*Whistles* So uh…long time no write…alright I have no excuse for why this is up so late except for my own laziness. I apologize immensely. I will finish THIS story. There is only one chapter after this. Now I am going to shut my mouth a just right.


This chapter is going to be a bunch of flashbacks of when Elliot is younger. So this happened before the first chapter. Also Matthias did not show up till Elliot was one, but Matthias will be mentioned very little this chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Frozen; I only own Matthias, Ashton, and Elliot.

Flashback Number One:


Oh not again, Elsa thought again. Anna was nine months pregnant, was due any day now, and was in constant need of existence. She would constantly need someone to get her some weird snack, like pickled cod with butter and bread; or she would need someone to rub her feet or back; or someone she complain to about how terrible Kristoff was to her, which Elsa figured was the hormones talking.

When Elsa found out the Bjorgmans were expecting, she was both equally excited and terrified at the same time. Excited because quite to some people's surprise, Elsa actually loves babies. She actually wanted one of her own, but knew it was never going to be possible so she shoved that idea aside. Babies were a hundred percent pure innocence. They were tabula rasa, just ready to do something great for the world. Babies held so much potential, whether it was to do good or bad. But that was not the terrifying part, no, the terrifying part for Elsa was for the fact there was going to be a pure, innocent, defenseless, child in her life…another possible victim that she could harm with her powers. Elsa was still scared of hurting someone with her powers. It's a fear that will never ever fully go away because everyone has seen the extent and potential of those powers, and no matter how much control she had because of love, there was still always a possibility.

"Yes Anna?"

"Kristoff refuses to rub my feet!" Anna complained.

Elsa looked at her incoming brother-in-law. He shrugged, "It jump starts pregnancy."

Elsa rolled her eyes and stood up from her desk and made her way over to the couch where he sister was currently sitting in. She knelt on the floor in front of Anna, and grabbed one of Anna's feet and started to massage it slowly. A groan escaped from the back of Anna's throat, "That feels heavenly, at least you love me Elsa" Anna said while glaring at Kristoff, in which Kristoff rolled his eyes.

"Yes, because I am such a terrible husband waking up at four in the morning getting you a snack" He said to her.

"Well hey at least you admit it" Elsa sassed with a small smirk on her face. Kristoff glared at her, and threw a pillow at her in which Elsa chuckled.

Sometime later had passed and Elsa's hands were starting to hurt, and Elsa was pretty certain she knocked her sister out. Elsa was just about to start before she heard her sister gasp, "Oh gosh!"

"What?" Elsa looked up.

"Oh gosh! Nonononononononono" Anna all of a sudden screamed.

"Anna!" Immediately rushing to her aid, Elsa sat beside Anna, holding her hand "Are you okay, what's happening!?"

Anna suddenly looked up with a small smile "Its time" she whispered.

Flashback Number Two:

Twelve o' seven AM was the time Elliot Matthias Bjorgman was born. It was a rather long birth, excruciating birth, Elsa was surprised she did not have a broken hand. After Anna said it was time, Elsa immediately called for the guards, and Kristoff went to go get the doctor and the girls' long time caretaker, Gerda. Much to Elsa and more importantly, to Anna's surprise, Elsa hit an adrenaline rush and carried Anna to her (her being Anna) bedroom. Then after much curses, swears, screams of pain, and bone crushing grips, everything was silenced by a babies cry. It was the most relieving yet frightening thing to Elsa's ears.

After the doctor cleaned the newborn up, Elsa brought Kristoff into the room. Men were not allowed to be in the room while women gave birth, it was tradition. Kristoff's face was priceless when he found out they had, had a boy, and much to is delight again, little Elliot looked like him, savvy his eye color and nose ("Thank God" Elsa said. "Hey!" Kristoff sounded offended).

Now it was into the wee hours of the morning and both of the new parents were passed out in their bed leaving the child in Elsa's care. She was currently in the new nursery that was just across the hall from Anna and Kristoffs' room. Elsa was sitting in the hand carved wooden rocking chair that was a gift from the town's carpenter, and holding the wide eyed baby. He was currently sleeping in her arms. She couldn't help, but marvel to the new addition of her precious family that she had vowed to protect. Looking around making sure she was alone, she spoke to him:

"Hey baby…hey Elliot…I am your Aunt Elsa" Elsa was not sure what to say next, but she felt like she owed him something more than just a formal greeting, "I know I am sort of new to this whole thing…actually I am new to being out in the open where other people are…I'm not…normal. If anything I am the definition of abnormal, but that is not going to stop me from loving you any less, or keep me from protecting you, your mother and father…You are such a lucky baby, to have such loving parents. Your mother is going to spoil you unconditionally, and take you on all sorts of crazy adventures. Your Father is going to raise you to be the gentleman that he is…actually no I AM going to teach you manners, your father is going to teach you to eat your buggars…no, no no, if you are going to be a prince in my kingdom, you are going to have the proper equites of one" She smiled "I promise to love and protect you no matter what happens, or no matter what you decide…I know I am going to screw up, and make mistakes but that does not mean I will love you any less, and I will continue to protect you by any means necessary…I owe it to you…and this family, to do at least that…I vow and promise you this Elliot Matthias Bjorgman." She leant down and kissed his brow lightly.

