Percy's POV
On the way to the park, many, many years later with my two children, Neal and Ariel, I looked over at Liza. "Say do you remember any special occasion coming up?" I asked and Neal frowned, Liza smiled, "No I don't think I do."
Neal, being eleven years old he said, "Mom, dad, did you guys seriously forget my birthday?" I dramatically smacked my forehead, "OH, that's what it was." Neal frowned, "Dad you're an idiot." I pretended to tip a hat, "With pride." Lisa laughed, and I remembered that was what she said to me the day we first became friends.
We sat at by a tree that we got plagued, "Neal's Tree". There were flowers growing all around the willow and a bench near the trunk. I set down the pack we filled with food and Liza asked, "So what did you pack us?" She took a quick look into the bag and sighed, "Really Percy, pizza?" Ariel laughed, I smiled remembering that she was still eight. "I don't mind pizza." Liza frowned at me, "She's a, miniature version of you, gods of Olympus she's going to be a handful." Ariel smiled, "I'll be good." I ruffled her hair, "I sure hope so kiddo." Ariel giggled and I couldn't help but smile.
Neal sighed, "Can we eat now?" his stomach made a dying whale sound and I nodded, "Eat up, and you might want to get seconds." Liza laughed, "Yes your father eats more than a hydra." Neal grabbed three pieces and ate up, Ariel only got one, and Liz got two.
I smiled as I looked at the pizza, "Mhmm…pepperoni, and it's still warm." Liza whispered over to Ariel, "Never get between your father and pizza." Even Neal laughed, and for the next hour Liza and I talked about all of our adventures through the world. Liza stood up, and said, "Why don't you go take our stuff the car while I take Neal and Ariel to the park to play?" I nodded and stood up, "Alright kids, a couple rules: don't blow up anything, don't call the kids mortals, and don't make references to the gods." Neal groaned, "But dad, that's the only way I get to insult kids without them even realizing it!" I pointed at him and said frowning, "What did I just say, and let me tell you that if you do your mother is a lot harder on you than I am." I looked over at her and she rolled her eyes.
Then she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and said, "See you in a little bit." I smiled as I packed up our things and headed to the car. It was around ten minutes later when Liza ran up to me, her eyes were wide and she looked scared.
"What is it?!" I said as I ran over to her.
"The kids-they-" I finally got over to her and I looked at her,
"What happened?"
She sighed and I saw tears in her eyes, "A man, defiantly not mortals ordered all the kids off the playground. Then before I could do anything he grabbed Neal and Ariel and rode away!" what, no that can't have happened. Neal and Ariel will jump out of the bushes any minute. I could see there was really fear in her eyes, "Oh gods, um…alright what did he drive away on?" Liza looked around, "Um…I think it was a bike but it was huge." "Did the man happen to have red glasses on?" "Yes, why?"
Oh great another thing to brighten my day! "I'm pretty sure that Ares has just kidnapped our kids." Liza sighed and said, "Oh gods, Percy will the kids be alright?" I shrug, "They're tough, but also Ares is out for revenge, still probably holding a grudge after me beating his immortal butt when I was twelve." Liza rubbed her face in her hand, "I don't know what to do, and I'm scared for them. They're just kids." I embraced her and murmured, "I know, gods, I know. I know Neal will look out for Ariel though and they're both going to be alright. I promise."
I could still see Ariel's brown hair and green eyes, and Neal's mischievous look in his eyes (which I claimed he got from Liza) and his sarcastic grin.
When we were back at the apartment I sat down and Iris-Messaged all of my friends who were currently in Manhattan, to keep an eye out/tell me if they say anyone who looked like Ares. Sadly there had been no godly sightings so I was out of luck I stood out on the balcony and gripped the rails so tightly that my knuckles were turning white. I felt a hand on my back, I turned to find Liza. "Percy are you alright?" I shook my head, "No, my kids are missing, other than you they're the most important things in the world to me. Nobody had seen Ares so I'm basically following the wind." She looked at me with emerald green eyes, "It'll be alright, we'll find them."
The printer beeped and she looked over at it, "I just printed missing posters, I'm going around town to post these up." She took a handful of them and the car keys and with red eyes she rushed out the door. I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed.
I waited for Liza to come back, and I found myself increasingly looking over at the clock. An hour passed, two hours, three hours. I started getting nervous and I went over to my fountain to make an Iris-Message. As soon as I made it, it went to voice mail. I realized something.
Liza was gone.