Hello Readers!
This is the beginning to a story that I am hoping is only seven chapters, one per character. Each chapter is going to be from that character's perspective, and I hope that it is as close to the character as I can get it. This story takes place the night of Amy and Rory's wedding, and during John and Mary's wedding. (Whoops... Was that a spoiler?)
This story is my idea, and I would hope that you would do me a favour and NOT take it. I'm sorry if it is really similar to another story that has been published, I haven't read any other Wholock fic besides the lovely PONDLOCK one (You know who you are...).
The characters belong to Steven Moffat, Mark Gatiss and BBC.


I suppose, when you think of the words 'Wedding Crashers' your mind almost immediately goes to the movie. The sassiness of the actors, the chaoticness of the whole mashed up comedy, it's honestly quite a funny experience. (I would just like to say that I indeed was dragged into going see the movie one movie-night, courtesy of my friends, but if I didn't they would have gestured to each other and said "Good, good. More for me and you." and made other stupid jokes). Will Ferrell being Will Ferrell, truly one of the funniest movies of this age. Of course, I've found funnier movies, in the future, in the past, on other planets, but nothing compares to the time when we, The Doctor, Rory and I, crashed a wedding.

First of all, I would just like to blame The Doctor because it was entirely his fault, but I also have to blame myself. If I was able to resist my best friend's floppy hair and awkward giraffe-like movements, I don't think we would have ever crashed the wedding in the first place. However, I can't say that I wasn't glad that we had.

It was our own wedding night. The Doctor, being The Doctor, decided to (probably because he had forgotten to bring a gift for us in the first place) take us on an adventure across all of time and space. And of course, I couldn't even hope for anything more. I had waited twelve years for The Doctor, and now that he was here, I couldn't get enough. So, still wrapped in a tighter than tight white and lacy wedding dress, I grabbed Rory's reluctant arm and dragged him on to the TARDIS with The Doctor.

I should have known by now that the TARDIS never listens to where The Doctor wants to go. I should have known by now that the TARDIS likes setting things up for The Doctor, not even caring what the circumstances are, and I really should have known that The Doctor can't even control the TARDIS for any of his lives.

Of course, being as insane as I was that night, all the thoughts that should have stopped me from jumping on the TARDIS and told me to stay the whole night wrapped up in sheets and covers with my newly-wedded husband watching all sorts of romantic Netflix shows and late night television, were not there. And I knew that Rory wouldn't put up a good fight, because he's Rory, so instead, we were on the TARDIS. With The Doctor.

"So, where are we going Doctor?" The younger, less experienced me said. I was leaning against the console unit in the center of the TARDIS' control room, watching my raggedy spaceman spin around me, pulling all sorts of levers and switches that he always pulls to get the TARDIS to run. The whole room was sort of swaying ever so slightly, like a mother rocking her child in a carriage.

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise," That was The Doctor, "would it, Pond?" He was a blur as he spun around me. He was spinning so fast that my eyes could barely keep track of him. But from what I could tell, he was still dressed up in suit from the wedding. The black jacketed suit with the white shirt and the cream colored scarf that he decided to wear for who knows what reason. Which meant that it was real. I was glad, I don't think I could have handled him wearing some sort of strange alien material, or worse, his bow-tied outfit. The one with the Grandpa jacket and the strangely colored suspenders. It made me shiver just thinking about it. Did Time Lords just have no style or something?

"Plus," He continued, "I wouldn't want to spoil my lovely Ponds wedding gift!" I honestly don't know if he knew where he was going at that point. He might have been making it up as he went along for all I knew!

However, being as ignorant as I was at the time, all I was hoping for was a nice planet filled with beautiful island beaches and peacefully swaying oceans, sitting with my Rory, letting the alien sun roast my human skin. But, if I had used my head, I should have known that when you travel with The Doctor, that is almost guaranteed not to happen. Almost. I hoped that this time would be that almost.

Hah, no.

There would probably never be a perfectly safe day with The Doctor.

At least, not in my time.

But that wasn't the point. I was too happy at the time to even worry about The Doctor's fantastical adventures with his Ponds. And when their adventures might end. But it didn't matter. Not now.

I was too busy being happy for myself. And Rory. Oh adorable Rory Williams and his ginger Amelia Pond-Williams, I have to remember to say Williams now. What an awful last name. I didn't know if I could get used to that. I probably had to, since I was now married to the man. I loved him more than his last name.

And speaking of the handsome klutz of a man, there he was, clinging to the side of the TARDIS for his life. He was perfect. He was my perfect little klutz. I loved him and he loved me. He loved me so much he'd protect me till the end of time. He'd be by my side until forever ended, which doesn't make much sense, but when you travel through time with The Doctor, many things that didn't make sense before start to not make much more sense.

Time is all wibbly wobbly.

