A/N: Thank you to all who have stuck with reading my stories. I know this update has been a long time coming. Thank you for taking the time to read. Please leave a review with your thoughts. Enjoy.

Chapter 19- Endgame

Today was the first day since being back Fitz felt like himself.

He had been out of town for the past 5 days at a conference for world leaders. Because of the time difference, he had been jet lag. Being the President did not allow for him to take time off to get back clicking on all cylinders. Today was the perfect day for all things to come together.

Sitting at the breakfast table, he turned back in to hear Teddy asking him for the 100th time in the past few weeks if he would be able to see the new Avengers movie Endgame this weekend. Fitz had told Teddy he would see if they could go to the movies. This was just to appease him because he knew how hard it would be to have an entire theater complex cleared out just so they could watch a movie. Especially when it is the movie of the year and everyone wants to see it. It would be downright unfair.

Fitz looked at Teddy and encouraged him to finish his breakfast so he would not be late for school.

Teddy quickly ate the rest of his breakfast and ran to his room to finish getting ready. While he did that Fitz sent off a quick text to the person he had not seen in a whole 7 days and he was truly missing her.

Olivia was sitting in her home office composing an email to a client when her cellphone buzzed indicating she had a message. Picking up the phone and looking at her message she saw it was from Fitz.

Fitz: Hi

Olivia: Hi

Fitz: Are you coming over tonight?

Olivia: Maybe, depends on what you have in mind?

Fitz: Oh, just a little date with me, my son and a few of the Avengers. You game?

Olivia: Depends, what is your Endgame? ;-)

Fitz: I want to restore order to the universe. I heard you have the secrets between those magical thighs of yours.

Olivia: Fitz!

Fitz: See you after work. Pack a bag and spend the weekend. I have missed you.

Olivia: We will see.

Just as their banter over text had, ended Teddy reappeared in the dining room ready to leave for school. He could not let the young lad go to school without giving him hope so he told him focus on school today and your dad will work on making things happen on his end so you can see the movie.

"How does that sound to you?" Fitz asked Teddy.

"Cool dad, thanks. Everyone will be talking about it on Monday and I don't want it to be spoiled for me." Teddy responded enthusiastically.

Fitz gave Teddy a side hug as he walked him out of the residence and downstairs. They headed to Cyrus office where Ella and Sam would usually meet Teddy so they could ride to school together. Once they got there, Teddy wasted no time telling the girls his dad was going to make sure he was able to see Endgame before the weekend was over.

Fitz listened on as the kids talked. The truth was all three of them would be seeing the movie. They did not know it, but Fitz had gotten his old college friend Anthony Russo who just happened to be the director to get him a copy for a special screening. It had come via a high security courier. The box was encrypted with a passcode that also had a date activation. The note from A.R. as Fitz referred to him said he would get the text with the passcode after he text him with their secret name of the old bar they use to hang out at in college. He was sent specific instructions on not to send the text before 12:01am April 26th.

Yes, while Fitz would get a special screening, he was not getting an advanced viewing. All theaters would be set for a midnight screening. The only thing Russo asked for in return was an honest review. He would do anything for Fitz and most importantly little Teddy whom he considered a nephew. The package containing the DVD of the movie has been kept in a safe inside the oval. No one even knew he had this and he planned to keep it that way until this evening.

Fitz had invited his immediate staff and their significant others to have dinner at the White House tonight w/ their significant others and kids of appropriate age for a movie screening (he did not reveal the movie). Most had RSVP'd, a few had declined. The White House movie thereafter held 51 people so they would be close to capacity. Everyone should report to the White House at 6pm.

The cooking staff had been included so once the food was ready, they were off duty. It was a buffet style so they did not have to serve and could relax and enjoy themselves. The menu was simple finger foods. The popcorn machine was set to start making the popcorn at 6:45pm. The movie would begin at 7:30pm sharp.

The day went by relatively quick and when Teddy made it home from school, he stopped by the oval to see his dad. That is when Fitz told him if he wanted a snack, he should talk to the staff and they would be having dinner a little late tonight at around 6pm.

