Alright I'm here with another update... sorry for not updating sooner but this week has been kinda busy... a lot more then usual. (I mean I have hardly slept at all this week it's been that bad) still I got this out before the weekend so YAY. Anyhoo I did plan on getting a new chapter up for these broken pieces but I as you can tell haven't had time again :/ so so so so so sorry! I'm working on my time management I swear. If I get time over the weekend I'll try and write it and put it up then.

As I have said before, all grammar and spelling errors are my own and I apologise ahead. Also I do not own any part of the Hunger Games... wish I did but I don't still thank you Suzanne Collins for your amazing series.

Warning: smut, swearing, possible drug use, violence, boy on boy, possible girl on girl, talk of abuse, OOC-ness and all the wonderful bad things in life.

Before I reply to reviews I just would like to say a huge huge thanks to those who did, it means the world. Without the constant support I don't know if I'd be up to this yet. So again thanks you. Xo

fanboyingfiction- :D glad you liked the chapter, I had to give Peeta and Cato elevens, makes this more fun I think :D. Thanks for the love boo! Xoxoxo

pumpkinking5- :D yes they did well and YAY for cuteness again! Hahaha :D so glad you like how well they seem to communicate and trust each other. Thanks for the love boo! Xoxoxo

jmcarthy- omg really? Wow thank you, honestly it was the chapter I've been the most nervous to post. I mean wow so glad you thought it was written well. You have no idea how good it is to know the score reveal was vivid enough. :D haha gotta have some heat don't we? ;) oh yes you'll see how his interview goes down below! Thanks for the love boo! Xoxoxo

Fuzzyfeather- :D totally right, love badass Peeta! Bahahahaha yes they should be paired together ans yes Katniss is forever the cock block haha. As I do, she's really grown on me in this story. Thanks for the love boo! Xoxoxo

Dreams or Fantasies- Bahahahaha my cliffhangers and amazing... not really they are just how I like to end things a lot hahaha. And I mean you know I always delivered the smut anyways. :D Thanks for the love boo! Xoxoxo

hiyapapaya- :D well the wait it over! Haha thanks for the love boo! Xoxoxo

Strength Is Not Everything

Chapter Eleven: Playing It Up

"Sorry what?" I ask, slightly embarrassed but the distracted looking at Cato's body.

"I said are you just going to stand there and stare or are you coming for a shower with me?" He repeated as he pulled down his underwear and stood in front of me.

"I, um, yeah." I say snapping out of my trance, it was hard not to stare at Cato's impressive manhood. I forced myself to look him in the eyes, an action Cato noticed. He winked at me before turning towards the bathroom.

My brain finally took control of my body again and I pulled off my clothing and hurried into the bathroom. I slipped in behind Cato, my hands immediately wrapping around him. "Thanks for earlier." I say kissing his back.

"I told you that you had nothing to worry about didn't I?"

"You did." I reply letting go so Cato could turn around. "I can't believe they gave me an eleven though, I mean they'll have to pair us now."

"They will Peeta, so stop worrying and focus on the fact you are in the shower with a very naked me who wants nothing more then to celebrate how well we did." Cato smirked leaning down to kiss me.

It was then I realised how turned on Cato was, his hard member pressing up against my stomach. I let him depend the kiss as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I want to fuck you right here in the shower." He whispered in my ear as he trailed kisses down my neck. He nipped and licked at my weak spot causing a moan to slip out of my mouth.

"Do it." I reply getting as turned on as he was.

Cato pulled my arms off him and spun me around so my chest was up against the tiled wall. I turned my head to the side to watch him get down on his knees before he pulled my ass cheeks apart and I felt his tongue start to swirl around my wanting hole.

It wasn't long before I was curving out my back and pushing my ass against his tongue wanting to be filled more. I felt his teeth run across one of my cheeks before a finger slipped into me. He worked it in and out of me before slipping in a second and in what felt like no time a third. I felt him curling his fingers, searching for that spot inside me. When he found it I cried out in pleasure.

"I need you in me now." I moaned.

Cato quickly complied, pulling out his fingers and standing up before carefully pushing inside of I had adjusted I told Cato to move, and he did, making quick work opening me up as he started to pound into me. When he started to hit my prostate repetitively I could not stop the moans and obscene words coming out of my mouth.

