I have an announcement . . . (no duh).

The sequel to this story, Correctional Travelers, has been canceled.







The first chapter's up! I'm working out some mental plot kinks, but besides for that I think it's going to run smoothly.

So check that out if you guys liked this one!

(I'm so excited!)

And to answer the question and comment:


I know, I'm sorry. Zia is a demigod, but I tried to make it clear that even though she was, her alliegence was to the magicians. For her to go back in time, she'd have to give up the Eye of Ra, stop becoming a magician (remember, they'd be in London, and the magicians can pick up magic used by other Egyptians), and I really, really, really wanted to have a character like Katelle in there. I know there was Thalia, but she's a Hunter of Artemis and you don't just pop over to Artemis and say: "Hey, I'm going back in time a few decades to correct a few things. Cya!" That's not how the vows work, I'm sure.

I don't know where you read the Helios had control over time, but I've never come across that. That's not saying you haven't read it, because there's a bazillion different versions of the same story in Greek Mythology. There's Typhoon in one story, Typhoeus (I think that's his name, my brother stole my book reference -.-) in another, and in a different one, their one monster.

I'm going off that Kronos is the titan of time, thus his child is the only child who can tamper with time. As far as I'm concerned, Helios is the dude who drove a sun chariot around (chick magnet, hahaha. You'll get it if you've read Percy Jackson's Book of Greek Gods. Best. Book. Ever.) and controlled light powers and stuff. And don't worry about your comment being offensive, I throw meaner stuff at my brother on a minutely basis. Besides, constructive criticism is a good thing.

I know I didn't get too much into the Zia thing, but I haven't forgotten it. I might have just gotten a little gung ho and introduced that too early. I'm mortal here!


Yeah, the Russian in that sentence was probably laughably horrible. I wouldn't be surprised if it actually meant "pink llamas are falling from my eye" or something equally terrifying as that.


Special thanks to Theon Azul, you reviewed on just about ever chapter. Seriously, awesome. IzEnderson, another frequent reviewer, kameo120, percyjacksonoracles, DemiSherLokiWizard21 (totally relate to that name), umdiddle, SeeSea19, and about a bazillion others. Sorry if I didn't list anyone who commented throughout the whole time, but ADD calls.

If anyone has anymore questions, I'll answer them. I've had too much time on my hands lately.