Finally, I thought that I'd never get anything done this week. I've been struck with lack of inspiration for most of it but I've finally found it again to continue with what I have been planning all along. On a good note though, whilst I've been stuck with this lack of inspiration, I've started on Candied Innocence and about half of the chapter is already done so that when I decide to post it, it won't take too long to finish it up.

In that, I also apologize for much of the confusion about what update I was planning on doing but I've decided to start off my Muli-chapter fic sequel to Winter's Tender Caress. I've always wanted to continue that story and this week is officially a One-shot update week so I'll be updating the Prologue today and the first chapter in a few days time if I can keep the overwhelming inspiration flowing.

There are a few warnings for this fic though! Please note: Our Winter's Eternal Love is a sequel to a Winter's Tender Caress! If you have not read Winter's Tender Caress then this story will make no sense to you. It can be found on my profile for the new readers.

Also this story contains some very important warnings:

It will be centred around a set Hichigo x Ichigo pairing, contains M/M lemons, M-preg, some incest (much later in the chapters and I'm still deciding how that's going to work if at all), a Blind!Ichigo and a Reiou!Shiro, violence, pregnancy and considerable angst. Also Ryuu () {which means 'Dragon Spirit} and Ryo () {which means 'Brightness'} are Shiro and Ichigo's five year old twins. This story is very light hearted but there are some considerable dark themes, please keep that in mind.

None of my stories are truly considered fluff, I don't do it very well. So, there you have it my honeys. A brand new month, a brand new story to look forward to and one very exhausted author that seriously needs some love.

Please enjoy the prologue! I'll see you at the end of the chapter.

Prologue: A Father's Loving Indulgence

Indolent and warm rays from an early morning sun was skittering playfully across a large and imposing canopy bed; capturing a sleeping figure in an unexpected bind as the ethereal being struggled to keep his waking consciousness sealed away from the ebb and flow of conscious reality. Igniting an iridescent sheen over hip-length white locks that trailed evocatively across an array of feather pillows; a warm eiderdown duvet had long since fallen down a lithe torso to display a midnight blue yukata that was erotically dishevelled across the rise and fall of a strong chest. Teasing sensitive skin with a lingering caress; a throw of black fur shifted against restless limbs as the indiscernible Reiou of the Three Worlds became deeply irate at the unwanted descent his mind was taking into consciousness. Leaving one valiantly fighting Shiro to stubbornly and ineffectively keep himself wrapped in an all consuming slumber; his soul remained far too stubborn to let go of the dreams enrapturing his senses with supple skin, vibrant orange locks and beckoning, luscious, lips that were pleading for rapturous kisses along with the ceaseless caresses of pleasure only his black nailed fingertips had the ability to create.

Allowing a soft groan to tumble passed parted lips; pale eyelids clenched shut with considerable strain as the flickering images of his beloved consort's blinded milky white eyes drowned in utter rapture and the twining caress of a slick pink tongue eluded the King's grasp without his consent. Stealing away achingly sweet dreams and forcing golden hued orbs to flutter open with great reluctance, Shiro dazedly blinked away the harsh morning light that was sneaking inside from an open velvet curtain and blurred his vision for several seconds of confused solitude. The unusual sensation of a small form shifting restlessly against his chest though, soft orange locks tickling his lips and small trembling hands winding in the front of his yukata; prompted the white haired King to shiver deeply at the moist breaths that were rushing across his neck with noticeably distressed exhales. A familiar child-like reiatsu was flowing erratically and incessantly across pale skin, sinking into the depths of a waking soul as the Reiou instinctively tightened his arms around the small child that was curled so frightfully and closely against his chest.

He barely had time to wonder why it wasn't Ichigo curled in his arms, when a rising wail of fear began to saturate the morning air with a sorrowful call. The sharpened tip present on his son's tapering horn was digging painfully into a pale shoulder the more that the child tried to burrow himself closer to his father's side. Becoming the only catalyst that the older being needed to snap himself into full reality as Shiro breathed shakily through the lingering after affects his dreams were still chasing across sluggish limbs. 'Ryuu? Ryuu...wake up my little Dragon Spirit, please!' He called concernedly, allowing a heady rush of his own reiatsu to wrap around the small five-year-old that was nestled in his arms as he reached down to pull the warm duvet back over their shoulders to calm the little one's shivers. In those moments Shiro knew that he had to rouse his precious child before the palace was flooded with Ryuu's yet to be controlled powers. His youngest had been born with the same ability to manipulate souls as his father, possessing enough influence at such a young age to effect the weaker souls that were present in the Reiōkyū (1*) if he was placed under considerable emotional distress. Something that the Reiou was very much trying to avoid these days...