Cato really picked up the pace, thrusting deep and hard into me after that. I found myself bouncing and banging between Cato's body and the wall in front of me. Moan after moan escaped my mouth and he drilled into me. It didn't take long for my toes to curl and a throaty moan to escape my mouth as I came hard against the wall. Cato grunted in pleasure as I tightened around him and he released into me after one last powerful thrust.

We slowly came down from out highs, breathing harshly as Cato pulled himself out and I stay slumped against the wall. Cato turned me around kissing me softly yet with passion before grabbing the soap.

After washing ourselves quickly Cato turned the water off and we both stepped out and dried ourselves. We crawled into bed, both worn out from what we were doing moments ago. I laid down with my head on Cato chest and fell asleep almost instantly.

I woke from my sleep abruptly to knocking on my bedroom door. I sigh sitting up to watch Effie walk in, chirpy as ever.

"Peeta, Cato it time for you to get up. You have a big big day ahead of you. We have to get you ready for the interviews so come come." She sang out, voice high and beaming with joy. I sat there for a minute and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, Cato on the other hand didn't even seem to stir. Which was suspicious, Cato seemed to always be alert, even in sleep. "Peeta, be dressed and at the dinning table with in the next thirty minutes would you."

"Yes Effie, I'll be showered and dressed in thirty minutes." I drone out, voice scratchy from sleep.

"Very good." She smiled before turning around and headed towards the door.

Once she was gone I sighed turning to the boy next to me. "You can stop pretending you're asleep now, it's time to get up."

"I'm not pretending I'm sleeping." Cato muttered not moving once.

I laughed, my hands making there way to either side of his ribs before I started tickling him. Cato immediately opened his eyes and starting thrashing around. I kept going while Cato protested, trying to capture my hands while he couldn't stop himself laughing.

"Peeta stop!" Cato growled.

"You going to get up?" I smirked as I continued.

"Yes, now stop." Cato sigh frustrated.

"Okay." I stopped, instead straddling his hips and restraining his arms over his head. I leaned down slowly bringing my lips to his, at first the kiss was soft, slow but then it built up and grew in to a passionate battle of lips, teeth and tongue.

"Unless you are going to screw me I suggest you let go of my hands." Cato moaned between kisses.

"Fine, but we are getting in that shower with in the next five minutes." I reply, letting go of his hands as I kissed up his jaw.

Cato's hands immediately brushed down my back until they landed on the globes of my ass. He started to massage them a bit while I nipped and kissed his neck. Cato relaxed enjoying my touch until he realised what day it was.

"Peeta seriously, the interviews are today. Stop that I don't need everyone in Panem looking at a neck covered in hickeys." Cato put a hand on my chest pushing me away.

I smirked playfully at him before shrugging. "Oh well, guess they'll realise that you are off the market and are mine."

"Fine, but since you are mine I think I should be able to do the same to you." Cato's cocky grin returned before he suddenly flipped us.

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Fine, but make it quick. We need to be getting ready."

Cato went straight to work, biting and licking his way up and down my neck. When he was done he got up and pulled me towards the shower. I caught a glimpse of my neck in the mirror.

"Seriously I said one, not four." I grumble walking over to the mirror to inspect my now marred neck.

"Two of those are from last night." Cato commented back as he stepped into the shower and turned it on.

I jumped in with him, washing each other at a leisurely pace before getting dressed and heading out to the dining room. We ate breakfast as normal before I had to say goodbye to Cato. He returned to his floor so he could get ready for the interviews like Katniss and I were about to.

We split up Haymitch taking Katniss first and Effie taking me. Effie spent the morning going over how to sit and stand properly. She ran through all the right etiquette and social graces, drilling them into me so I did them without thinking about them at all.

Then after lunch Katniss and I switched and I sat down with Haymitch to walk about how he wanted me to portray myself and what angle I should use. Haymitch wanted me to act as natural as possible, let my charm and way with words just take over. He explained Caesar would help me through the interviews and I should answer every question honestly but if asked about Cato to play up the romance and drama to attract more sponsors and pairing votes.

When it was time to get ready Portia and Cinna arrived, escorting us to where our interviews were being held before splitting us up to get us ready. My prep team was once again standing there waiting. They cleaned and groomed me quickly before wishing me luck and leaving the room.

Portia returned dressing me in a suit and adding finishing touches to my hair before exclaiming I was ready and pulling me over to the full length mirror.

I gasped at how polished I looked. "Thank you Portia." I smiled to her before turning back to the mirror to inspect myself.

