Hello everyone! It's been so long since I have written a story, about a year. Well I would go on with a sob story, but I'm going to get to the point. I'm kind of been wanting to write this for a while now. Well this is going to be one of "those" stories. Anyways, enjoy!
"Oh what a night," Elsa sighed as she slowly closed the door behind her. It's a week before Christmas and Elsa wanted to hold a Christmas party for the whole kingdom. Anna was excited to help her out and the party turned great. Everyone loved it. Elsa was happy with how it all went. Dancing all night, children laughing in the ice rink Elsa had created for them. The whole kingdom was pleased with what she had done. Elsa smiled as she thought about the party. Before Elsa got ready to bed, there was a knock on the door.
"Anna!" Elsa exclaimed as she smiled at the sight of her sister.
"Just wanted to say that everything was perfect tonight and I hope you get a good night sleep," Anna said with so much energy in her voice.
Elsa looked down and smiled, "Oh thank you," she hugged her before she went on, "thank you, it means so much. You should get a good night sleep as well."
Anna quietly giggled, "I am, off to bed now. See you in the morning!"
"Goodnight!" Elsa said as she gave her sister one last hug before she closed her door.
Elsa began to prepare herself for bed. First, she undid her bun and let it go into her loose braid and changed into her nightgown. A long, silky turquoise blue gown similar to the one she wore when she lived in her ice castle. When she was pulling the covers on her bed, she heard something dropped and made her jump. She began to look around the room and saw nothing there, she thought she was only hearing things and continued to fix her bed.
"My do you look beautiful." The voice of a man came up from behind her, but Elsa knew just who he was.
"Loki," she said softly as she turned around to face him.
He was standing right in front of her. Even in heels, Elsa always thought he was very tall and she always seemed to arch her neck back a lot when she would talk to him. He wore the same outfit she would usually see him in, his long black and green trench coat like armor except this time he wasn't wearing his usual golden plates. Elsa shouldn't act so surprised every time he sneaks up behind her, it's starting to become a nightly routine.
"I didn't see you at the party," Elsa said to him.
Loki smirked, "you do know I tend to avoid your subjects and that I always visit you when you're alone."
Elsa smiled as she looked down, "Ah yes, how could I forget? You've been doing that ever since I was a young girl."
When Elsa had to be locked away from everyone including her sister, she began to be in her lonely state a mind for the first few months until Loki saw her locked up in her room. To avoid certain situations that were happening in Asgard, Loki would usually escape to other words and he would encounter many kingdoms along the way. One of the kingdoms he came across was Arendelle and using his teleportation powers, he would usually sneak around the castle. One day, he had sneaked into Elsa's room without knowing she was there. Elsa panicked and was about to scream for help, but Loki was able to stop her. Usually, he would of laughed and probably gone away, but he felt a connection with her and after seeing the ice that was around her room left him wondering what had happened. Loki told Elsa that he wasn't going to hurt her and he accidentally went into her room.
Eventually, Elsa finally warmed up to him and both of them started talking for hours. She told him about her ice powers and what had happened with her sister Elsa. Loki asked if he could see what she could do, but she said no because she was afraid of what would happened. Elsa did promise him that one day she would show him what she can do and since that day Loki went to visit her every day. Elsa was his escape from everything going on in Asgard and a way to get away from his Thor and his father. They would play and Loki would tell her stories about his homeland and one day Elsa finally showed him what she can do, Loki was amazed with what she can do. Elsa later stopped after she tripped and grabbed onto Loki's arm which made the part she had touched turn blue. She panicked and hid away from him thinking she had hurt him. Loki looked at the part of his arm that had turned blue, but it slowly started to fade away as soon as she let go. He thought it was caused by her ice powers, Loki later went to comfort Elsa and told her not to be afraid. Elsa was glad to have Loki as her only friend. He wasn't afraid of her and she couldn't hurt him like she had hurt Anna.
There wasn't a day where Loki didn't find a way to go see Elsa, he watched her grow up into a beautiful young woman. Elsa was happy he was always around, but she couldn't let anyone know about him. Even to this day no one, not even Anna knows about his existence. When her parents had passed, Elsa was devastated. She wanted nothing more than to be with her sister, Anna went to her door and told her how they only had each other and those words had hurt her. Loki was there by her side, but he knew she was hurt, he tried to give her space. The year had finally came where it was time for Elsa's coronation, but around this time Loki had found out his true origins which caused him to go mad. He let his anger and jealously get the best of him and started to cause destruction in other realms. This lead him to completely forget about Elsa. Elsa, who was now a young woman that will soon become the queen of Arendelle. Elsa wondered what had happened to him, she worried that he was hurt and she wish there was a way to contact him.
Months had passed and Loki had not appeared. The absence of him started to hurt Elsa, the one person that she could really talk to wasn't there. At least for her coronation day, she had Anna and it made her happy that she could finally be side by side with her sister. Sadly, it all didn't end well and she later caused an eternal winter, but she was able to fix it in the end. It was around that time when Loki had finally came back to her, he told her what had happened. Although, he did lie about what he had done, he did not mention how he killed many people, and destroyed a city. Loki told Elsa that his father and kept him locked away and just recently he was able to escape. Technically, he said half of the truth, but Elsa believed in him. Even though things had change around the castle since the last time Elsa saw Loki, she refused to let anyone see him. That didn't bother Loki at all, after all that happened, it had changed Loki. Now, he pretty much only saw Elsa as a way to leave his responsibilities behind. He wanted to not really care much about Elsa anymore even though they had spend so much time together, but something inside of him was telling him that he couldn't/