Okay, this is my first time writing a Fairly Oddparents fanfic. Don't judge me because of my work, please. Anyway, this is a teen story of Timmy and Tootie being together after dealing with a few hardships in the past and starting something new in their life. Hope you like it!
Chapter 1: Friendly Reunion
The bell rang as the students were practically jumping out the windows to now plan for so much fun on the three-day weekend. School was closed Monday due to Mr. Crocker blowing up half the school for locating fairies. And speaking of fairies, there was one who was waiting inside the classroom for all the teens to exit the school without being trampled. His name was Timmy Turner(16) and he is a sophomore at Dimmsdale High. He has long brown hair without his pink hat and blue eyes. His outfit has changed into a pink buttoned shirt with a black tie(nothing fancy; casual style), black undershirt, blue jeans, spiked wristbands, and white sneakers.
Timmy was just drawing some pictures of famous superhero, the Crimson Chin, without knowing how great he can trace and draw with artistic talent. Still, he was a little sad during his middle school years. When he was 14, Timmy had a call from the police that they reported his parents were in a car accident. Rushing fifteen minutes later, Timmy was too late to save his mom and dad. Knowing that he was angry at them for leaving him behind with an evil babysitter, he regretted to not say sorry to them. A funeral was made, though Timmy didn't want anyone to attend since he missed a few weeks of school. But it was an excuse since he never did head to the funeral.
At age 15, his godparents were upset at each other. Cosmo was mad at Wanda for her little chat with Juandissimo a few nights when he discovered that she was cheating on him. After catching them in the act, Cosmo soon left everything and was gone out of their lives. Poof suffered worse as he lost his father and now Wanda was receiving medical attention after having a nervous breakdown from Cosmo leaving her and his son. Poof was sent away somewhere far as Timmy lost his godparents and god brother.
But still, Timmy had Sparky and they had to make the best of it. Timmy heard silence and it was a sign for him to go home. He barely had the chance to see his friends again as AJ was accepted into Harvard University and Chester moved so his father can live a life without shame in Dimmsdale.
Timmy decides to walk for a while and get some fresh air. He doesn't want to think over some bad memories more as he walks over to a nearby bench. Timmy then notices someone was sitting there while reading a graphic novel book. And by the way the person dressed, it was a girl.
"Hey, miss. Is this seat taken?" Timmy asked kindly.
"No, go ahead." The girl said as she then puts the book down. But as her book was down, the girl's face was shown. Timmy gasped to know who the girl was. And the girl did the same as she knew him very well.
It was Tootie, all right. The same girl that fell in love with him since Dimmsdale Elementary. She was now different as she has no braces, long black hair with blue streaks, and wearing the same glasses. Her outfit was a black-buttoned shirt with a heartbreak logo tie, red skirt, fishnet stockings, and black heel shoes.
"Oh, my God! It's great to see you again! Where have you been?" Tootie said as she hugged him. Timmy didn't mind as he hugs back.
Timmy and Tootie became best friends after AJ and Chester moved. Tootie was always in love with Timmy Turner, but that ended when he was going out with Trixie Tang. Her heart was broken from that time as she cried for the past three day. Five if you count her sister Vicky making it worse for her. But one day, she saw him at her doorstep and wondered why he wanted to see her.
Timmy came to apologize for what he did to break her heart and knew that she loved him. He even asked if they would start over and be friends. Tootie was still sad, but touched that he would be friends with her. Even though he's dating Trixie, she'll always be there for him.
"Eh, I've been doing school work." Timmy said in a steady tone.
"You? Doing school work?!" Shocking Tootie to not believe it. "You can't be Timmy because he gets all 'F's'!"
Timmy laughs softly. "Well, I decided to not slack off and do some work once in a while. Plus, I got an 'A-plus' in History. Everyone, however, suck pretty bad."
Tootie giggled at his antics. She never gotten tired of his jokes and stories he always share to her. "I'm happy you're doing great, Timmy!"