"He's lucky to have you" a voice came from the doorway.

Elsa looked up and saw the new mother, she smiled "I think I'm lucky to have him" she spoke quietly.

Flashback Number Three:

"Oh Elsa look at that dress!" Anna said for probably about the 800th time. Not really paying attention to her sister, but more on her newly founded beau and nephew playing by the fountain. She and Matthias had only met a few months ago, and after a few…incidents, they found themselves madly in love with each other, and had begun a courtship with one another. Elsa couldn't help but smile at the two of them.

"Arendelle to Elsa!" Anna's fingers snapped in front of her face.

Elsa scrunched her face for a split second and looked at Anna, "It looks great."

"Elsa this is MY dress that I put on today" Anna said slightly annoyed that her elder sibling was not paying attention.

"Your point?" Elsa raised an eyebrow.

"You're not paying attention!" Anna whined.

"You know I prefer my own dress" Elsa spoke.

"Yeah but not all of us have magical ice powers used dress making" Anna sassed.

"And castle building, and creating life" Elsa winked.

"Mama look at me!" a little voice cried.

Both women turned and looked and saw little two and a half year old Elliot on Matthias's shoulders. Elliot now being able to see much more from the broad man's shoulders, felt like he was in a whole new world. A smile spread across Elsa's face and she saw her two favorite boys in the whole world getting along. Right away they welcomed Matthias…well almost welcomed Matthias in with open arms, Kristoff had some issues warming up to Matthias after recent events, Elliot and Matthias hit it off right away. It warmed Elsa's heart to seeing them play together so well.

"Hello love" Matthias greeted his Queen with a kiss.

"Hello yourself" Elsa replied.

"Mama high up!" Elliot shouted excitedly

Anna beamed at her baby boy, "I see how high up you are."

"They're you guys are" came Anna's husbands voice.

Everyone turned to see Kristoff Bjorgman make his way over to him. "Papa!" Elliot cheered, and reached for him. Kristoff quickly obliging him, plucked Elliot right off Matthias's shoulders and set him on the ground so he could hold his hand, causing Elliot to kick Matthias in the face, on accident of course.

"That hurt" Matthias complained while rubbing his eye.

Slightly concerned for Matthias, Elsa gently grabbed her lovers face in her hands, and check out his eye, "It should be okay." She gently kissed the corner of his left eye.

Matthias chuckled, "All better."

"Of course it is" Elsa grinned. Matthias grabbed Elsa by her waist and gently kissed her.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeew" the moment was ruined when Kristoff and Anna mocked little children grossed out by seeing Mommy and Daddy kissing, covering their eyes.

Elsa rolled her eyes, "You are a child."

"Takes one to know one" Anna sassed at her.

"And point proven."

"Guys where's Elliot?" Matthias asked.

"He's right-" Anna looked to where he was standing by his father. "There?" only to find no Elliot. "I thought he was with you!"

"He was! I let go-"

"You let go of him!" Anna screeched at her husband.

"It was for a split second-"

"And now he's gone!"

Elsa's heart stopped beating. Her breathed ceased and got caught in her lungs. Arendelle was a fairly safe except for the occasional thief or murder, but that did nothing to calm the anxiety filled Aunt. She could only imagine what could be happening to him right now. Elsa couldn't fathom what she would do if Elliot was hurt while under her supervision.

Sensing his Queen's panic, Matthias suggested "Let's split up and look for him. We will cover more ground this way."Elsa nodded and the four of them split up. Elsa was checking the parks, knowing her powers are somewhat going haywire, she figured she would do less structural damage there. Elsa was looking everywhere she thought the little two year old be, and the longer the time went, the harder it was for Elsa to control her powers. In her mind Elsa was imagining little Elliot being taken away and being sold off somewhere, Elsa would be a fool to think that there was not slave market in Arendelle or at least in other kingdoms around Arendelle. Or some child molester taking him away and doing unspeakable things to his body (So much for the occasional murder or thief). All these thoughts brought tears to her eyes. Elsa check every blue eyed blonde child in the area, but seeing as this was Norway that was about 90 percent of all the children.

Then she spotted him, down on one of the docs. She could have spotted his little boots that matched his father's from anywhere, "ELLIOT!" Elsa yelled, and sprinted to him, a trail of frost in her wake.

Elliot turned and looked at her with a smile "Auntie Elsa!" He ran to her.