I grinned and launched myself at him, throwing my arms around his neck and catapulting the two of us around the TARDIS. I swear I could hear her laughing, that amazing TARDIS. I knocked Rory's tophat ascue, and leaned against him, my own pointy nose touching his big awkward one slightly.

"I love you!" I said, grinning like an idiot.

"I love you too, Amelia Williams." He smiled brightly. Ah, he must have been the happiest man in the whole universe that night. He probably still is, as long as I'm around.

But The Doctor cut in. "This isn't a Snog-Box, Ponds. If you wanted a Snog-Box you shouldn't have gone in here! I'm not your personal Snog-Box-Time-Traveling-Taxi." But he didn't mean it.

He loved us more than anything.

I don't think he could have survived without us. We waited for him, so he promised us the universe in return for company. The TARDIS Trio, we were. The Ginger, The Nurse and The Spaceman. I pulled him, mid spin, into the hug. He nearly tripped over his own feet. Again. But, I guess, that's why we loved him. He was just what Rory and I needed in our lives. An escape. And an adventure.

"My boys. My perfect boys." I grinned between the two.

"We're not your boys, Amelia." The Doctor gave me a fakely stern look, pressing a hand on either of our backs. I could see that he was trying to stifle a smile.

"You are too!" I called back. "Besides, it's my wedding night, you have to be nice to me."

"I am nice to you, Pond! I take you and show you the stars. That's quite a nice thing to do, you know. I could have taken anyone, and yet, I have my Ponds here with me. I'm pretty sure it's quite a nice thing to do." The Doctor flipped his hair awkwardly. "And I do it all the time. I'm really sure that counts as something."

"Yes, but you do that all the time!" I growled back at him. "Tonight's my wedding night! I want something special!"

Rory beamed between us. "The Doctor promised us something special, Amy. I don't want our gift to be ruined."

"Yes! Rory, you need to learn to control your wife!" He kissed both of us on a cheek and scrambled out of the hug, heading back to the controls.

"Technically, you're the one making this a Snog-Box, Doctor. You're the one who's always kissing people!" I giggled.

"But I don't count, Amelia!" He was a blur again. "It's the two of you I'm worried about. You're always going all smoochie-smoochie on me."

Life couldn't possibly be that perfect. Traveling around with your best friend and your lover at the same time. Laughing, having a good time together for eternity. All of space and time to explore together. Of course, when traveling with The Doctor there were always mishaps that occurred. Every. Single. Time. But I didn't care at that moment. I knew this time would be different.

And I was wrong. Really really wrong.

I didn't see The Doctor slip, but I felt it. I think I still have a bruise on the side of my body to show for it. One moment I was laughing and enjoying my company of friends, and the next, I was flying through the air looking like some sort of exotic bird with my ginger hair and bright white wedding dress. My Raggedy Doctor was barely hanging on to the main section of the TARDIS, the screen part (where River had previously hung her stunningly blood red heels), and his legs were hanging in all sorts of weird angles.

I could barely hear Rory calling my name, but felt him soon enough as he crashed against me, pinning the two of us to the side of the TARDIS. The two of us hung on to each other as we wailed our way through space and time. And just as suddenly as it started, it stopped. The Doctor had finally found the correct switch and pulled it, stopping us abruptly. Rory asked if I was alright.

"I-I'm fine..." I answered, slightly out of breath. "What the hell was that?"

But it wasn't Rory who answered me, it was The Doctor. "That, was us arriving at your human-wedding gift destination!" He looked a little nervous, as if he didn't quite know exactly where we were (which was actually probably the truth, now that I think about it).

He leapt down the steps, sliding on the railing slightly, before arriving at the door of the TARDIS. He turned back towards us, one hand on the door, the other holding up an imaginary glass of champagne. He was grinning like a Cheshire cat, but that wasn't exactly a comforting sight.

"To my Ponds!" He raised the invisible glass to the ceiling. "And their magnificent future!"

He beamed and opened the door of the TARDIS. However, the people on the other side of the door weren't as happy.

"What the bloody hell are you doing here... Doctor?" The words came from a short man, one with a lined, but happy, face. One that had clearly gone through a lot of tragic events in the recent past. He had neatly combed almost faded-blonde hair and eyebrows that were tightly pressed together. He looked a tad bit confused as he looked from The Doctor to Rory and I, but then he seemed to get a look of realization on his face.

Had he met us before? In our future?

"Sorry everyone," The short man coughed slightly, looking between an extremely tall man with curly black hair (who was giving us a dirty look) and a short woman with tightly pinned blonde hair (who was looking curiously between us). "My friends said they'd show up late. These are The Ponds and their Doctor." He smiled brightly, yet awkwardly, turning back to the three of us. "I'm glad you could make it, I hope you enjoy what's left of my wedding."

I hope you liked that! Sorry for the waiting between chapters. If you want a sneak preview to the next chapter, please feel free to review the story. PLEASE FAVOURITE AND FOLLOW THIS STORY AND FAVOURITE, FOLLOW AND PM ME!

~Matteo :33