I had on black shiny pointed leather shoes, fitted black dress pants and a black dress shirt the was tight across my chest. Over the top I had a black tailored suit jacket with red detailing. To finish it off it red bow-tie, my hair was brushed up into a sophisticated wave.

"Right well come along, we don't need to be late." Portia smiled linking our arms and walking me over to another door.

She lead me backstage where many tributes we already waiting, all dressed in suits and gowns. Katniss arrived moments later, Clove and Cato both right behind her. Katniss had on a floor length red gown that sparkled in the light, her hair up in an intricate style I had never seen before.

Clove was dressed in a blue gown that cascaded to the floor while Cato was dressed in black pants, a black shirt that had several buttons left open and a blue sports blazer. The suit was tailored perfectly for his body, showing of his muscles and body while still covering it.

"You look good." I smile leaning on my tip toes to kiss him.

"I know." He smiled back with a cocky grin. "You do to though." He continued before kissing me again.

"Can I have the tributes in District order please." A woman called out. "Females first followed by their male counterpart."

"We'll wait for you on the other side." Cato quickly gave me one last kiss before headed to the front on the line.

I walked to the very back and watched the screen in front of me. The stage lit up before Caesar came walking out smiling and laughing with the same level of excitement he had every year.

"Welcome welcome." He said excitedly before grinning his trademark plastic smile and laughing in an over the top manor. "Tonight of course we will be getting to know our tributes a little better. And aren't we all excited, I know I am." The crowd clapped and screamed out as Caesar laughed again.

"I just can't wait to get started so let do just that. With out further a do, from District One, the sexy vixen Glimmer." His voice rang out as Glimmer walked out confidently on stage.

I watched each interview closely, trying to pick out who was going to get sponsors and who I had to look out for. Glimmer played to her strength and stuck to being sexy. She oozed sex at every moment, I knew she would have a large pack of male sponsors this year.

Marvel was next, walking on stage with a confident strut. He came off really funny to my surprise, while retaining that arrogant calculating viciousness about him. I had to admit that the boy could act.

Clove sat down with Caesar next, that determination and confidence was still there but she played innocent and charming. I honestly had no clue as to how she pulled that off. I thought it was impossible for someone to be so obviously ready to kill while retaining this innocent playfulness the crowd seemed to love.

Once Clove walked off of the stage Caesar got the crowd excited for Cato. "Now for a tribute who scored an eleven, he is the brutal and devilishly handsome boy from District Two, Cato."

I watched Cato strut out on stage, a cocky grin plastered on his face as he shook Caeser's hand before sitting down next to him.

"Now Cato, you received a score on eleven from the game markers. And us viewers couldn't believe it, truly amazing work."

"Thank you." Cato smiled to the crowd who immediately swooned over him.

Caesar did his mechanical laugh towards the audience before turning back to Cato. "But we are all dying to know just how ready you are to compete in these games?"

"Well Caesar I think I'm so ready for this games and to win that President Snow should have my name carved into the crown tonight. This is something I've be preparing for all my life. I'm ready to slaughter anyone that gets in my way."

"Confident I see, you don't think the extra rules, one you are still in the dark about, hasn't effected you chances of winning then?"

"Of course not. I'm the most ready out of everyone for these game and I'll take down what ever the game makers throw at me. And that's the truth, I'm prepared for any and everything."

"Well then my next question has to be about the boy you have been seen constantly locking lips with during the training, we all so the footage didn't we?" Caesar nods to the audience who hoot and holler in response.

"Was meeting someone you obviously find attractive something you were prepared for?"

"Honestly no, I just knew as soon as I laid eyes on him I have to get a taste." Cato dramatically licked his lips causing me to laugh back stage. He really was playing the crowd as much as he could.

"And now you have gotta a taste?" Caesar asked, raising an eyebrow.

"He's something I'd happy eat for the rest of my life." The crowd went into an uproar. "I know if we are paired with his District I'll be willing to do anything to get us both out so I get the chance to have him over and over again."

"Oh, doesn't that send a shiver down your spine ladies and gentlemen. Now the two of you have gotten pretty physical in front of the cameras, do you think you'll tone it down for the games?"

"Not at all if I have something to say about it. Peeta has caused this insatiable hunger to grow in me that only he seems to be able to quench for a small amount of time until I need another hit. So I'll be enjoying his body at any and every chance I get while we are in the arena."

