable vacation. I'll see where the best desert worlds are, and we'll go."

Thane looked at Chalyn and smiled, nodding. "I look forward to the memories."