Elsa picked him up and held him so close to her, she was afraid if she let go, that he would disappear.

"Fishy!" he yelled and put his hands up.

"Fishy?" Elsa asked confused, tears still somewhat in her eyes,

Elliot pointed to the fish boats that were obviously full of all different kinds of fish. Elsa let out a breathy chuckle, "Don't ever ran off like that ever again." Elsa held him again, and held him close until she found the others.

Flashback Number Four:

It was supposed to be a normal day. Elliot had just gotten a pair of ice skates for his fourth birthday from Auntie Elsa and Uncle Matthias. After much convincing, he convinced Mama and Papa to let him and Elsa go out on the already frozen fjord and go ice skating. He started off just fine, Elsa was holding onto him constantly. After a while, soon he got the hang of, but the fun could only last so long. He started to wonder off of the thicker ice, Elsa not thinking, let him go, but made sure he was within her sight, but it was too late. The ice had cracked, and Elliot fell in. Elsa immediately went to his aid and pulled him out, but his parents saw everything. Kristoff taking immediate attention to his son, but Anna attacked her sister. No not physically, but Anna yelled and screamed at her sister she should have been paying closer attention, Elsa admitted to her mistake but that didn't stop her from her sister's wrath of getting slapped (Okay I lied, she was attacked physically), and Anna claiming that Elsa could never go near Elliot again.

It was now dark, except for the fire going in the study, which was quite a shock to see, seeing as how frigid everything else was. Elsa locked herself away in her study for the rest of the day, mulling over what happened, and telling herself she was the worst person in the entire world. Berating herself, for being so careless and stupid. With a bottle of bourbon next to her, Elsa was staring into the fire trying to find some answer…or was she doing that with the half empty bottle next to her? Expecting none the less, Elsa was already prepared of going through another thirteen years of isolation.

Matthias getting a key from Kai, he slowly unlocked the door, and silently let himself in. Seeing his fiancé in such a distressed state made him upset. He quietly made his way over to his half drunk, distraught, Queen and sat down. Elsa knew he was there, and knew she would not be able to convince him to leave, so they just sat there in silence.

After a few minutes of silence the golden eyed general spoke, "You know she didn't mean what she said."

"Doesn't matter" the blue eyed royal responded sorrowfully "It's going to be a long time before things go back to normal."

"You know how Anna is, she'll be mad for tonight, and then be all over you while you're working tomorrow."

"This is different Matthias, because of me Elliot almost drowned!" Elsa screamed, burying her head in her hands. The air around them started crackle, "You need to leave before I hurt you too" she choked out.

"Not a chance" despite Elsa's pleas, Matthias gathered the broken woman in his arms, and comforted him, just like she did with him many times. The both were terrible with their words. Neither really spoke to the other. They both were terrible with their words, so they spoke with their actions. Nothing needed to be said.

It seemed like an eternity they sat there in silence, before they heard a door crack open, and a little voice spoke out, "Auntie Elsa?"

Both the General and Queen looked and saw the Queen's nephew, in his pajamas, holding his favorite sleeping bear, "Elliot? What are you doing out of bed bud?" Matthias was the first one to speak.

Elliot did not say anything, he just shrugged, and walked over to his favorite Aunt, and sat in her lap.

Elsa immediately tried to get him off telling him, "You can't buddy…you're Mama doesn't want me seeing you right now."

"But I love you Auntie Elsa."

Everything and everyone seemed to freeze in Elsa's mind. Never, not even when Elliot was baby, did she ever here those three words, "I love you". She only ever heard them from Matthias and Anna (Especially Anna). Everything started to melt, and Elsa's heart seemed to be bursting at the seams (Or arteries or veins or whatever). Elsa immediately hugged the little four year old. Despite everything that happened that day, he still loved her, he still wanted to be in her life, he wanted her to be his Aunt.

"I love you too Elliot" She whispered.

Alright, instead of leaving it on a funny note, I left it on an endearing one. I got to give them a break at some point right? Alright, I have no freakin idea if any of you are still with me on this story, but if you are, you are a rock star. Also, I am going to go back and revise some of the chapters I already wrote. I feel like my writing skills have gotten way better after some classes, and a lot more reading and researching.

Also one more thing! I finally got a Tumblr! So if you want to go follow me on that, the link is in my profile. Also if anyone could please send me a picture of our little Elliot and not so little Matthias, I would be grateful!

Alright that's it people so if you could please press that review button, I would be very grateful, the more reviews, the faster I get the next chapter up so please, review, favorite, and, or, follow. Also feel free to give me more ideas.


PS- Next chapter is the last one lovelies. You have all been wonderful, and it has been a blast writing this story! Sorry these last chapters took so long, I have no excuse for how long it took for me to write these up. Oh well, the past is in the past, make like Elsa and let it go people.