"Thanks," Timmy smiled at her. "You mind if I sit down?"
"I don't mind, Timmy." Tootie replied happily as they both sat down. "So, what do you want to talk about?"
"I don't know. How about you start?" Timmy offered kindly.
"Thanks." Tootie said. "Things are doing great for me as I was given a scholarship for creative writing."
"That's awesome, Tootie!" Timmy exclaimed. "What did you have to do?"
"I just made my own style of poetry and it was noted for best written performance by the Dean himself." Tootie explains.
"I didn't know you write poetry," Timmy complied.
"I've started writing since I was six. Every time I had a bad day, I always write it out and save it for later in case I feel like reading it again." Tootie clarified.
"Wow, I never knew. You seem so much talented." Timmy was awestruck at how Tootie was deeply a poet of her own life.
"It's a gift my mother said to me. Also, my sister is in jail now." Tootie blurted out.
"Whoa! When did this happen?" Timmy said shockingly.
"It happened about a few weeks ago. She was 'babysitting' this kid over a few blocks from us and she did the same babysitting routine like always. But this time, it was different. Her torture has led an innocent boy into a coma from a bathroom incident. Miraculously, the child survived an electrocution and had to be treated fairly as Vicky got hers. She was sentenced to 15 years in prison because of it. But sadly for her, Vicky had a huge record of her services and each child pleaded of her actions. It was now a life sentence and she was never getting out any time soon." Tootie explains as it left Timmy baffled to what she told him.
"Wow, I-I can't believe she's gone like that! Sorry to hear that." Timmy said in a soft tone.
"Don't be, Timmy! She got what she deserved and I hope she suffer for it." Tootie spat with bitter venom in her voice.
Timmy did nothing but rub her back and said, "Well, did your parents feel sad about it?"
"Actually, they were glad that she was gone as we were freed from her sick, demented ways. We went out to celebrate, but we weren't the only ones to hear about Vicky's departure." Tootie said.
"I'm glad you've had fun, Tootie." Timmy complied with a soft smile.
"And speaking of fun, how were you and Trixie doing? I bet she's been giving you the royal treatment lately, huh?" Tootie playfully nudging his shoulder for laughs.
"Um, well... I wouldn't say me and her are on speaking terms right now." Timmy replied as Tootie was confused to why he said that.
"How come, Timmy?" Tootie asked as she brought out her thermos with some juice inside. "What makes you say that?"
"Well, I can tell you. But it might shock you." Timmy reassured her.
Tootie giggled. "Timmy, I've heard worse. What can you possibly tell me that is shocking?"
As she drinks up, Timmy deeply sighed and answered, "I, Timmy Turner, broke up with Trixie Tang."
And at that quick second, Tootie's eyes were widened as she spits her drink out of her mouth. "YOU DID WHAT?!" The girl shouted as she faces her friend.
"I said I broke up with Trixie," Timmy repeated as he sees his friend feeling shocked beyond all repairs.
Tootie couldn't believe it! Timmy broke up with the most popular girl in school. If that happened, the world would implode and it will be sucked into a vortex, at which nothing would survive. "How is that possible?! Trixie never gets dumped by her boyfriends! She always dumps them! How in the world did you manage to do that?!"
Timmy rubbed his head and chuckled softly. "Well, this mostly by accident..."
-Flashback; Three Weeks Ago-
After the bell rang for the final bell of school, the classrooms were empty as students were leaving class for today. Timmy was listening to his MP3 as he walks right up to his locker. It was his boring period in History class as he mostly just end up passing it. But unknown to him, someone was coming behind him as he was unlocking his combination lock.
"Hey, Timmy Turner! We need to talk!" The voice sounded mad and bitter as it was Trixie Tang who was trying to get his attention.
Timmy Turner opens up his locker door and looks at his mirror to see his girlfriend behind. Timmy sighed as he turns to say, "What is it, babe?"
Trixie was looking mad and took his MP3 player from his hand and smashed it with her heels. This got the attention of all the other students as Timmy was annoyed by her actions. "Don't you 'babe' me, you asshole! Where the hell were you last night?!"
