The sunrise was casting a soft light into Sharon Raydor's office. The team had just finished a case and she was signing off paperwork when there is a light tap at her door she looks up closing her laptop. "Come in." She calls softly. Provenza appears almost dragging his feet.
"Captain here are the reports." He sets the files onto her desk with a yawn. Sharon thanks him and takes the folders opening them immediately she knew this was her ticket out of the office. Provenza stops at the door and taps on the door frame. Sharon looks up.
"Something wrong Lieutenant? She gives him a curious glare as he turns to face her. He scratches the back of his neck.
"I was wondering how you were doing Captain?" Sharon gets a smug smile and he rolls his eyes. "Oh never mind." He mumbles as he starts retreating.
"Lieutenant," she calls him back erasing her smile to spare him the humiliation of being kind. "I'm doing fine, thank you." He nods waiving his hand and disappearing into the murder room. Lieutenant Flynn's eyes trail the encounter and frowns looking toward his partner and back toward the Captain, he stands up putting on his jacket and walks over to Provenza.
"What was that about?" Andy asks him, Provenza rolls his eyes as he collects the change from his printing jar.
"Nothing," he says quickly trying to dismiss his interest immediately. "Flynn you better find a better sport than trailing the Captain's every move before she sees that stupid crush you have for her." The older man puts on his jacket and looks up at his partner annoyed expression. "Just stop trailing her alright?" His voice forceful.
"What does it matter to you?" Flynn asks defensively. Provenza lets out a frustrated noise and looks toward the Captain's office.
"Look, she's going through some things she doesn't need an asshole trying to get into her skirt." Andy glares at him ready to argue. "I don't want to hear it." Provenza puts up his hand. Provenza knew this was a long stretch he had advised Andy not to take Sharon to the Nutcracker but yet he decided otherwise, but Sharon had confided in Provenza that she would be asking him to take Rusty more often because she was going through some problems with her husband. But he also didn't know that Andy genuinely cared for her he wasn't looking for a hook up, his feelings were real. Andy nods looking back at the office wondering why he was persisting. There has to be a good reason.
"I'll turn in my reports." Provenza sees the defeat in his friend but he knew it was for the best. He walks to his desk and picks up his folder and knocks at her door as Provenza leaves.
"Come in." He walks in and sees a tired and faint smile, one he can't resist and smiles in return. He holds up the folder. "Thank you Andy." She takes it and sets it down immediately. "Will you join me for a few minutes?" She points at the chair it slipped from her lips so easily she doesn't find it strange he often would simply sit with her after the team left but today he seemed against the idea embarrassing for her since she never suggested it. He looks back to where Provenza and him had just had a discussion. "Oh yes, of course it's late or early." She looks at her watch nervously flailing her hands. Andy looks back and he isn't sure but thinks he can see disappointment in her eyes. She forces a smile on her face, he knows them well enough he has been admiring hers for months now, it was certainly forced.
"Yes it is late." Andy says as she opens her laptop a gesture she uses just to cover up the awkwardness she's feeling. "You should go home too." She watches as he sits down.
"Andy you should go." You don't want him to go. It isn't a suggestion it is a dismissal and he knows his mistake, he nods standing up and leaving her office. She doesn't turn to watch him but she knew it was for the best as much as she had started to enjoy his company she had to remember it was a simple friendship. She continues signing off on the teams reports when there is another soft knock Sharon can't help but bite her lip and smile, she clears her throat and shakes her head. "Come in." She doesn't look up immediately she knows who it is. Andy comes with two mugs in hand.
"Your order was more than obvious but you didn't tell me where I should go." Sharon's lips tremble and her lip curves into a smile. "Will you accept a cup of tea," he holds it out and she leans back into the chair slightly amused. "I'll leave and the cup can stay." He makes way as if backing out.
