Thanks for all the reviews.

I do not own Harry Potter or any other characters; J.K Rowling does! The storyline, however, is mine.


3 years later…

Draco paced outside the while doors, his face paler then usual and his fists clenched. Blaise watched him for a few more minutes before sighing, " Draco, mate, she'll be fine, calm down."

Draco stopped and glared at him for a few seconds before continuing his nervous march. Blaise looked at him before shaking his head and picking up a Wizarding Weekly magazine. Next to him sat a very nervous looking Harry and a very excited Ginny. Blaise continued to ignore the pair and immersed himself into the magazine.

He turned his head when he heard the sound of the white doors opening. "Mr Malfoy, you can come through now."

Draco, too, had looked up and breathe a sigh of relief as he walked towards the doors.

"Good luck Draco," Blaise said softly. Draco turned around quickly and gave him a curt nod before pushing the doors open and stepping through them.

Draco drew in a deep breath and continued walking until he stood in front of the room in which Hermione lay. He stood outside the door for a few more minutes before twisting the door knob, slowly opening the door. He poked his head in to check if it was safe, and then entered the room fully. He briskly made his to the bed in which Hermione was. Her mahogany curls were plastered to her head with sweat and she looked up at him, smiling weakly.

"How are you, princess?" he asked worriedly.

Hermione smiled at him before saying, "Oh I'm just peachy even though I've been in labour for two hours," her voice dripping in sarcasm.

Draco looked at her sheepishly before sitting down on the chair beside her bed. He took her hand in his and began to stroke it soothingly. As he was doing so a Mediwitch entered. Draco acknowledged their presence but did not leave Hermione's bedside.

The Mediwitch cleared her throat uncomfortably, "Mrs Malfoy, it's time," she said stiffly.

Hermione nodded her head and tensed her hand. Draco allowed her to clutch his hand, her grip becoming painful.

"Now, if you would please push, Mrs Malfoy," the Mediwitch said stiffly.

Hermione scrunched up her face and began to concentrate as she concentrated all her energy on following the Mediwitch's instruction.

"Breath love," Draco said, trying to be helpful.

"I am," Hermione spat out.

Draco smoothed back her hair off her forehead before whispering in her ear, "Push princess."

Hermione whipped her head to face his, her eyes becoming slits and her grip increasing. "You try doing this," she said.

Draco leaned in towards her and kissed her lightly on her forehead. "Push Mione," he whispered.

Hermione continued to glare at him, " This… this is all your... your fault, you know," she said, her voice coming out in gasps.

Draco looked at Hermione sheepishly, "Sorry love," he murmured.

The Mediwitch lifted her head up from the foot of the bed, " You do need to push now Mrs Malfoy," she said.

Hermione barely acknowledged her and used the last of her will power to push with all her might. She felt a sharp pain and suddenly heard the cry of a baby. She weakly lifted her head up to see the Mediwitch come towards her, holding a tiny bundle wrapped in a blue blanket.

"Congratulations Mr and Mrs Malfoy, you have a son," the Mediwitch said, a small smile on her face as she handed Hermione the baby.

Hermione smiled as she looked at the small baby in her arms. "Beautiful," she murmured as she brought the tiny bundle closer to her. She turned her head towards Draco, who now sat shocked in his chair. Smiling, she sent him a small call through the Veela bond which seemed to wake him up. "Would you like to hold your son?" she asked.

Draco nodded dumbstruck and opened up his arms. Hermione watched in amusement as he made an awkward cradle and held the baby gently, almost as if he thought he would break.

Draco held his son, staring into grey eyes, much like his own, before handing him back to Hermione. " I have to go tell the others," he said gruffly, running out of the door and sinking to his knees next to it. There, he let all his tears of happiness flow. He sat like that for a few minutes before composing himself and pushing apart the two white doors. He was greeted by their anxious looking friends. Taking in a deep breath, he said, " It's…it's a boy."

Blaise broke out into a huge smile and walked towards him, clapping him hard on the back. "Congrats mate," Blaise said. Next came Harry who shook his hand and Ginny who hugged him. "I better go back," Draco said, as he walked back.

When he pushed the door this time, he felt as if a weight had been lifted up off him. He walked happily back to the room where his wife and son waited. He swung open the door and stepped in to find Hermione with the baby in her hands. He smiled as he walked towards her, "We really need to think of a name," he said.

"I know. I thought maybe Scorpius," Hermione said.

"Hmm Scorpius, I like it," Draco said thoughtfully.

"So Scorpius it is," Hermione said as she looked at the cooing baby in her arms and then at her husband.

Draco smiled and walked to her. "I love you," he said.

Hermione smiled back at his, "Always."

Okay, so this is now finished, thank you to all my reviews, favourites and followers. Review and enjoy!

Ps: sorry for any grammatical or spelling errors.

Au revior!

AUTHORS NOTE: So I started this story in 2014 and I admit I was shocked that by how many people actually read and enjoyed it. But when I read it, I was dismayed by the errors, both grammatical and in the plot, so I decided to update the story. And this is the culmination of months of work. The initial story was 46 chapters and I added another 2, which I hope were well received. I would like to convey my deepest appreciation to those who had read my first attempt of this story and the updated version as well, I also would like to thank those who have read the story for the first time. Classic was my first ever story and I must say that when I receive news of reviews, favourites or follows, I cannot help but feel like a parent proudly watching her child grow. So thank you to all my readers, both new and old. Your support is what helps me find the inspiration to write.

XOXO GothicReader

The ending of one story and maybe, just maybe the start of another.