"I was studying for my work as always. Don't blame me if I didn't make it to your own sad social." Timmy said in an annoyed tone.
"Not only did you not show up, but you never answered my text or calls lately! Do you have any idea who you are dating?!" Trixie shouted as Timmy was still calm.
"Look, Trixie. I know you can have your ways of keeping yourself up to the top with your popularity status. But to me, I'd rather not say. Right now, I got to get back home and just do what I do," Timmy said as he closed his locker and left her.
Trixie was getting angrier and said something that shook Timmy's world. "At least I don't have a family who is always poor and stupid like their deadbeat child! No wonder they're dead!"
The crowd stood silent as Timmy then turns around to face her with no anger in his voice. He has lost all the care in the world after losing his childhood and family members that were close to him.
"Wow. You think I lived a poor life? No. I lived a life of hell while dealing with so many things inside me that broke me. I had a life filled with my own parents leaving me with a babysitter from hell and I get bullied every day for no reason at all. You know, I really love the fact that you have made my day happy ever since I started dating you. But after a few months, I thought differently when I only wanted someone a certain bond with me. You screwed it up when you needed a personal pack mule to do your stuff for you. I gave you everything, but you never even have the chance to accept me. But you know, I'm glad I dated you. Because I get to see the real you which were wrong and sick." Timmy's words were calm and convicted as Trixie was stunned to ever hear him say that to her.
"What are you trying to say?!" Trixie impatiently said.
"We're done, bitch. Find another man to try and mess you over than me." Timmy said clearly as the students were gasping in horror to what Timmy has just did and said to the most popular girl in high school. Trixie was full of rage as one kid actually dumped her without a care as Timmy left her in her own world.
But before he left, Trixie's bodyguard confronted him and said, "You thinking of apologizing, punk?"
"You thinking of getting out of my way?" Timmy spat back at him.
"And what makes you think you can get pass me?" The guard said as he cracks his knuckles and preparing to fight Timmy.
But what he didn't realize is that Timmy already prepared himself real nicely...
-End Flashback-
"You beat him up after breaking up with Trixie Tang?! That's suicide!" Tootie said in horror. "Did you win?!"
Timmy nodded. "After the fight, Trixie was so pissed that she barely checked on her bodyguard. I told the principal to give me detention since I didn't care anymore. But instead, I was given the week off after she understood what I've been through."
"Well, at least you're safe. Otherwise, I will be scared if something else happens to you." Tootie said with care.
"Thanks for the concern, but I can handle myself." Timmy reassured her.
But before he said more, Tootie placed her hand on his and enclosed it tightly. Timmy felt this and looks at her with a confused look.
"Timmy, I care for you. I know Chester and A.J. are gone, but you still have people that cares for you. I'm sorry about your parents and I wish I would've been to the funeral for you. If you need anything, I'll be there for you, Timmy. Don't forget that, ok?"
Timmy didn't know what to say at first, but his heart started beating after having to be close to her. Timmy just smiled and said, "Thanks, Tootie. But you know, I was wondering if I can get a hug from you. I really miss that from when we were kids."
"Sure, Timmy, anything for you." Tootie replied as they were embracing each other with their arms wrapped around their waists. It was a good feeling that Timmy felt and it was never this affectionate that Trixie did. He really did miss this kind of feeling and wish it would never be over.
But then, black clouds were rolling in and rain was falling down the two teens. Timmy and Tootie were getting wet as they pulled away.
"Come on! I'll get you somewhere warm." Timmy said as he grabs her hand and getting her to follow him.
"To where?" Tootie asked.
"How about my place?" Timmy offered.
"Sure, I'll go there!" Tootie replied as they quickly head toward Timmy's home.
To Be Continued...
So here's chapter one. Not much to say about this fanfic but I needed to start writing at least one emotional story to see how it goes. Let me know how I do and give me some ideas for the next chapter. Crow out!