HEY GUYS! I'm so sorry it took me so long to return to this story. A ton of shit happened in the past three years that took up a lot of my time and i forgot all about the story. But I'm back with a new vigour and a New chapter! So without further Adieu, Here Is chapter 7 of Not Your Average Self Insert! I do not own Harry Potter. That honour belongs to J.K. Rowling. I do own Renee and Selena though.



(Renee's POV)

It took me almost 3 hours to get that damn pencil to lift of the ground. It only raised itself half an inch off of the floor, but hey, Progress is Progress. Focusing so hard had given me

the worst migraine I'd ever had in my life. I stood up, holding my hand on my head to try to push the painful throbbing down. Whoever came up with the phrase, "No Pain, No Gain."

was a fucking idiot.

'I'll take a break, and let my head have some time to soothe before I try again.' I decided. I left the room to try to find the bathroom. Hopefully there would be

some ibuprofen, or perhaps some form or headache potion in a cabinet somewhere. While searching, I took the time to sorta look at the house. It was very hospitable and a bit

grand. It was like a mansion, but with modern touches. I looked around, and smiled when I saw a medium portrait of a young woman reading a book on the wall. I felt a wave of

giddiness when I saw her turn the page.

'A living portrait! Yay! This is so awesome. She might be able to help me!' I thought, before quietly clearing my throat and stepping closer.

"Excuse me, Miss, but could you help me with something?" The young woman looked up from her book, a slight look of surprise on her face. "O-oh my...Who are you?" she asked.

"I'm Renee. I sorta just moved in here...I'm sorry if I startled you, but I'm a little lost." I told her, giving a small friendly smile. "You wouldn't happen to know where the bathroom is,

would you?" The young woman looked down, tapping her finger to her lips in thought. "I believe it is down the hall. It should be the 6th door on your left, Dear."

"Thank you, Miss..?" Her mouth curved into a smile. "Lenoir. Maria Lenoir."

"Thank you, Maria. Goodbye!" I waved before running down the hall. I found the bathroom where Maria told me it would be. Upon opening the door, I found Selena, sitting by the bathtub and wiping both Dudley and Harry's faces. Both babies whined, trying to get away from her hands. "What in the world?" Selena looked up to me with a lopsided smile

"Hey. Taking a break?" she asked, looking back to finish her task. "Yeah. I gave myself a headache." I looked around the room, searching for a cabinet. "Is there any painkillers in here?" I queried. "There's some in the closet. Top shelf." Selena replied. "Take the green bottle, its for head pain." She said. "Okay, darlings, I'm all done." I got the medicine before turning to face them. "What's the bath for?" I asked, curious. She started laughing a little.

"I let the boys have a small treat of pudding. I left for a few moments to make a bowl for you and Harry here had another bout of accidental magic. They both were covered in pudding when I came back." I giggled, crouching down next to the tub and tickled Harry. "You silly little pup."

Okay guys, I'm ending the chapter here. I hope you guys liked it.