"Oh well I know a fair few of us will enjoy that part of the show." The timer went of and the crowd moaned in disappointment. "Well ladies and gentlemen, please give it up for you boy with no fear, the brutal killing machine Cato from District Two."

Cato left the stage to the crowd roaring his name. Well I knew straight after watching Cato's interview Caesar would be bringing Cato up in my interview then. And I'd have to play it up for the audience as much as Cato did. I watched as each tribute took their turn and answered every question. The majority were very timid and shy, some seemed to be playing it up, other genuinely were terrified they were in this situation. The girl from District Five seemed very collected and cunning. The small girl from District Eleven was charming and sweet, it saddened me to know someone so young and innocent was being sent into the arena with the likes of Marvel. While the beast from District Eleven was confident and surprisingly menacing. He was quite but he gave off a feeling of determination.

Then came Katniss, who surprisingly came off warm, kind and sort a endearingly funny. Parts of her personality she normal hid away, I guess that was Haymitch's doing. I knew he complained about her coming off as cold and boring when we first got here. At the end she twirled in her dress, flames lighting up and licking her body causing the crowd to once again go wild.

"Let's hear it for the girl on fire, Katniss Everdeen." Caesar excitedly yelled as she left the stage. "And now the last tribute of the night, but judging by his individual evaluation score should by no means be disregarded. The boy who's got the whole of Panem talking, Peeta Mellark."

I walked out on stage quickly, smiling to the crowd as I tried to calm my nerves. I shook Caesars hand and sat down, turning my attention to him. The same thought rounding over and over through my mind, be natural.

"So Peeta my boy, it appeare you have the highest recorded score so far as a tribute from your District ever! How does that make you feel?"

"Proud, honestly I know District Twelve tributes don't seem to normally last in the games very long but I think this is the year Katniss and I change all that. We are proud to stand up for District Twelve and the people that live there." I answer, thankfully sounding confident and personable.

"That's the spirit, isn't it folks. Your courage and love for District Twelve is commendable. Your score has a lot of people wondering if maybe you are, in your own right, the first careers from District Twelve?"

"I don't think so, we weren't trained to kill other tributes, rather survive. At a young age I was convinced I'd end up here some day so I took the initiative and prepared myself should it happen. And as you can tell it paid off."

"That it did." Caesar laughed. "But on the topic of preparing yourself, I can only assume like Cato said before you, you weren't prepared to be, how shall I put it, become physically involved with another tribute?"

"Oh no, never in my wildest dreams did I expect to find someone I was so attracted to that I couldn't stop myself from enjoying it while I still could." I half smile to the audience. "I'd like to think it was fate that brought us together." The audience reacted as expected all sighing, touched by my words.

"So you are hoping your Districts are paired together then?" Caesar smiled knowing I was milking them for everything they had.

"Of course, I'd fight to the very end to make sure we both got out. Its hard to explain really, it like this feeling of without each other my world just wouldn't ever be the same." I play up how sad I am so the crowd starts to lose it.

"Well judging by your score you are going to be very able in doing so." Caesar wrapped up. "So ladies and gentlemen let's hear it for what some of you are calling the first career from District Twelve, the boy who's heart belongs to another career, Peeta Mellark!"

He sends me off stage and he continues to talk to the audience. Cato, Clove and Katniss waiting together for me. I walked up happy we all did so well, smiling to them as Marvel made his way towards us.

"I'm not in the mood Marvel." I roll my eyes turning away from me.

"I was just going to congratulate you on how remarkable your lying skills are." Marvel said as Cato stepped forward protectively.

"What ever just go and sulk about the fact I did better then you some where else. And bring everything you got in the arena because I'll kill you myself." I retorted turning back to him.

"Oh I will, don't worry about that Peeta. I'm going to make sure you regret getting in my way." Marvel threatened quickly walking off when our mentors got close.

Our mentors took us back to the District Two floor, congratulating us before we all ate dinner. Brutus explained that who we would be paired with would be announced before the countdown once we were in the arena. The rest of the night was spent enjoying each others company while we still could, because it was our last night before the games.

Once we finally retired to Cato's room with made love again, enjoying each others bodies, trying to wear each other out so sleep would come easier. It worked thankfully, I got a few hours sleep before waking as the sun rised. I turned and watched Cato's face knowing I had to do anything to keep this boy alive because I had grown to attached already.