Teddy asked if Liv was coming for dinner. Fitz confirmed that she was and Teddy was glad. He had not seen her in a few days. She stayed at the residence while his dad was out of town. They had dinner at 6pm sharp. She helped him with his homework and helped him prepare for his spelling test. He liked having her there. They made cookies together one night just because. It was fun and to be honest he wished she lived with them full time. He thought maybe one day soon. His dad definitely liked having her there. Ella slept over one night because she gets a little jealous about Lib.

Olivia was definitely going to have to do a spa day with her, Abby and Sam.

At 5:30 pm, Liv strolled into the residence with her weekender bag and headed straight to the master bedroom. Her strides were quick. She had not even noticed Teddy sitting on the couch watching something on TV.

"Hi Lib" Teddy called out.

She stopped mid step and looked to her left. She gave him a small smile and wave and continued ahead. She noticed Fitz was not in the living room so maybe he was still downstairs she thought. She wanted to catch her breath and be ready so they could be downstairs by six to greet everyone. Fitz had extended an invite to her staff. Abby was already on the list because of David had been invited. Harrison and Huck were pretty stoked to come. Quinn was not so much an Avengers fan she just wanted to hang out.

As she walked into the bedroom, she saw a light on in the master closet. She headed there to put her bag down and get dressed. As she walked to the doorway there stood Fitz in all his delicious gloriousness with his back to her.

She took a moment to admire his back. The little crescent shaped marks her nails had made had finally healed. She felt so bad about that, but every time she saw them, she was brought back to their intense lovemaking. That created an ache between her thighs. He was looking for a shirt to wear apparently. As he reached for a t-shirt, his back muscles flexed. She let out a soft moan and that caused his head to move in her direction. He gave her a smile accompanied by a "Hey" then proceeded to pull down a shirt.

She continued to watch him. The grey boxer briefs he was wearing hugged his peach shaped bum and firm thighs. She could watch this all night. She was snapped out of her thoughts when he asked

"See something you like?

"I see a lot I like" she replied.

"Well I want to see some things I like also. Do you need help getting undressed?" he said while slipping his left leg into the jeans he was now holding.

Fitz walked over to her pecking her lips. His fingers began unbuttoning her pants. While placing soft kisses along her neck he slipped a hand inside.

"Fitz, we can't." she said breathless.

"We can, he said as he cupped her sex.

Shaking her head no, she willed herself to step back.

"We don't' have time. You have people waiting downstairs for you and we can't be late." She said firm and with finality. Turning she headed to take a pair of jeans she had folded on the shelf in his closet out to put on. She also grabbed her favorite Grant for the People t-shirt from the campaign trail and quickly pulled it over her head.

Fitz watched her with a pout and then grabbed a pair of shoes off the top shelf and proceeded to put on socks and tennis shoes. He kissed her lips again and said he will meet her in the living room.

Liv hurried up and went to the bathroom to brush her hair in a ponytail and met Fitz and Teddy. They all came downstairs and headed to the dining area. Once there they greeted everyone. After dinner, Fitz stood up and spoke to everyone.

I invited you all here today to enjoy a meal because I consider you all my extended family. I thought I would like nothing better than to enjoy a meal and good movie with my family. So tonight we have already taken care of the meal now, let us get to the movie. Tonight's feature film…

Avengers: Endgame

Many cheers went up and claps could be heard. The person with the most spontaneous reaction was Teddy.

He ran and tackled his dad. Hugging his son tightly. Fitz told him I have a message for you… "Uncle AR said he wants you to write a review of the movie for him. He said he hopes you enjoy it and he wished he could be here to watch with you."

Everyone proceeded to head to the movie theater. There was one last surprise, even Fitz did not know about this.

As the lights were about to dim, two figures walked out in front of the movie screen to introduce the movie... It was AR and his brother Joe. They were really about to watch the movie with the Russo Brothers. Everyone in the audience clapped and cheered before the movie even began. A.R. and Joe gave Fitz and Teddy a hug. They opted to sit in the back of the theater so everyone could relax and just enjoy the movie. They did not want to be a distraction and could capture everyone's true reactions.

The lights dimmed and Fitz reached over and captured Liv's hand as the movie began.