'Ryuu! Wake up little Dragon Spirit! Please! You're having a nightmare!' Pressing gentle lips against the small furrow present in tangerine brows, Shiro briefly took in the scope of the Royal Chambers to search for Ichigo's presence to help him with this. There was an unsettled frown tugging at white brows, Shiro watching concernedly as his son struggled to bring himself back into waking consciousness when he knew that Ryuu never had this problem before. And through the blur that was tainting his vision, Shiro could see that Ichigo was still fast asleep and had turned towards his husband's presence sometime during the night. His orange haired Bride's nose was mere inches away from burying in a sprawl of spiky white locks, Ryuu's twin, Ryo, sleeping comfortably with his back pressed against Ichigo's chest as small black nailed fingertips curled restrictively in his brother's light blue yukata as if sensing his twin's unsettled reiatsu. A vast array of sleep dishevelled orange locks, usually falling in two evocative dragon-like tails down his beloved's back, were tumbling protectively over their oldest child to shield him from view along with the lazy arm that was curled around both his children from behind.

Keeping himself as close to them as possible; elegant black nailed fingertips were pressing soothingly against Ryuu's stomach as a near undetectable moan spilled past petal pink lips when Ichigo unconsciously sensed his child's dark dreams along with him. Not having the heart to wake Ichigo after several days of unusual exhaustion from his Bride, Shiro leant down to press his nose in sprawl of sweetly scented orange locks that was so much like his beloved's to calm his own lingering unease in a moment of reprieve. He was calling out his son's name once more, shifting the smaller form closer to his chest in considerable concern as he struggled to untangle Ryo's fingers from his brother's yukata without waking him as well. There was a soft sigh drifting passed pale lips; the Reiou carefully pulling his youngest against his hip as he prepared to stand. The plush carpet was like velvet beneath his feet, providing a steady surface to stabilize himself on as the long white haired being carefully tilted Ryuu's head back so that the small tapering horn present on his son's broken Hollow mask did not draw blood when he tilted their weight to wake him more fully.

Carding gentle fingers through silky soft strands, Shiro stepped away from the comfort of the large canopy bed to better still Ryuu's reiatsu without rousing both Ichigo and Ryo from their well deserved morning rest. Also, little Ryuu was already beginning to stir in his father's arms. The shift in their position becoming the catalyst that the child needed to snap himself out of the dark loop of nightmares that Shiro knew the little one had been struggling to cope with for well over a week now. It was also the sole reason why the King's bed was occupied by two little interlopers every night before the clock struck twelve or he and Ichigo had had a chance to share a moment of pleasure between themselves. But those things didn't really matter at the moment, he thought to himself harshly. The Reiou was casting his golden eyed gaze over Ichigo's sleeping form one more time with a lingering brush of true concern when he realized that it hadn't been Ichigo that had woken but Shiro instead. An exceedingly rare event considering the orangette was usually the first to rise when one of his children was in distress; adding yet another reason for the King's unease...

Abruptly dragged from his thoughts though, when a whimper of fear brushed sensitive ears. Small arms were winding shyly around Shiro's neck to bring the little one closer to his father's all encompassing warmth regardless of the uncomfortable touch his shattered mask was creating as it pressed against the crook of a pale neck. Shiro was humming a soothing lullaby to calm Ryuu's rising reiatsu; steadily making his way towards the large hearth where a comfortable couch was placed in front of the empty fireplace whilst remaining deeply aware of his child's growing unease. The white haired being was absently shifting his son's weight more firmly against his hip, settling himself on a spread of soft black couch cushions that was enveloping him from all sides mere seconds before large golden eyes fluttered open in startled fright. Flooding fathomless orbs, which Ryuu had inherited from his donor father, with glittering tears of anxiety; Shiro was barely given enough time to catch the little one's cheeks in the palm of his hands before his son could bury his nose in the folds of the Reiou's yukata to conceal his upset.

'Hush my little one. Why are you so unsettled, did you have another bad dream?' Shiro cooed softly, trying to soothe away the wailing cry that spiralled into the air around him when expressive golden orbs clenched shut in emotional strain and Ryuu's unsettled power suddenly exploded from pale skin in a visible flare of dark black reiatsu. 'O-Otou-sama...T-Tou-chan (2*)!' A child-like voice called, using the affectionate name that Ichigo had taught the twins to use when they were outside a formal setting before Shiro wound his arms around a tiny waist and pulled the trembling form into his lap so that he could press his own forehead against his child's in a comforting touch. Brushing away crystalline tears trailing down soft cheeks, Shiro could only marvel at the astounding image messy orange strands created as they fell forward to conceal gold and black eyes in shadow. 'I'm here my little Dragon Spirit, so please calm yourself. Remember what Kaa-chan's (3*) been teaching you? You have to bring your reiatsu back into your core, Ryuu. Do you think you can do that, or do I need to help you?' When the small child shook his head in the negative rather vigorously, the older being could only sigh softly as he pressed his lips against the top of an orange head.

