HI! Wow I didn't know it when I started this chapter that this would be the last but it is. Its bitter-sweet for me, being my first chapter fic and I love this one. I am going to miss it.

Thanks for all the reviews! I really appreciate all the love and support I have gotten for this one! I hope you guys loved it as much as I did. Be on the look out for a new story from me, I have been writing it on the side so I already have a few chapter written for it.

This story, actually everything that I have written on here would not have ever happened without the help of EnglishPoet18 and Halohunter89 they have been the best support system ever and they are two of the best people I have ever had the pleasure of never actually meeting face to face :D But they are my girls and I thank you both so much for all your help and support. You are both so amazing!

Daryl had had enough, he wasn't going to wait any longer. He was ready to tear apart the station in search of Carol. Halting in his pacing, he turned quickly heading towards the door, ready to rip it off its hinges if he had to. Turning the knob with a little more force than was actually necessary Daryl flung the door open, running straight into Rick, his eyes wide with surprise.

"Where is she?" Daryl demanded.

Shaking his head Rick chuckled, "Never did have much patience, brother."

Daryl growled in response. He was ready to let loose all his frustrations and anger onto Rick. Opening his mouth to respond he was cut off when Rick gave him a soft shove in the shoulder, easing him further back into the room.

"Calm down, she is right here," Rick said. Taking a step to the side he made room for Carol to step inside.

Daryl didn't even hesitate. In two large strides he was chest to chest with Carol, his arms coming up to wrap around her in a crushing hug. Burying his face into her neck, Daryl breathed in her soft scent, his hands roaming down her back to her hips and back up again. He was relieved to have her in his arms again. Pulling back slightly Daryl's hands came around to cup Carol's face.

"Bluebird, are you alright?"

Carol breathed out a soft yes, her eyes growing shiny with fresh tears. "Ed, I saw him in the parking lot...outside the store...Daryl he said that...that. I was so...worried about you and..." Carol was talking so quickly that she was barely taking in any air nearly causing her to hyperventilate.

Daryl made soft shushing noises, attempting to help calm Carol down before she got any worse. He chose for the moment to ignore what she had said about Ed. He couldn't focus on that asshole right now; first he needed to get Carol calmed down.

"Deep breaths, darling. You're gonna make yourself sick."

Closing her eyes, Carol took several deep breaths to calm herself. As her breathing returned to normal she could feel Daryl begin to relax as well. Letting herself lean into Daryl's chest Carol sought out Rick with her eyes. "I think Ed set this whole thing up."

Rick nodded, " I think you might be right. I looked into the call and it seems that whomever called it in lived over off highway five." Rick opened the door peeking out into the hallway. Looking back over his shoulder he nodded at Daryl, "Come on, I need to show you both something."

As Rick led them down the hallway Daryl kept one arm wrapped around Carol's shoulder. He wasn't letting her out of his sight any time soon. Rick stopped in front of one of the doors labeled Audio/Visual, pulling a set of keys from his belt to unlock the door.

The small room held nothing but a desk with three television screens and several keyboards. Pulling out the chair at the desk Rick sat down, his hand moving over the three keyboards as he sought out the correct keyboard finally stopping on the one farthest to the right. Tapping a few keys the screens sprang to life.

"After speaking with you Carol, I called the owner of the shopping plaza," Rick said, giving Carol a big smile. "He had cameras installed in the parking lot last year after some kids broke into a dozen or so cars."

"What the hell does that have to do with anything?' Daryl snapped.

Rick ignored Daryl's outburst. Pressing a button on the keyboard the image of the parking lot began to speed up. Daryl watched as cars pulled in and out of the parking lot and people came and went. He had about lost interest in whatever it was that Rick was trying to show them, when he saw his blue pickup pull into the parking lot. Rick tapped a different key to play the video at normal speed, watching as Carol pulled the truck into a parking space, both her and Mrs. Wilson climbing out of the truck and heading towards the shops.

The video continued to play after both women had moved off screen. It took several minutes, but when Daryl saw a green four door sedan pull into the vacant spot next to his truck, he took a unconscious step towards the screen. He watched as Ed pulled his bulky form from the car. Carol gasped as they watched Ed walk around the truck. Pulling open the driver's side door he gave a quick look around before climbing inside. They couldn't see what he was doing exactly, but from the angle it seemed like he was leaning over to the passenger side.

