Meaning of Birth
By: Kuroyami Fukaikuro
A/N: Hello there. If this is your first time reading something by me, then welcome! If you're one of the people who followed and fave'd me, and are surprised that I'm publishing something on this site after years of inactivity, then welcome back! My writing skills have improved considerably since I last published something here, as you all will see.
Prologue: They who Fight Monsters
Adam Taurus hated the Schnee.
It was an understatement, but it was the truth. He had hated them since he was 6 years old, when he discovered the truth behind his conception and birth. It was then that he joined the White Fang, then that he began his quest for vengeance.
He had worked hard, silently suffering under the orders of his weak, peace-loving predecessor. He had risen through the ranks, earning the respect of the members, and one in particular. She, too, earned an equal amount of respect for her strength, a strength that rivaled his. They were inseparable, partners on every mission, eating together at every meal. She and he were as close as siblings. But her company did not sate his thirst for blood.
His wish was partially granted when he was 9, when the old leader stepped down, and the new one revealed a new policy for the White Fang- one of action, of violence- he was happy. For he could finally do what he'd always wanted to do; get revenge.
But the change in leadership affected his partner, and he did not see it. He did not see that she opposed the violence, opposed the assassinations, opposed all of it. He did not see that she wished for peace. So when she left him, he was heartbroken.
But not for long.
For his leader would be retiring, a raid on the Schnee gone wrong, an injury leaving him incapacitated. And the White Fang needed a strong leader, one who was dedicated to the cause, who would put all his thoughts, all his being on their goal. One who would lead them, and all the Faunus, from the darkness of their slavery into a shining future.
And Adam Taurus would lead them.
Weiss Schnee hated the White Fang.
It was an understatement, but it was the truth. She had hated them since she was 5, when an assassin had tried to kill her. He was a child to her bodyguards, but his ten-year old body was like that of a giant to her. And the moment he placed his hands around her neck was the first time she had engaged in physical contact with someone who wasn't a member of her family, or a servant. It was also the first time someone had acted aggressively towards her.
All in all, it was a very emotionally scarring experience.
She had survived, yes, but only barely, and the assassin managed to escape, mask and all. And after that, her entire life changed for the first time. More members of her family got attacked. Some were not as lucky as her, and did not survive. Her father became more and more distressed as his company suffered terrorist attacks, her mother more and more fearful for Weiss' sake. Weiss herself came to hate the White Fang more and more, and hate herself for fearing their power.
One day, at the age of 11, tired of her mother's pandering, and tired of being weak, she took up a sword and swore to become strong, so she would never have to fear the White Fang.
Her life changed again. Instead of a life of comfort, she leaped into the studies of battle, of swordsmanship and combat tactics.
Her father, however, was less than pleased with his daughter's antics. She was the heiress to the Schnee Dust Company- she should be learning how to conduct business meetings and otherwise run the company, not fight like some common bodyguard. So he insisted that if she would learn to fight, she would attend a school for such things.
So she did. And she met Ruby, and Blake, and Yang, and when she found out that Blake was a former member of the White Fang, she was torn. She thought long and hard about what to do, and decided that Blake could be forgiven.
But the White Fang themselves?
They could never be forgiven.
End of Prologue.
A/N: So, what do you all think? I hope you enjoyed, and stay tuned for Chapter One, and the rest of it, coming… Whenever the hell I finish it, which may take some time as I'm swamped with schoolwork.