'Yes you can do it, or no you don't need my help, Ryuu? You're going to have to talk to me, little one. I may be the Reiou of the Three Worlds but I cannot read minds.' When a stuttering cry of 'I need help' was heard, Shiro carefully pressed his palm against the centre of a small chest as he slowly extended the scope of his own reiatsu to wind it like a cloak of protection around the trembling form. 'Breathe, my little Dragon. I know that you don't like this sensation very much but I'll try to work quickly.' He promised reassuringly. Pouring a minute amount of his own reiatsu into the depths of his child's soul, the white haired King used a considerable amount skill and unwavering control to search for the reishi chain that bound his soul to his son's before he slowly but surely began to drag the flares of fluctuating power back into the little one's soul with a tender touch. Ignoring the form that was squirming restlessly in his lap and several sobs of discomfort that were brushing warm exhales across his cheeks; Shiro never once lifted his head away from a pale forehead in order to keep their gazes locked comfortingly.

'F-feels strange T-Tou-chan...h-hot...I c-can't...' Hushing his child with a chaste kiss to the tip of a dainty nose, Shiro allowed a stream of comforting words to tumble past his lips as he gazed in loving awe at the child that took so much after his beloved consort. 'I know, Ryuu. Just give me a second.' He noted softly, brushing their noses together in an affectionate caress as the Reiou allowed a smile to tug at his lips when he pushed the last of lashing black reiatsu into Ryuu's soul without too much trouble. Small hands were winding in the older being's hip-length white locks soon after though, tugging fistfuls of strands over Shiro's shoulder as a strange compulsion before the small orange haired child curled his black nailed fingertips in the front of his Tou-chan's dark blue yukata to steady the dizzying sensations that were rushing across his mind so overwhelmingly. There were several tears still slipping passed long curling black lashes, Ryuu leaning into the tender thumbs that were brushing away their existence before the older being hummed another soothing lullaby with the beautiful baritone that he possessed.

'Do you feel a little better now?' Shiro asked after several long minutes of considerable calm, a flood of pure relief echoing through the depths of his heart as his son gave a tentative nod in answer. Carding elegant fingertips through infinitely soft orange locks to provide the comfort that his child seemed to ask for unconsciously; the King of the Three Worlds leaned his head back against the couch just as his shoulders began to relax their knotted tension. 'I love you my sweet little Dragon Spirit, never forget that.' He said truthfully, pinching a wrinkling nose between gentle fingertips when another crystalline tear dragged a sorrowful path across a plump, flushed, cheek. 'I know that Ryo's been dragging you here at night because something has been giving you nightmares since Yamamoto-Ojii-san came to visit a month ago but I cannot help my child when he doesn't tell me what's wrong.' Shiro sang playfully, turning the small form in his lap so that a small back was pressed against his chest and he could drag tickling fingers across squirming sides in a playful touch. The bubbles of delighted laughter began very small at first, tainting the air in tandem to hiccupping sobs until it slowly but surely evaporated all the previous fears the young child seemed to possess with giggles of mirth instead.

'I'm starting to worry about you, Ryuu. Little children should not have dark circles beneath their eyes.' Shiro noted firmly, dragging the pad of his thumb beneath the small dark ring that was present beneath a large golden eye to emphasize his point as he rested his chin against the top of an orange head with an exasperated sigh. Briefly tracing the cracked Hollow mask that was settled across Ryuu's left eye, the top of a pale cheek and a tangerine brow; Shiro took special care to rub his forefinger and thumb across the sensitive tapering tip until the little one relaxed against his embrace fully. 'However, I also know that you don't like to worry Kaa-chan and I, in that aspect you are far too much like your 'mother'. Do you want to tell me about your nightmare?' When Ryuu shook his head in the negative shyly, the Reiou could feel a flash of concern sinking into the pit of his stomach as he peppered several kisses against sweetly scented orange locks that were still permeated with the strawberry bath oils his child had bathed in the night before. Come to think of it, Ichigo probably smelt like that as well.