"You and the tea can stay Andy." He smiles, setting down the mug and standing with his in hand. There are moments when she can't help and wonder if the way he looks at her with the softness and gentleness of his eyes the way he follows her everywhere she goes, the gentle touches the hushed compliments and encouragements or even now staying behind off the clock with her making tea and trying to do everything to win a smile from her what it all meant. A flutter reaches her stomach and she knows she smiles more with him, laughs more when she's in his company, feels happier in his presence. But again what did it all mean? Yet Andy, knew exactly what he felt but knew Captain Sharon Raydor would never be in reach for him, all the woman he had had. None of them amounted to this woman, not even put together. He knew she would only ever accept him as a friend and he was lucky for that much. Sharon looks up through the rim of her glasses and sees him standing watching her that sweet expression she can so innocently describe as puppy eyes. "Andy your distracting me, sit." He obeys immediately. She waits for a verbal response but nothing comes.
"Can I help?" Andy looks at the paperwork.
"No, I just need to sign off." She closes a file and looks at him. "Thank you though." She gives him a faint smile. "What are your plans for the weekend?" She asks still looking at the papers.
"I'm cleaning tomorrow or today and a lunch date tomorrow." He frowns confused at himself, Sharon smirks.
"So let's skip the cleaning because I cannot see you scrubbing down your apartment. So this lunch date?" He sees her look over her glasses and it's his turn to smirk.
"I'm offended." He smiles taking a sip of his tea. "Captain my place is very clean." She smiles putting down her pen and meeting his eyes. "And what makes you think I live in an apartment?" She clasps her hands together and leans in slightly intrigued now. She had no idea where or how he lived but she had pictured it several times and suddenly he was changing everything for her. "I have a house that is spotless," she looks at him rather impressed.
"I apologize." She says sweetly returning to her paperwork.
"Sharon." Andy lets out a deep sigh and rubs between his eyes. A small yawn escaping him, she watches him ready to tell him to go she can see he's tired but it would be the second dismissal and she didn't want him to feel unwanted. She liked his company. He reaches for a stack of folders, she raises her eyebrows at him. "We will finish faster." He starts reading the files and she doesn't argue. They work in silence catching side glances making known that they liked working like this with one another, the sun is now over them Sharon wavers her first yawn and Andy can't help but find it adorable.
"Finally finished." She looks over to him as he signs the last folder. "Thank you Andy, I would have been here another hour." Her cheeks go red at the grumble of her stomach, he smiles standing up handing her the folders.
"Just in time for breakfast?" He looks at her with that tempting smile, the one she finds irresistible, the one she daydreams about. "Will you?" She tilts her head softly. "Join me for breakfast?" She lets out a soft sigh. She looks at her watch Rusty would be asleep for another hour. He scolds himself, she would be polite and say yes like she had been when she invited herself to the wedding and agreed to see the Nutcracker the fiasco that had been and yet she still sat there contemplating the idea of breakfast.
"Andy?" She is standing calling him out of his haze. "You left me for a moment." She smiles making his stomach turn, it was beautiful something he was sure she didn't use around the others; it was a genuine smile not the polite smile she offered in other's company. "We can postpone if you're changing your mind." She gathers her purse and folders. She had agreed to breakfast and he had missed it.
"No, let me help." He takes the folders. "I was trying to think of somewhere to go." Sharon smiles as he holds her door open for her and lets her go ahead. She takes the folders from him and sets them down on Sykes desk. It was a routine, this was the place for pickup to be taken to the basement and filed. He feels her wrap her fingers into his arm, sending a rush of butterflies through his already excited stomach.
"So where are we going Lieutenant?" He meets her soft eyes, he can promise anything that they are smiling at him making his inside squirm even more he smiles in return as they walk together.
"Sharon." She makes a soft noise acknowledging him. "The lunch date, I mentioned before." She looks up at him. "It's with Nicole." She looks away bowing her head slightly looking at her phone in hand a blush threatening her grin to stay permanently. She was hoping it wasn't a real date, when he had just invited her to breakfast. Andy strokes her back making her instinctively close her eyes as the elevator dings and he guides her in.
So I'm writing a chapter for my other story on these two (which I love because they live in my head) but I can't get this out of my head either so it's interrupting the other. I have a very complex maze in there, I know. Anyway I came up with this, I found it to be a good way to brainstorm instead of distracting me from the other fic. Back to the other story, I hope you enjoyed.