Rick stopped the tape when Ed climbed back into his own vehicle. "What was he doing?" Carol asked, pressing herself tight against Daryl.

"I wasn't sure what he was up to," Rick said. "Until they brought your truck to the impound lot." Rick stood pulling a small clear bag with red tape marked with the words 'Evidence', from his pocket. "And I found this in the glove compartment."

Snatching the bag from his friend's hand Daryl snarled, "What the hell is it?" A small diamond pendant was the only item in the bag. "Asshole put a necklace in my truck? What the fuck for? For Carol?" Daryl demanded.

"Yes," Rick nodded. "But not for the reasons you're thinking Daryl." Carol took the bag from Daryl's hand getting her first good look at it.

"I know this necklace...I have seen it somewhere before," Carol muttered.

"It's the one that was stolen from Mrs. Wilson's apartment last week," Rick supplied.

Carol shook her head, "But that doesn't make any sense. How did Ed get it?"

"He's the one that broke in, ain't he?" Daryl asked.

"I think so, yes."

Three Months Later...

"Tilt it back...no, not that way, back this way," Rick grunted.

"There is only one back, and that's the way I'm tilting it," Daryl snapped back.

It took several more minutes of grunting and cussing before the two men managed to slide the large couch through the front door. Pushing it up against the far wall in the living room, Daryl stood back and observed the progress they had made so far today. Rick walked back into the room handing Daryl a beer.

"Place looks real good. I still can't believe Mrs. Wilson actually sold that necklace."

Daryl nodded. "Me neither. Carol wanted to turn down the money, but I told her we earned it from having to put up with that crazy lady." Both men chuckled at that. "Besides," Daryl said. "We needed new furniture and it didn't take Carol long to get on board especially after Maggie got involved." Snagging his pack of cigarettes, Daryl stepped out onto the porch, Rick following right behind him.

"How Merle take it when you told him you and Carol were moving in together?" Rick asked.

Daryl snorted, causing smoke to blow out through his nose, "Same as when I first mentioned it to him, it's too soon, barely know her.." Daryl made motions with his hands, imitating Merle.

Rick laughed, "Wonder how he is gonna react when he finds out you asked that girl to marry you."

Daryl opened his mouth in shock, the cigarette falling to the ground. "How the hell..."

"Been helping you move brother, saw the box," Rick said.

"Carol ain't seen it, has she?" Daryl asked, lighting up another cigarette as he began to pace in the small space.

"Nah," Rick shook his head. "Lori saw it though, so you might wanna get on that sooner rather than later."

Daryl groaned. Rick had only been dating Lori for a month now. She and Carol had become quick friends and Daryl thought she was alright. She seemed to like Rick a lot, but one thing everyone had found out real quick about Lori was that the woman couldn't keep a damn secret...at least not for long.

"Speaking of Lori," Rick said. "She called me this morning."

Daryl raised an eyebrow at that, "Bout Ed?"

Lori clerked for one of the judges at the court house and she had been keeping them all up to date on Ed's trip through the justice system. Rick gave a nod, a small spreading across his face, "He is pleading guilty. I guess with all the evidenced stacked against him his lawyer finally talked him into it."

"Good," Daryl replied, taking another drag from his cigarette. "Didn't want Carol to have to go through a trial anyways."

Daryl leaned against the door frame that led into the kitchen, arms folded across his chest as he just watched Carol hum as she carefully unpacked the dishware, arranging each piece just so in the cabinets. Carol stretched up raising herself up on to the tip of her toes, her shirt sliding up to expose a small patch of her creamy soft skin. Pushing himself away from the door, Daryl crossed the kitchen in three quick strides his arms wrapping around her thin waist. He smiled when he felt her lean against him, pressing a soft kiss just underneath her ear. The engagement ring on her finger reflected the light from a glass sitting on the counter and Daryl thought she had never looked more beautiful.

He whispered softly into her ear, "Happy, bluebird?"

"Very," Carol murmured in response, her lips lifting up to his for a soulful kiss.

Squeal! Done! Did you like it? Review?