'I-I don't want to, T-Tou-chan...I-I'm scared i-it'll come back.' Allowing a soft exhalation to spill passed pale lips, the Reiou captured a smaller hand in his reassuringly as he parted his legs so that a small form could stand between them and he pressed a lingering kiss to a smooth forehead. 'I know that nightmares are frightening, even to me. But if I tell you now that they cannot hurt you, it's not going to take away the fear that you feel towards them. But I will tell you this my little Dragon Spirit: I will always be here for you, both me and Kaa-chan as well. We'll wake you up if you have one and afterwards, we'll make sure to always soothe away your fears, okay? Now, I think it's about time that Otou-sama gets dressed.' Shiro noted absently, sharp golden eyes taking in the intensity of the sun that was spilling passed an open curtain as he dragged lazy fingertips through a sprawl of hip-length white locks and stood with lazy but fluid movements. Tightening his grip around a much smaller hand, the white haired being took slow and steady steps towards the large canopy bed where two forms were still fast asleep.

'I have a lot of work to do today, little Ryuu. Do you want to stay here with Okaa-sama to try and get some more sleep or do you want to come with me to the purifying baths?' Looking down at the small five-year-old that had gripped the silken folds of a dark blue yukata in a clenching palm, startlingly bright golden orbs gazed up at his white haired father with a shy smile before a forehead pressed against a strong thigh and plump strawberry red lips parted with a surprisingly diplomatic answer. 'I want to come with Otou-sama b-but I don't want to leave Kaa-chan and Ryo-nii alone for too long. Okaa-sama gets upset if we go missing and he doesn't know where we are.' Chuckling softly at those words, the older being ruffled messy orange strands in affection before he stopped by the side of the bed for one last task. Keeping his eyes on Ryuu that was trying to hoist himself onto the high bed in a failed attempt, the Reiou briefly woke his beloved Ichigo with a few softly spoken words and a tender caress of lips before he gripped the small child around the waist again and settled him against his hip. Amongst a splay of pitch black silk sheets, a silver eiderdown duvet and a throw of infinitely soft barely coherent Shiba Ichigo was smiling softly to himself almost as if he knew something that everyone else didn't.

Even when he had only just been woken by his beloved husband's peculiar message and a warm kiss.

'What about Kaa-chan?! I-I can't leave him, Otou-sama! I―.' Hushing his child with a small chuckle and an affectionate kiss; Shiro hiked the small form more firmly against his side as the Royal Chamber doors swung open at a lash of the Reiou's commanding power and bare footsteps began to transverse the familiar path towards the Reiōkyū's purifying baths. Where it was assured that several servants were to have gotten everything in order already. 'Don't squirm so much, son, I'll drop you.' Shiro cackled playfully, burying his nose in soft orange locks as the five-year-old suddenly stopped his movements and pressed his forehead against the crook of his father's neck happily. 'I just solved your problem for you, little one. You said that Okaa-sama gets upset if we go missing, I just told him where we were going. Also, now you can enjoy the baths with me. So tell me, my little Dragon Spirit. What do you want to smell like for your beloved Kaa-chan today?'

'Kaa-chan's favourite treat?'

'Only you Ryuu,' The Reiou said with exaggerated mourning. 'Only you are able to sway the Reiou into smelling like chocolates for the rest of the day. He's going to eat up later, you know.' Shiro warned, revelling in the happy giggle that caressed his ears as all the previous upset and unsettled emotions seemed to flit away from his child's form and small arms once more wrapped around his neck to bring them even closer together. 'Heaven's knows that Ichigo can never keep his hands off of anything that smells like chocolates.' He added as an afterthought. Even though there was still a long day ahead them, it seemed to have sweet beginnings despite the darkness of unsettled dreams that had happened earlier. Shiro still had to find a way to figure out what was upsetting his child so much though, even when the little one refused to talk about it. Hopefully he'd open up to Ichigo later when their bearer took them out to the training fields for a fun practical lesson in Zanjutsu (4*)...something that always seemed to excite the twins when they got to see Ichigo wield Zangetsu against one the Zero Division.

But for now, he had his youngest child all to himself.

1*- Reiokyu – The Reiou's Palace

2* - Tou-chan – More informal way to refer to one's father, it means 'Daddy'

3*- Kaa-chan – More informal way to refer to one's mother or 'bearer' in this story. It means 'Mommy'.

4*- Zanjutsu – The art of sword fighting.

Okay, that's it for now. Thank you so much for reading, I really appreciate it. If I could receive a small little review for my hard work, I'd be eternally grateful to all my readers out there. But other than that, I hope that you enjoyed. The next part should be written hopefully in 5-6 days depending on how the inspiration flows.

I'm off though, however. It's time to get some rest and nice long bath. I need a little break from my minds. If there are any questions, please don't be afraid to ask. I'll answer them as best I can without spoiling too much of my plot.

Yours Always

Chocolate Carnival